View Full Version : Beretta PICO .380

05-06-2013, 12:19 PM

An interesting new 380 from Beretta claiming to be the thinnest at 18 mm. It has a very low profile slide stop lever and an ambidextrous HK style mag release below the trigger. They claim it is easier to control with the strait drop of the gripframe.

An interesting attribute is that it has a serialized sub-chassis so that you can swap frames without an FFL. They have already designed a frame with a built-in Lasermax laser. It can also be converted to 32acp. The msrp is $399, so it will definitely give the CW380 some competition. Very interesting...


05-06-2013, 12:30 PM
looks like it even has some decent sights on it. Nice find JFOOT

05-06-2013, 12:33 PM
Definitely worth a look by us pocket gun carriers. The new rifle looks interesting too, but at $2K, a bit pricey.

05-06-2013, 12:34 PM
Wow, look at the length of that extractor!

Would have to hold one but looking at it, it doesn't seem like it would have very good natural pointability. Could be wrong on that.

It is thin. No matter to me, won't be any 380's in my future.

05-06-2013, 12:58 PM
Nice find JF:)
Here's a link with some video: http://www.guns.com/2013/05/04/nra-2013-new-from-beretta-the-pico-380-the-nanos-little-brother/

05-06-2013, 02:53 PM
Looks cool. Interesting I guess. But WOW, what, are they going for the world's record on bore axis height? If that thing doesn't flip right out of your hand I'll be surprised.

05-06-2013, 05:11 PM
They claim it is a soft shooter. I think the strait grip makes it look higher than others, but maybe it isn't. Boy, wouldn't it be interesting if it turns out to be an easy shooter that will eat anything? :)

It sure doesn't have much slide serration, does it? I wonder how hard it is to rack?

05-06-2013, 06:06 PM
Let's see how well it works out of the box. They had some growing (or should I say shrinking) pains with the Nano.

I want a .45 that small. Yeah, I know it would hurt to shoot but I'd like to give it a try.

05-06-2013, 06:17 PM
it looks decent but one thing I don't like is the front sight. It is dovetailed from the front of the slide, cosmeticaly might look decent but your gonna play hell finding any replacement sights for this gun. they dovetailed the right sight so why make such a change tothe front sight design. I like it better than the nano, which we really don't hear to much about any more-- pro or con. Sure would have liked to read the total specs of the gun to other than the 1 millimeter thinner-- BFD (big fokking deal).

05-06-2013, 08:05 PM
Let's see how well it works out of the box. They had some growing (or should I say shrinking) pains with the Nano.

I want a .45 that small. Yeah, I know it would hurt to shoot but I'd like to give it a try.

Have you seen the Heizer Double Tap (http://heizerfirearms.com/)?


05-06-2013, 08:11 PM
Yeah, It's kinda intriguing. I'd like to see one in person.

05-06-2013, 08:19 PM
I'm not really interested. I already own the worlds best .380. The Kahr P380.

05-06-2013, 09:49 PM
it looks decent but one thing I don't like is the front sight. It is dovetailed from the front of the slide, cosmeticaly might look decent but your gonna play hell finding any replacement sights for this gun. they dovetailed the right sight so why make such a change tothe front sight design. I like it better than the nano, which we really don't hear to much about any more-- pro or con. Sure would have liked to read the total specs of the gun to other than the 1 millimeter thinner-- BFD (big fokking deal).

good intel from a buddy that where's their logo that they will come with the option of night sights from trijicon. Needless to say I am cancelling my order on my cw380 since they can't ship it anytime soon and I'll wait for this to come out toward the end of the year.

05-06-2013, 09:56 PM
btw I sold my cm9 and still have my nano...

Pros for kahr

better trigger without a question.
external controls/slide stop take down lever
field strip without a tool.

other than that the nano is just as good. the size isn't that far off and the weight isn't bad with a good belt. breaking it down takes a ball point pen and dime for me. The nano chambers and eats anything 124g fmj or hollow point. you can sling shot load right out of the box and the magazines are better quality. Comes with two mags and sights are solid and not weak like the staked front sight kahr has.

The nano feels solid and the recoil is very controllable. I love the kahr and don't want to knock it but like I said before the nano is in my pocket when the glock/sig isn't on my side.

05-07-2013, 01:44 AM
Any measurements?

05-07-2013, 08:10 AM
btw I sold my cm9 and still have my nano...

Pros for kahr

better trigger without a question.
external controls/slide stop take down lever
field strip without a tool.

other than that the nano is just as good. the size isn't that far off and the weight isn't bad with a good belt. breaking it down takes a ball point pen and dime for me. The nano chambers and eats anything 124g fmj or hollow point. you can sling shot load right out of the box and the magazines are better quality. Comes with two mags and sights are solid and not weak like the staked front sight kahr has.

The nano feels solid and the recoil is very controllable. I love the kahr and don't want to knock it but like I said before the nano is in my pocket when the glock/sig isn't on my side.

My wife has the Nano. I can get a "2 finger grip" on the nano which is nice where the cm9 is 1 3/4. I can shoot the nano good and one thing I like about the trigger is feels to my hand like it pulls straight back where the kahr feels like a sweeping motion. But that Nano trigger pull must be 75 POUNDS! but the wife can rack the slide so its good for her. We had some real fail to extract issues until I polished the chamber area really well.

I still prefer my CM9 for weight, overall trigger, and just plain reliability though but the nano is ok.

05-07-2013, 10:53 AM
Here is a review from Human Events.com a conservative newsletter. No shooting, just a look at it and more info.


05-07-2013, 11:09 AM
Thanks, TheTman. Adds more detail to why they say it is a soft shooter:

Beretta states the Pico’s barrel only tilts up 1.4 degrees when the handgun is fired, which increases reliability in the feeding of cartridges into the chamber. The company also states that felt recoil is dramatically reduced since the barrel does not tilt much.

Cokeman, I haven't seen any measurements, yet.

05-07-2013, 11:47 AM
It sure looks like it sits awful high in the hand for such a small pistol. The recoil must be brutal. At $399 I'll keep My Kel Tec P3at. It's served me quite well for a long time. If I spend $399 on a pistol it's not going to be a .380. I can't wait to here the long term reviews on Beretta PICO.

05-07-2013, 09:26 PM
it looks decent but one thing I don't like is the front sight. It is dovetailed from the front of the slide, cosmeticaly might look decent but your gonna play hell finding any replacement sights for this gun. they dovetailed the right sight so why make such a change tothe front sight design.

I've been working with a Nano since March. No problems finding extra mags and night sights. Even though they are Beretta factory, they were $105 and I thought that was a fair price. I may hold off installing them because many of the Nano design features have carried over to the Pico. I'm wondering if the same sight set will work for both.


05-07-2013, 09:34 PM
Oh, I should add that PM9 and P380 will stay, but I still want a Pico for the switch barrel feature. If I get it, I'll probably get rid of the P-32.

05-07-2013, 10:12 PM
Is the .32 barrel included?

05-08-2013, 09:58 AM
Is the .32 barrel included?

Most probably not. I won't buy a Pico until I can get the 32 barrel. 1 mag does both calibers so I'm ok with that.

05-08-2013, 11:47 PM
That's what I figured.

05-09-2013, 08:51 AM
Beretta makes some nice guns but personally I find them to be on the top heavy side. Plus, I see absolutely no need for any sights at all on a gun this size. If I ever need to use this type of firearm, there will be powder burns on me, and my intended target. I think I will stick with my Seecamp as a BUG.

05-09-2013, 10:45 AM
other than having it and being able to say it, the 32 barrel is as worthless as t!tts on a boar, certainly not any cheaper in price than 380's. Just my 21 cents on this.

L:jutic, I dd not know the nano had the same front site set up as the pico, more than likely those sights will intercvhange. I guess my point was I don't see to many after market people doing that odd front site dovetail thing. Course what do I really know..Just sayin:Amflag2:

05-09-2013, 11:33 PM
It looks like a High Point.



05-10-2013, 10:06 AM
It looks like a High Point.

LOL! You're right! You know, the Kimber Micro Carry (http://www.kimberamerica.com/1911/micro-carry/micro-carry) looks good to me.


05-10-2013, 08:26 PM

I want this one.