View Full Version : Thoughts?

05-02-2013, 09:28 PM
On the face of the article, I really don't have a problem. I mean, this is what we have said we are after. Get the guns out of the hands of those who are not legal to own them, right?

On the other hand, this is Kommiefornia.


05-02-2013, 09:37 PM
I dunno... Do they really think these guys are just gonna hand over their weapons? Or leave them in the nightstand or anywhere else the authorities can find them? Like many gov't programs, they can be well meaning but likely to wind up a waste of money. Sorry if I'm too cynical.

05-02-2013, 11:00 PM
If I was aware that I was no longer legally able to posses firearms, I'd transfer them to a friend, and sell them pronto, before something like this happened. If some others did that, they may not recover what they think they are going to. And cause more problems than I think it may be worth.
I mean is this an excuse to have SWAT teams get to play army and terrify people? Or are they going to send a few officers to collect the weapons. They could send letters to the offenders, and ask them to turn over their weapons, although that gives the offenders a chance to bury or hide the weapons or sell them.
I'd like to have more info on what the plan is on confiscating the weapons. I just have a feeling, that it's going to be SWAT teams raiding homes, that may or may not still house the offenders, and innocent people are going to end up dead or shot.

05-03-2013, 08:34 AM
I didn't see anything about them enforcing existing laws that make it a jailable offense if a convicted felon is found in possession of a weapon. So, they go take a gun away from a felon, but don't arrest him. How long will it take that felon to replace that weapon? And where would they put them all if they did follow the law? And where does Jerry Brown and his cronies think the money to pay for this is going to come from?

The number one group of people they should look at to reduce gun violence is gangs. Of course, this would affect some gang members with rap sheets, but I think that gang membership alone should be reason enough to deny gun possession, and aren't just about all of their guns purchased illegally?

05-03-2013, 02:12 PM
Jerry Brown and his cronies don't think. They feel. They're liberals.

05-03-2013, 03:25 PM
California dreamin' has become a nightmare!

05-03-2013, 03:35 PM
A dog and pony show to convince low level voters that the authorities are "doing something". There are a host of prohibitions felons must abide with, but only guns were mentioned in the data base search. I wonder why?

05-03-2013, 04:12 PM
Talk about a royally stupid mess.

On the 'felon' issue. I agree w/ it. Go for it. But you probably aren't gonna find any of those guns. I mean...c'mon...they are felons. 'Why yes officer, I did commit armed robbery, but I sold my legal firearm before I did that.' ... what a bunch of morons.

On the 'mental' issue. Nope. Its too iffy and too loosey goosey. When they pass actual laws that PREVENT the confiscation of weapons based on the word of a shrink or someone's observed behavior, opinion, and conjecture, then maybe. The laws that have existed for DECADES on this issue need to be followed. Adjudicated by a court to be mentally ill. I'd even go a step further and require that to be by a jury. Then I'd back it, but not until.

California is backwards in every way. I used to have a dream to visit Yosemite before I died. Not now, will have to observe it from the great beyond. I shant cross the border into that whack out state.

05-03-2013, 04:20 PM
I have to pass through the very north eastern corner next month on a trip to Reno. I'll just try to think happy thoughts and get in and out as quickly as possible.

I never been to Reno, don't really want to go now but the missus wants to go to a rodeo there and you know how that goes.

I tried to suggest going east and then down, a much prettier and californialess drive but she said it was too long that way. Just hoping I can afford to get my air conditioning fixed in the van. She threatened to make me go in her Mustang but I'm fighting that. I'm sure she'd want the top down the whole way, probably with the air on too.

05-03-2013, 04:58 PM
I'd have to drive around...time and distance be damned!

05-03-2013, 05:03 PM
Me too but you know who wears the pants in my family, I mean by gawd I wear the pants in my family! Sadly the attire has nothing to do with decision making.

If it did I wouldn't be going in the first place. Be fun to get away she says, yeah right. Drive 16 hours to watch a rodeo in sin city with her giving me guidance every mile of the way.

Took my daughter to school in Cody Wyoming years ago. Her and mom in her truck and me and my son in my van on the way over. We had a blast, would have been more fun had we not been following each other. Little Toyota pickup with small gas tank had to stop often.

On the way back the three of us, not so much fun at all.

05-03-2013, 06:51 PM
California dreamin' has become a nightmare!

Well now, especially being a veteran of those days, I couldn't agree more. And Jerry Brown really looks like crap. Bet he couldn't get even today's Linda R to do him anymore.

Christ, I'm gettin' old.

05-03-2013, 07:08 PM
I have to pass through the very north eastern corner next month on a trip to Reno. I'll just try to think happy thoughts and get in and out as quickly as possible.

I never been to Reno, don't really want to go now but the missus wants to go to a rodeo there and you know how that goes.

I tried to suggest going east and then down, a much prettier and californialess drive but she said it was too long that way. Just hoping I can afford to get my air conditioning fixed in the van. She threatened to make me go in her Mustang but I'm fighting that. I'm sure she'd want the top down the whole way, probably with the air on too.

Just go and don't worry about the gun. My concession to CA/IL/etc is to not to carry on my person, usually, when passing through.

I got married in Reno once. Got married in Las Vegas once, also. I now lock the doors and try not to stop in Nevada at all when I gotta pass through. Although I did have to stop over in Reno once recently, in May 2009, on the way back home after picking up my new pom puppy kid just south of Sacramento. I bolted the hotel room door and slept fitfully with my 1911 and and a 12 gauge coach gun at the ready....just in case a herd of violets looking for easy pickin's showed up.

05-03-2013, 07:14 PM
Color me paranoid, but I don't trust the gov't. PARTICULARLY the "Kali" state gov't!

"Trying" to read between the lines, I can understand the felon part. Say, I bought a couple of firearms in the state of the last decade or more and then commit a felony. Well, I can no longer own said firearms, right? Me, being a previously law abiding citizen and not wanting anymore trouble get rid of them by giving/selling them to other law abiding citizens.

No knock on the door, just my door being smashed in at 3:00 am with a helicopter hovering above and SWAT pouring in my house. Shotgun muzzle pressed to my temple as I'm only half awake, my wife scared to the point she makes a mess in the bed. After cuffed, both of us, a THOUROUGH search turns up no firearms.

No bill of sales, my uncle who I gave my trust .22 rifle to died 4 years ago and I have no idea what happened to said rifle, etc, etc, etc...

I go to jail, my wife goes to jail as my accomplice, the back yard is dug up looking to where I buried them. I get the best public defender the state has to offer and we both end up the rest of our lives in jail.

Kommiforina dreaming to a tee.

Just wanted to see how others felt.

05-03-2013, 07:20 PM
Well, since you ask....I color you paranoid. Which probably means you are 'cause I'm paranoid and be viewin' you through my paranoid lens.

05-03-2013, 07:38 PM
Just go and don't worry about the gun. My concession to CA/IL/etc is to not to carry on my person, usually, when passing through.

I got married in Reno once. Got married in Las Vegas once, also. I now lock the doors and try not to stop in Nevada at all when I gotta pass through. Although I did have to stop over in Reno once recently, in May 2009, on the way back home after picking up my new pom puppy kid just south of Sacramento. I bolted the hotel room door and slept fitfully with my 1911 and and a 12 gauge coach gun at the ready....just in case a herd of violets looking for easy pickin's showed up.

I'm not even giving them that much concession, they will stay in their regular everyday location. I'll try to obey the traffic laws and hope I don't get stopped.

I'm just up in the corner a long way from Hollywood and the big name losers so I'll probably be ok. Now you got me worried about Nevada though. I'm already married and have been for 28 years, I don't want to get married again. I've learned my lesson, I've done my time.

Reminds me to throw my coach gun in though and upgrade my situational awareness for violets. They are freaking everywhere.

05-03-2013, 08:27 PM
Reno sux. Not safe there at all.

05-03-2013, 08:30 PM
Dont buy into this bill at all. First we have no money here to pave the streets much less go after guns that wiil be easily replaced. Second, it is a blueprint for a system that will go after all guns in the state.

05-04-2013, 09:14 PM
I have to pass through the very north eastern corner next month on a trip to Reno. I'll just try to think happy thoughts and get in and out as quickly as possible.

I never been to Reno, don't really want to go now but the missus wants to go to a rodeo there and you know how that goes.

I tried to suggest going east and then down, a much prettier and californialess drive but she said it was too long that way. Just hoping I can afford to get my air conditioning fixed in the van. She threatened to make me go in her Mustang but I'm fighting that. I'm sure she'd want the top down the whole way, probably with the air on too.

Well, saddle up cowboy. :)

05-05-2013, 08:54 AM
So let me get this right, there are bad guys with guns, they know they have them somehow, and they have continued to let them keep them, and until they come up with money to go and get them the BG has nothing to worry about?????

I just don't get it.

05-05-2013, 11:02 AM
Liberal left - Move from the US coasts to the heartland - Colorado this year - which state next ?

05-05-2013, 03:10 PM
I thought a felon with a gun was an automatic 5 year stretch in the pen. Was I mistaken? I suppose they have to make room for those evil pot smokers they can catch a lot easier, and they don't put up a fight.
I saw a pot smoker on a crime spree once, it was horrible. He shoplifted 2 snickers bars and a bag of chips. THE HORROR ... THE HORROR ...

Salty, I believe Texas is in their sites seems to be a lot of lib talk about taking over the big cities, which are easy targets, And Austin, which is kind of like a Texas version of Boulder CO.

05-06-2013, 02:49 PM
I thought a felon with a gun was an automatic 5 year stretch in the pen. Was I mistaken? I suppose they have to make room for those evil pot smokers they can catch a lot easier, and they don't put up a fight.
I saw a pot smoker on a crime spree once, it was horrible. He shoplifted 2 snickers bars and a bag of chips. THE HORROR ... THE HORROR ...

Salty, I believe Texas is in their sites seems to be a lot of lib talk about taking over the big cities, which are easy targets, And Austin, which is kind of like a Texas version of Boulder CO.

Tman, it's basically the liberal a-holes who want to legalize pot. Which side of the fence are you on?

05-06-2013, 03:44 PM
My thoughts on POT. If should be legalized, Hang a 50# bag of pot in the middle of Niagra falls and have a highwire going to it and let any person who can walk out there and getit and bring it back to dry land, He can have it for free. Sure sume might succeed, buty I doubt it but oh my the fun of watchin them fall off the wire and into the falls--all for a freepuff of pot. I love it..

sell tickets

05-06-2013, 04:39 PM
I didn't see anything about them enforcing existing laws that make it a jailable offense if a convicted felon is found in possession of a weapon. So, they go take a gun away from a felon, but don't arrest him. How long will it take that felon to replace that weapon? And where would they put them all if they did follow the law? And where does Jerry Brown and his cronies think the money to pay for this is going to come from?

The number one group of people they should look at to reduce gun violence is gangs. Of course, this would affect some gang members with rap sheets, but I think that gang membership alone should be reason enough to deny gun possession, and aren't just about all of their guns purchased illegally?
How are they getting their information on who has the guns?

Jfootin here is how one town is dealing with their gangs.
Some town in Mass. has an x green beret in charge of the cops and he has implemented tactics used in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to deal with the gang and other bad actors. He is imbedding hand picked (usually Vets.) officers into these crazy neighborhoods and it has made a huge difference. They are winning over the locals and earning their trust just like they tried to do in Iraq
and Afganistan. But unlike Iraq and Afghanistan they won't be leaving. The results are amazing. The head cop is getting text messages, emails, and phone calls constantly. People are telling the cops what corner the drug dealers are using tonight, who has a gun, which gang is starting a big push and where they are at. All this has greatly and quickly made the streets much safer. The bad guys are either in Jail, getting jobs or leaving the area. It's been a real win win situation, I just wish I had more details to share.

05-06-2013, 05:03 PM
$24,000,000 to seize 40,0670 "illegal" guns?

That works out to about $590 per gun.