View Full Version : Fella had a run in with a couple liberals at Walmart
05-09-2013, 01:38 PM
Got this report from ( The guy lives in Ames, Iowa.
I was just at Wal-Mart to buy some ammo (they were out of .40 but I got some .308 and .357 mag) when I was harassed by a liberal couple at the sporting goods counter.
Forgive me if my post seems disjointed. I'm still so damn mad I'm finding it difficult to order my thoughts here.
So I'm buying some ammo and this couple walks up behind me. I couldn't quite hear them but I intuited that they were speaking about me. I turned and looked at them to see if I recognized them or if they were a threat or whatnot when the woman says to me "You're a piece of ****, you know that?". I say, "Excuse me?" and she replies "You're a piece of **** nazi!". I admit, I was completely floored, I had no idea how to respond to that. The guy said something at that point but I didn't catch what. She says to me "We should just kill you and all the rest of your NRA nazi pieces of ****! How would you like that? You wanna get your throat cut nazi?". At that point she reached out like she was gonna push me or something and I told her "You're crazy and touching me would be a really bad idea." The guy speaks up, "Did you just threaten my wife dirtbag? I'll kill you if you did!". My transaction was finished by this point so I started to walk away (keeping an eye on them in my peripherals the whole time) and this crazy woman calls out "Not so tough without a gun are you *****?". This is where I think I messed up because I turned and said "Who said I don't have a gun?". I left hearing this woman screaming "Heil Hitler" and "Watch out! This piece of **** likes to kill kids!". The Wal-Mart employees were zero help whatsoever. They seemed perfectly content to pretend that it wasn't happening.
Now that I have it all typed out, I don't even know what the purpose is in posting this. But I'm ****ed off and I'm gonna just do it anyway.
05-09-2013, 01:46 PM
The fun and adventures of Walmart.
What people don't realize is the NRA is not a company..... they are all individual citizens! You , me and a lot of LEO's....
If you told them that you are affiliated with a law enforcement agency would they have continued or go on to the Snack food Aisle?
05-09-2013, 02:01 PM
How come I never run into that type. I'd love to tango with idiots like that.
I'd be ticked too though, course I spend more and more time ticked of late. I just figure it's a step in becoming old and grouchy.
05-09-2013, 02:37 PM
I know hindsight is 20/20, but whipping out your phone and dialing 911 would be a good idea at that point; it's clearly a physical threat.
Second best idea would be to start videoing them with your smartphone.
They should have been Baker Acted on the spot.
05-09-2013, 02:40 PM
...or saying to them, "I'm actually a major donor to the Democrat party and I'm buying ammo to keep it out of the hands of those nazi NRA freaks, and you should be, too." :D
05-09-2013, 02:46 PM
sometimes all I can say is "wow".
05-09-2013, 03:05 PM
your restraint is admirable. i really don't know what i would have done, but i would have enjoyed it immensely.
The point at which the throat slit comment was made is the legal definition of assault.
At that point, gather a witness, call 911
Assault is by definition a threat, verbal or otherwise (ie, the raised fist)
Battery is by definition when contact is made
Always nice to turn the tables on 'em...
probably should have snapped a picture of movie of 'em too
05-09-2013, 03:27 PM
You did good to walk away; I suspect those folks will meet someone with less sense than you if they keep this up.
05-09-2013, 03:45 PM
The point at which the throat slit comment was made is the legal definition of assault.
At that point, gather a witness, call 911
Assault is by definition a threat, verbal or otherwise (ie, the raised fist)
Battery is by definition when contact is made
Always nice to turn the tables on 'em...
It's not too late for the victim, he can certainly call the police after the fact and give a physical description of the people.
05-09-2013, 03:46 PM
I got to tell ya I'd have told them both to go fV(k themselves. I'm pretty much a live and let live type of guy. No I don't look for or give anybody any **** I keep to myself, but I sure as hell don't take any crap either. If that meant going a few rounds with the dude, well it wouldn't be my first dance with some POS. Only thing I would have done was egg him on a little to throw the first punch for the security cameras. Then it would have been light the torch and let the games begin.
05-09-2013, 03:47 PM
The point at which the throat slit comment was made is the legal definition of assault.
At that point, gather a witness, call 911
Assault is by definition a threat, verbal or otherwise (ie, the raised fist)
Battery is by definition when contact is made
Always nice to turn the tables on 'em...
no kidding...i wonder what got a hair up there butt? i apploud you in your restraint not to give them a knuckle sandwich.
05-09-2013, 03:54 PM
Dang, makes me wish I could have been there.
05-09-2013, 03:54 PM
I just scrolled through the thread on the other forum where it happened, and noticed three things.
1.) Now that my IP address has been logged with the host of a survivalist forum, I'm sure the gubber mint will check off another box on that form in my file.
2.) He was taking a lot of heat for assuming the two assaulters were liberal, which is asinine in the scheme of things.
3.) He did call the police, but it seems in Iowa assault isn't taken very seriously.
I did end up calling the police and filling out a report and although the officer said he'd take a look at Wal-Mart's security footage he said he didn't expect anything to come of it. I was told that unless there were physical injuries that the county attorney would most likely call it a "civil matter" (which is evidently code for "I don't want to deal with it") and not pursue charges. I can't say I'm shocked, as the entirety of the city and county government is very liberal and unlikely to change, ever. I was at least very impressed with the officer and his forthrightness.
05-09-2013, 04:31 PM
Ah.....Iowa, one of the nations leaders on gay marriage too....jus sayin....might be a clue?
05-09-2013, 04:40 PM
So your saying that one of the parties of the 2nd part might have had a sex change in an effort to disquise the fact that they are gays married but apparently not wanting to act the part especially when they are harassing and threatening the god fearing NRA supporting ammo buying party of the first part?
What I want to know is where was Jamie Lee Curtis while all this was going on. Hmmm.........
05-09-2013, 04:49 PM
She's sitting on the can...Can't do much else after eating all that Activia stuff...:cool:
05-09-2013, 04:57 PM
Good sharp point right there, I hadn't considered that.
I'm hard pressed why I even considered her potential involvement in the aforementioned activities.
Ever since I threw away my broad brushes I can no longer focus. Maybe it's dementia, thank goodness it isn't Ahlzeimers or the heart break of scoriasis! That can make you forget stuff.
That can make you forget stuff.
05-09-2013, 05:03 PM
Eat a quart of Activia and you'll be good to go...Cures what ails ya....
05-09-2013, 05:08 PM
In North Carolina this happened? Sure you weren't in Commiefornia in the Bay area?
Maybe it was your helmet that set them off...prolly should leave that at home when visiting welfare liberal country.
05-09-2013, 06:29 PM
Ames IA is a college town (Iowa State University) with lots of loonies. Used to be the state school in Iowa where kids went to learn something useful, but that has evidently changed.
On topic, I shop the ammo section of the local Walmart here in WA frequently and have never had a problem, except no ammo that I want usually. Scored 1 box of Win white box 40S&W today. Woo hoo.
ISU grad, 1972
Military uniform on campus at Berkley circa 1965.
05-09-2013, 06:51 PM
I would been tempted to get on the loud speaker and announce a blue light special on assholes in sporting goods!
05-09-2013, 08:33 PM
You handled that very well indeed. It seems we are going to run into squealing pigs every now and then. There are a lot of things you could have done but the slime wasn't worth your time or trouble. Congrats!!
05-09-2013, 08:46 PM
It is interesting that this was posted. I had a run in not too long ago like this. The difference would be that it was with someone I know. My step-brother who is very anti-gun. I was talking about getting a holster for my gun (before I bought one) with my mama and he walked into the kitchen and began going off on me about me owning a gun. "What did you buy a gun for? It makes no sense for women to own guns. All you will end up doing is hurting yourself or one of the kids. Instead of buying a gun you should have bought yourself a new blender or something." I got pretty mad at him and punched him in the stomach (I am not a violent person, but he has had this coming for a very long time. He has done things that are unforgivable.) Keep in mind that he is a good foot taller than I am and at least 100 pounds heavier. He doubled over and fell to his knees. My poor mama was so flustered. She didn't know what to do. I stepped around him and asked her to show me her new flower beds. He hasn't spoken to me since then. I am not the least bit broken-hearted about it.
cream of spinach soup does it better.....
05-09-2013, 10:02 PM
A couple of corrections. As I said in the OP:
This didn't happen to me. I just copied the story.
This happened in Ames, Iowa, not North Carolina.
We are seeing more of this kind of behavior since BO became POTUS. These nuts feel so emboldened because of him.
05-10-2013, 02:41 AM
These are the same folks that will be screaming "It's not fair!" when they find themselves in a FEMA camp. Gotta love Karma.
05-10-2013, 10:14 AM
Iowa is a good state. The gay marriage ruling is more libertarian than liberal.
I have run into anti 2nd amendment nutjobs. They love to threaten ,get loud and call me names. I always tell them that if I was so evil and bad they would not dare mess with me.
I do not resort to name calling. In this case I would have called the police at that time while also immediately demanding a manager to be present.
The best punishment for the two losers would to banned from Wal-Mart.
05-10-2013, 10:31 AM
These people are immoral and insane. Ann Coulter nailed it with her book, "GODLESS: The Church of Liberalism (" They are sinners with rebellious hearts and wills. They have no rules, no moral foundation. They are proud, arrogant and self righteousness. Cursing and lies spew out every time they open their mouths. These are the kind of people you see on police videos who try to lecture the LEO about their rights and refuse to cooperate when pulled over on a traffic stop, ending up getting tased and hauled off to jail.
05-10-2013, 10:34 AM
Iowa is a good state. The gay marriage ruling is more libertarian than liberal.
I have run into anti 2nd amendment nutjobs. They love to threaten ,get loud and call me names. I always tell them that if I was so evil and bad they would not dare mess with me.
I do not resort to name calling. In this case I would have called the police at that time while also immediately demanding a manager to be present.
The best punishment for the two losers would to banned from Wal-Mart.
Good points. But I think the best punishment would have been being charged and prosecuted for assault and terroristic threats.
05-10-2013, 10:45 AM
Naw, they'd be proud of that. Trespassing them from their favorite hang out would have more profound effects. Can't hang out with their people.
05-10-2013, 02:08 PM
Here's a related post from where Walmart supported a customer who was not allowed to purchase ammo by a couple of libtard managers. They got theirs! :D
About a week ago my wife and I were doing our local early (2-5am) Wal-Mart ammo run, as they stock between midnight and 5am, we had left one after finding nothing and arrived at the location nearest our house at about 3am. We promptly went to the sporting goods section to see what the ammo shelves had. We had just picked up some boxes of .223 the previous week, and to our surprise they had 5 575rd boxes of mine! Right?
Being early AM, theres few employees working, so I went to find a cashier to unlock the shelf for me. As we waited for someone with keys, the young man who I had asked to find someone returned and told us "I guess we dont sell ammo untill 7am now"....huh? I asked him what he was talking about, his response was he has no idea.
At this point im pretty irritated, especially after waiting over 15 minutes just to be told this.
I headed to the front and asked the cashier working to call for a manager. About 5 minutes later one of the managers came and I asked why they dont sell ammo untill 7am, she told me they have a rule where they cant sell ammo between 10pm and 7am. I told her I was just at another Wal-Mart and they didnt have such a rule, and she said it was just them. Im getting pretty upset at this point, I tell her that Im going to write to corporate, she said okay.
I left, went home, wrote up a letter on the computer for the managers to sign saying they were refusing to sell me ammo, so I could send it to corporate.
I drove back to the Wal-Mart, called back the manager and the lead manager (who brought security) and asked them to sign the letter admitting what they were doing, who quickly denied signing.
The lead manager told me the same BS the other mgr did, and went on about how they had an "issue selling ammo and now they dont during those hours anymore" and then blamed it on the head of asset protection, saying it was their decision. I asked what the issue was, she told me she didnt have to tell me. I also pointed out it was odd they just dont happen to sell ammo the nights shes working, and just so happens to be a 9 hour interval, which surprise surprise is her shift. I told her she cant just make up her own rules because shes obviously anti gun and didnt want to sell ammo during her shifts period. This went on for a few minutes, I eventually got tired of it, asked for their names, which she also told me she didnt have to give me.
I got the names thru the cashier im cool with, went home, and wrote a SCATHING, very detailed letter to corporate and went to bed unhappy.
On a side note, went back when I woke up at 9 and the boxes were all gone, of course. Anyone who looks for 22 right now knows how upset I was.
Two days later WalMart calls and leaves me a message, its an assistant mgr at that location. Seeing as it was a lower position than I had an issue with, and that location, I ignored it, knowing it would get escalated to the next in charge.
Didnt hear anything for a few days, that is, until yesterday.
The Las Vegas regional Wal-Mart manager and another man, both in suits, came to my location to handle the mess. They interviewed every employee involved and the story ended up going like this:
The story about having an "issue selling ammo at night" was bogus, the head of asset protection denied ever making such a rule, the first manager I talked to threw the lead manager under the bus (it was obviously all the lead mgr anyway), and both cashiers threw her under the bus.
The lead mgr was physically walked out of the store by the regional mgr and suspended for 2 weeks and demoted. The other mgr got a warning. If they get another complaint, they will be fired.
I got an apology, and a thank you from corporate.
My wife and I talk to a few of the cashiers a lot when we check out and I guess we are famous there, the lead mgr is apparently a huge you know what and treat a lot of them poorly and is a blatant racist anti-gun libtard, so during the "walk of shame" out of the store and as news of the suspension traveled, they were all shocked a customer could get such corporate involvement.
Long story short, Wal-Mart had my back big time on a complaint a lot of retailers in this current situation would turn a blind eye to. They will certainly get my business still, and it shows not every big store follows the sheep regarding guns and ammo.
05-10-2013, 04:04 PM
I also admire your restraint. I would have gone to my truck and locked up my gun and then gone back in. I would have probably lured the gentleman into attempting to physically assualting me and then taken him apart. I am well trained in hand to hand combatives and Krav Maga and I am just plain tired of being one of the approximate 50% who pay taxes, have no record as a law abiding citizen and yet this administration villainizes me for wanted to protect my family and myself while being a successful contributor to our society. Then I would have contacted an attorney and sued Walmart for not providing adequate security.
Of course this is all hindsight, as I have had time to think about it. You did well! Don't let it get you down.
05-10-2013, 04:18 PM
Again, I want to make it clear that these are other people's experiences, not my own. Just sharing these examples of crazy libtard behavior, which seem to be growing more bold and bizarre since the Obamination began.
my brother in the blues...Vic, works at Walmart. its all he can get for work in his area....another story... anway... yes... from what he tells me, its probably true
Again, I want to make it clear that these are other people's experiences, not my own. Just sharing these examples of crazy libtard behavior, which seem to be growing more bold and bizarre since the Obamination began.
Ahhh....missed that. Sorry.
05-10-2013, 09:49 PM
Again, I want to make it clear that these are other people's experiences, not my own. Just sharing these examples of crazy libtard behavior, which seem to be growing more bold and bizarre since the Obamination began.
Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't post anything that I wasn't involved with first person. A lot of BS is posted on the internet.
05-10-2013, 09:53 PM
Cut cousin JFootin some slack. You've posted plenty about third person accounts, muggsy.
05-11-2013, 10:31 AM
I wasn't putting J down. I was just offering an opinion. I try to avoid posting anything that doesn't come to me from a reputable source. To often leftist post stories like this to demonstrate how gullible those of us on the right can be.
05-11-2013, 10:35 AM
If something like what occurred in this story actually happened to me I would have told the libs that I was just exercising my 2A rights just as the were exercising their 1A rights. I would further have told them that it's out 2A rights that secure the 1A rights that they use to make fools of themselves in public. In a battle of wits the left is often out gunned.
05-11-2013, 02:15 PM
Muggsy, I didn't just get these stories from strange or unknown source. Both of these stories were posted by members in good standing on another gun forum that I frequent.
05-11-2013, 04:17 PM
Sounds like one of those loud mouth women with a big goon boyfriend. The kind that like to flirt with guys in bars, then sick her goon boyfriend on some unsuspecting schmuck. I think we've all seen the type. Low life b!tches usually with bleach blonde hair.
Sounds like one of those loud mouth women with a big goon boyfriend. The kind that like to flirt with guys in bars, then sick her goon boyfriend on some unsuspecting schmuck. I think we've all seen the type. Low life b!tches usually with bleach blonde hair., I haven't. We musta hung out in different bars.
05-11-2013, 06:51 PM
Why do I suspect that the crazy witch screaming "NRA NAZI CHILD KILLER" is virulently pro-choice???
Am I just profiling? Shame, shame on me...:rolleyes:
05-11-2013, 06:57 PM
It sounds like a setup designed to get you to overreact. The libs occasionally like to perform stunts to draw out an ugly reaction for the hidden camera. I would stay on the high road and only deal with threats.
I used to live in an area that was a vacation destination for New Yorkers. Some would react with terror and panic when they saw firearms. About 2t years ago, I was once looking at and handling an Chinese AK in a local shop. Vacationers called the police to report an Arab looking man with an AK. Actually, I am a fair skinned blue eyed Jew, but witnesses see what they want to see. At least they were right about the AK.
Why do I suspect that the crazy witch screaming "NRA NAZI CHILD KILLER" is virulently pro-choice???
Am I just profiling? Shame, shame on me...:rolleyes:
Maybe she was just crying for help.......
05-11-2013, 07:43 PM
Or maybe just crying to cry, violets do that.
05-12-2013, 08:44 AM
Muggsy, I didn't just get these stories from strange or unknown source. Both of these stories were posted by members in good standing on another gun forum that I frequent.
But where did they get them from? I'm not saying that it didn't happen, but in fifty years of buying ammo it's never happened to me. Maybe I just have that don't screw with me look. My kids seem to think so. :)
05-12-2013, 08:53 AM
But where did they get them from? I'm not saying that it didn't happen, but in fifty years of buying ammo it's never happened to me. Maybe I just have that don't screw with me look. My kids seem to think so. :)
They didn't "get them" from somewhere. They were relating first hand experiences.
05-13-2013, 05:06 PM
No offense, but I'm just not buying his story.
05-13-2013, 05:16 PM
Oh quit whining you kid killing nazi piece of **** They were just there to buy a bell for their bicycle. Till your nazi *** showed up.
05-13-2013, 05:22 PM
Mark this up as an educational post for future reference and entertainment but we're done here.
Thanks for playing.
05-13-2013, 06:36 PM
Not sure why but I'm resurrecting this one. Maybe being surrounded by violets all day had made me lose my ability to make a rationale decision.
I don't see this going anyplace we haven't been but far be it from me to be the cause of it's demise.
Course if it gets unruly I'll sent it to Mars in a Chicago minute.
05-13-2013, 06:42 PM
05-13-2013, 07:02 PM
No win situation - great personal control with libtards in your face.
Not sure why but I'm resurrecting this one. Maybe being surrounded by violets all day had made me lose my ability to make a rationale decision.
I don't see this going anyplace we haven't been but far be it from me to be the cause of it's demise.
Course if it gets unruly I'll sent it to Mars in a Chicago minute.
I think your first instinct was correct. Workplace violets appear to be wrongly affecting your brain/makin' you go soft.
05-13-2013, 07:51 PM
Dang, makes me wish I could have been there.
Ditto. Not necessarily as the recipient, but it would have been interesting watching and assisting the harassee if needed.
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