View Full Version : 4 TV shows removing segments from Colorado

04-29-2013, 04:06 PM
From WND.Com:

"It was following public hearings on a series of gun-control bills last month that Michael Bane, an independent executive producer for four programs, Shooting Gallery, The Best Defense, Rapid Fire, and Gun Stories, that are on the Outdoor Channel, sent an email to Republican state Sen. Steve King saying that after seeking the advice of legal counsel, his company was pulling all production out of Colorado."
“This morning I met with my three producers, and we made the decision that if these anti-gun bills become law, we will be moving all of our production OUT of Colorado,” the email said. “We have already canceled a scheduled filming session for late this month.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/colorado-to-pay-piper-after-dems-war-on-guns/#5s1SzTZGQORJg5P3.99

Colorado has seen a large influx of Californians in the last few decades, looks like they brought their libtard politics with them.

WND.Com - World News Daily is a conservative internet news letter focused on Christian Values. Citizens Rights, and Political Abuse.

04-29-2013, 04:12 PM

04-29-2013, 04:49 PM
These morons in colorado should be careful what they wished for instant Karma strikes back!
Watch the crime statistics..... a lot of those Cali folk are imported Gang members, loving a disarmed society....

04-29-2013, 05:16 PM
Ya....Colorado, Arizona have been taken over by liberals and the gang problems for several years now. My oldest son lived in Phoenix awhile back and said daily car jackings were the norm.

04-29-2013, 05:36 PM
Ya....Colorado, Arizona have been taken over by liberals and the gang problems for several years now. My oldest son lived in Phoenix awhile back and said daily car jackings were the norm.
that all depends on where at in Phoenix, like anywhere, there is bad parts of town. But we still have ours guns.

04-29-2013, 10:39 PM
USA 2007-2011: Gangs - responsible for how many thousands of deaths? FBI says 15,500 gang related homicides between 2007 and 2011. Gang Task Forces created, people encouraged to report gang activity. Normal crime RESPONSE procedures followed. New York initiates stop and frisk program, tries to develop technology to alert police if person is carrying a gun, anti-gun laws passed in some areas.

Boston, 2013: 2 small bombs go off, 3 people killed, many injured, whole areas of town locked down, innocent citizens held at gunpoint while their are homes searched illegally, immense show of force in attempt to find one 19 year old terrorist. Terrorist found hiding in boat by citizen.

04-30-2013, 09:00 AM
USA 2007-2011: Gangs - responsible for how many thousands of deaths? FBI says 15,500 gang related homicides between 2007 and 2011. Gang Task Forces created, people encouraged to report gang activity. Normal crime RESPONSE procedures followed. New York initiates stop and frisk program, tries to develop technology to alert police if person is carrying a gun, anti-gun laws passed in some areas.

Boston, 2013: 2 small bombs go off, 3 people killed, many injured, whole areas of town locked down, innocent citizens held at gunpoint while their are homes searched illegally, immense show of force in attempt to find one 19 year old terrorist. Terrorist found hiding in boat by citizen.

Not to make light of the dead and injured, but this sums it up.

04-30-2013, 07:55 PM
Ya'll are right about Colorado. After I fully retire later this year...for the third and final time...wife and I are pulling up stakes and moving to NYC where we'll be safe.

04-30-2013, 09:17 PM
Gotta love shootists solidarity! Man I love hearing stuff like this! They can relocate to MI.