View Full Version : Fear covered Boston

Bad Cheese
04-20-2013, 09:30 AM
I can not imagine the fear the people of Boston had through this past week, but I can't help but to think the news media didn't help in not spreading that fear. A news network whose name is the first three letters of the alphabet, seemed to phone their homework in all day yesterday during their coverage of the man hunt. They had plenty of Boston residents on the phone interviewing them long distance.
I suspect they looked up phone numbers of residents in the lockdown area for content to broadcast as they had one resident on the phone that had blocked his front door with furniture, and blocked his back door with a ladder in fear of suspect #2 wanting into his home. I looked at my wife, chuckled and said, " he doesn't have a gun!".
As liberal as Mass/ Boston and the N/E is, I expect there were a lot of scared gunless residents in the lock down area sweating bullets.
If they only knew how they could have had peace of mind, with being prepared and proficient in arms, but no, they have been told that guns are bad.

04-20-2013, 12:19 PM
Better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. How quickly will the people of Boston learn that lesson?

04-20-2013, 12:29 PM
I can't imagine living anywhere nowadays without a gun.

The Boston bombings and manhunt will be a good argument to use against anti gun people!

04-20-2013, 01:59 PM
Better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it. How quickly will the people of Boston learn that lesson?

They've forgot already.:(

04-20-2013, 02:17 PM
I'll bet the CCW classes fill up in Boston after this.

04-20-2013, 03:56 PM
It would be an interesting sociological study to find out how many people stayed in because they were afraid of Suspect #2 or because they were afraid of what the law might do to them if they went out.

04-20-2013, 04:36 PM
I can't imagine living anywhere nowadays without a gun...........

I've never been able to imagine it....ever.

04-20-2013, 05:00 PM
The lessons of Bunker Hill, Lexington & Concord are lost on most of those Yankees.

Bad Cheese
04-20-2013, 09:20 PM
The lessons of Bunker Hill, Lexington & Concord are lost on most of those Yankees.

To the rest of the world, everyone in America is a Yankee, to those in the South, everyone in the north is a Yankee, to Northerners, everyone in Vermont is a Yankee, to those in Vermont, a yankee is someone who eats cheese on their apple pie. Just say'n.
Most anti gun chickens live in the nice parts of towns, safe from the worst parts of town, immune from the riff raff, they see little use to having firearms, it is they who say we do not need guns.

04-20-2013, 10:10 PM
Dunno bout you, but the only time I use the term Yankee is when talking baseball. The lessons of history are lost on the ignorant, not those who live north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

04-20-2013, 10:46 PM
I only have one question for the folks in Watertown. How did you like that little taste of martial law you just experienced? Ordered to stay inside like sheep in a pen. What is happening to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"?

Rant over....Bob

04-21-2013, 04:47 AM
To me the "terrorist" won the battle with fear in the minds of the people of boston, the media spread the pictures of fear far and wide and that is what the evil people want to see.......someone is probably planning the next as we talk about this one.
I don't think American is the land of free and brave anymore..........:o

04-21-2013, 06:02 AM
When I was in the Navy I learned the difference between a Yankee and a damn Yankee. A Yankee goes down south for a visit and goes back home. A damn Yankee goes down south for a visit and stays. :) (We need an emoticon of a smiley face waving a rebel flag.)

04-21-2013, 07:29 AM
Dang, (rant on)
Yeah Muggsy, Too many Damm Yankees down here anymore. I have the same issue with them that I have with our Illegals and even the Boston terrorists. Somehow or another when folks show up in Texas, ready to take advantage of the financial climate that being Texan has created, then insist on needing to change everything to what they had where they came from.
Yankees insist on their Lib politics...
The Illegals insist on the traditions of their Village and that we all learn Spanish to serve them...
Even our two terroists wanted all the male comforts, power and understanding of an Islamic Chechnya, but wanted it here in the USA...
So I've developed a ideal of how at least Texas can give everyone just what they wanted.


If what you left was sooooo good you feel the need to import it to Texas, then why the fruck did you ever leave from whince you came. If those of us that made Texas great are bothering you by simply living, well Bye-Bye.

Don't like Texas politics? Then LEAVE and go back to your beloved Northeast. The cops will protect you always, no need for you to stand up and protect your self if bad stuff happens...
Don't want to speak english or obey the silly laws of Texas? Then LEAVE and live poor and in fear back in your village where you send soooo much of your money...
Don't like or "understand" the USA where you have no more "American freinds"?? Then LEAVE and head on back to Chechnya so you can discover the truth of the world. Nobody likes you because your an a$$hole not because you an misunderstood Islamic Chechnyan living in Boston...
Pretty simple to me.

Puff, puff... okay Rant off now.
Peace out.

Chief Joseph
04-21-2013, 10:10 AM
I'll bet the CCW classes fill up in Boston after this.

Yep, and then the idiots will line up in the voter booth next election voting in democRATS who will then void them.

Chief Joseph
04-21-2013, 10:14 AM
To me the "terrorist" won the battle with fear in the minds of the people of boston, the media spread the pictures of fear far and wide and that is what the evil people want to see.......someone is probably planning the next as we talk about this one.
I don't think American is the land of free and brave anymore..........:o

How can the terrorists lose when in a decade or 2 he'll be pardoned by the current democRAT president and end up a celebrated tenured professor at columbia or some other university. Just like all nobamas buds.

04-21-2013, 01:01 PM
Dang, (rant on)
Yeah Muggsy, Too many Damm Yankees down here anymore. I have the same issue with them that I have with our Illegals and even the Boston terrorists. Somehow or another when folks show up in Texas, ready to take advantage of the financial climate that being Texan has created, then insist on needing to change everything to what they had where they came from.
Yankees insist on their Lib politics...
The Illegals insist on the traditions of their Village and that we all learn Spanish to serve them...
Even our two terroists wanted all the male comforts, power and understanding of an Islamic Chechnya, but wanted it here in the USA...
So I've developed a ideal of how at least Texas can give everyone just what they wanted.


If what you left was sooooo good you feel the need to import it to Texas, then why the fruck did you ever leave from whince you came. If those of us that made Texas great are bothering you by simply living, well Bye-Bye.

Don't like Texas politics? Then LEAVE and go back to your beloved Northeast. The cops will protect you always, no need for you to stand up and protect your self if bad stuff happens...
Don't want to speak english or obey the silly laws of Texas? Then LEAVE and live poor and in fear back in your village where you send soooo much of your money...
Don't like or "understand" the USA where you have no more "American freinds"?? Then LEAVE and head on back to Chechnya so you can discover the truth of the world. Nobody likes you because your an a$$hole not because you an misunderstood Islamic Chechnyan living in Boston...
Pretty simple to me.

Puff, puff... okay Rant off now.
Peace out.

I'm ok with this. Let me add this though: Those people might well be conservative where they're from, but when they get down here they are liberal. Kinda like eating tow flavors of ice cream, you have to go through one to get to the other.

04-21-2013, 03:48 PM
I'm from MI, I've lived in Austin TX. Didn't try to impose liberal BS. I just enjoyed being able to find a job. Must be doing something right down there eh? Maybe its all the cheap labor. I wonder if we were to build an underground tunnel from Mexico to MI if we'd enjoy the same economic climate. We have Right to work legislation now too. That'll kill off what remains of our unions. I wonder what else we can do to make MI just as great as Texas?

Bad Cheese
04-21-2013, 04:24 PM
Rebs don't know it yet, or they just forgot,,,but their forefathers were all Yankees when they landed. ;) :D

04-21-2013, 05:42 PM
Rebs don't know it yet, or they just forgot,,,but their forefathers were all Yankees when they landed. ;) :D

True, when mine came here back in the 1700's they were poor Rebel Yanks trying to get away from a bunch of crap in their home country (jolly old England.) Moved across the Appalachian Mtns. to carve out a new place to live in the woods to have a place of their own and settled east Tennessee. I left Tennessee and moved to the one of the last states where liberals would want to move to but where do I go when they decide to come here???

04-21-2013, 05:49 PM
Yep, and then the idiots will line up in the voter booth next election voting in democRATS who will then void them.

u hit that nail right on the ol fokking head...:Amflag2:

Chief Joseph
04-21-2013, 09:08 PM
Rebs don't know it yet, or they just forgot,,,but their forefathers were all Yankees when they landed. ;) :D

At least back then people couldn't foresee the outcome. It's sad that people today CAN and still commit cultural suicide. The people on the right today are at least smart enough to realize it.

04-21-2013, 09:40 PM
I'm from MI, I've lived in Austin TX. Didn't try to impose liberal BS. I just enjoyed being able to find a job. Must be doing something right down there eh? Maybe its all the cheap labor. I wonder if we were to build an underground tunnel from Mexico to MI if we'd enjoy the same economic climate. We have Right to work legislation now too. That'll kill off what remains of our unions. I wonder what else we can do to make MI just as great as Texas?

I hope I did not offend with my rant. I have several Yankee freinds whom I enjoy spending time with and respect. I have a freind Larry who is a "decon" at his Nation of Islam Mosque. He is one of the kindest and gental souls on this earth. We will never see eye to eye on religion, but it in no way deminishes my respect for the man.
I have even met and worked with illegals who were really trying to learn and fit in to Texas culture in a way I could repect.
The rant was a reflection on the rest of these newbys. I had a young admin type at work that hails from Maine. He is quick to tell anyone who'll listen how "we are doing it all wrong down here". Grrrrr he finally did learn to zip it around my crew. During one large immigration reform protest in Dallas on older woman was interveiwed in a live shot wraped in the Mexican flag and loudly saying she was protesting for her rights as an illegal... Ummm welcome to Texas, but rights are for citizens deary.

Anyway, Please understand I don't lump everyone into the same boat (Boston pun not intended).;)

And just so you know Half of my DNA is American Indian so the anti-Yankee disposition is pretty natural.:rolleyes:
Have a good one.

Bad Cheese
04-22-2013, 06:08 AM
Speaking about the Texas culture way, I remember an evangelist from London England that visited our church, and he told of one of his fist churches in America that he preached in, it was in Texas, and he was surprised on how many people told him that he talked funny and said words wrong, Texans correcting an Englishman on the Queens English. True story. :D

04-22-2013, 01:52 PM
Somewhere in this thread we decided to relive the civil war. I know how it ends.

04-22-2013, 08:18 PM
Somewhere in this thread we decided to relive the civil war. I know how it ends.

Expect a different outcome this time, too many unarmed wimps living north of the Mason-Dixion this time...:rolleyes:

Ok, don't get them shorts in a wad, someone here was going to say it.:p