View Full Version : Glen Beck Warning

04-20-2013, 10:31 AM
This was on my Twitter timeline....sounds serious...


Time will tell

04-20-2013, 11:00 AM
Is there anyone that believes JUST these 2 nudnicks did this? 100% entirely on their own?

04-20-2013, 11:07 AM
Not a chance. I heard the 3rd person of interest, a much older guy is on his way home at your expense.

I don't know enough or have any confirmed facts to say more but yes I am putting on my tinfoil hat, and yes Martha there is a conspiracy.

04-20-2013, 11:12 AM
Glen Beck is a master of the "leading come on" statement.

"At the top of the hour... you will be SHOCKED...."

Beck is a showman although he occasionally comes up with something.

I'll wait and see, but.... Why give anyone any chance to cover their tracks... if you have information, spill your guts before they can cover their tracks. Why warn your adversary? I smell showmanship.

04-20-2013, 11:31 AM
He IS a showman, but he's sounds pretty confident on blowing the whistle on the secret deal given to the Saudi Arab they are wisking outta here....

04-20-2013, 11:51 AM
AND...to add to the mystery...


04-20-2013, 01:05 PM
Why not?
Probably on behalf of Barry

04-20-2013, 01:11 PM
Glen Beck is a master of the "leading come on" statement.

"At the top of the hour... you will be SHOCKED...."

Beck is a showman although he occasionally comes up with something.

I'll wait and see, but.... Why give anyone any chance to cover their tracks... if you have information, spill your guts before they can cover their tracks. Why warn your adversary? I smell showmanship.

+1 I've put on my tin foil hat and I'm looking for a government conspiracy under every rock.

04-20-2013, 01:13 PM
He IS a showman, but he's sounds pretty confident on blowing the whistle on the secret deal given to the Saudi Arab they are wisking outta here....

That "secret" deal was on every TV and radio news broadcast.

04-20-2013, 01:48 PM
What was/is it?
I won't have to wait til Monday...

04-20-2013, 05:49 PM
Is there anyone that believes JUST these 2 nudnicks did this? 100% entirely on their own?

Absolutely not! This was government planned, funded, and executed. Those two guys were set up.

04-20-2013, 06:15 PM
The Saudi, funded the operation through the Saudi royal family - which he's part of. The two Russians are mensches, who the Saudi, and others, fired up to get them to do the dirty work. Obama arranged it all with the Saudi king, in order to push his agenda. The cigarette smoking man can be seen in three of the images, now scrubbed from the internet and news services. The man who lives in the red house, is the neighbor of the Chesterfield smoker. The Luckies smoker lives next to the Norwegian.

04-20-2013, 07:14 PM
IMHO, the Boston bombing was VERY, VERY poor planning, rookie bomb builders, no escape plan, etc. This could very well have been to punks with their idea of high "morals" on how to bring down this country.

I could do more with less than they used and nobody would know where it came from. Not a boast in the least. Just how pathetic of an "attack" as this was.

Could they have had help? Could they be part of a cell? Could there be more?

Yes, yes, and yes. And if the answer is yes to all three, we really don't have any need to fear them.

All that said, who can say these two WERE responsible? We are all going off what the media has told us, what this, for lack of better term, government has told us.

I reserve my opinions on who was really behind the bombing when further information is released. I've been on the inside looking out in the past and kind of know what information is released to "calm the fears" rather than releasing what really happened.

04-20-2013, 08:09 PM
No, no...the planning and execution were excellent. The fall guys ate it and no one outside the intended "got the message?" focus are any the wiser. Dr O is a genius.

04-20-2013, 10:20 PM
We'll probably find out the details in the next few months to years of what happened in Boston. Whether it was a False Flag event, terrorist groups, Saudis or whomever.

Conspiracies do not live under every rock, but they do exist. I just watched Ted Gunderson, former FBI chief of the LA area accuse the CIA of being involved in many of the relative recent acts of terror, the video looks pretty old.

With the lame stream media we have, It's just as well to do your own investigation, and come to your own conclusions, than to just swallow the crap the media feeds you. Maybe 1 in 1000 of us will figure out what really happened, but we'll probably never know for sure.
Does anyone still believe that Oswald was the lone JFK assassin? Or that James Earl Ray killed MLK, after a court back in 1999 found that it was a GOVERNMENT conspiracy to have him killed? (http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/Unspeakable/MLKconExp.html)
Take Conspiracy theory pusher Alex Jones, he's been called every name conceivable, but he was talking about FEMA camps way before many even considered such things, and now it's common knowledge of their existence. One or more of them is where many of the victims of the Sandy Storm were housed. CBS even reported on them November 10, 2012. Look at some of the things Jesse Ventura has uncovered in his conspiracy theory show.

Start by asking who has what to gain from the event:
The Government gained by showing the public how quickly they could impose Martial law when needed. And getting a chance to show off and use their new toys, and using it as a great show of force, both to the world, and to the patriots groups talking about insurrection. And showing how they could "get their man" when they needed too, plus getting a chance to go through houses without a warrant or anything. The bombing could also lead to more restrictions of our rights somehow. The suspects had guns, so that will throw some gas on the gun control debate.

Terrorists would gain by instilling fear into the population, and possibly revenge for some of the drone missiles we drop on people in the Mideast, killing one or more terrorists, along with any innocents who happen to be in the area. And having a reason to party and riot.

Right wing extremists, would gain perhaps a sense of revenge, or satisfaction at the sowing fear into a city. Not that I feel like the city felt so much in fear of the attackers as they did the armed responders ransacking their homes. I can't imagine what it must feel like to have your home invaded by armed troops, while you stand there helpless to do anything about it. Wonder what happened to anyone caught watching for the suspects that happened to have a gun nearby?

If you are going to do some attack like Boston, you have some goal you want to achieve. Another way to approach it is to see if you can figure out the goal, then you can work backwards from there and possibly get an idea who is behind it.

There are things out there, we don't like, things we don't want to admit and probably don't even want to know about, but not everything is just a conspiracy theory.

I just stumbled across this video. Don't know if any of you have seen it, I guess the guy has had trouble keeping it up on you tube:

04-21-2013, 04:33 PM
Hmmmm...That video sure makes a good case...maybe this is what Glen Beck has in mind.

Longitude Zero
04-21-2013, 06:33 PM
I recall the Tin Foil Hatters nattering about vast conspiracies after the OKC Bombing. That BS was completely discredited beyond doubt.

IMHO you have two disgruntled dolts from Chechnya who decided to make a splash. Did they receive help...probably. As far as benifiting from the event maybe, just maybe the only benefit was they got to take out their anger at the USA. As far as rights restrictions I highly doubt it. What are they going to do ban pressure cookers puhlease...


04-21-2013, 07:26 PM
So an administration that runs guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, leaves Ambassadors at the mercy of a mob when help was minutes away, is now flying drones over US, couldn't possibly be involved in this? I'm not saying they are. But one should consider ALL possibilities, until they are proved invalid. I certainly don't believe everything that's on the internet, but sometimes you get a bit of truth along with the conspiracy theories. I suppose it's an attempt to say, well if this is true,,, than this other must be true. Glenn Beck, and Alex Jones, and all of their ilk may be full of baloney, but compared to this administrations constant lies or at least manipulation of the truth, fudging statistics, and attempts to weasel out of testifying before congress, I tend to believe them about as much or more than I do our Liar in Chief. Do you trust the administration attempting to disarm us, or the people fighting against those that would limit our rights? Look at what each group has to gain from their rhetoric.

04-21-2013, 08:10 PM
Beck's ultimatum - obama comes clean or Beck spills the beans. http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/beck-to-obama-come-clean-on-bombing-or-else/

If Beck is still alive to expose whatever he exposes, it'll be hard to find credible, if you know what I mean.

04-21-2013, 08:46 PM
I saw on Fox awhile ago that they could find no record or info on either of these guys having a job of any kind. The older one had a family & the younger one was in school. I wonder who supported them?

04-21-2013, 08:57 PM
I saw on Fox awhile ago that they could find no record or info on either of these guys having a job of any kind. The older one had a family & the younger one was in school. I wonder who supported them?

The US gov't....see my earlier post. Used muslim agents to recruit, train, guide, and advise. Then they vanished at the promised, critical retrieval point. These guys are easy to set up....idealistic with very limited poly sci street smarts. More to come. Like I said....Dr O is a genius.

04-21-2013, 10:49 PM
I'd like to clarify something, when I talk about our government, I'm not always talking about our elected officials. Much of the time I'm talking about the people behind the government. And the black ops rogue agencies that operate within the government without any oversight. Like the Iran-Contra folks. I think the New World Order is already calling a lot of the shots. I think we still have good and decent members of Congress, that would do what they could to put a stop to these things, if they knew about them. We could very well be the last generations of Americans, that enjoys freedom and liberty, as the founding fathers intended.
I want to believe the government would never turn on us, but why does the DHS need 1.6 billion bullets, and 30,000 armored vehicles. You think a few million foreign terrorists are going to pop up? Not when they admit they are preparing for massive civil war. Well what's all this civil war talk? What would happen to start one?
Certainly nothing to do with maintaining our rights and liberty. More likely is a financial crisis, or the attempted outlaw of the 2nd amendment, both of which this administration seems to be doing their best to pull off. Why are they trying so hard to get our guns? The acts of a handful of lunatics does not call for it. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that anyplace concealed carry has went into effect, crime has went down. You can't tell me this administration, and the whole progressive (communist) movement has our best interests at heart. Power and wealth are what they want. While the bombing had us diverted, the House passed CISPA, that gives them total control over the internet, to read anyone's email without a warrant, and I forget all the nasty crap in it. Nothing in there to guarantee any freedoms though. I admit, I spend a lot of time on YouTube, watching videos, and I'd say if 1/10 of the bad ones are true, then that's enough to make me not trust the powers that be any farther than I could throw them. If 1 in 20 is true, that's still enough that I wouldn't trust them. I think the USA was effectively toppled when they signed the Federal Reserve Act, while most members of Congress were home for Christmas, but Wilson had enough of his cronies stay to get the bill passed. Wilson later on near his death regretted what he had done, but that was too late. I forget who said it, but it went "Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who it's leaders are".
You all are going to believe whatever you feel comfortable believing. My ramblings aren't going to change that. I'd still have a good supply of food and ammo on hand, whether you believe me and those saying the same things or not. I hope Glen Beck lives through the night to tell us what he had planned on telling us, but people who annoy the powers that be too much have strange tendency to end up dead, particularly during Democratic administrations. Breitbart, Vince Foster, are just a couple that come to mind. I love my country, but some of the things going on behind the scenes really scares me. Bob Livingston, in his Personal Liberty Digest recently said that the mainstream media can not be trusted, and that the only source of REAL news comes from the Internet. I don't say these things to piss you all off, I know some of you are irritated with me, I am sorry. All I am trying to do is open up some people's minds and eyes. To let you know this isn't the 50's anymore, times have changed, and our government or those in control have changed even more and not for the better. If I have offended some, I apologize, but I only do it with good intentions.

04-22-2013, 03:48 AM
I'd like to clarify something, when I talk about our government, I'm not always talking about our elected officials. Much of the time I'm talking about the people behind the government. And the black ops rogue agencies that operate within the government without any oversight. Like the Iran-Contra folks. I think the New World Order is already calling a lot of the shots. I think we still have good and decent members of Congress, that would do what they could to put a stop to these things, if they knew about them. We could very well be the last generations of Americans, that enjoys freedom and liberty, as the founding fathers intended.
I want to believe the government would never turn on us, but why does the DHS need 1.6 billion bullets, and 30,000 armored vehicles. You think a few million foreign terrorists are going to pop up? Not when they admit they are preparing for massive civil war. Well what's all this civil war talk? What would happen to start one?
Certainly nothing to do with maintaining our rights and liberty. More likely is a financial crisis, or the attempted outlaw of the 2nd amendment, both of which this administration seems to be doing their best to pull off. Why are they trying so hard to get our guns? The acts of a handful of lunatics does not call for it. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that anyplace concealed carry has went into effect, crime has went down. You can't tell me this administration, and the whole progressive (communist) movement has our best interests at heart. Power and wealth are what they want. While the bombing had us diverted, the House passed CISPA, that gives them total control over the internet, to read anyone's email without a warrant, and I forget all the nasty crap in it. Nothing in there to guarantee any freedoms though. I admit, I spend a lot of time on YouTube, watching videos, and I'd say if 1/10 of the bad ones are true, then that's enough to make me not trust the powers that be any farther than I could throw them. If 1 in 20 is true, that's still enough that I wouldn't trust them. I think the USA was effectively toppled when they signed the Federal Reserve Act, while most members of Congress were home for Christmas, but Wilson had enough of his cronies stay to get the bill passed. Wilson later on near his death regretted what he had done, but that was too late. I forget who said it, but it went "Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who it's leaders are".
You all are going to believe whatever you feel comfortable believing. My ramblings aren't going to change that. I'd still have a good supply of food and ammo on hand, whether you believe me and those saying the same things or not. I hope Glen Beck lives through the night to tell us what he had planned on telling us, but people who annoy the powers that be too much have strange tendency to end up dead, particularly during Democratic administrations. Breitbart, Vince Foster, are just a couple that come to mind. I love my country, but some of the things going on behind the scenes really scares me. Bob Livingston, in his Personal Liberty Digest recently said that the mainstream media can not be trusted, and that the only source of REAL news comes from the Internet. I don't say these things to piss you all off, I know some of you are irritated with me, I am sorry. All I am trying to do is open up some people's minds and eyes. To let you know this isn't the 50's anymore, times have changed, and our government or those in control have changed even more and not for the better. If I have offended some, I apologize, but I only do it with good intentions.

Many points here too hard to Ignore.... Glen Beck Today let's see what he's holding back....

Longitude Zero
04-22-2013, 07:55 AM
Many points here too hard to Ignore.... Glen Beck Today let's see what he's holding back....

Hopefully something useful but with the way he has gone off the rail in the past IMHO I have little faith anything of documented/provable value will come out.

04-22-2013, 08:30 AM
Agreed. In this case the only thing I see that might suggest it is a more legitimate situation is the claim of sources in government who are upset with treatment of the Saudi. I could see a scenario where the LEOs get their hands on a big player in terror networks, but he is related to someone important in the royal family, so Obama says let him go. The LEOs trying to do their job might be upset enough to leak that.

04-22-2013, 10:35 AM
More info on the Saudi (via Beck, FWIW) http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/22/beck-breaks-exclusive-information-on-saudi-national-allegedly-connected-to-boston-bombings/


04-22-2013, 11:44 AM
Agreed. In this case the only thing I see that might suggest it is a more legitimate situation is the claim of sources in government who are upset with treatment of the Saudi. I could see a scenario where the LEOs get their hands on a big player in terror networks, but he is related to someone important in the royal family, so Obama says let him go. The LEOs trying to do their job might be upset enough to leak that.

Great point but nothing on that Beck link yet (noon Monday)....

Longitude Zero
04-22-2013, 01:24 PM
I listened online to Beck rant about the "Saudi Connection". He is so far from a smoking gun he needs to go to the store to buy ammo.

04-22-2013, 07:17 PM
I listened online to Beck rant about the "Saudi Connection". He is so far from a smoking gun he needs to go to the store to buy ammo.

Let me know where he finds the ammo because I sure could use more!!

04-22-2013, 07:39 PM
I'd like to clarify something, when I talk about our government, I'm not always talking about our elected officials. Much of the time I'm talking about the people behind the government. And the black ops rogue agencies that operate within the government without any oversight. .................... If I have offended some, I apologize, but I only do it with good intentions.

No offense taken, whatsoever. I'd just find this conspiracy theorist amusing if I didn't know it to be true.

04-22-2013, 08:57 PM
Don't admit it or they'll sit you in the nut job corner with me.

04-23-2013, 05:12 AM
I watched Glen Beck for a couple of years. I usually enjoyed his show.
I stopped watching him when I realized one afternoon, after I lost track of the chalkboards, that he was certifiable.
This was just before Fox and he parted company.
The best part about his show was Patty Ann Browne. ;)

04-23-2013, 05:44 AM
The best part about his show was Patty Ann Browne. ;)

She woulda made a fine Hooters waitress....

04-23-2013, 05:59 AM
She woulda made a fine Hooters waitress....

Careful...she's someone's wife. :)
I watch her when she's on the early, 5 AM show on Fox.

04-23-2013, 06:08 AM
wives make the best Hooters waitresses!

04-23-2013, 07:45 AM
Careful...she's someone's wife. :)
I watch her when she's on the early, 5 AM show on Fox.

And a mom.

Longitude Zero
04-23-2013, 09:12 AM
I watched Glen Beck for a couple of years. I usually enjoyed his show. I stopped watching him when I realized one afternoon, after I lost track of the chalkboards, that he was certifiable.
This was just before Fox and he parted company.

Me too. GB has admitted many times he is not a journalist and is an entertainer/informer.

04-23-2013, 10:05 AM
Me too. GB has admitted many times he is not a journalist and is an entertainer/informer.

And an alarmist.

Longitude Zero
04-23-2013, 11:19 AM
And an alarmist.

That too. An Extreme Alarmist.

04-23-2013, 11:54 AM
The freedom to make your own decisions on this kind of thing is wonderful, isn't it? :Amflag2:

04-23-2013, 12:37 PM
Don't really need him to see what's going on in our country of late. Even folks with poor eyesight should be able to see and the blind can surely detect the smell of things that are not right.

I find it a little shocking that the morons in the upper echelons expect even us the unwashed to believe half the bullshit they dump on us.

I know the problem, I know it's not me but none of my solutions are legal or workable.

04-23-2013, 03:01 PM
You're absolutely right, it doesn't take an upper echelon moron to tell me what's fishy in our halls of Congress. But it only takes a few of those upper crust wanna-bees to make repeated tidal waves of unconstitutional or questionably so legislative nightmares that ends up taking the efforts of people like Beck to try and unravel the information left by those crusty career politicians! I know that some consider him an alarmist but I consider much of what he says to be alarming, even frightening at times. Even he says that he hopes what he has discovered proves to be unfounded, but often times the information turns out to true or true enough to garner the attention of someone or a group of concerned freshman wanna-bees that are equally concerned about the impact of those legislative nightmares. I hope Beck and the likes of him will continue to unravel those legislative tidal waves before they become unmanageable tsunamis. We've got a great big one coming at us right now and I wish someone would've been listening to him before it turned into the mess it is now, I believe the upper echelon crusties titled it "The Affordable Care Act"... :eek: >>>:mad:<<<

04-23-2013, 03:02 PM
I fear it's too late.

04-23-2013, 03:19 PM
Never give up or give in!

“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” —

“They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” — Ben Franklin


04-23-2013, 04:46 PM
We've got a great big one coming at us right now and I wish someone would've been listening to him before it turned into the mess it is now, I believe the upper echelon crusties titled it "The Affordable Care Act"... :eek: >>>:mad:<<<

and lets not forget the other big one
"immigration reform"

they've been dodging that one for decades

04-23-2013, 05:42 PM
I don't know if there is any truth to this boys and girls, but I just heard that George W. Bush brought down the Twin Towers to get us into a war in the Middle East. The Jews knew the Twin Towers were coming down because none of them showed up for work that day. A missile struck the pentagon just to make it look good. All of this was done to gain control of Middle East oil. And now you know exactly what you conspiracy theorists sound like.

04-23-2013, 09:53 PM
Did anyone else find the Libs who were howling mad that anyone would dare use the bombing in Boston to even question if the speed of their Imagration reform moving through congress is going too fast?

And they did it while standing in a clutch of Sandy Hook parents while doing their howling...

Funny to me.