View Full Version : New Kahr Owner in Georgia

05-02-2013, 11:55 PM
New P380 owner in metro-Atlanta. I wanted a small 380 for every day pocket carry, but also wanted something well made with a decent trigger. Looked at the LCP and TCP, but was not impressed. A little research made it clear that the the P380 is the class of the field. I happened to stop by a LGS about an hour after they got in five P380's and .....

Not sure what "test firing at Kahr" means, but RD02## was filthy out of the box. Not a problem; I prefer to dis-assemble / clean / lube before I shoot anything.

50 rounds of 20 year old PMC FMJ and 50 rounds of Atlanta Arms & Ammo FMJ reloads so far with no malfunctions. Had to learn the hard way that "slingshotting" does not work (old habits die hard), but using the slide release does.

The little rascal is surprisingly pleasant to shoot; very little recoil and more accurate than I expected. I am nothing special with a pistol, but was able to shoot 8 to 10 inch 7 shot groups at 10 yards.

Will fire a couple of hundred more rounds of FMJ on the range this weekend and then see if it likes Hornady Critical Defense ammo.

Now if I can just find a wallet holster that I like. A Talon (OK draw, but too thick) and an Uncle George (thin, but difficult draw) have already come and gone. Thinking about a Recluse Solo OS; anybody using one?

05-03-2013, 02:04 AM
Welcome to the forum from a fellow Georgian!

05-03-2013, 02:13 AM
Welcome to the forum. Good to hear that your P380 has had a good first run.

05-03-2013, 07:17 AM
Big welcome from the great state of North Georgia.

05-03-2013, 08:47 AM

05-03-2013, 10:59 AM
Welcome, neighbor. I was born in Georgia, so I can at least be neighborly. You should check out a Stays-Put Pocket Holster from Concealment Specialties. They are slim, easy to draw from, they stay put, and inexpensive.

P.S. I learned about them from JFootin, so you know they must be good.

05-03-2013, 11:40 AM
Welcome to the forum! :) Glad you are having success with your P380.

+1 on the Stays-Put (http://www.concealmentspecialties.com/products.html)! :D Not a wallet holster, though, but just $14.95 and stays put in your front pocket with very easy draw. Also stays put in the AIWB position behind a good belt. I LOVE carrying there!

Here is one that might work, but if you've already rejected the Uncle George's, it might not be any better. But it has that hinge feature that might help. Been making them for over 45 years, so worth a look.



05-03-2013, 11:50 AM
Welcome Linthead from another Atlanta shooter (Stone Mountain)....Glad to hear your .380 is working so good....What range do you shoot at? Let us know how its going when you get some range time built up and keep trying to slingshot it, after it loosens up some it will likely work....Good luck to you....

05-04-2013, 08:56 AM
Welcome...........I prefer the Desantis front pocket holsters...........no printing issue, and a bit faster coming out I believe............

05-04-2013, 03:34 PM
What range do you shoot at? Let us know how its going when you get some range time built up and keep trying to slingshot it, after it loosens up some it will likely work....Good luck to you....

I found the P380 at Bulls-Eye in Lawrenceville, but have not shot there. Shots Fired in Covington is nearby and has a nice range setup.

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and holster suggestions.

05-04-2013, 06:08 PM
JFootin's pocketholsters.com looks real good. I recently bought a Recluse custom made for my CM9. It works almost the same but is a little simpler. After trying at least a dozen holsters I rotate between it, a Stay-Put and a nylon IWB I found on E-Bay - makes the gun disappear and is very comfortable. Which one I use depends on how I dress.

05-05-2013, 09:02 AM
I found the P380 at Bulls-Eye in Lawrenceville, but have not shot there. Shots Fired in Covington is nearby and has a nice range setup.

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and holster suggestions.

I used to live in Lilburn. I visited and bought guns at Bulls-Eye, never used their range.