View Full Version : Pentagon may court-martial Christians for sharing their faith
05-01-2013, 08:44 PM
Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith -
The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis...”.
Although the article says soldiers who share their "Faith", who wants to bet that Muslims will be allowed to run around shouting Allah Akbar, while Christians will be specifically targeted, especially considering they are coordinating the details with rabid anti-Christian Mikey Weinstein.
I really think they've taken a step, no a leap, overboard this time.
Prayer before/during/after battle, has been a long time tradition in the military, going back to the Revolutionary war. This is just plain and utter BULL$HIT.
05-01-2013, 09:11 PM
The left wing nuts are in panic mode and moving on everything they possibly can. They are terrified Republicans will take the Senate and they will be screwed. What they don't realize and never have throughout history is the more histrionics they show the worse it will be for them. I guess I can't pray, have a gun or call things the way they are. Wanna bet? That ****face in Washington has been losing every move he's made lately. Loosing his rock star persona. Worried? OH, YEAH!
05-01-2013, 09:24 PM
Right now it appears that the powers that be in DC don't want to hear the truth about anything ... Benghazi, Gensell, Jesus, etc.
05-01-2013, 09:30 PM
It's just more of the War on Christians. You can bet the Muslims won't be "discriminated against". There are teachers making their students dress in Arab clothing and memorize Arabic expressions more involved than "Allah akbar" including prayers!
Bad Cheese
05-01-2013, 09:35 PM
The pretend president is behind all of it. To this day, I have never called him by his appointed name, I call him the acting president at best, and other names.
Muslims better have to heed the rules on their faith as well. No facing East three times a day while on duty.
05-01-2013, 11:52 PM
This just makes me sad. Andy Stanley announced that Christianity is now in the minority and declining quickly. We must start getting prepared to defend our faith!
05-02-2013, 12:42 AM
Someone remind me not to drink coffee after 10:00 and If I do, stay away from the computer. BREAKING NEWS at Bottom of Rant: Sheriff Joe: Obama Document Fraud Investigator Believes Case Will Lead To Prosecution
This is what you get, when too many people want to act like perverts, take drugs, play dress up like the other sex, live with no rules, live off the government, have babies with whoever they "love" this week, and generally just do whatever they want. They don't want to have any guilt, so you make war on religion, so no one can tell them that they are doing wrong. Then you try and make your perversions publicly endorsed and sanctioned, get all PC, and wimpify the nation. This is exactly what happened in Rome during it's decline, perversion was the norm, being a big fat wimp like Michael Moore was glorified, and pretty soon they were easy pickings for the lean mean barbarians to come in for the slaughter. I can't say they didn't have it coming to them, after all the centuries of wreaking havoc on the world, seeing people slaughtered for their amusement. Look around and see it happening here, right before your eyes. Instead of the Coliseum we have the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB. Some damn pansy Basketball player announces he is gay, and the freaking President calls to congratulate him on his courage to come out. :confused: Like I'm sure he's the first gay pro athlete. Mean while a good kid like Tim Tebow is demonized for showing his belief. He'll probably be driven out the game because of it. Rush Limbaugh had a great idea, Tim ought to announce he is gay and then watch the teams scramble to sign him. I can't imagine why he landed in NY of all places, where he's right in the thick of the perverts, He should try to get on a team in the south or Midwest where he wouldn't be so controversial. Hell the Chiefs ought to give him a shot, they sorely need a quarterback, and Tim might workout.
The LGBT movement seeking protected status, gay marriage, women with several kids and each has a different father, the young men wanting to be gangstas and pimps and dealers. They don't want to hear any message about sin and morality. If it feels good do it. Teaching grade school kids about being gay and how cool it is, when they should have little knowledge of sexuality at that age. Teaching grade school kids how to put condoms on a banana, then handing them out, helping teenage girls get birth control and abortions without parental consent. Fill the children's minds with this filth, and of course they are going to be curious and want to experiment. And then people wonder why kids are getting pregnant at 12 and 13 years old. You got girls "hooking up" with guys for sex and little else, and giving stranger's oral sex just to get to know them. You're probably thinking these are extreme examples, and I wish they were, but there is a lot of that crap going on. :mad: Society or what's left of it has been turned upside down and inside out. If a nation ever needed God, we are that nation. Thank you ACLU, LGBT movement, Atheists, Southern Poverty Law Center, libtards, communists or progressives as they like to be called now, and all the other groups who've helped kicked God out of the schools, courts, and other public places, and replaced him with all the nonsense that goes on now. Thankfully we still have enough people with common sense, convictions, and morality, that the nation isn't lost, yet. But it's pretty easy to see where we are headed. :(
Christians need to quit turning the other cheek, and start exercising their muscle. Tell the IRS to kiss their behind, and don't be afraid to endorse people running for office. This being afraid to speak out, or lose your tax exempt status has to stop. And don't let the gays shut you up over BS hate speech laws. If you believe God is against it, tell it to the people. Saying something is wrong in the eyes of the lord, is not hate speech, it's called speaking the truth you believe in. I can see it getting to the point where wife swappers sue the church, because of their hate speech against adultery. I don't mean get all Westboro Babtist Church crazy, just speak what you believe to be the truth, without fear of the IRS, or the gays, or whoever you offend. Christ went to his death offending people.
On the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.
Lead Investigator Mike Zullo: “We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document [birth certificate] is a fraud.”
The best part is they think they finally have some "VIPs" that are going to take action on the forged documents, and have the power to see something gets done. WOW, can you say Hallelujah!
That, along with the Judge Roy Moore's case in Alabama, may be enough to remove the imposter.
All I can say is hold on to your hat's. I imagine Obama will do ANYTHING to remain in power. I hate to think what may be coming down the pike if these things pan out. At least he has the Military pissed off at him. They may not be the lapdogs he thought they were. DHS? Now that's a whole 'nother problem, with a BUNCH of ammo already in their pockets.
05-02-2013, 02:14 AM
This just makes me sad. Andy Stanley announced that Christianity is now in the minority and declining quickly. We must start getting prepared to defend our faith!
Very true, but also very much part of The plan. Fear not.
05-02-2013, 07:46 AM
From Wicca Pedia:
Christianity is the most popular religion in the United States, with around 73% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2012.[1] This is down from 86% in 1990, and slightly lower than 78.6% in 2001.
Is this the beginning of a purge of Christians and Jews from military service? 'Cause, you know they won't touch Muslims. :(
05-02-2013, 08:14 AM
The pretend president is behind all of it. To this day, I have never called him by his appointed name, I call him the acting president at best, and other names.
Muslims better have to heed the rules on their faith as well. No facing East three times a day while on duty.
“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”
The Pres_ent probably his his gay life from the Muslims so they don't behead him, not because of anything Americans would do.
05-02-2013, 11:27 AM
do it till you are satisfied....yeah 70's baby. Love it
05-02-2013, 12:01 PM
“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”
Guess that explains Joe Biden. Not like he picked him for his brains or qualifications.
05-02-2013, 02:55 PM
Guess that explains Joe Biden. Not like he picked him for his brains or qualifications.
I dunno. Joe thinks his teenage daughter is a snake in bed, whatever the hell that means.
05-02-2013, 04:04 PM
I dunno. Joe thinks his teenage daughter is a snake in bed, whatever the hell that means.
I swear, does that guy EVER open his mouth and something NOT stupid ever come out? I just can hardly believe it sometimes. It goes from just downright uneducated/ignorant, to just plain goofy or nonsense like he's on drugs or something. His length of time in office just goes to show that the majority of people in Delaware are dumber than he is.
But I was just curious if Obama likes him, or "likes him, likes him"...
05-02-2013, 04:27 PM
I dunno. Joe thinks his teenage daughter is a snake in bed, whatever the hell that means.
He musta found her toy in her bed :D
05-02-2013, 05:45 PM
“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”
The Pres_ent probably his his gay life from the Muslims so they don't behead him, not because of anything Americans would do.
Wow watch the Glasov newscast on this sight right on the target!:32::32:
The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis...”........
Which is as it should be! Freedom of religion in an ordered, hierarchical system such as the military must also include protection from being beaten by holy rollers of any stripe....especially those in a superior position.
05-02-2013, 08:42 PM
The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis...”........
Which is as it should be! Freedom of religion in an ordered, hierarchical system such as the military must also include protection from being beaten by holy rollers of any stripe....especially those in a superior position.
Here we go, mixing up 'of' and 'from' again...
05-02-2013, 11:48 PM
From Wicca Pedia:
Christianity is the most popular religion in the United States, with around 73% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2012.[1] This is down from 86% in 1990, and slightly lower than 78.6% in 2001.
Is this the beginning of a purge of Christians and Jews from military service? 'Cause, you know they won't touch Muslims. :(
Keep in mind it says 'most popular religion'. The fastest growing segment is no religion at all...
Here we go, mixing up 'of' and 'from' again...
Keep in mind it says 'most popular religion'. The fastest growing segment is no religion at all...
Now, that's honestly interesting. I've always considered myself a Christian. But it's mostly a cultural identity and code of ethics.
05-03-2013, 11:05 PM
Not really. Gov't is restricted from establishing a national religion and specifically constrained not to infringe on the free exercise of anyone's religion. If all I'm doing is sharing my faith in the barracks w/ an army buddy, its none of the pentagon's constitutional business.
this is equivalent to stopping a senator, or rep, or president from praying while on duty.
05-04-2013, 02:05 PM
Not really. Gov't is restricted from establishing a national religion and specifically constrained not to infringe on the free exercise of anyone's religion. If all I'm doing is sharing my faith in the barracks w/ an army buddy, its none of the pentagon's constitutional business.
this is equivalent to stopping a senator, or rep, or president from praying while on duty.
Then you wouldn't have a problem with a Muslim doing the same?
Actually, they are trying to stop the use of government property for the endorsement of someones religion. In case you didn't know there are Christian concerts on some bases paid for with tax payer money. Either stop it, or also make that money available to other religions.
05-04-2013, 03:32 PM
Then you wouldn't have a problem with a Muslim doing the same?
Actually, they are trying to stop the use of government property for the endorsement of someones religion. In case you didn't know there are Christian concerts on some bases paid for with tax payer money. Either stop it, or also make that money available to other religions.
Nope. Would not have a problem. If a muslim in the military wants to talk to someone about his faith and the other person wants to sit and listen, it's none of the governments business. As long as they two of them are not suppose to be doing something else (drills, duty, etc). They are not the govt's property, they are not acting on behalf of the government in that capacity, they are not establishing a state backed religion.
As far as concerts or any other entertainment for that matter. Taxpayer funds shouldn't be used for any concert on a base, Christian or otherwise. Want to catch some tunes, do it on your own dime, not mine. I have nothing but love and respect for the military, but it should be the military and just the military...its a duty for country, its a job, but either way its not a way to get free stuff on taxpayer money and its not summer camp. Nowhere that I ever worked had concerts at work. That's why they call it work.
There is not a constitutional problem w/ allowing a government facility to be used for a religious event, none whatsoever, only in the minds of people that are insecure I suppose. The government is prohibited from establishing THAT religion as the state's religion, but if they want to allow religious events to occur on property, where's the constitutional crisis?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Tell me where there it says that the government cannot be involved in religion at whatever level? As long as they do not make a law or stop you from exercising your free exercise of religion, the amendment stops there, end of story, its not that hard to read.
Not really. Gov't is restricted from establishing a national religion and specifically constrained not to infringe on the free exercise of anyone's religion. If all I'm doing is sharing my faith in the barracks w/ an army buddy, its none of the pentagon's constitutional business.
this is equivalent to stopping a senator, or rep, or president from praying while on duty.
Sharing faith is one thing. Proselytizing is another.
05-04-2013, 06:27 PM
Sharing faith is one thing. Proselytizing is another.
I think you used the word semantics earlier. This would be the better example. OF and FROM are very different prepositions, but sharing your Christian faith has the explicit purpose of hoping that the person you share it with will then come to believe what you do.
Again, none of the govt's business...its in the Constitution and its not precluded in the Constitution that they cannot prevent you from practicing your religion and its NOT in the Constitution to stop it from occurring w/in the confines of a government institution so long as the govt itself does not say 'this is the religion you have to practice'.
I guess everyone reads into the simple sentences of the Constitution what they want. I'll just leave it at that. Probably a discussion that's going nowhere. But 1A to 10A basically says Federal Government, butt out, you have no business in ANY of these areas.
Sharing faith is a welcome discussion with someone I know. Proselytizing is those friggin' holy rollers banging on my front door...mostly on Sundays. Not a semantic thingy at all.
05-04-2013, 06:56 PM
Sharing faith is a welcome discussion with someone I know. Proselytizing is those friggin' holy rollers banging on my front door...mostly on Sundays. Not a semantic thingy at all.
Well, pushy is a whole different category. I don't equate proselytizing to pushy arrogant holly rolling. If you do, then we are probably in agreement (more so anyway) on that. Nobody should behave that way.
Someone that comes to my door politely (of any religion) is welcome and I will treat them politely in return. I might tell them I'm not interested, but I will be polite and respectful. I might even invite them in and share my faith. But I expect the same from them.
But, the dictionary definition of proselytizing does NOT include being pushy, arrogant, etc NOR does the Christian faith as directed in scripture. I cannot speak to what other religions direct in this vain, but when people go about it in a manner OTHER than what they have been commanded to do is hardly fair game here. In the case of my religion, Jesus and his disciples never thumped anybody. Nor do I. Nor do MOST people.
From that perspective, there are already rules for harassment, etc that come into play in the military or on the street. A better idea would be for them to use the rules that already exist and instruct those in the military to practice common decency and respect.
But they need to stop attacking religion and forcing it out of government in the name of something that was never said or written.
Good discussion.
05-04-2013, 08:30 PM
I am not sure what the ratio of Christians trying to kill US soldiers is compared to Islamists - anyone have that data handy. Just say'in --
05-05-2013, 07:59 AM
But they need to stop attacking religion and forcing it out of government in the name of something that was never said or written.
Good discussion.
It doesn't belong in our government and needs to be pushed out. It only got in their, because for many years we just happened to take for granted that we were a majority christian nation. Also in the 50's some of our leaders tried to use christianity as something that set us different than communist. Now it's time to set the playing field level. Government money and property should not be used in any manner to promote or condone any religion.
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