View Full Version : Do we deserve to remain a free nation?
05-10-2013, 01:26 AM
Mario Murillo Ministries declares: Benghazi is our national litmus test to see if we deserve to remain a free nation
The man poses some pretty thought evoking questions in the article. He asks the tough questions. If we are going to stand by and let these kind of things go, then do we actually deserve to remain a free nation, or do we deserve the tyranny that is slowly being imposed on us?
People willing to tell outrageous lies to hang on too, or gain power, people defending the indefensible. The supposed guardians of Truth and Justice, the Mainstream Media, with nothing to say about the lies and deceptions?
Are we getting what we deserve as a nation?
I am only repeating what the article asks, these are not my questions, I am only repeating or paraphrasing things the author asks in the link.
05-10-2013, 08:01 PM
Maybe the lame stream media is waking up a little. ABC has jumped into the fray. Hopefully the others (except MSNBC of course) will have to jump in or be left behind with egg on their faces. We'll see.
05-11-2013, 04:05 AM
Maybe the lame stream media is waking up a little. ABC has jumped into the fray. Hopefully the others (except MSNBC of course) will have to jump in or be left behind with egg on their faces. We'll see.
Funny. I have been noticing very little cracks in the mainstream media starting to print/broadcast, shifting every so slightly to the center...
Obama has been under much more resistance and it's being reported (A little) verses ignored for the past 4 years!
Example Huffington Post- Left wing liberal (AOL owned) has been reporting:
Benghazi, The defeat of the morning after pill, gun control aka People control,
EPA nominee radical, Reporting very loud about another 3 $500 mil green companies going OOB and the taxpayers are on the hook. Also the new scandal that the white house was involved in directing the IRS to chase down the Tea Party aka Patriot, with denied tax exempt status. As the Reverend Jeremiah Wright said "America's chickens are coming home to roost." in this case the Obama's Radical Liberal agenda is coming home.
These are some of many things being reported by "Other Than Fox" Outlets when previously ignored or dismissed!
We are teetering to the point where a feather can tip the scales one way or another.
The determination will be whether/how Dem senators and congressman will lean as Obama's NOT up for ANY more elections and They are.
This may be the ONLY thing that saves us from the tipping point....
If Obamacare gets overturned we will survive the debt crisis, if not, we surely will lose the dollar as being the International monetary currency.
God Bless America and the American Gun-Owners that stand by the U.S. Constitution. :Amflag2:
05-11-2013, 05:49 AM
Now if we just didn't have to deal with that phony a$$ for another 3 years and 9 months. (sorry, got woke up too early by work calling and I'm really grouchy.)
And if we elect another one like him next time, we deserve everything we get handed. Only problem is where do I go to live now to get away from this crap????? too many uninformed, I want a nanny state dumb asses with voting rights. they want to take everything I have busted my tail to earn and give it to slackers.
05-11-2013, 05:57 AM
As long as more "takers" are voting for free stuff that others have to pay for this country will keep sinking because it will elect people such as Zero.........and our freedoms will vanish.
05-11-2013, 06:05 AM
I agree that this country is at a tipping point.
Our chances to pull out of this situation are slim but still possible.
Every great Nation has a life span, and I pray to God that we haven't come to the end of our!!!!!
05-11-2013, 11:46 AM
That post really got me to thinking. I'm still mulling it over. What if he is right, and we are getting what we deserve, by abandoning God, the Constitution, and the principles that made this such a great nation. We have a president whose career was launched with the help of a spoiled rich boy Weatherman Underground bomber communist. The spoiled child of a family that is very well off, trying to destroy the nation that gave him all his opportunities for a good education, and the best things America has to offer. I guess it's pretty normal to rebel against your parents as a young man, but to that extreme? I don't see why Bill Ayers isn't rotting in a prison some where instead of teaching his crap to today's youth.
05-11-2013, 02:37 PM
No one deserves a damn thing. You're supposed to earn what you get. Obama wouldn't have been returned to office if republicans had gotten out and voted republican. We have met the enemy and he is us.
05-11-2013, 03:42 PM
That's not entirely true Mugs, people deserve certain things, air, water, etc. A chance to earn a living. But I see your point. The do not deserve to sit around and collect money for popping out babies as fast as they can. Kids deserve a right NOT to be brainwashed at school, into believing whatever the govt. wants them to believe, such as guns are evil, socialism is a great thing, homosexuality is normal and healthy, and all the other crap they are fed daily. Parents deserve to know what is being taught to their children, without agendas being hidden from them. (CSCOPE)
Any Republican that sat out the last election should be horsewhipped. But with voter fraud, rigged voting machines, it may not have mattered anyway. I don't know if it's true or not, but It's been said that any state with a voter ID law, went for Romney, while those that didn't went for Obama. Any wonder why the DOJ is challenging voter ID laws? Now I hear Obama signed an Executive Order to establish some kind of election commission or some such crap to oversee elections. I don't think that is very good news at all. We need voter ID laws, paper ballots, a proper distribution and count of ballots submitted by servicemen serving abroad. As a computer programmer, I know how easy it is to program a computer to show one thing, while doing something else, like showing you casting a vote for one candidate, and having it applied to another. And no more of this taking a bus full of nursing home residents to the polls, telling them to vote Democrat along the way, who knows what nonsense they were told on the way to the polls. No one but a relative, friend, or medical personnel should be able to take these people anywhere. Not by the bus load anyway. We need to petition and pressure our state governments to make crap like that illegal.
05-11-2013, 05:47 PM
I agree, Tman. I am convinced that the voter fraud by Dems in the last presidential election adds up to millions of votes. Obama took what he learned working for Acorn and organized a huge criminal enterprise to steal the election.
05-11-2013, 07:06 PM
I also think if you don't have a job and pay tax you have no vote. How can you beget vote where the money goes if you don't pay any in
05-11-2013, 07:15 PM
Some of the founding fathers wanted to add to the Constitution that you had to be a property owner to vote, but got voted down by the rest of them. What a shame.
I also think if you don't have a job and pay tax you have no vote. How can you beget vote where the money goes if you don't pay any in
cuse u get moter votar rgistraton whn u gat drivr lisens
Some of the founding fathers wanted to add to the Constitution that you had to be a property owner to vote, but got voted down by the rest of them. What a shame.
Why 'dat?
05-12-2013, 02:21 AM
Do we deserve it? No. But let's hope we get what we do not deserve. I do not think any of us would want what to receive what we deserve.
05-14-2013, 04:28 PM
Some of the Founding Fathers thought it unfair to restrict voting rights to property owners. Think how much better off we'd be if they'd have shut up, and went with the property owners get to vote.
Most people don't get what they deserve. Think of all the Mobsters, gang bangers, and other criminals that go unpunished in this world. While it seems sometimes that no GOOD deed goes UNPUNISHED. Even Hitler got off easy, choosing his own way out, instead of being put on trial, but what punishment could you come up with for someone like him? I hope he finds out in hell. Along with all the others that have escaped justice in this world.
And even the good citizens among us, how many times should we have gotten speeding tickets, and things, and not gotten them, so sometimes it's not so bad to not get what we deserve.
05-14-2013, 04:49 PM
Obama wouldn't have been returned to office if republicans had gotten out and voted republican.
Therein is our problem in a nutshell. If Romney had gotten as many votes as McCain, Obama would be history. We truly do deserve all we're getting right now.
05-14-2013, 04:55 PM
This is all of course based on a legal and fair voting practice where by one person or facsimile of person gets one vote.
Not 26 which they seem to accept without question.
I'd like a speedy simple IQ test and definitely identification prior to voting.
This would of course eliminate mail in voting which might be a good thing as I don't think many of THEIR supporters have cars, just free cell phones, food stamps, welfare checks, etc.
Actually that's probably incorrect. IN my area they usually have one communal Expedition or Suburban for 4 or 5 families, some of whom live in the vehicle.
I've even suggested they hang a mailbox on one of the window like the old drive in restaurants so they have an official mailing address.
Some of the Founding Fathers thought it unfair to restrict voting rights to property owners. Think how much better off we'd be if they'd have shut up, and went with the property owners get to vote.
Most people don't get what they deserve. Think of all the Mobsters, gang bangers, and other criminals that go unpunished in this world. While it seems sometimes that no GOOD deed goes UNPUNISHED. Even Hitler got off easy, choosing his own way out, instead of being put on trial, but what punishment could you come up with for someone like him? I hope he finds out in hell. Along with all the others that have escaped justice in this world.
And even the good citizens among us, how many times should we have gotten speeding tickets, and things, and not gotten them, so sometimes it's not so bad to not get what we deserve.
White, male, property owners as screens was appropriate back then. Not appropriate today, but.....We Morons Didn't Replace Those Barriers With New/More Contemporary education, not being self serving stupid, whatever, nor even requiring any minimal initiative to register. And then we mail ballots to the unwilling and undeserving and encourage them to fill them out and mail them in. Semi-fortunately, many do not understand the concept of mail-in ballots requiring stamps. Next step will be some idiot Sen/Rep realizing that and introducing a bill requiring the return envelopes to be franked.
05-14-2013, 06:48 PM
I knew it, just couldn't ever put my finger on it. It's the whole White Male thing! Crap, that's where we went wrong.
First we let em smoke, then we let em drive cars and then vote, now they wanna rule the freakin world.
I knew it, just couldn't ever put my finger on it. It's the whole White Male thing! Crap, that's where we went wrong.
First we let em smoke, then we let em drive cars and then vote, now they wanna rule the freakin world.
We were doin' pretty ok from 1776 up until 1913. Went down hill after that, then really began to crash after 1954 or so.
Only folk that should be allowed to vote these days are educated mothers and men, mostly old, with a demonstrated below normal level of testosterone.
Come to think of it, that's the only folk that should be allowed in Congress as well.
Light 'em up if you got them.
mr surveyor
05-14-2013, 07:04 PM
Don't mind me.... I'm just an old white man, minding my own bizness ..... now get the h e l l off'n my porch....
Oh, sorry.... what was the subject? :D
05-15-2013, 07:42 AM
The trouble is, if only property owners could vote, then the Dems would have been promoting the mortgage scam with a mantra of "everybody has a right to own a home" a long, long time ago.
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