View Full Version : US military Special Ops getting electric motorcycles

05-10-2013, 04:55 PM
Pretty cool stealth hardware:


05-10-2013, 06:11 PM
Hope they work as well as the Chevy Dolt, the Fisker and the Boing Dreamliner have. Maybe the Pink Bunny will supply the batteries and all will be swell.

05-10-2013, 06:18 PM
De cars, de motorcycles...dey painted dem...

Movie? Anyone?

Gotta be a C-movie child of the late 70s and 80s to even have a chance. Game on!

05-10-2013, 07:31 PM
These Zero thingys look really cool. Shiny object....I want one.

05-10-2013, 10:30 PM
Of course, there is the Harley version.


05-10-2013, 11:33 PM
At least they'll be nice and easy to push off aircraft carriers when they make a few million too many and find they are surplus.

05-11-2013, 10:20 AM
At least they'll be nice and easy to push off aircraft carriers when they make a few million too many and find they are surplus.

That reminds me of old photos of a gun graveyard in SE Asia:


Look at all these Thompsons:



05-11-2013, 12:30 PM
Of course, there is the Harley version.


u just gotta love that oldstyle Harley peanut tank though, brings back the days when iver 50 miles u best belooking for gas.:Amflag2:

It actually looks like sumpi the colonel would design...:Amflag2:

MW surveyor
05-11-2013, 01:30 PM
Two questions

1. How many miles on a charge?

2. Why the heck would you have a fuel tank on an electric bike?

05-11-2013, 02:01 PM
Two questions

1. How many miles on a charge?

2. Why the heck would you have a fuel tank on an electric bike?

Probably look stupid without the tank even though it might have no purpose. Lots of things like that in life.

05-11-2013, 05:12 PM
Two questions

1. How many miles on a charge?

2. Why the heck would you have a fuel tank on an electric bike?

Not too many I'd suppose but the tank obviously be there for the emergency supply of electricity. Like the spare 2.5 gallon Jerry can of gas I to be carrin' in my car trunk on da road trips.