View Full Version : Beast in the flower bed!

04-28-2013, 06:21 PM
So I was sitting at my PC minding my own business playing some silly game (Railroad Tycoon II Platinum edition) when my son enters my man cave and motions for me to come quietly. Off into the kitchen he stealthfully moves with me in tow. He points into the flower bed near the birdfeeder and whispers that he has seen a beast.

We whisper back and forth a bit and the decision is made, he is to attempt to dispatch the vile creature that lurks amongst the wifes flowers.

Leaving the scout/sniper in position to spot the creature I wander off into the depths of our gun locker searching for a weapon capable of the task. Ah Ha I have found it.

http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn112/tv_racin_fan/P1000217_zps0e2be7db.jpg (http://s302.photobucket.com/user/tv_racin_fan/media/P1000217_zps0e2be7db.jpg.html)

I question is the scope zeroed at this range... no time to worry, the beast has been spotted and there is no time to check.

Having found the weapon, the task now becomes finding just the right ammo. And so into another part of the house into the ammo bunker I travel. The rifle selected is capable of handling a wide variety of ammo and surely something in the bunker is capable of dispatching the vile beast cleanly. Eureka! I choose the round on the left.

http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn112/tv_racin_fan/P1000219_zps69f2c8de.jpg (http://s302.photobucket.com/user/tv_racin_fan/media/P1000219_zps69f2c8de.jpg.html)

The sniper has not spotted the beast again but he is watching intently as I sneak into the kitchen and hand him rifle and ammo. Having no reason for me to hang about I quietly rejoin my game with an ear to the kitchen.

Some time later my quiet reflection on the value of hooking up this grain field with that bakery is shattered by the report of that trusty rifle. Then I hear a "got em". I grab some work gloves and travel out into the back yard to see if indeed the beast has been dispatched.

http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn112/tv_racin_fan/P1000214_zps2d43df2b.jpg (http://s302.photobucket.com/user/tv_racin_fan/media/P1000214_zps2d43df2b.jpg.html)

No exit wound so all of the energy of the projectile was expended in the vile beast. After action report reveals that beast fell in his tracks, rear end gave a twitch and then went quiet. Sniper reports that he believed he was aiming more into the body so either scope is off or he pulled his shot (he can not be exactly sure due to foliage between himself and the beast).

http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn112/tv_racin_fan/P1000215_zps73242f7c.jpg (http://s302.photobucket.com/user/tv_racin_fan/media/P1000215_zps73242f7c.jpg.html)

I had him shoot this evening to see how bad off the scope is at that range. It was about an inch low. Oh and he pulled the shot...

04-28-2013, 06:32 PM
Still ... he "got him" ... which is all the counts in the end.

04-28-2013, 07:00 PM
One (head)shot, One kill...

Rat never stood a chance!

04-28-2013, 07:06 PM
Good training and execution!

04-28-2013, 07:17 PM
Well done. When I was a lad of about 15... or less... I stalked a rabbit in a briar patch... took careful aim, then dispatched the wascal. I dragged myself through the brambles and found that I had dispatched a rat! One shot just aft of the eye that I could see... visibility was poor and I was quite surprised it was only a wascally wat! Elmer-Fudd-speak.:rolleyes:


04-28-2013, 07:19 PM
Back pats inbound for another confirmed kill for the sniper.

I'm reminded of a time working on a remodel project for my partners mother. She was quite the outdoor lady, kayaked in the ocean, hiked all over etc.

Had a nice back yard with a bird feeder. For some reason she could not comprehend the squirrels utilizing the bird feeder. Basically obsessed with it.

As my story continues she told me she keeps a BB gun by the back door and if during my activities working on the house I happened to see a squirrel in the bird feeder to take advantage of said BB gun and blast him. I think it was a Daisy Red Ryder.

Dad said to pump it I think 7 times for optimum performance. They had one of them Dutch Doors where you could open just the top half.

Needless to say I happened to spy squirrel as I was leaving my project note prior to leaving one evening. I dutifully went over and pumped the BB Gun 7 times. Pumped really really hard. (I didn't realize that it apparently had good seals and he had already pumped the 7 times for the first shot, so I basically had 14 pumps.
I'd guess it was about 15 yards give or take and using the bottom half of the door for a rest that squirrel acted like I hit it with a 30-06.

I went down to confirm the kill and darned if it didn't try to climb my leg, thought it was playing possum on me but apparently it was just a nerve reaction or something. Like to blew my own darn leg off drawing my 45 to finish it off.

Never confirm your varmint kill without bringing the sniper BB gun. A charging squirrel can be a frightening thing.

Laid it to rest on top of the pile of roofing in the back of my little dump truck for mom to see.
Kind of worried after the fact that maybe she wasn't that serious. All was well. Next morning she had a plate of donuts and a box of BB's with a note well done, go for more. I still kind of chuckle thinking about it.

04-28-2013, 08:19 PM
And we chuckled reading about it.

04-28-2013, 09:12 PM
Back pats inbound for another confirmed kill for the sniper.

I'm reminded of a time working on a remodel project for my partners mother. She was quite the outdoor lady, kayaked in the ocean, hiked all over etc.

Had a nice back yard with a bird feeder. For some reason she could not comprehend the squirrels utilizing the bird feeder. Basically obsessed with it.

As my story continues she told me she keeps a BB gun by the back door and if during my activities working on the house I happened to see a squirrel in the bird feeder to take advantage of said BB gun and blast him. I think it was a Daisy Red Ryder.

Dad said to pump it I think 7 times for optimum performance. They had one of them Dutch Doors where you could open just the top half.

Needless to say I happened to spy squirrel as I was leaving my project note prior to leaving one evening. I dutifully went over and pumped the BB Gun 7 times. Pumped really really hard. (I didn't realize that it apparently had good seals and he had already pumped the 7 times for the first shot, so I basically had 14 pumps.
I'd guess it was about 15 yards give or take and using the bottom half of the door for a rest that squirrel acted like I hit it with a 30-06.

I went down to confirm the kill and darned if it didn't try to climb my leg, thought it was playing possum on me but apparently it was just a nerve reaction or something. Like to blew my own darn leg off drawing my 45 to finish it off.

Never confirm your varmint kill without bringing the sniper BB gun. A charging squirrel can be a frightening thing.

Laid it to rest on top of the pile of roofing in the back of my little dump truck for mom to see.
Kind of worried after the fact that maybe she wasn't that serious. All was well. Next morning she had a plate of donuts and a box of BB's with a note well done, go for more. I still kind of chuckle thinking about it.
For some reason, this reminds me of the song of the day "the squirrel went berserk in The First Self-Righteous Church in the sleepy little town of Pascagoula".

04-28-2013, 09:23 PM
Good training and execution!

Actually it was sort of bad execution.. he pulled the shot right and up and just happened to connect. As for the training.. well I wont really take credit for that either as he is mostly self taught. Oh I purchased what we thought was a decent pump up BB/pellet rifle and I did show teach him how to use the sights but I let him pretty much have at it himself.

Ok he had been instructed on the only safe direction he could fire. He had been told that he could go pretty much anywhere in the yard but only fire into one sector since that was off into the woods. He was watched pretty closely for a few days and then I determined he was safe to go out alone. Well apparently the allure of a young lady from down the street got to him... It may well have been his first day out alone too. Anyhow he had gone out alone and I watched him for a few minutes and decided he was good to go. Some time a bit later I look out the window to check on him and see the girl down at the street aiming up the street... EE GAD!!! So I go out and ask him what exactly is going on. I calmly tell him that he knows better and to go on up into the yard and shoot in the direction he knows is safe. I then turn and happen to see the mail box has been blasted as if shot with a shotgun at close range.

Turns out they had put a coke can on top of the mail bax and had been shooting it. Well one of them missed and holed the mail box. Well seeing that his rifle was powerful enough to completely pass thru he just had to try every power level to determine which ones were capable of such.

He lost that pellet rifle for a couple of weeks. A lesson he has never forgotton.

And by the way the lad is a nice young man of 25 now.

04-28-2013, 09:47 PM
Funny how a .22 won't exit a rat but it can completely incapacitate a full grown man in good shape. That according to the expert witnesses in a televised trial recently.

04-29-2013, 12:02 AM
I used to think that a .22 was just good for hunting rats - but we have had some coyote sightings lately and out of concern for our animals, our neighbor's goats and their toddler, I can testify that they do an awesome job on coyotes as well. 3 down, 1 shot each. Just a Mossberg Plinkster with a Simmons 3x scope but after each dropped, I felt like a successful big game hunter.

For those who may be concerned about legalities, we live in the country and in our county we are allowed to kill coyotes any time they threaten our wildlife or children.

04-29-2013, 05:47 AM
Linc, a .22 can completely incapacitate a full grown man it it hit his heart or central nervous system. It can really ruin his day if it hits him elsewhere. Eskimos have taken Polar bears with .22 rifles.

04-29-2013, 06:55 AM
Eskimos have taken Polar bears with .22 rifles.

Note to self: Don't pi$$ off an eskimo. :amflag:

MW surveyor
04-29-2013, 07:51 AM
Note to self: Don't pi$$ off an eskimo. :amflag:

Or disguise yourself as a polar bear. :rolleyes:

04-29-2013, 08:50 AM
LOL one time i was in my den and saw a little field mouse running along the baseboard.
I grabbed a bb gun Old Daisy single pump circa 1960's) drew a bead as he was running I popped him in the head and 1 and done!
My wife was shocked at my kill shot not that I killed it!