View Full Version : Doesn't Boston Event Seem Odd?

04-19-2013, 02:19 PM
First of all, Tin Foil Hat Alert....


If you've been following the events in Boston at all today, you've no doubt noticed a beyond overwhelming LE response to one scared $hitless 19 year old kid.

We have SWAT, SWAT Trucks, MRaps, Humvees, Blackhawks, AR-15's M-16's. DHS, MSP, DEA, BPD, And assorted Local Police departments.
There are SpecOp folks from NY, NH, Conn. and who knows where else.
We've shut down a Huge Metropolitan region. All Public Trans, All Schools, All Universities. Business closed, Shelter in Place.

All this for one scared $hitless 19 year old kid?

Anyone else feel like this is a crisis not being allowed to go to waste?
Anyone else feel like this is a dress rehearsal for something else?
Are we just trying out our shiny new taxpayer funded toys and gadgets?

Is this what the future COULD look like?

Call me a nutjob. Call me paranoid. But doesn't it scare anyone else?

04-19-2013, 02:35 PM
Interesting thought.... But he may have slipped the noose looking for a Green honda civic now.

Bad Cheese
04-19-2013, 02:48 PM
First of all, Tin Foil Hat Alert....
Anyone else feel like this is a dress rehearsal for something else?

I had those exact thoughts. Trying to picture those black trucks coming down my street.

04-19-2013, 03:05 PM
You Know... by and large, Bostonians are really tough people. IF they had their own firearms to defend themsevles and use to disarm this terroist punk the Cops could just sit back and let nature (not democratic nurture) take its rightful course.
They could have good coffe and sweet doughnuts waiting for the call telling them where to scrape up this punks body.
That town does have a bunch of Patriots in it...:rolleyes:

And here is a prayer out for the families of the officers lost today with the fervent hope they lose no more bringing this clown down.

04-19-2013, 03:13 PM
First of all, Tin Foil Hat Alert....


If you've been following the events in Boston at all today, you've no doubt noticed a beyond overwhelming LE response to one scared $hitless 19 year old kid.

We have SWAT, SWAT Trucks, MRaps, Humvees, Blackhawks, AR-15's M-16's. DHS, MSP, DEA, BPD, And assorted Local Police departments.
There are SpecOp folks from NY, NH, Conn. and who knows where else.
We've shut down a Huge Metropolitan region. All Public Trans, All Schools, All Universities. Business closed, Shelter in Place.

All this for one scared $hitless 19 year old kid?


Is this what the future COULD look like?

Call me a nutjob. Call me paranoid. But doesn't it scare anyone else?
Well, look at it this way - the anti-gunners always scoff at the 2nd Amendment's purpose - a check against government tyranny - and how the gun owners could to nothing against the federal & local forces.

Kinda messes up their argument, doesn't it?

04-19-2013, 03:18 PM
I can almost picture TLJ organizing the search...........http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_cczIWvBq4

The guilt of these two guys is no doubt sealed with the video images and eyewitness account from the guy in the hospital missing the legs who identified the teen with the white hat as the one who placed the bag with the bomb at his feet.

Interesting that with all the police presence these guys can still carjack a vehicle, rob a convenience store, kill a cop, and engage in a shoot out which results in the older brother being shot and run over by the stolen SUV driven by the younger brother..........and the younger brother escapes and it is yet to be found with just about every LEO east of the Mississippi looking for him.

Now if this was a well planned/organized terrorist attack the kid would be in a safe house awaiting transportation/instructions (hey I used to watch 24). But with the meager lethality of the bombs and apparent lack of awareness of video surveillance and a half baked plan post-detonation to acquire funds from a 7/11, these two are starting to look about as sophisticated as the shoe bomber, or the underwear bomber.

Just my 2 cents so far. Stay tuned.

04-19-2013, 03:53 PM
Where the hell is Spenser and Hawk when you need um????....This will no doubt be the biggest manhunt of a criminal since criminals were invented....

My thoughts are the FBI and all other Federal Law Enforcement agencies have a shoot to kill on sight order....We now know they are/were "muslim" extremists AKA/terrorists which has caused Obummer to have to use the words Islamic and terrorist in the same sentence which surely causes him great pains and mighty gastric upset so he doesn't want this kid to say squat because anything he says will only hurt the "Great One's" platform on immigration and terrorism and make the administration look bad and we all know how highly BO thinks of himself and his legacy...

I want them to catch the a-hole and waterboard the little bastard until he sings like a canary about what this was about and who else was involved but me thinks suspect 2 will be room temperature soon....Too bad, the good people at that parade who will need prosthetic legs the rest of their life and the families of the dead, especially the 8 year olds dad should each get some time with junior in the octagon cage armed with a claw hammer and channel lock pliers....

04-19-2013, 04:03 PM
no doubtthey would like tot ake him alive but more than likely they will catch him comming out of an attorney office with 6 attorneys behind him and that worthless POS will never see a water board or the electric chair. He willbe some POS hero in his cuntry. I absolutley feel I could get him to talk without water boarding. Just put his worthless balls in a vice and squueze until they either pop out of his mouth. As u can see I am against water boarding and that kind of torture. I want to see pain and I would tie Chris Mathews to a chair next to him and make him watch every second of it to. I just hate torture.

today was my first day f thisyear to rescue a box turtle crossing the highway. I normally will recsuee about 6 or more each season trying to cross the roads, and if I am on my bike, I just absolutely cannot go any further until I have picke dup that little bugger and carried safely into the grassy area in the direction he was goin..

04-19-2013, 04:07 PM
Where the hell is Spenser and Hawk when you need um????....This will no doubt be the biggest manhunt of a criminal since criminals were invented....

My thoughts are the FBI and all other Federal Law Enforcement agencies have a shoot to kill on sight order....We now know they are/were "muslim" extremists AKA/terrorists which has caused Obummer to have to use the words Islamic and terrorist in the same sentence which surely causes him great pains and mighty gastric upset so he doesn't want this kid to say squat because anything he says will only hurt the "Great One's" platform on immigration and terrorism and make the administration look bad and we all know how highly BO thinks of himself and his legacy...

I want them to catch the a-hole and waterboard the little bastard until he sings like a canary about what this was about and who else was involved but me thinks suspect 2 will be room temperature soon....Too bad, the good people at that parade who will need prosthetic legs the rest of their life and the families of the dead, especially the 8 year olds dad should each get some time with junior in the octagon cage armed with a claw hammer and channel lock pliers....

I just love your style getsome. If the family's or deserving victims aren't up to the task I'd be honored to do it for them. I'm just the guy to handle it too.
Being near deaf he could be singing like the canary for awhile before I notice and stop the waterboarding or bamboo pedicure. Oh well. My bad.

04-19-2013, 04:08 PM
Now we get to see the real Jocko....AKA "The Turtleman"...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn8EQ0azXpQ

04-19-2013, 04:30 PM
today was my first day f thisyear to rescue a box turtle crossing the highway. I normally will recsuee about 6 or more each season trying to cross the roads, and if I am on my bike, I just absolutely cannot go any further until I have picke dup that little bugger and carried safely into the grassy area in the direction he was goin..

Oh my...........maybe you have habituated these liberal slow pokes to a free handout while the faster and self sufficient buggers have already made it to the other side. Just saying. :p

04-19-2013, 04:37 PM
Anyone wanna bet they get a few drones up tonight looking for movement after dark?

04-19-2013, 07:35 PM
Somebody in Bean Town posted this:


Time to break out the Sam Adams! :Amflag2:

04-19-2013, 07:52 PM
First of all, Tin Foil Hat Alert....


If you've been following the events in Boston at all today, you've no doubt noticed a beyond overwhelming LE response to one scared $hitless 19 year old kid.

We have SWAT, SWAT Trucks, MRaps, Humvees, Blackhawks, AR-15's M-16's. DHS, MSP, DEA, BPD, And assorted Local Police departments.
There are SpecOp folks from NY, NH, Conn. and who knows where else.
We've shut down a Huge Metropolitan region. All Public Trans, All Schools, All Universities. Business closed, Shelter in Place.

All this for one scared $hitless 19 year old kid?

Anyone else feel like this is a crisis not being allowed to go to waste?
Anyone else feel like this is a dress rehearsal for something else?
Are we just trying out our shiny new taxpayer funded toys and gadgets?

Is this what the future COULD look like?

Call me a nutjob. Call me paranoid. But doesn't it scare anyone else?

I don't think thats paranoid. I think its a huge show of force to those domestic as well as abroad. Really brought the hammer down on his a$$. Im interested to know why they did it. I also think that this may be used to make a case against gunpowder somehow. Obummer can't take guns, maybe he'll attempt taking our powder.

04-19-2013, 08:08 PM
First of all, Tin Foil Hat Alert....


If you've been following the events in Boston at all today, you've no doubt noticed a beyond overwhelming LE response to one scared $hitless 19 year old kid.

We have SWAT, SWAT Trucks, MRaps, Humvees, Blackhawks, AR-15's M-16's. DHS, MSP, DEA, BPD, And assorted Local Police departments.
There are SpecOp folks from NY, NH, Conn. and who knows where else.
We've shut down a Huge Metropolitan region. All Public Trans, All Schools, All Universities. Business closed, Shelter in Place.

All this for one scared $hitless 19 year old kid?

Anyone else feel like this is a crisis not being allowed to go to waste?
Anyone else feel like this is a dress rehearsal for something else?
Are we just trying out our shiny new taxpayer funded toys and gadgets?

Is this what the future COULD look like?

Call me a nutjob. Call me paranoid. But doesn't it scare anyone else?

One Scared shitless 19 year old "kid" that killed three innocents people and wounded more than 100 others. A scared shitless 19 year old "kid" that killed at least two law enforcement officers, robbed a convenience store and hijacked and automobile at gun point. Is that the scared shitless 19 year old "kid" that your talking about. I don't know where you come from, Tinman, but where I come from a 19 year old is considered an adult. And an adult who commits the crimes that this scared shitless 19 year old "kid' committed is considered a terrorist.

04-19-2013, 08:21 PM
All this for one scared $hitless 19 year old kid?

No. All this for one murderous, heartless killer who uses explosives to kill and dismember scores of people. Any possible future events had to be factored into the reaction too. A difference that should be obvious.

04-19-2013, 08:41 PM
Why haven't they used this strategy to get the hundreds of murderers in Chicago?

04-19-2013, 09:44 PM
19 year old "kids" are a big part of our armed forces.
The fertilizer plant in Waco, killed far more people, but didn't get much coverage.
I found a "tin foil" hat pic of that event. It's a frame from the video a father and son were taking of the plant burning. Someone slowed the video down and caught something interesting. What is that object that is outlined in red? Some say it's an incoming missile. Plus while all this was going on, the House passed the CISPA act, which pretty much strips us of what little privacy we had left on the internet. Nor that one should think anything going over the internet or email is "private". It's all logged and backed up somewhere.
I don't know what it is, but sure looks out of place, and like it's incoming, and not something being shot out from an explosion.

04-19-2013, 10:48 PM
OK, what?

04-20-2013, 02:59 AM
Where the hell is Spenser and Hawk when you need um????....This will no doubt be the biggest manhunt of a criminal since criminals were invented....

My thoughts are the FBI and all other Federal Law Enforcement agencies have a shoot to kill on sight order....We now know they are/were "muslim" extremists AKA/terrorists which has caused Obummer to have to use the words Islamic and terrorist in the same sentence which surely causes him great pains and mighty gastric upset so he doesn't want this kid to say squat because anything he says will only hurt the "Great One's" platform on immigration and terrorism and make the administration look bad and we all know how highly BO thinks of himself and his legacy...

I want them to catch the a-hole and waterboard the little bastard until he sings like a canary about what this was about and who else was involved but me thinks suspect 2 will be room temperature soon....Too bad, the good people at that parade who will need prosthetic legs the rest of their life and the families of the dead, especially the 8 year olds dad should each get some time with junior in the octagon cage armed with a claw hammer and channel lock pliers....

This is the one Thing barry did't want to see!
He wanted a right wing american borne gun nut to have done this!
NOW all bets are off the table... poooor Barry! not a good week lost the gun bill and now this.:target::7::boink:

04-20-2013, 03:34 AM
Completely agree that this mutt killed 3 innocents, injured 170, killed a cop, gravely injured another and caused an entire city to be shut down. I was not giving him a pass in any sense of the word. I suppose I should have explained my mindset at the beginning.

By all accounts this kid's brother was the one who was radicalized. Nothing in any of this kid's background indicates any malice. I believe it will come out that he was following his brother. Doesn't make it right, it makes him guilty. My scared $hitless 19 YO description came because he suddenly was left holding the bag 100% and under the most intense manhunt in US history. Yes, many 19YO kids are being shot at in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Apologies to anyone I offended with my comments. It was merely to describe what I still think was the scene. I do not diminish the efforts of all the LE and First Responders. Great job by all. But it sure seemed like overkill X10.

04-20-2013, 04:34 AM
Now we get to see the real Jocko....AKA "The Turtleman"...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn8EQ0azXpQ

I hear this dueling Banjo in my head! Jocko, please don't tell me you pick a banjo!:D

MW surveyor
04-20-2013, 06:20 AM
19 year old "kids" are a big part of our armed forces.
The fertilizer plant in Waco, killed far more people, but didn't get much coverage.
I found a "tin foil" hat pic of that event. It's a frame from the video a father and son were taking of the plant burning. Someone slowed the video down and caught something interesting. What is that object that is outlined in red? Some say it's an incoming missile. Plus while all this was going on, the House passed the CISPA act, which pretty much strips us of what little privacy we had left on the internet. Nor that one should think anything going over the internet or email is "private". It's all logged and backed up somewhere.
I don't know what it is, but sure looks out of place, and like it's incoming, and not something being shot out from an explosion.


04-20-2013, 06:30 AM
Completely agree that this mutt killed 3 innocents, injured 170, killed a cop, gravely injured another and caused an entire city to be shut down. I was not giving him a pass in any sense of the word. I suppose I should have explained my mindset at the beginning.

By all accounts this kid's brother was the one who was radicalized. Nothing in any of this kid's background indicates any malice. I believe it will come out that he was following his brother. Doesn't make it right, it makes him guilty. My scared $hitless 19 YO description came because he suddenly was left holding the bag 100% and under the most intense manhunt in US history. Yes, many 19YO kids are being shot at in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Apologies to anyone I offended with my comments. It was merely to describe what I still think was the scene. I do not diminish the efforts of all the LE and First Responders. Great job by all. But it sure seemed like overkill X10.

I'll bet you wouldn't have considered it overkill if it happened in your neighborhood to your loved ones. And I'll bet that you wouldn't have considered it overkill if they had escaped because they didn't respond with enough forces. How many more would you like to have seen these "kids" kill and maim. Support your local police is more than just a slogan to me and I don't see a government conspiracy under every rock.

04-20-2013, 06:55 AM

04-20-2013, 09:49 AM
I'll bet you wouldn't have considered it overkill if it happened in your neighborhood to your loved ones. And I'll bet that you wouldn't have considered it overkill if they had escaped because they didn't respond with enough forces. How many more would you like to have seen these "kids" kill and maim. Support your local police is more than just a slogan to me and I don't see a government conspiracy under every rock.

Take your meds Muggsy.

04-20-2013, 10:16 AM
Now if this was a well planned/organized terrorist attack the kid would be in a safe house awaiting transportation/instructions

No, the pair of them would either be gone, or dead. Gone if they had further usefulness. Dead by their own handlers, if their usefulness was depleted.

04-20-2013, 10:24 AM
Pearl Harbor- We were warned and Washington delayed the message
Gulf Of Tonkin- one of the biggest lies in US Naval history! Result maybe an additional 50000 names on the Wall in Washington.
False Flags go back a long way in the government.
These thought provocative posts members make, just keep the forum interesting, certainly nothing to blow a head gasket over... Just sayin'

04-20-2013, 02:52 PM
I hear this dueling Banjo in my head! Jocko, please don't tell me you pick a banjo!:D



and I still canmake moonshine and real salami, but I just have a sofe spot for those little fokking box turtles expeciall when in the middle of a 4 lane hwy.. Just sayin

MW surveyor
04-20-2013, 03:14 PM
Helping turtles cross the road.

Just as long as you don't make it a post turtle it's all good.

04-20-2013, 03:23 PM
I know! I know! The "Lame Stream Media"... our "free press" who are among the "Most Elite"... their opinions... and out of touch with reality and the real everyday citizens of this once great nation as they try to fashion it after the European Socialist Utopias... the very same ones that are imploding from over-taxation and trying to support their oppressive Labor Unions and free-loading welfare masses... "running out of other people's money"!


MW surveyor
04-20-2013, 03:32 PM
As you may be aware..........................pretty soon there are no "other" people that have money.

04-20-2013, 03:47 PM
I thought that the show of force seemed rather large also. I remember seeing one scene of an APC rolling down a street with NG(?) piled all over it. I remember thinking I hadn't seen a scene like that in a US city since the Newark & LA riots in the 70's. I also found myself feeling a bit paranoid just thinking such thoughts. I sure would hate for some powers-that-be guy named Alexander or whatever somewhere to ever decide that I was a terrible, no good, very bad person.

04-20-2013, 04:46 PM
All of this crap was planned and carried out by the evil forces of "O" as a message to Congress. Retaliation for the Senate killing gun control legislation and as a warning against future such actions......

04-20-2013, 06:57 PM
If the po po did this in the hood, Rev Jackson, Calypso Louie, and friends would be ranting and raving about racism and police brutality.

04-20-2013, 07:09 PM
Probably not a popular view, but if I was a business owner in a city that had been completely shut down due to an incident like this, I would want the perps caught sooner than later. Bringing the calvary in got the job done and done quickly with minimal economic loss to the community.

It's going to get real interesting if this 19yo survives his wounds. The media will have his 12yo pics plastered all over the place just like TM. They are already trying to label him the "baby face bomber". There will probably be enough legal wrangling to make us all puke.

04-20-2013, 07:36 PM
If the po po did this in the hood, Rev Jackson, Calypso Louie, and friends would be ranting and raving about racism and police brutality.

Especially... if he had been BLACK... OMG! Racism! What if he had been a BLACK MOSLEM??:eek:


04-21-2013, 06:41 AM
If the po po did this in the hood, Rev Jackson, Calypso Louie, and friends would be ranting and raving about racism and police brutality.

Funny to me these people complied with no questioning of authority whatsoever

04-21-2013, 06:44 AM
I know! I know! The "Lame Stream Media"... our "free press" who are among the "Most Elite"... their opinions... and out of touch with reality and the real everyday citizens of this once great nation as they try to fashion it after the European Socialist Utopias... the very same ones that are imploding from over-taxation and trying to support their oppressive Labor Unions and free-loading welfare masses... "running out of other people's money"!


He hasn't broken the backs, quite yet, of the American People, but it does look like things are not going his way of late and he may not be able to complete his destructive mission, hopefully. If Obamacare gets removed he can't succeed, if it stays he will have done it!

04-22-2013, 05:40 AM
Why haven't they used this strategy to get the hundreds of murderers in Chicago?

Because most of the murders in Chicago are between rival drug dealers and in Chicago it's not illegal to take out the garbage. Besides that it isn't cost effective. Mass shows of police force (no pun intended) are only used on rare occasions in Mass.

04-22-2013, 05:42 AM
Especially... if he had been BLACK... OMG! Racism! What if he had been a BLACK MOSLEM??:eek:


That's double trouble. :)

04-22-2013, 06:09 AM
All I know is, I went to buy my wife a new pressure cooker yesterday and all the stores were totally sold out! The clerk at Wal Mart told me to come in at 7am when the truck comes. :eek:

04-22-2013, 07:33 AM
All I know is, I went to buy my wife a new pressure cooker yesterday and all the stores were totally sold out! The clerk at Wal Mart told me to come in at 7am when the truck comes. :eek:

I heard DHS purchased 400,000 16 quart pressure cookers last month and that explains the shortage. Just what are they up to?

Longitude Zero
04-22-2013, 10:33 AM
In the grand scheme of things a pressure cooker bomb is really low tech. Kinda what you would expect outta some backwoods goober. Now if the Tin Foil Hatters conspiracy theory is correct, it is not, but if it were the agents of the "G" would do better than this.

04-22-2013, 11:11 AM
Pure Paranoia if you ask me. Dang tinfoil hatters.

Longitude Zero
04-22-2013, 12:28 PM
I feel sorry for any future patients of this IGNORANT BUNGHOLE SURFER.


04-22-2013, 01:36 PM
In the grand scheme of things a pressure cooker bomb is really low tech.

Low tech and the turds didn't even know to deploy it effectively. Get that thing off the deck and set it on top of the mailbox and instead of killing a child and blowing off the legs of a few people, they would have likely killed many more people via decapitation and traumatic brain injury.

Clearly, if these knuckleheads received any training it wasn't very much.

04-22-2013, 01:44 PM
Low tech and the turds didn't even know to deploy it effectively. Get that thing off the deck and set it on top of the mailbox and instead of killing a child and blowing off the legs of a few people, they would have likely killed many more people via decapitation and traumatic brain injury.

Clearly, if these knuckleheads received any training it wasn't very much.

It's also possible that their primary focus was on injuring/maiming rather than killing.

Just a thought...

MW surveyor
04-22-2013, 02:15 PM
Far more people would have been injured/killed if the device had been placed above ground level.

Air bursts (or just above ground) are much more effective than ground bursts against personnel and equipment.

Longitude Zero
04-22-2013, 04:17 PM
It's also possible that their primary focus was on injuring/maiming rather than killing.

Just a thought...

As ethnic Chechans I highly doubt it. They have a generational history of absolute devastation and anger towards their enemies. More than likely they set them on the ground as to be unobtrusive. If they had set them up high it is probable they would have been noticed.

04-22-2013, 04:38 PM
Reviving the original intent of this thread:


04-22-2013, 04:40 PM
It's also possible that their primary focus was on injuring/maiming rather than killing.

Just a thought...

BAD THOUGHT, They knew what they were doing:israel: they outta string thaty little 19 year old bastyard up by his balls, and then after that, hang him and let the buzzrads chew on him for a week, then if he lives through that, I would say charge himn and take him to trial.:amflag:

04-22-2013, 04:41 PM
I wonder how many people i Boston this past week, wish they had a gun at home with a high capacity magazine..

04-22-2013, 04:51 PM
I wonder how many wished that had a muzzle loader with one good shot rather than sitting in their sheep pens waiting for the wolf or the sheep herder to come save them.

04-23-2013, 06:07 AM
Another take on this subject

04-25-2013, 09:38 AM
All I know is, I went to buy my wife a new pressure cooker yesterday and all the stores were totally sold out! The clerk at Wal Mart told me to come in at 7am when the truck comes. :eek:
You thought I was joking.

"the home-goods retailer, Williams-Sonoma has pulled pressure cookers from their shelves in the aftermath of the Boston attack."


04-25-2013, 09:46 AM
You thought I was joking.

"the home-goods retailer, Williams-Sonoma has pulled pressure cookers from their shelves in the aftermath of the Boston attack."



04-25-2013, 09:59 AM
You thought I was joking.

"the home-goods retailer, Williams-Sonoma has pulled pressure cookers from their shelves in the aftermath of the Boston attack."


that goes along with GE financial. who announced they will no longer loan money to gun business's. STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES;:Amflag2:

wanna be Jihads, even stupid ass, totally nuts,half witted at best Joe Biden has that part right.:Amflag2: Just sayin

04-25-2013, 10:12 AM
I found it odd they bought the explosive part (powder) at a fireworks store....I'm glad it didn't come from a gun store or sporting goods store that sells reloading supplies but doesn't it seem strange that 2 Middle Eastern/European looking punks with heavy accents can walk into a fireworks store and buy an unlimited number of large powerful mortars with no kind of license or backround check and then bring them back into a neighboring state with some of the most strict firearms laws on the books easy as pie and nobody has said a peep about that deal....

04-25-2013, 05:14 PM
I found it odd they bought the explosive part (powder) at a fireworks store....I'm glad it didn't come from a gun store or sporting goods store that sells reloading supplies but doesn't it seem strange that 2 Middle Eastern/European looking punks with heavy accents can walk into a fireworks store and buy an unlimited number of large powerful mortars with no kind of license or backround check and then bring them back into a neighboring state with some of the most strict firearms laws on the books easy as pie and nobody has said a peep about that deal....

No, actually I don't find it the least bit strange. Ever been to Missouri? And it ain't gots nothin' to do with gun laws.

04-25-2013, 05:17 PM
No, actually I don't find it the least bit strange. Ever been to Missouri? And it ain't gots nothin' to do with gun laws.

Ok, I gotta know, what goes on in Missouri regarding the folks wearing bedding on their heads.

04-25-2013, 05:27 PM
Ok, I gotta know, what goes on in Missouri regarding the folks wearing bedding on their heads.

They, along with anyone else with out of state ID, get to buy all the fireworks they want any time they want. Sales outside of specific holiday seasons are only limited for MO residents.

04-25-2013, 05:37 PM
I did not know that. Apparently they can do that in other places as well as I'm sure these two would not have been allowed in Missouri.

The Mennonites would have horse whipped them and sent them back to Illinois.

04-25-2013, 06:00 PM
I did not know that. Apparently they can do that in other places as well as I'm sure these two would not have been allowed in Missouri.

The Mennonites would have horse whipped them and sent them back to Illinois.

And....the reason I know that is because for the last 20 years my family reunion in PA bring to the table has been serious fireworks I pick up passing through Missouri. Then I often stop on the way back to restock a bit for home use. I have a Preferred Pyro discount card even.

I also don't put my guns away passing through Illinois.

I'm just totally out of control!

04-25-2013, 07:24 PM
And....the reason I know that is because for the last 20 years my family reunion in PA bring to the table has been serious fireworks I pick up passing through Missouri. Then I often stop on the way back to restock a bit for home use. I have a Preferred Pyro discount card even.

I also don't put my guns away passing through Illinois.

I'm just totally out of control!

Sometimes you make me so gosh darn proud I could just bawl my eyes out.

I love you man! (not in any mano mano way ya understand)