View Full Version : KAHR all steel .45 ACP
04-15-2010, 09:56 AM
I did my survey "Should KAHR make the K45 or the MK45 ?" on KahrTalk and THR, then sent results to Frank Harris. Here is Frank's reply:
Thanks for taking the time to do this informal survey. It is appreciated and I think sometime in the future we will make a steel frame .45 ACP.
04-15-2010, 10:04 AM
I did my survey "Should KAHR make the K45 or the MK45 ?" on KahrTalk and THR, then sent results to Frank Harris. Here is Frank's reply:
Thanks for taking the time to do this informal survey. It is appreciated and I think sometime in the future we will make a steel frame .45 ACP.
that certainly is interesting and exciting. Nice survey to..
04-15-2010, 10:30 AM
Wow! That is exciting. Keeps the hope alive. Might be too much for Wyn if he gets another one of his wish guns. Hope it happens.
04-15-2010, 11:09 AM
I'll take two...
04-15-2010, 02:39 PM
Dang! It will probably take 3 to 5 years and then I'll have to wait for the DLC. By then I might be wearing Depends and have my wife wiping the drool off my chin while she wheels me around.
I'm still reeling financially from the tax man wanting that "stimulus" money back, but I would buy an all-SS Kahr DLC with N/S tomorrow... or even today, if they had one available. I wouldn't even mind helping them QC it, like the last two Kahrs.:D
My doctor and I decided to wait and see on the prostate thingie. The PSA test was okay. I had some coffee to drink in the van while basking in the "afterglow", but it wasn't to be.:rolleyes:
I was thinking of a range trip today, but I'm thinking nap now, after getting up earlier than usual and not having my customary two cups of STRONG coffee. We use a WHOLE cup of coffee in our 12-cup Braun coffeemaker. I would use less, but my wife complains that's not enogh... four 1/4 scoops... full scoops. Most people can't stand our coffee... too strong. I don't like "tea"... coffee you can see through, and my wife likes it even stronger.
My blood pressure was good... the reason for no coffee before doctor visits.
Dang! It's water the yard day, too. That interferes with nap time.:p
04-15-2010, 04:13 PM
Hey Wynn - Like your sense of humor. How old ? I'll be 70 in September - I don't do doctors - rather spend $ on guns - more fun. Let's hope KAHR does the SS K45 soon - we can then invent a Depends for concealed carry.
What do you mean by "helping them QC it, like the last two Kahrs" - "Quality Control" - as just a buyer, or something different ?
I also need another range trip to fine tune Crimson Trace on one of my K9098s. Pretty good now with parallel sighting - want near perfect adjustment for the CT offset from bore 1/2 inch right and down at 30 to 50 feet- we need to be prepared for cougars here, not alligators.
04-15-2010, 04:31 PM
Must be Eastern Oregon? My deputy chiefs mother lives on the east side. Had me fix her up with a Taurus Judge. She refused to carry an auto. She really liked the judge. Should keep the kitty's off her I hope.
Wyn is our trial and eval guy, his last two PM45 and P380 have made a trip back to the mother ship for modifications to fix things. He knows what to look for now when he opens a new gun for sure.
I think there will be a real market for those conceal carry depends. I'd like to get in on the ground floor if I may.
04-15-2010, 05:03 PM
Bawanna45ca ( - Western OR, Lane County - was told by APHIS - ADC guy about 10 years ago that Lane had one of the highest cougar pops and state had much more than previous 80 years. Ban on hound dogs I think maybe.
Have the Judge - my gun for all reasons - .410 (shot, buck, slugs), .45 Long Colt - what more can you ask for.
Does Wynn have "official" relationship with KAHR ? Which raises ? - I understand this is a KAHR site (great) - is JohnH (administrator) KAHR employee ? Hope so, like to know who I'm dealing with and not preaching to the choir.
04-15-2010, 05:28 PM
I'll be 64 years young in June. I can't believe it... I don't feel that "old" but it shows a bit in the mirror... and a hell of a lot in pictures!
I help Kahr figure out what's wrong with the guns I buy from them and they send FedEx to pick them up so they can complete the manufacturing... or whatever. I kind of figure that I'm part of the QC team... if they have one. I really wonder how some of those guns get out the door. If they locked the slide back and stuffed a full magazine into each gun for a test, a lot of them would need tinkering, 'cause we (I included) see a few that don't chamber a round when you use the preferred slide release method. The tester is obviously pulling the slide all the way to the rear and releasing it, but a round can't be chambered the Kahr-recommended way. That's where the fix is to bevel the stripper. Whoever is supposed to check for the "notch" isn't, 'cause it's missing too often and the recoil spring assembly bangs into that place where the notch should be and causes problems with feed/ejection during the firing and ejection process 'cause it needs room to do its thing when the barrel tilts during recoil. There's a lot going on in a small place in these Kahrs!
Once these things get all of the incomplete processes of the manufacturing and QC done, they work pretty well. I love the PM45 and the P380. I need to try the PM9 again after shooting the others. Maybe I've gotten better with the DA trigger pull after about 600 rounds of .45 and .380 combined. I hope so!
I've only seen one big cat outside the zoo. My wife and I were driving to or in Colorado to see her folks who live about 12 miles east of Durango. I/we were really watching for deer at night and I was more concerned with the closer sides of the road. My wife remarked after I caught a glimpse of something further down the road, "That was a cat!" It dang near stretched from one side of the road to the other, so it was a BIG cat! Her folks live in the mountains and I don't go walking around outside very far without a heavy caliber pistol. They have bears, too. I don't sweat the coyotes we hear, but you never know whether they might be hungry enough to try you for dinner. We have those critters down here, but we call the big cats pumas or panthers... there aren't many mountains down here. We hear a rumor about a puma sighting up north here once every few years, and about once a year there's at least one bear spotted. I saw a fox come up the sidewalk in front of my house... about 10 feet away... that was neat! I guess the biggest danger here are the raccoons or rather, rabid ones. I've talked to them at night before I realized it wasn't one of the neighbors' cats.
I haven't seen a gator around here in a while, but I don't have a dog to walk any more. I used to see them in the cove off the river from the pier in the boat ramp/park behind my house. With a strong light you could see their eyes glow from a good distance. My not-so-little MinPin chased one down the ramp once. He was on one of those reel-type leases about 25 feet long. He was barking and running down the ramp when I heard a splash. I got the gator's eyes with my "tac" light. I guess it's different for gators to run from dogs... dogs usually seem to be snack food.
You really need to be careful around any body of water down here... and that sometimes includes your own swimming pool, as some folks have discovered surprise guests. They can be anywhere. #4 is gruesome... a golfer was reaching into a pond to try to recover a golf ball... bad idea!:eek:
04-15-2010, 06:40 PM
Thanks Wynn - you are just a kid - my mirror looks like 50, and I can't believe it.
Sounds like you have "semi-official" deal with KAHR - you said "so they can complete the manufacturing".
Now - "we see a few that don't chamber a round when you use the preferred slide release method. The tester is obviously pulling the slide all the way to the rear and releasing it, but a round can't be chambered the Kahr-recommended way".
Are you sure you and others are "pulling the slide all the way to the rear" ? I ask because it sounds familiar with my two K9098s, only I don't know if it's the 9098s or me - I think me, and lack of friction on the slide. I put rubberized glove on and can fully rack slide and chamber snap cap, so it is not weak hands.
My opinion - it is the rounded slide serration leading edges vs. eg., sharp edges on my 1911s. I've considered various modification options (filing, milling, applying abrasive, etc.). My opinion - it all comes down to "grippability" and greater friction on the slide. Owning 4 KAHRs with never a malfunction, I only have issue with grip friction. I put 18# recoils in both K9098s and still find racking not easy. It seems like that little more "rubber glove friction" makes the diff - sometimes I can, sometimes I can't rack bare-handed - wonder if maybe the residual CLP makes slides slippery enough to cause problem - whatever, should not have to worry about that.
Still debating - maybe adding abrasive to serration grooves, worst case taking a file to the leading serration edges, but my gunsmith said he would not do that.
On the PM9 - best friend of mine was down last week - he wants a light weight carry - between us we have .45s, Smith .38s, Beretta 9mms, etc. He rented the Ruger LCP .380 and the Glock 36. Another friend loaned the PM45 and the PM9. My friend fired them all - he thought the PM45 was a little heavy on the recoil, not much diff than the Glock 36. Right now I think he favors the PM9 - good caliber, easy to handle.
04-15-2010, 06:55 PM
Wynn - check this out for cougars / mountain lions / pumas. What caliber / ammo would you carry into a cave ? Oops - you and I are too old and too smart to do that - but - it would be fun with a dependable KAHR K45. (
04-15-2010, 07:33 PM
Wynn - check this out for cougars / mountain lions / pumas. What caliber / ammo would you carry into a cave ? Oops - you and I are too old and too smart to do that - but - it would be fun with a dependable KAHR K45. (
No freaking way! :eek: Not me :2eek:
04-15-2010, 07:50 PM
Wynn - check this out for cougars / mountain lions / pumas. What caliber / ammo would you carry into a cave ? Oops - you and I are too old and too smart to do that - but - it would be fun with a dependable KAHR K45. (
Count me in, your never too old to look for a good time. I bet they need a few sets of new depends after that. Might big kitty. Good first hunt for a new prototype K45. I'll put my offroad tires on so and can bob and weave if need be.
04-15-2010, 08:21 PM
I felt sorry for the cat. A clean kill is one thing, but to keep shooting him like that really sucks. They needed bigger guns and to be better shots.
04-15-2010, 08:39 PM
Tax', just do what I did... use a 1.75 bike tube. The PM45 really is a cheese grater on the front and back. The tube grip cover worked perfectly and doesn't "mar" the looks... IMHO. I used the first try on the PM9 and then cut one for my P380, just because it felt good and didn't change the look of the guns. One caveat... there's talcum powder in the tube... watch out where you cut it... not over your gun! Cut the piece wash it inside and out with soapy water and then turn it inside out for the best look.
Oh, I threw in a couple of pix of my money pit 1998-2004 -- 21'4'' Aquasport Explorer Walkaround Cabin. The engine was a 175HP Johnson Ficht that I just had to have... the latest and bestest at the time. I had to wait several months on the new engine to arrive. OMC didn't test the 150 and 175 models enough. I had problems... it didn't sound right... new software... new top end... blew up... new powerhead by OMC... blew up again... OMC bankrupt and bought out by Bombardier by then. About $5800 for a REBUILT powerhead... decided to sell it. It was nice when it ran okay.
See, I just get distracted and off-topic... which was...?
04-15-2010, 09:13 PM
Wynn - I agree, with no offense to the hunters. They are beautiful animals, as long as they are not stalking us. As my daughter said, it is their world. I believe when we enter it, we had better be prepared that we not become cat chow.
I do wonder what they were carrying - obviously revolvers - the cave pic looked like long barrel, target sights. With shots fired, hits, I wonder about caliber and ammo - maybe more about accuracy.
Again, I felt sorry for the Cougar.
04-15-2010, 09:44 PM
One of my step-father-in-law's relatives liked to sit on his back porch and read... with his back to the woods(Colorado). One day he turned around and one of those BIG kitties was watching him.:eek: He changed his behavior. I'm ALWAYS thinking about stuff like that. I like walks in the woods and I always go prepared, but I don't go into bear or big cat country smelling like some of their favorite foods. I've always used Head and Shoulders shampoo, but some people like the oats and honey or strawberries... all kinds of aromas that bears love and can smell for phenomenal distances.
I don't mean to preach to the choir, but you have to give these large predators the respect they deserve... AND be sensible and safe in their environment.
You could give that big cat a chance and go into the cave with just a K-Bar!:eek: That would be sporting! Maybe even two K-Bars, since it has all of those sharp claws.
Oh, on racking the slide... I always lock the slide back, insert mag, and release the slide. It's not easy getting the slide back to that point. I wind up with the gun close to my chest to get the power to do that. When I have one of those failures to feed where the cartridge is butting against the bottom of the feed ramp, I'll "sling shot" the slide with a vigorous rack to the rear and letting the slide go, and that usually chambers the round.
04-15-2010, 09:53 PM
Followup on cougars. I don't know if appropriate for the forum, but feel obliged to share. I'm not authority, but here's what I understand:
Before I retired (Jan, 2000), I got some data on cougars, probably in '97 or '98. I called APHIS, ADC, in Portland and they referred me to (XX with APHIS - ADC) here - their specialist on cougars and bears. Here's what he told me:
1. In most fatal cougar attacks, the person does not even know they will be attacked because cougars charge from the rear or side. He said it is critical to be aware of your surroundings. I heard or read elsewhere that if you see a cougar anywhere close, you are already being stalked.
2. If a cougar is seen - if it is crouched, low, ears flat, tail twitching, circling - attack is imminent.
3. Defense - asked him about gun calibers - I think he said he used to carry a .22, but .38, .357, and 9mm are better. Use soft nose bullets and aim for the chest. Fired shots may work to scare a cougar off. A wounded animal will likely run off.
4. He said same as the articles from ODFW I sent - keep eyes on cougar, back away, throw sticks, rocks, fire shots.
5. Dogs can be either protection or bait - cougar can run in and grab the dog - dogs are questionable protection - is the dog protecting you or are you protecting the dog.
6. Prime cougar habitat is the Cascades - 2,500 to 7,000 feet. Lane County has one of the highest density cougar populations. More cougar population in last 10 years than previous 80 years.
About same time I talked with YY, she said she did not like to be in the woods alone. From my notes, I think she told me she was doing a stand exam with her dog - her dog's hair stood up on its back - something was "down there", growling and following her.
A friend of hers was killed in CA - hiking by himself - they found body down in ravine, backpack up at top.
Her brother was hunting by himself. He heard noises - the animals (squirrels, etc.) went crazy. He stopped, listened, turned around - he was being stalked by a cougar in the vine maple - he saw the head in the brush. It was growling, drooling, and very aggressive. He waved his arms, jumped up and down, stood and made noise - none of that worked. He had his rifle - he shot the cougar as it jumped at him. It was a 120 pound young female, no kittens - they thought maybe she had a kill nearby.
Some people would say those things don't happen - they should talk to her brother.
Again, I am not an authority and not giving advice.
04-15-2010, 09:57 PM
Me too about the cat. We have them too and I would think a 50cal would be better. The guys I know that have shot them in self defense, not hunting for sport, used a 30-06...and were much better shots. One shot kills. More than that IMHO means too much suffering for the animal.
Personally though, I only have time these days to hunt for my meat at Costco...:D
04-15-2010, 10:08 PM
Ditto on Costco and the base commissaries. My thought has always been to fire a shot into the ground and hope that he runs off, but if he starts an attack, I'll start shooting until I'm out of ammo and reload as fast as I can. The same for a bear. IF I was crazy enough to be unarmed, I guess I'd just foul myself and hope that he doesn't like the smell or finishes me off quickly, before dining.:eek:
That playing dead while one of those critters is chewing on you has worked for some people... I"m impressed, but... I would probably be screaming as long as I could.:p
04-15-2010, 10:17 PM
For close up hunting... or killing:D... a large caliber revolver... magna-ported... with a very smooth DA trigger would be better than an auto. Those "Great White Hunters" the old successful ones used drillings or side-by-side rifles, so that a follow up shot was quick and no action to malfunction trying to chamber another round. Just imagine facing a charging cape buffalo with a two-shooter.:eek:
04-16-2010, 12:14 AM
For close up hunting... or killing:D... a large caliber revolver... magna-ported... with a very smooth DA trigger would be better than an auto. Those "Great White Hunters" the old successful ones used drillings or side-by-side rifles, so that a follow up shot was quick and no action to malfunction trying to chamber another round. Just imagine facing a charging cape buffalo with a two-shooter.:eek:
Hunting the cape buffalo ironically has always been at the top of my bucket list. Guess it almost seems like it would be a fair fight or could be. Just the price of getting to Africa and booking a trip is now enough to pretty much confirm it ain't gonna happen. Add in the logistics of my means of travel and a few other minor details and I guess I'll read a few more books about it.
Would be interesting I'm sure.
04-16-2010, 01:08 AM
Hunting the cape buffalo ironically has always been at the top of my bucket list. Guess it almost seems like it would be a fair fight or could be. Just the price of getting to Africa and booking a trip is now enough to pretty much confirm it ain't gonna happen. Add in the logistics of my means of travel and a few other minor details and I guess I'll read a few more books about it.
Would be interesting I'm sure.
While it's not Cape buffalo, this might also be a fair fight and it's a lot closer to home:
LPK Catalog (
04-16-2010, 10:07 AM
Thanks Wynn - you are just a kid - my mirror looks like 50, and I can't believe it.
Sounds like you have "semi-official" deal with KAHR - you said "so they can complete the manufacturing".
Now - "we see a few that don't chamber a round when you use the preferred slide release method. The tester is obviously pulling the slide all the way to the rear and releasing it, but a round can't be chambered the Kahr-recommended way".
Are you sure you and others are "pulling the slide all the way to the rear" ? I ask because it sounds familiar with my two K9098s, only I don't know if it's the 9098s or me - I think me, and lack of friction on the slide. I put rubberized glove on and can fully rack slide and chamber snap cap, so it is not weak hands.
My opinion - it is the rounded slide serration leading edges vs. eg., sharp edges on my 1911s. I've considered various modification options (filing, milling, applying abrasive, etc.). My opinion - it all comes down to "grippability" and greater friction on the slide. Owning 4 KAHRs with never a malfunction, I only have issue with grip friction. I put 18# recoils in both K9098s and still find racking not easy. It seems like that little more "rubber glove friction" makes the diff - sometimes I can, sometimes I can't rack bare-handed - wonder if maybe the residual CLP makes slides slippery enough to cause problem - whatever, should not have to worry about that.
Still debating - maybe adding abrasive to serration grooves, worst case taking a file to the leading serration edges, but my gunsmith said he would not do that.
On the PM9 - best friend of mine was down last week - he wants a light weight carry - between us we have .45s, Smith .38s, Beretta 9mms, etc. He rented the Ruger LCP .380 and the Glock 36. Another friend loaned the PM45 and the PM9. My friend fired them all - he thought the PM45 was a little heavy on the recoil, not much diff than the Glock 36. Right now I think he favors the PM9 - good caliber, easy to handle.
Take some automotive trim tape, and some emery cloth in the grit you prefer, and it's like putting skate board tape on, it sticks better, and adds a little thickness (sometimes a good thing on thin slides). Cut the emery cloth and tape to suit, and there you go. Supplies cost about $5 at Wally World, and you do lots of guns and more with those things. Cat y'all are talking about is actually the same cat species, just called different things based on where you live.
04-16-2010, 10:13 AM
While it's not Cape buffalo, this might also be a fair fight and it's a lot closer to home:
LPK Catalog (
Hailing from a long line of hog farmers from Missouri I'm quite intimate with hogs. I clearly recall spending many a morning trapped in the corn crib where some mean arse boar had me trapped. Just hang around until my grandpa realized I wasn't back from feeding. He'd come down beat the heck out of the mean hog and set me free. Guess I wasn't as intimidating as he was at like 5 or 6. Your right though a good hog hunt might be just the thing.
Have to road hunt though, don't believe I'd like to do fair chase from my wheelchair, but I will if required.
04-16-2010, 10:20 AM
I don't mean to preach to the choir, but you have to give these large predators the respect they deserve... AND be sensible and safe in their environment.
You could give that big cat a chance and go into the cave with just a K-Bar!:eek: That would be sporting! Maybe even two K-Bars, since it has all of those sharp claws.
Giving the critters and Mother Nature the respect they deserve was the FIRST lesson I learned as a wee lad. That includes a quick kill too. I grew up in West Texas, and out there the rattle snakes don't play. To this day anytime I'm in the bush I have my gear, to include my rifle and supplies and such, then I have a small kit that I take on my body, to include a good pistol and reloads. Ok who pulled my soap box out again????:blah:
04-16-2010, 10:24 AM
Ahh hog hunting is also quite fun. I need to find some time and money so I can do things like that again...
04-16-2010, 11:35 AM
Dang! how would you kill a wild hog in a hunt using just a large Bowie-type knife!? I can envision jumping into the air at just the right time when he's charging you, and slashing at his neck as he passed under you:eek:... requiring a lot more nimbleness and strength than I can muster! Then he might be swift enough to wait for you to come down on top of him and slashing you up for your troubles!:eek::eek:
I'll just continue to frequent the commissary and Costco... and continue my "armchair" virtual hunting... or BS!
04-16-2010, 11:42 AM
Hey, Bawanna', you're gaining a bit on Jocko and pulling well away from me. I think these top three places among the bucket mouths, are safe from the other guys overtaking us... for a while.:blah::blah::blah:
04-16-2010, 11:57 AM
Hey, Bawanna', you're gaining a bit on Jocko and pulling well away from me. I think these top three places among the bucket mouths, are safe from the other guys overtaking us... for a while.:blah::blah::blah:
My fingers are off the throttle and I'm trying to coast so you can overtake your rightful place. Tuesday or wednesday was quite a day here, lots of good stuff happening a bunch of new guys to talk with and I lost all track of count. I'm coasting now and watching from the sidelines dreaming of Cape Buffalo hunting. If I get too close to Jocko, I'll unplug this confounded machine for awhile and check in later. Don't want to get on his bad list.
04-16-2010, 03:23 PM
who said your even off my "bad" list??
04-16-2010, 03:28 PM
who said your even off my "bad" list??
I was very much afraid this would happen. Didn't you get my flowers, the case of good scotch and the case of 9mm? Give peace a chance.
04-16-2010, 03:46 PM
send the 9mm, forget the flowers, I don't drink scotch, so far nothing sittingon my front porch from mail man, Getter done!!!! You don't want to get on my very rare "other bad " list. any brand of 9mm will do as long as it is American made and in cases of 1000 or more, anything under that round count, just will not cut it.
04-16-2010, 04:06 PM
send the 9mm, forget the flowers, I don't drink scotch, so far nothing sittingon my front porch from mail man, Getter done!!!! You don't want to get on my very rare "other bad " list. any brand of 9mm will do as long as it is American made and in cases of 1000 or more, anything under that round count, just will not cut it.
I'm on it. Was planning on Gold Dot but since I like Gold Dot and we agree never to agree I better send Winchester. I'll have em put it under the Harley so maybe not so much oil will leak all over living room rug.
04-16-2010, 04:57 PM
Yes sir I would love to have a K45 or a T45; think either would be a great carry piece.
12-20-2011, 11:28 AM
Hi guys; in a continuing effort to show Kahr the need and want for all steel 45acps; I contacted Frank once more; I saw this some what misleeding acticle on the Kahr web site that raised my hopes;
Pocket Pistols, 2011 Buyer’s Guide, page 22 ~ 24
"Fans of the .45 ACP are not neglected and Kahr offers a complete line of big-bore pistols in three different barrel lengths and frame sizes. Like the 9mm and .40 S&W models, both stainless steel and polymer frame copies are available."
This was Franks respose; we can still be hopeful; but I hope I can stay loyal that long, with out straying to another make steel 45.
Dear J. Femino
Thanks for your comments and feedback.
We do not have plans for a steel frame K45 in the near future but possibly in a couple of years.
Where is that info on our web site?
Frank Harris
VP, Sales & Marketing
PO Box 220
Blauvelt, NY 10913
914-646-7224 Mobile
845-735-4610 Fax
845-652-8535 Office
12-20-2011, 11:43 AM
Hi guys; in a continuing effort to show Kahr the need and want for all steel 45acps; I contacted Frank once more; I saw this some what misleeding acticle on the Kahr web site that raised my hopes;
Pocket Pistols, 2011 Buyer’s Guide, page 22 ~ 24
"Fans of the .45 ACP are not neglected and Kahr offers a complete line of big-bore pistols in three different barrel lengths and frame sizes. Like the 9mm and .40 S&W models, both stainless steel and polymer frame copies are available."
This was Franks respose; we can still be hopeful; but I hope I can stay loyal that long, with out straying to another make steel 45.
Dear J. Femino
Thanks for your comments and feedback.
We do not have plans for a steel frame K45 in the near future but possibly in a couple of years.
Where is that info on our web site?
Frank Harris
VP, Sales & Marketing
PO Box 220
Blauvelt, NY 10913
914-646-7224 Mobile
845-735-4610 Fax
845-652-8535 Office
Looks like that info you posted was from a magazine. Probably not an official statement from Kahr, but the error of a magazine article.
On a side note...Does ANY company make a steel framed 45 pistol that is compatible in size to a Kahr K series?
12-20-2011, 11:49 AM
Put me down for one of those K45's. That would be sooooooo sweet!!!
12-20-2011, 12:12 PM
I did my survey "Should KAHR make the K45 or the MK45 ?" on KahrTalk and THR, then sent results to Frank Harris. Here is Frank's reply:
Thanks for taking the time to do this informal survey. It is appreciated and I think sometime in the future we will make a steel frame .45 ACP.
Waaaaait a minute... "think".... "sometime".... "future".... I've asked out enough women to know that this carefully chosen combination of words translates to "no." Or the polite equivelant of being given a wedgie in front of the class. Sorry to rain on the parade guys...
12-20-2011, 12:22 PM
This sums it up well:
12-20-2011, 12:23 PM
IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN and to add to this comment i HOPE I AM 100% WRONG TO.
The K9 which is their bread and butter all steel gun certainly has lost its luster as far as sales volume goes. It is all about Polymer today. not saying that is right but just look on this forum, mostly all talk is about Polymer. Did I not see in the AMERIICAN RIFLEMAN sig coing out with a POLYMER. That tells alot IMO. Sure the K45 would be an awesome gun for those who desire it. but volume has to come into this decision also and the 9mm in caliber has to be kahrs biggest seller and we just don't see alot buying the K9 or T9.
Don't hold ur breath for anything can happen in a couple of years. Who knows maybe all will decide that the 45 is the only caliber to own. So far the 1911's makers have stuck to steel guns, all 25 of them!!!
Personally, I would think maybe the MK45 might be a better option but maybe we will be seeing soon the cm45, so that just pushes the all steel anything further back on the burner. Just my 2 cents.
Its hard,to improveon the perfectio of the pm45./.....
12-20-2011, 01:17 PM
^ Still trying to figure out if your spelling mistakes and typo's are your way of saying the PM45 isnt perfect :)
12-20-2011, 01:51 PM
Ruger kept the SR1911 secret for quite a while, though a lot of people guessed it was coming.
I'd be very interested in either a K or MK45.
No its my @#$@#$ smartphone and my @#$@#$ fat fingers.
12-20-2011, 05:13 PM
No its my @#$@#$ smartphone and my @#$@#$ fat fingers.
I can understand every bit of that message to:D
12-20-2011, 05:13 PM
I'd like to see Kahr make an all stainless steel 1911 .45.
Made in USA....unlike my very nice Springfield Armory GI 1911A1 .45, which was made in Brazil.
Why not?
12-20-2011, 05:16 PM
Kahr is now the mothership to Auto Ordnance, Thompson and Magnum Research so a stainless 1911 while it may not say Kahr on the side is a very doable thing.
12-20-2011, 05:49 PM
yes indeed ol wise one, very doable...
03-05-2012, 01:03 PM
I've often sung the praises of my K9's rubber grips and ideal size, and chimed in as a proponent of a K45, but I may have actually found such an animal or at least a distant cousin thereof.
It's DA/SA with a manual safety, and only a skosh larger, but the EAA Witness Compact seems like about the closest thing one could find. Stainless steel, rubber grips, 8+1 capacity of .45 goodness.
I fondled one today and it felt great in my hand, but I didn't care for the tiny slide gripping surface or the long reach to the slide release, or the super-stiff slide pull. Otherwise it seems like a great gun.
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