View Full Version : New (to me) P40 Covert

04-29-2013, 08:47 PM
I have searched high and low for a P9 Covert for a couple of years. The other day I am in my GS and found a P40 Covert in pretty good shape. I have owned a PM40 in the past and the recoil was not pleasant. I am going to the range this week with this little gem, what should I expect? I am hoping the extra barrel length will make some difference? Any owners out there that can enlighten me? Thanks in advance!:Amflag2:

04-29-2013, 09:01 PM
Closest thing I got is a K40 that I had magna ported. I'd go shoot it and if it barks and I think it will, send it off to Magna Port. It won't tame it but it will knock the edge off. It looks way cool which is a plus in my book.

There's not a lot of weight difference and being a covert not much if any additional gripping surface. Little more weight out front, might help a little bit.

04-30-2013, 08:11 AM
Thanks, I am going to try to use 155gr bullets, thankfully I had a few stashed. My 45s shoot much more comfortably, not to mention wear and tear saving, with 185 gr bullets. Sure are hard to find though.

PS-I TOO AM A DEVOUT AMERICAN! Right on brother!