View Full Version : Video strikes back at magazine limits
05-07-2013, 07:47 PM
This is a video that strikes back at the demand for limited capacity magazines. It's graphic but gets the point across very well.
05-07-2013, 08:08 PM
I agree
05-07-2013, 08:41 PM
Actually I think what it points out is that one should be trained to always have a reload handy and once he shot the first guy he should have reloaded. Oh and his wife should be trained as well and when he grabbed HIS gun he should have also grabbed hers and tossed it to her.
05-07-2013, 09:24 PM
If we really armchair QB this, he had the wrong HD tool. Put the pistols away at home and keep the shoty handy. Even bird shot at those distances would stop those jackholes easily. But, the story line appeared to be, what I could only imagine as, very realistic.
05-07-2013, 09:34 PM
I think it pointed out exactly what it was suppose to, you need more than 7 rounds if your sportin a pistol for home defense.
05-07-2013, 09:58 PM
Well we could pick apart his tactics all day long, but the I thought the video did a very good job of making it's point, in graphic detail, the point that the government has no business telling us how many bullets we can put in a magazine.
We could go on about things like:
The guy would have really been out of luck if he had a revolver,
He should have been a better shot,
If he'd had a .45, the BG would have stayed down after a couple hits,
He should have had a 2nd mag handy,
and many other points about his tactics and choices,
but that wasn't the point the video was trying to make.
The point was that if he'd not been restricted to an 8 round mag and been able to have a standard capacity 15 round mag for that full size 9mm, he'd had more bullets left over for BG # 2.
05-08-2013, 03:39 AM
I think it pointed out exactly what it was suppose to, you need more than 7 rounds if your sportin a pistol for home defense.
Well dern then.. Since I have a Kahr K9 and it only holds seven do you suggest I put it away and grab the Ruger MK II that holds 10 rounds?
I mean the revolvers wont cut it, obviously...
I think the arguements for and against magazine limits are bogus. An arbitrary limit is silly. 5 rounds? or 10? IF the idea is to revent more killing at a mass shooting incident it must be less than 10. A mag swap can be accomplished fast enough that a person could kill as many with 7 round mags as he can with 100 round mags when his targets are like fish in a barrel.
05-08-2013, 03:42 AM
Well we could pick apart his tactics all day long, but the I thought the video did a very good job of making it's point, in graphic detail, the point that the government has no business telling us how many bullets we can put in a magazine.
We could go on about things like:
The guy would have really been out of luck if he had a revolver,
He should have been a better shot,
If he'd had a .45, the BG would have stayed down after a couple hits,
He should have had a 2nd mag handy,
and many other points about his tactics and choices,
but that wasn't the point the video was trying to make.
The point was that if he'd not been restricted to an 8 round mag and been able to have a standard capacity 15 round mag for that full size 9mm, he'd had more bullets left over for BG # 2.
But of course. But then if it had been bad guy 3 and 4 would the 15 round mag have been enough? And if so what about bad guy 5 6 and 7?
05-08-2013, 05:46 PM
But of course. But then if it had been bad guy 3 and 4 would the 15 round mag have been enough? And if so what about bad guy 5 6 and 7?
I think what you are trying to say is how much is ever enough? And Tman is saying that should be left up to YOU noit the gov. Of course, I agree with that. However, since some of us do have restrictions, the choice of HD weapon is more important too. Therfore, consider a shoty.
05-08-2013, 06:43 PM
Then it's time to grab your AR or AK, or favorite rifle of mass destruction.
Any pistol with extra mags or speed loaders would have worked. That homeowner must not have been using very good ammo, or been a very good shot for BG#1 to soak up all those shots and keep coming. Or maybe had a bullet proof vest.
Like I said, you can pick apart the video, and make up all the scenarios you want, but I think it got the idea across that it meant too.
In the real world, after hearing gunshots, I think BG#2 (3,4,5 etc) is much more likely to peel rubber getting the hell out of there, than to go poking his head in the house. They are cowards that only want to prey on the defenseless.
Am I going to buy my daughter a 15 round 9mm? No, because she won't take the time to get to learn it. One of those used Model 10's from Bud's will do the trick, along with a few speed loaders. Simple to use, just point and pull the trigger. If she would take time to learn, I'd set her up with something better, but she won't take the time to learn, and she won't practice, and I want something as simple as possible for her if she ever needs it. I can just imagine her in a panic, trying to remember what all those levers and stuff are for on a semi. A 38 special, with some nice rubber grips, to help soak up the recoil, filled with some quality SD ammo should suit her well. I imagine she'll gripe about it not having a safety, but she'll get over it. I thought about one of those 9 shot 22/22 WMR Taurus revolvers filled with 22 mag, but I like the 38 special a little better. A guy down the road got gut shot with a 22 mag, and died a short time later in the hospital, so they are more dangerous than you think, but maybe not the man stopper a 38 special +P would be (I think they are rated +P, depending on the age, anyway a cylinder of them shouldn't hurt it).
05-08-2013, 06:56 PM
If we really armchair QB this, he had the wrong HD tool. Put the pistols away at home and keep the shoty handy. Even bird shot at those distances would stop those jackholes easily. But, the story line appeared to be, what I could only imagine as, very realistic.
Yeah, buy a shotgun. Fire two blasts into the air and scare them off. Where have I heard that advice before. Hey, knuckle head, ever try to jamb a shotgun into a wall safe? :) Just kiddin.
05-08-2013, 07:28 PM
In the fog of combat one has no Idea what happened until its over, If they survived.. How many shots were fired? Even interviewed cops believed they fired 4 rds and they emptied their mags! One pistol isn't good enough for a home invasion. There's lots of these in real time posted on the net recorded by the owners home surveillance cameras. Rarely ends well for the homeowner
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