View Full Version : I need a bulls-eye machine. Wait a minute. I've already got one!

05-05-2013, 11:36 AM
After shooting the Kimber Super Duper whatever it was I started getting the itch for a bulls-eye puncher like that gun.
Almost bought a DW VBOB.
Came close to a Springfield Loaded.

Then I realized, my hardly shot by me M65-3 3" Heavy Barrel is sort of a tack driver right?

So I decided to visit the range again - for the third time in three days LOL.
The guy beside me had an auto and was showing his daughter how to shoot.
She was kind of hot by the way.
Actually she was smokin in her short white leather boots.

Anyway, the guy switched to some long barrel revolver.
But Special K was up to the challenge.
Whoever says a three inch gun can't shoot?
I respectfully disagree.
This wasn't even slow fire.............................................. ...............Special K

MW surveyor
05-05-2013, 01:29 PM
Pictures of the daughter or it didn't count!

05-05-2013, 01:31 PM
Holy crap. Good shooting, if that was in fact YOU. Reason I say that, I find it hard to believe you own a single firearm that can't interchange barrels. So I'm calling BS on this one Barth!

05-05-2013, 02:40 PM
3" is a great barrel size, I keep a Taurus 5 shot .44 special close under a pillow in my bed. I'm looking at a CzhecPoing 830 3" 6 round 38. special for my daughter. I guess Bud's has some more Model 10's 4" in, will probably end up going with one of those since it's a S&W. Any recommendations on the square vs. round butt? I'll probably fit her up with some Hogue rubber finger groove grips. She's the one that never wanted a gun, but since their is all the fuss about them, she wants to get one while she can. She lives alone, down in a very crime free small town. But I still worry about her not having a gun. Small town guys do get drunk and try to take advantage of ladies, same as anywhere else. Might actually be more common in small towns, there's little to do, and the local authorities can sweep things like that under the rug, if the parents are well connected. She is down there working for the school in the school year, and a church camp in the summer. She has a little autistic boy she works with during the week. She is too much like her mom, living in the world of Butterflys and Unicorns, where everyone is always nice.

05-05-2013, 02:59 PM
I prefer the round butt models myself. Just feels better in the hand. You can always had grips to look and feel like square butt if you prefer.

With a heavy gun like a 44 the square butt seems to help keep the gun on target with less tendency to roll down.

05-05-2013, 04:03 PM
I prefer the round butt models myself. Just feels better in the hand. You can always had grips to look and feel like square butt if you prefer.

With a heavy gun like a 44 the square butt seems to help keep the gun on target with less tendency to roll down.

I really favor round butt grips.
All my revolvers have them.
Even the Big Dog S&W 629 44 Mag.

05-05-2013, 04:07 PM
Pictures of the daughter or it didn't count!

She's a real honey.
I think daddy took her to the range when it was empty on purpose.
It was hard enough to just get a glimpse of her.
Much less take a picture with my cell.

Jealous daddy with a loaded gun in his hand?
And I'm supposed to sneak a pic of his smokin hot little girl?

I just didn't feel lucky...

05-05-2013, 04:19 PM
Holy crap. Good shooting, if that was in fact YOU. Reason I say that, I find it hard to believe you own a single firearm that can't interchange barrels. So I'm calling BS on this one Barth!

My very first handgun, in a previous life, was a S&W 629 Mountain Gun.
I carried that pup for three years in a Eagle EX sized fanny pack.
Learning to shoot DA with a revolver may be an advantage.
My next handgun was a Sig Sauer P220 45.
I immediately ordered a Bar-Sto barrel and that's where it all began.

Still have both guns.
Added three more barrels for the P220.
And never lost my love for double action S&W revolvers.
Not easy to swap barrels with revolvers.
Except for Dan Wesson I guess?
So more revolvers were in order;
S&W 342 ti 38 +P Centennial
S&W 640-1 357 Mag Centennial
S&W 65-3 357 Mag 3" Heavy Barrel (Special K)