View Full Version : Heads up on magazines

04-23-2013, 02:29 PM
In case anyone is looking for 6 rd mags for cm 9 Cheaper Than Dirt is currently stocking some. Ordered 2 this morning $31 each.

04-23-2013, 02:57 PM
I get mine from ecopp for $35 shipped. His most current dealsare uusuallyon ebay ttho

04-23-2013, 06:27 PM
Given their history of gouging over the last few months, I would have to be pretty damned desperate to ever buy from CTD again.

04-23-2013, 06:33 PM
Given their history of gouging over the last few months, I would have to be pretty damned desperate to ever buy from CTD again.

This. I won't buy from them again, plain and simple

04-23-2013, 08:34 PM
^ +1

Gringo Pistolero
04-23-2013, 10:25 PM
Yep. When they advertised 9mm Tula for $1.40 a round they definitely went on the list of places I will never buy anything from again.

04-23-2013, 10:47 PM
A couple of local gun shops have been doing their best to treat people right despite the frenzy. They will get all my business.

04-24-2013, 10:46 AM
++1 on CTD

04-24-2013, 11:05 AM
In the current climate I think most everyone is gouging. Some quickly learned and amended their ways. Some didn't.

I don't recall ever buying from CTD but if they have stock and are the cheapest available one might have to reconsider.

I too try hard to support local, inspite of record sales I'm sure they are all struggling and we need as many suppliers as we can.

Most all big mail order places you have to sort the wheat from the chaffe. They show good deals on something as a draw and then have their way with you on other stuff.

04-24-2013, 12:23 PM
Given their history of gouging over the last few months, I would have to be pretty damned desperate to ever buy from CTD again.

+1. Good riddance CTD.

04-24-2013, 01:33 PM
i bought my xdm pearce grip extensions and extra mags from ctd. had my goods within a few days, not an issue.

that being said, i've also heard some not so good things from some of my buddies and people on this site. unfortuanately during these trying times places may over charge and get a bit carried away. it's sad, apparently they feel the need, or are just plan greedy. who knows...

all i know is that it's up to me whether i buy from them or not. i try to buy locally whenver possible, no matter what.

04-24-2013, 03:07 PM
Given their history of gouging over the last few months, I would have to be pretty damned desperate to ever buy from CTD again.

Given the fact that I couldn't find any 6 round mags anywhere else, $31 for a kahr mag doesn't exactly sound like gouging. I paid $40 from Kahr for the same mag.

I didn't buy $59 Tula 9mm from CTD nor would i ever, but the mag was priced right.

04-24-2013, 04:25 PM
Given the fact that I couldn't find any 6 round mags anywhere else, $31 for a kahr mag doesn't exactly sound like gouging. I paid $40 from Kahr for the same mag.

I didn't buy $59 Tula 9mm from CTD nor would i ever, but the mag was priced right.

We have a Bingo right here. 31 is not a bad price in the best of times.

Buy the stuff that's priced right, and leave the gouging products on the shelf. Especially when it's something hard to find.

04-24-2013, 04:38 PM
In the current climate I think most everyone is gouging. Some quickly learned and amended their ways. Some didn't.

While I agree with this to a degree, there's a huge difference. I can understand a distributor going up to $20 on a Pmag in a crazed time, that's around a $6 markup. But, Cheaper than dirt went up to $100, which to me is not only price gouging, it's flipping the middle finger to the consumer. I'm not mad about it, simply because I'm not stupid enough to pay that wether they're going to be banned or not, but to me there's a principle involved. Also them taking down all their firearms off the website and replacing them with a "sorry, we don't sell firearms" banner a couple days after Newtown smelled rotten.

04-24-2013, 04:53 PM
While I agree with this to a degree, there's a huge difference. I can understand a distributor going up to $20 on a Pmag in a crazed time, that's around a $6 markup. But, Cheaper than dirt went up to $100, which to me is not only price gouging, it's flipping the middle finger to the consumer. I'm not mad about it, simply because I'm not stupid enough to pay that wether they're going to be banned or not, but to me there's a principle involved. Also them taking down all their firearms off the website and replacing them with a "sorry, we don't sell firearms" banner a couple days after Newtown smelled rotten.

I agree also, I'd forgotten that travesty. Many many places are doing the Pmag gouge though, I watched a Windham AR make 4 200$ price increases with in a week, that was at a local department store. So they are gouging too.
I should have bought the darn thing at 799 on BLACK friday. It was on the rack, same gun at 1299 last I saw and gone shortly after. A little profit made there.
Like I said I don't recall buying anything from CTD but I may have at some time. I support local when I can and go for the best deal when I can't.

04-24-2013, 06:16 PM
Oh yeah by no means are they the only company that gouged things outrageously, in fact it's much easier to name the few companies that didn't. Luckily, a couple companies that did not take part in it usually have everything I need

04-25-2013, 07:42 AM
If you don't care to buy from CTD, you can pick up a 7 round 9mm stainless with extension from Grabagun for $31.63 with free shipping.


04-26-2013, 12:17 PM
Given their history of gouging over the last few months, I would have to be pretty damned desperate to ever buy from CTD again.

agreed, when i saw a box of 50 cheap 9mm selling for $69.95, i was done too.

04-26-2013, 11:00 PM
CTD still ripping you off. They want $12.55 for shipping 2 mags to Florida.
I just ordered 2 six round mags from MidwayUSA for $31.99 each and shipping is only $4.35 THAT INCLUDES ANOTHER ITEM THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY ON BACKORDER THAT WILL SHIP WITH THIS ORDER!

CTD=Continuing Total Deception

04-27-2013, 09:05 PM
My view with recent events is FCTD. I would never give them a penny of my business. They sucked before but now, well, they can sell to the chumps.

04-27-2013, 09:13 PM
Ivanhoe Warehouse outlet is normally one of the best places with fast service, decent prices, and $5 USPS Priority shipping on your whole order. They've been out of most Kahr mags... just .45's for a while, though.

Midway has fast service and cheap shipping, plus some of the best prices on stuff I've bought recently.

CDNN is another good place... fast service, cheap or free shipping deals, and good prices. I've bought a bunch of stuff from all three but more from the last two lately, magazine-wise.

I'm on the email list of all of those and more... I get lots of email/fliers from them and "SAVE" a lot of money!

I'm an addicted online shopper... always on the hunt for good deals!


04-27-2013, 10:20 PM
I love MidwayUSA. Not only great prices but just got an email. "Your Order has Shipped"
Man, I just placed it like 18 hours ago and it's a weekend!!

04-28-2013, 02:54 AM
If you don't care to buy from CTD, you can pick up a 7 round 9mm stainless with extension from Grabagun for $31.63 with free shipping.


Thanks for the links, I forgot about that site. Btw are people still having issues with this mag in the CM9?

04-28-2013, 06:15 AM
agreed, when i saw a box of 50 cheap 9mm selling for $69.95, i was done too.

When I saw that a couple of weeks back, I emailed CTD to tell them I would never buy from them again. ESAD, CTD.

04-28-2013, 10:47 AM
Thanks for the links, I forgot about that site. Btw are people still having issues with this mag in the CM9?
I personally use nothing but flush 6 rounders in my CM9. 1) Heard about the previous problems with extended mags. 2) Prefer more concealablility and train as such.

04-28-2013, 03:46 PM
I have a 7 round I use at the range, never had a problem at all