View Full Version : Eagle Scout arrested for doing the right thing
05-02-2013, 10:39 AM
The outrages keep mounting up....
I can see both sides of the argument here. I agree that he probably didn't mean to take it to school and commit any crimes with it. But, this is 2013, and I also find it hard to believe that he "forgot" he had his shotgun in the vehicle and took it to school.
Is the penalty fair? In this case, probably not. Was the penalty known? In this case, probably yes.
I know my scout is aware of the no weapons policy at his high school, and though he carries a knife daily (sort of a scouting requirement), we have discussed that it NEVER can go to school, and we've spoken about "his" hunting guns as well.
In these parts, anyone less than 18 can't transport a weapon in a vehicle unless they are going directly to or from a sporting event. In my state, him leaving it in the vehicle would get him in trouble, but as I said, I'm unaware of the local laws where he resides.
05-02-2013, 11:38 AM
Just another example of a few whack jobs (one whack job is too many) who ruin it for normal folks.
Wasn't that long ago that nearly every pickup had a rifle in the back window including mine and nobody was concerned.
Now an unloaded pistol in a lock box in a locked glove box in a locked vehicle parked within 12 miles of a school requires a SWAT call out.
Longitude Zero
05-02-2013, 12:01 PM
Over Reaction...DEFINITELY
When I was in HS late 70's shotguns and rifles in rear window racks of p/u's were common.
Over Reaction...DEFINITELY
When I was in HS late 70's shotguns and rifles in rear window racks of p/u's were common.
And in the late '50's they weren't all that uncommon in school lockers.
05-02-2013, 08:32 PM
By God's grace, the story actually has a happy ending. Not because the school officials or the police had a change of heart, but because Jerry Falwell, Jr. at Liberty University heard about his situation. Read on ... (
05-02-2013, 08:47 PM
This is what happens when a school adopts a liberal zero tolerance policy. It's a no brainer and the liberals are the ones with no brains.
05-03-2013, 01:56 AM
And in the late '50's they weren't all that uncommon in school lockers.
I took my Remington 22 to school several times but, as you say, that was in the late fifties.
05-03-2013, 01:59 AM
This is what happens when a school adopts a liberal zero tolerances policy. It's a no brainer and the liberals are the ones with no brains.
"Zero tolerance" was invented for people who cannot be trusted to make a decision; ie no brain; ie liberals.
What is referred to as zero tolerance school "policy", in this thread, is actually federal law: the Gun-Free School Zones Act.
This law prohibits possession of firearms within 1000' of schools. Non-compliance with GFSZA is a felony. Felonious crimes rise above the jurisdiction of school officials. By law, these must be reported to the police, regardless of the political stance of the school officials. Failure to report is also a felony.
Who signed GFSZA into law? It was George H. W. Bush, in 1990.
05-03-2013, 04:59 AM
While it is true that the original legislation was signed into law in 1990 it was challenged in court and struck down as unconstitutional in 1995. (US v Lopez). New legislation was passed and signed into law and has not been challenged in The Supreme Court, tho it has been challenged and upheld in lower courts.
Just goes to show that one does not have to have good common sense to be an Eagle Scout.
In todays anti gun climate and the attention that school shootings bring, he should have thought twice about what was in his truck.
Maybe he should watch the news more often. ;)
This isn't the '50's, '60's or '70's any more.
05-03-2013, 07:30 AM
"I do think our faculty did the right thing to protect the students..."
Why? Are Eagle Scouts known to be dangerous psycho killers? Or because shotguns are capable of opening the truck doors, walking into the school, loading shells into themselves, and firing all on their own?
Re: legal system - the prosecutors have discretion on whether or not to bring this to trial. Hopefully common sense will prevail, but it depends on the common sense of the local prosecutor.
Re: school system - the school could have also realized this was an oversight and assigned a lesser punishment, like they did with the administrator who did the same thing. A 1-3 day suspension would probably be in order, not initially denying him the ability to graduate for a year, and then subsequently assigning him to the "alternate school" where all the druggies and social misfits who can't even fit into the sad public school system are sequestered.
05-03-2013, 02:07 PM
What is referred to as zero tolerance school "policy", in this thread, is actually federal law: the Gun-Free School Zones Act.
This law prohibits possession of firearms within 1000' of schools. Non-compliance with GFSZA is a felony. Felonious crimes rise above the jurisdiction of school officials. By law, these must be reported to the police, regardless of the political stance of the school officials. Failure to report is also a felony.
Who signed GFSZA into law? It was George H. W. Bush, in 1990.
And if the school didn't report it how would the Feds know that the law was violated? I believe that the law in itself is unconstitutional as it infringes on our 2A rights. How is it that the teachers and staff are now free to carry in many jurisdictions? Isn't that a violation of Federal law? Common sense just isn't very common any more.
05-03-2013, 02:50 PM
I wonder about something, I always have a gun on me or in my truck....I have a CCW permit in my state but on my way to work every day I pass directly in front of 3 elementry schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools and come much closer than 1000 feet to the front door to all of them from the road....Am I "technically" commiting a Felony?
05-03-2013, 03:21 PM
There in lies the confusion and the stupidity of the law.
In Washington the parking lot of the school is considered public domain. Anyone can drive in and park. It is legal to secure a gun out of sight in a locked vehicle in the parking lot, which conflicts with the federal 1000 ft of any school law huh?
The covered walk ways or inside the school building is a violation.
As I was a new derelict I spent a tremendous amount of time in my 3 kids schools as a volunteer, activities, programs and such and sporting events all through high school. Youngest graduated last year. Not one single time did I ever disarm. Concealed is concealed and the safest place for a gun is in my control, not at risk in my car.
Just to add insult to their ridiculous signs I generally had a pack of Marlboro's in my pocket as well.:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:
05-03-2013, 03:33 PM
You're a Rebel alright, no doubt about it....Needs to be more like us!!!.....
05-03-2013, 03:39 PM
Doesn't the federal law prohibiting firearms within 1000' of a school exempt people who have a right to carry permit in there state?
05-03-2013, 03:56 PM
Not here and not in most places that I know of.
There are places I think like Texas where they have their 30-06 sign that has to be posted exactly correctly but I don't think even that applies to schools.
In some places even Sporting events at stadiums are no gun zones.
I didn't realize that here. We go to an indoor arena from time to time for events and they are always checking purses and bags.
In a wheelchair they usually always come out in the crowd and lead me through to the front of the line. Awfully nice of them, not sure why they do it.
After numerous visits one guy at the entrance asked if I didn't have a knife or anything in my pocket. I asked if that was what they were checking bags for and he said yes as well as beverages. I just rolled away with the Cbob on my hip, the PM45 on my ankle and a fixed blade small sheath knife on my week side. Who knew ya know?
05-03-2013, 04:19 PM
Heck here in Atlanta we don't have to worry about the cops looking for guns because they are too busy shutting down the Interstate or office buildings becaues of a suspicious package being left somewhere...Yesterday they shut down a major intown parkway, sealed off a 6 block area and called out the bomb squad, swat team and helicopter so they could collect and blow up a bum's bag of old cloths...Today they locked down a downtown office tower after finding another suspicious package....The terriorists have won...:confused:
05-03-2013, 04:22 PM
Your in Atlanta? I've heard that described as a no mans land battlefield.
Dude, get out while you can. Want me to send in an extraction team?
05-03-2013, 04:56 PM
Heck here in Atlanta we don't have to worry about the cops looking for guns because they are too busy shutting down the Interstate or office buildings becaues of a suspicious package being left somewhere...Yesterday they shut down a major intown parkway, sealed off a 6 block area and called out the bomb squad, swat team and helicopter so they could collect and blow up a bum's bag of old cloths...Today they locked down a downtown office tower after finding another suspicious package....The terriorists have won...:confused:
That's hysterical. People have lost their mind. Yes, they've won. I suppose most of it is that the bigger the metropolitan area, the more dense the liberals and progressive pack themselves, the more overreaction to stupid stuff like this occurs. They should change their mascot to a knee and then call it the Knee Jerk Party. Or maybe an elbow would be better so it could match up w/ their IQs. Wait...That's It! The Knee and Elbow Party.
Is there a conservative city left in this country?
05-03-2013, 05:08 PM
I don't think you sound like a grouchy old man at all and I know one when I hear one. Jocko is a grouchy old man.
Your town sounds just like mine anymore and Cinco de Drunko is the best description I've heard yet.
I wonder about something, I always have a gun on me or in my truck....I have a CCW permit in my state but on my way to work every day I pass directly in front of 3 elementry schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools and come much closer than 1000 feet to the front door to all of them from the road....Am I "technically" commiting a Felony?
You are undoubtedly accidentally in violation of both state and federal law. You should immediately turn yourself in. If you don't trust your local school officials and police you should contact the FBI.
If you don't do this....right now....your Eagle Scout creds will be revoked.!
05-03-2013, 06:38 PM
You are undoubtedly accidentally in violation of both state and federal law. You should immediately turn yourself in. If you don't trust your local school officials and police you should contact the FBI.
If you don't do this....right now....your Eagle Scout creds will be revoked.!
Words to live by right there. I'll send you a cake with a hack saw blade inside and we can be pen pals.
Probably not so bad, you don't miss the day time soaps, you get fed on a regular basis for free and no doubt a good color TV too.
I think you probably even get a free cell phone if you promise to vote the right way.
05-04-2013, 09:09 PM
This isn't the '50's, '60's or '70's any more.
And that's a damn shame, Jim C. In the 60's you could bring a gun to school and many did, without incident.
05-05-2013, 03:04 PM
Muggs, when I graduated in 99, it was not at all uncommon to see all the trucks that sported knobby tires with shotguns and rifles in racks during the season. Fishing poles out of hunting season. Yes, that included mine also. The going policy from the SRO was "look we all know that this isn't legal or Kosher, but keep it out there and don't be a dumb@ss, and we'll be cool."
05-05-2013, 06:19 PM
You graduated in 99? Aw to be young again.
And that's a damn shame, Jim C. In the 60's you could bring a gun to school and many did, without incident.
Yes it is. :(
In the early '60's we used to bring our cased shotguns to school and leave them in our cars so we could go hunting right after school before it got too dark. Never a problem.
Not in a vehicle or on school grounds but, I recall around the early '60's, a friend of mine and myself walking through our neighborhood each with a .22 rifle headed up to "the woods" to do a little plinking.
A NJ State Trooper who lived in the area was driving through, probably headed home for lunch, stopped and asked, "where are you guys going with those rifles?"
We told him and all he said was, "be careful of which way you shoot."
Today in NJ, you would be cuffed in the back seat of the car! :eek:
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