View Full Version : New K9 - 1st Range Report *Updated

04-24-2013, 04:35 PM
Today I got my new K9 to the range, after proper prep and lube of course.

The first 100 rounds were Winchester FMJ and I had zero malfunctions. I had planned on firing 200 rounds of FMJ and then 50 to test SD ammo. Since the first 100 rounds went off without a hitch, I decided to test some Speer Gold Dot and Winchester Ranger. I had 1 failure to feed the Speer and the slide locked back a couple of times early. In the Winchester Ranger, I had 1 light strike fail to fire and the slide locked back once early. I shot 25 rounds of each with the Speer and Ranger.

I then fired another 50 rounds of Winchester FMJ and again had zero malfunctions. Overall, I was impressed with my new purchase. Obviously I am not 100% confident shooting hollow point SD ammo at this point. Does anyone have any recommendations on SD ammo which works well in your K9?

Update - 2nd Range Report

My second range report can be summed up in one word: flawless. I fired 111 rounds of Winchester FMJ and then 50 Rounds of Winchester Ranger JHP with absolutely zero malfunctions. I focused a lot more on accuracy and I was also very impressed in that department. Note, I did complete a polish job since my first range session.

My only complaint is when I got home and started cleaning, I noticed I had lost one of my grips screws. My fault though because I had never checked their tightness. I won't make that mistake again. Oh well, it gave me a chance to order some replacements and a stainless steel guide rod for both my K9 and P380.

My LGS (OMB Guns in Olathe, KS) also had some new Kahr's in stock. They had some P40's, P45's and TP9's, which they said they just received the other day. Said they should be getting another big shipment in soon. Today was the first time I got to handle a TP9, and I liked it. Might have to be my next purchase. If anyone is looking, you can purchase from their website.

04-24-2013, 05:11 PM
I used both the Speer gold dots 124 and the Ranger and they cycle thru great. I also have used the Hornady critical defense and critical duty without problems. Were you having a problem with one particular magazine? I did have a problem with a magazine having issues at one time. I emailed Kahr and they sent me a new one right away.

04-24-2013, 06:33 PM
No, I was using one mag for the Gold dots and one for the Ranger. I will need to shoot some more of both, but may have to give the Hornady a try when I can find some.

04-24-2013, 06:39 PM
I bet if you tried those same SD rounds again after putting a few hundred more rounds through you might be fine, they loosen up quite a bit after some use.
I have a K9 I bought used and It does fine with Speer 124gr FWIW.
Great gun....enjoy!

04-24-2013, 07:15 PM
u might want to check to see if some of thse defense rounds are possably engaging the slide lock lever on the side and pushig it upward. very easy to check out, the Propper prepping thread directs u how to look for that issue if it is there even.

Have toa gree with the replys, more rounds and the gun will cure alot of it's little ills. Maybe a nice polishg job on the feed ramp would be in order also. some flitz does wonders. I would also just for excercise polish under the feed lips of teh magazines. Again smooth is good in all places..

04-24-2013, 10:16 PM
My k9 shoots critical duty without any hiccups. Ive only had a couple nose dives with Speer Gold Dot though and those two are the only malfunctions I've ever had. I have a little more than a thousand rounds through my Kahr. Great little pistol...

04-25-2013, 03:15 PM
Did you do the non-chlorinated brake cleaner in the striker channel thing? There's a little hole on the underside of the slide for this. I did it on an E9 I just picked up (apparently never fired) and blew some gunk out. I imagine gunk/oil in the striker channel could result in light strikes.

04-25-2013, 03:54 PM
Yeah, I sprayed the striker channel out with gun scrubber. Anyone have any holster recommendations? I will probably want an iwb and a belt slide too.

04-25-2013, 06:18 PM
Anyone have any holster recommendations? I will probably want an iwb and a belt slide too.

My favorites for my CM9 are:

OWB: The Mitch Rosen 5JR Express that I picked up used here on the forum -
IWB: this double snap holster by James Dean -

Both are very comfortable and great for concealed carry.

04-25-2013, 08:44 PM
Jfootin, do those have tension screws? When I qualify at my department's back-up/off-duty range, they check holsters and they must have some sort of retention device.

04-25-2013, 09:47 PM
No. I only have civilian holsters. You didn't specify on duty requirements. I guess look at some of the online police supply stores.

05-24-2013, 03:35 PM
Zero issues with Critical Defense ammo in my K9 as well as Winchester Ranger type bullets.

I tend to carry my K9 in a Don Hume iwb holster as its light and tight.

Fantastic and accurate pistol. Mi E is a NYPD trade in that just needed new grips and a good cleaning. I put new spring in it as well.

05-24-2013, 11:29 PM
+1 dean. Very comfy but no tension screw.

05-24-2013, 11:42 PM
Use some kind of thread locker... removable, not RED, on the screws and don't over tighten.

You might take the mags apart and clean the grease out of the tubes, and lightly sand with fine sandpaper the edges of the feed lips and the edges of the followers... just to get rid of any burrs... just a couple of light passes! Then lightly oil the spring and reassemble with a free end of the spring to the front of the follower for maximum lift. I do that with all of my Kahr mags. Sometimes the springs have been put in backwards... or there were some tiny burrs... in the latching slot, too.

The Speer Gold Dots... 124-grain +P are what I use for my 9mm Kahrs... K9 and P9... and the 124-gr +P GDSB's... Short Barrel version for the PM9.
