View Full Version : CM9 question

04-25-2013, 05:10 PM
I have not yet taken my gun out to the range (we plan on going on Sunday) but I wanted to get a feel for it. After loading the mag, I find that the slide does not pop forward as expected. My husband and I have both tried and we have to smack the back of the gun to get the slide to go forward and lock into place. Anyone else have an issue like this? How was it resolved? Thank you in advance :)

04-25-2013, 05:16 PM
Are you trying to slingshot it? It's too soon. Do what the manual says and use the slide release to put the gun in battery. Later on, once the gun is broken in properly, it will slingshot fine.

04-25-2013, 05:20 PM
Thank you. I am getting most of my advice from my husband who has had his gun for 4 or 5 years. I am guessing he didn't take into account that mine is still new.

04-25-2013, 05:21 PM
ur gonna be surprised to find that shootin the gun does wonders for it. Things just smooth out after a few hundred rounds. If ur not usng the slide lock lever to release that first round then ur not doing it correctly either. I would advise hitting on the kahr tech section and the kahr lube cvhart and also the propper prepping thread. Both willgive u god pointers before that first bang thing ever happens. Prep it right from teh git go andu will never regret it either..

04-25-2013, 07:07 PM

I mean no disrespect to your hubby, but he is going to have to unlearn some things. Your sub-compact Kahr handles much differently than his full size duty pistol.

You've already identified one difference.

It takes the full velocity of the slide moving forward to properly chamber a round. Kahr recommends using the slide release to do this. The slingshot technique we've all used, including your hubby, is not a reliable method with Kahrs.

Eventually, when your pistol is broken-in, and when you are accustomed to releasing the slide without riding it, you may be able to chamber a round using the slingshot method. For now, it's best to follow the methods detailed in the owner's manual.

Good luck with your new Kahr. Oh, and welcome to the forum.

04-25-2013, 07:27 PM
RRP- I had him look at the manual (which he had not done yet) and he admitted that it was different than the one he carries. Getting him to admit he is wrong made me smile quite a bit. We got it to work the way it was supposed to. This is my first gun and my upper body strength is not quite what it should be. I have moments where it is tough for me to pull back the slide. Any advice is welcome as far as I am concerned :)

04-25-2013, 07:35 PM
I bought a PM9 for my wife because it fit her hand. Grip size and trigger reach were right. But, these tiny sub-compacts have very stout recoil springs, and that was a problem for her. So, after a few frustrating range sessions, she gave up on the Kahr and I inherited it. Not that I minded, but it meant we had to continue our search for something she could handle comfortably and safely.

I bought a small revolver (.38 spl). No heavy slide to pull. She doesn't like it. She want's a semi-auto. I don't blame her. I prefer a semi, too.

Eventually she settled on a S&W, M&P Shield. It fits her like a glove, and she can work the action. All is well.

If there is a point to this rant, it has escaped me. Good luck with the CM9. Don't be discouraged by the stiff recoil springs. Once the gun is broken-in and you refine your technique, you will manage it.

04-25-2013, 07:38 PM
All ranting appreciated. I have no experience with any of this and I don't have any women friends who own guns. Most of them are, as my husband puts it, "bleedin' hippies".

04-25-2013, 07:51 PM
You may be a novice, but you are asking the right questions, ML. Having the desire to learn is key, and your presence here shows you are serious about developing your skills.

It's not easy to learn a new skill from a spouse. Ask my wife. ;)

You may be interested in a day-long NRA pistol course. If so, navigate to: http://nrainstructors.org/SearchCourse.aspx

Scroll down to NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course in the left column and select it. Then enter your zip code to search for nearby course offerings.

It's a fun class and will get you started safely.

All the best.

04-25-2013, 07:52 PM
Wonderful! Thank you so much :)

04-25-2013, 07:52 PM
All ranting appreciated. I have no experience with any of this and I don't have any women friends who own guns. Most of them are, as my husband puts it, "bleedin' hippies".

West Coast holdover "bleedin hippies".

I'd suggest rather than working the slide like a sling shot with just thumb and forefingers on the back, hold the gun point left if your right handed and grab the slide with your left hand and grip with your right and push your hands together. Have to be careful to keep your hand and fingers out of the ejection port, smarts some if you get pinched, been there did that but I only cried for a little bit. A bottle and my blankey and all was ok.

This method gives you a little better grasp and more efficient use of your arms.

If your left handed I think we should start seeing other people.

04-25-2013, 07:54 PM
If your left handed I think we should start seeing other people.

Lefties are the devil :p

04-25-2013, 07:59 PM
Lefties are the devil :p

Warning Will Robinson......Jfootin is a lefty, I'm pretty sure he was born that way I think. I'm his father but he's older, one of life's mysteries for sure. The Jfootin CM9 badge might be in jeopardy.
Also like the good reverend a God fearin man with little to no use for the devil.

Fortunately they both have pretty short memories so all will probably be ok.

04-25-2013, 08:02 PM
It was mostly a joke. A good portion of my family are lefties.

Wait... like actually his father?

04-25-2013, 08:06 PM
I know, we know, we just have to rib ya know.

My policy is if you want to look like a normal person stand next to a lefty. Now that I ponder it Jocko I think is left handed too. Proof I guess that left handers can succeed, succeed at what is a good question but succeed none the less.

Never admit your family is deformed neither, that will come back and bite ya on the back side every single time.

Shhh, my wife is left handed. When she's not doing anything you really can't tell though.

04-25-2013, 08:11 PM
Haha. My family knows they are a little left of center.

Oh man... bedtime for the kids can't come soon enough today. My husband would like me to practice drawing my gun. I would like to have a beer. Not sure which will happen.

04-25-2013, 08:13 PM
One or the other my dear lady. Me recommends draw first, drink later. That's a fine idea though.

04-25-2013, 08:17 PM
It may never come down to either. My youngest is teething.

04-25-2013, 08:17 PM
Mom, there are several ladies on this website and a few that are more knowledgeable about firearms than some of the men. Once you get used to your new Kahr you're going to love it. You made a great choice. Welcome aboard.

04-25-2013, 08:20 PM
Thank you, muggsy. I'm hoping I get used to it and enjoy it. My husband keeps taunting that he will keep it if I don't like it.

04-25-2013, 09:08 PM
Two words about teething. Old style one piece clothes pin. This may date myself slightly but the kind that don't have the spring and squeezy thing. All one piece for hanging clothes on a line before Al Gore invented the dryer.

Second word Jack Daniels. That's actually two words but they go together and mean absolutely nothing unless your name happens to be Jack or Daniel.

Soak the clothes pin in Jack Daniels. Hour or two will do, over night is better.

Take it out, let it air dry.

Let the younker chew to it's hearts content. It works, it worked on me, it worked on my kids. I don't remember is I used it on Jfootin or not, memory is a terrible this to waste.

04-25-2013, 09:10 PM
My husband would lose his mind if I even considered giving the baby anything with Jack on it. He is a bit.... prudish when it comes to that sort of thing.

04-25-2013, 09:16 PM
I felt this way myself at first but put yourself in your babies diaper. That's an interesting visual right there.

Anyhow would you want your chew toy soaked in Jack or Isopropyl or Rubbing alcohol. it does the same thing without the disgusting thought.

Once the pin is dry there really is no taste, but it's germ free, well thee might be a slight taste but not enough that the baby can't still be the designated driver.

I rest my case.

04-25-2013, 09:20 PM
That is right along with rubbing wine on his gums, which was my gramma's suggestion.

I took a peek at your grips. Very impressive work, sir.

04-25-2013, 09:22 PM
Whooo, skeered me there something fierce. I saw took a peek at my handles and thought holy moley, hidden camera, maybe drones.

Thank you for the kind words.

04-25-2013, 09:26 PM
I don't have the technological intelligence needed to set up a hidden camera. My husband got me a smart phone a few months ago and it is still smarter than me.

04-25-2013, 10:06 PM
That's what the fella at the phone store told me when wife made me go with her for a phone. We talked for a bit and then he said they weren't for everyone.

04-25-2013, 11:43 PM
Welcome to the forum! My advice is to follow the prep stickies on this forum. That includes a good cleaning, including the striker pin channel, followed by proper lube. After that, rack the slide until your arm falls off. Switch arms and repeat. Give it to your hubby and have him do the same. The clean it again, lube it again and throw some snap caps in to dry fire to get used to the trigger. The trigger on the gun takes some getting used to. Trust me, it took me forever to get the hang of it. Then shoot the fire out of it and give us a range report. And pictures, we like pictures. :)

04-26-2013, 01:00 PM
Then shoot the fire out of it and give us a range report. And pictures, we like pictures. :)

See, I told you we like pictures.

04-26-2013, 02:02 PM
Thank you, muggsy. I'm hoping I get used to it and enjoy it. My husband keeps taunting that he will keep it if I don't like it.

If the short grip or recoil bothers you make him get you a CW9.

04-26-2013, 10:17 PM
See, I told you we like pictures.

Oh I believed you. I will have my husband take plenty of pictures on Sunday. Although, you lot may very well laugh at me seeing as how new at this I am.

And this is the only recent picture I could find. I am usually behind the camera haha. The small child would be my 4 year old daughter.
http://i1365.photobucket.com/albums/r759/mamaleader/887089_10200326306335943_1404563908_o_zps755a0f44. jpg

04-26-2013, 10:42 PM
Welcome and congrats on the new Kahr!

I am wanting to get my wife into shooting (and she is open to it), but it is difficult to find the time with two daughters (3yrs, and the other 9mo). So I'm almost in the same boat as you! My youngest is teething too, but I can't bring myself to turn her into a wino like Bawanna. LOL ;)

You came to the right place. This is a great forum with lots of good people who are very helpful (as you have already seen). The small CM9 might seem snappy to you at first, but you can get used to it after a few range visits. But if not, go with the CW9 like muggsy suggested (I love mine). Remember to relax, slow down, focus on the front sight, and HAVE FUN.


04-26-2013, 10:46 PM
Welcome and congrats on the new Kahr!

I am wanting to get my wife into shooting (and she is open to it), but it is difficult to find the time with two daughters (3yrs, and the other 9mo). So I'm almost in the same boat as you! My youngest is teething too, but I can't bring myself to turn her into a wino like Bawanna. LOL ;)

You came to the right place. This is a great forum with lots of good people who are very helpful (as you have already seen). The small CM9 might seem snappy to you at first, but you can get used to it after a few range visits. But if not, go with the CW9 like muggsy suggested (I love mine). Remember to relax, slow down, focus on the front sight, and HAVE FUN.


Thank you for the welcome. I am so glad everyone here is so nice.

I am lucky enough to have my in-laws live close enough that they are willing to watch the kids on occasion.

Teething is rotten. Though I know I will miss the extra snuggles I get while he is teething.

04-27-2013, 08:04 AM
The Kahr CM9 has always had a problem chambering the first round. The mag design is terrible. If you do this modification you will be very pleased with the results. All it takes is a pencil and some sandpaper. Most people here have already done this.


04-27-2013, 10:40 AM
The Kahr CM9 has always had a problem chambering the first round. The mag design is terrible. If you do this modification you will be very pleased with the results. All it takes is a pencil and some sandpaper. Most people here have already done this.


Huh? Mine has never had a problem chambering the first round. Maybe you should change your post to say "some CM9s have a problem chambering the first round."

04-27-2013, 10:57 AM
Same as skiflydive. Nearly 1000 rds through my CM9 and not one problem. No FTE's, no FTF's and can hand chamber the 1st (or any) round with no problem. Being a newbie at the beginning I followed all the stickies. Lucky or ?.

04-27-2013, 11:52 AM
Huh? Mine has never had a problem chambering the first round. Maybe you should change your post to say "some CM9s have a problem chambering the first round."

Sorry! Many cm9's experience failure to feeds and are incapable of slingshotting the first round- Also, many have problems with mags sticking and not dropping freely. Do a search and see for yourself. On a positive note all these shortcomings can be fixed rather easily. Do a search on this site for all the corrective actions.

04-27-2013, 01:14 PM
Oh I believed you. I will have my husband take plenty of pictures on Sunday. Although, you lot may very well laugh at me seeing as how new at this I am.

And this is the only recent picture I could find. I am usually behind the camera haha. The small child would be my 4 year old daughter.
http://i1365.photobucket.com/albums/r759/mamaleader/887089_10200326306335943_1404563908_o_zps755a0f44. jpg

Nice pic, Mamaleader. I can see by the look in your daughter's eye that she's calculating how many more years she has til she can have a CM380 of her own.

04-27-2013, 09:12 PM
Nice pic, Mamaleader. I can see by the look in your daughter's eye that she's calculating how many more years she has til she can have a CM380 of her own.

She tells me all the time that she wants a pink gun.