View Full Version : Let's make a deal

04-22-2013, 06:31 AM
There's already talk of an offer of life in prison for terrorist bomber #2, if he'll spill his guts and rat out the organization. I'm of two minds on this one. If it prevented another bombing and broke up a terrorist cell it might be worth it. Big Bubba needs sex, too. On the other hand can you trust a terrorist to tell the truth and would you be encouraging future terrorists. I'm think that I'm for pouring salt on his wounds. The things that make you want to go, hmmmmm.

04-22-2013, 08:30 AM
Well when a 19 year old gives up and does not try to go out on a blase of glory maybe some info will turn up others. Hard to say at this time. Maybe some info will turn up others here or over sea's. I am wondering if the older brothers wife, or ex-wife, what ever she is, has some insight as she too went the muslum way. Atleast to a point.

04-22-2013, 10:36 AM
I'll bet that kid is no more than a step-n-fetchit. Doesn't know any more than they want him to. Older brother may have been on the inside. The Saudi is "VERY INTERESTING"!

04-22-2013, 01:13 PM
A lifetime spent in Super Max is worse than death IMO. Ask Eric Rudolph. I only hope if others are involved (and I believe they are) the Feds can get it out of him even if they have to make a deal.

04-22-2013, 02:14 PM
Lie to him, make a deal, get the info...throw him out of a window on the 10th floor. :biggrin1:

04-22-2013, 02:26 PM
Yeah, get the intel and snap his effin' neck.

04-22-2013, 05:16 PM
I'm liking the progression here. Still a little weak though. Keep going and you'll get there eventually!

I'm thinking take him to another "marathon" event, maybe the Marines Annual Mud Run...but hold it in an undisclosed country...where the marines in question are any one of the Seal teams.

Put it on Al Jazeera and to hell with what he knows. Just send a message.

04-22-2013, 05:22 PM
Lie to him, make a deal, get the info...throw him out of a window on the 10th floor. :biggrin1:

X2....I'm past wasting money on trials and lifetime b&b and med care on obvious scum.

04-23-2013, 09:44 PM
Lie to him, make a deal, get the info...throw him out of a window on the 10th floor. :biggrin1:

Jim, I like that kind of thinking. :)

04-23-2013, 10:07 PM
Now you guys are a bit harsh don't you think? I say trade info for a life sentence and after getting all you can honor your commitment and turn him into the general population at a max security prison in the lifer yard. There's no consequence for serious lifers doing bad stuff and as you know, they may be scalawags but they are patriotic scalawags.

04-24-2013, 09:37 AM
The Government is in a bit of a pickle with this punk....If they give him the death penalty he will become another martyr for Islam and it will stir up even more of his jackweed jihad ahole buddies to get in line to kill more infidels over here so killing him will be doing him a favor especially if he believes he will be getting his 72 virgins when he gets to sheet head land....

What they should do is:

Number 1...Offer him a nice life long room in the Hotel Fed of his choice away from the general population and allow him to live out his life in comfort with his Muslim customs in exchange for every last bit of information about his fellow terriorists who plan harm to Americans...Orrrrrr

Number 2...Offer him a life long cot at San Quentin in a 8 x 10 cell living with his new friend and cellmate Thunder Dick in the White Supremacist, Gay Weight Lifter section along with a nice job in the kitchen cooking up ham hocks the rest of his very short life...

Have him sign a paper choosing Number 1.....Get all the information he has in his sorry little brain....

Number 3...Lose the paper!!!...