mr surveyor
05-04-2013, 05:16 PM
Having been resigned from my duties with our county emergency services district for about three weeks now, I've finally caught up mentally to actually want to devote attention to reloading. Last month I picked up a can of AA#9 to kind of fill the void on handgun loads, since my favorites of A2400 and Unique (also AA#7) are nowhere to be found locally. So, this morning I decided to load up a few test rounds for the .44 mag and try them behind the house since my neighbors are away on a road trip. I decided to start pretty low at 19.0 gr with Bayou Bullet 240 gr lswc and see how they did in the SRH. Very nice as it turned out. So I came in and loaded up a full box to give both the SRH and the Rossi M92 a good test when I take the time for a range trip. Then I noticed I had a bunch of .30-30 brass needing attention, so all that hadn't been deprimed and resized got their just desserts, then about 70 pieces of brass got trimmed and deburred, and the ones that needed it got sent to the ultrasonic. The dry ones got primed and ready for bullets and powder next time I want to work up a load. Then spent a good bit of time updating reloading notes.
All my .38, .357 and .44 mag "finished ammo" boxes are full, so I didn't spend any more time on those. There are 5-6 boxes of primed and ready .45 acp brass I could load, but I think I'll save that for next Saturday. I forgot what a real "day off" was like. :)
All my .38, .357 and .44 mag "finished ammo" boxes are full, so I didn't spend any more time on those. There are 5-6 boxes of primed and ready .45 acp brass I could load, but I think I'll save that for next Saturday. I forgot what a real "day off" was like. :)