View Full Version : Can the Obama Administration continue ducking the Schrapnel?

05-11-2013, 07:56 AM
Let's see we have the following brewing to a hard boil:

Gun Control rd #2
Benghazi- How far up the Flag pole will it rise?
The IRS admitting waging war on the Tea Party/Patriot groups
ObamaCare- Dems starting to run away real costs are staggering/Companies reducing hours to skirt the rules
Administration Dealt Blow In Birth Control Case
EPA renegade agency crushing Jobs with over the top regulations/Keystone Pipeline
Ryan Crocker Nominated To Broadcasting Board of Governors Despite DUI Charge
Off the record Press briefings
2 of Obamas Buddies (Convicted Terrorists), whom he denied affiliation, teaching at Columbia University
A White House Press Secretary that can't lie well enough anymore.
Over 1/4 million free Obama Cell phones issued improperly and many to gang and drug dealers.
Immigration reform for the goal of getting more Dem voters
A finding indicating DHS failure in Boston
20% of American households on food stamps (Even illegals can sign up and are encouraged)

Did I miss anything?
Will even the Low information people wake-up?

05-11-2013, 08:23 AM
+1...Well said.

05-11-2013, 08:27 AM
15. The mainstream media supports him. Check, and mate.

05-11-2013, 08:28 AM
Honesty no they will not. They have be conditioned to rely on the government to take care of them no matter how shady the government gets. Remember only 47 percent is paying for the other 53 percent and they Obama phones!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

05-11-2013, 08:30 AM
15. The mainstream media supports him. Check, and mate.
I'm seeing that changing. The kings new clothes don't exist!

05-11-2013, 09:28 AM
Liberals never eat their own, example; Bill Clinton, a buffoon worthy of scorn and ridicule is their god. One shiny new thing with which to dazzle the ignorant masses will appear and the spotlight will pass away from these affairs. The media will see to it that conservatives are blamed.

Obama will be made to shine. Bizarro land for sure.

05-11-2013, 09:42 AM
I only wish he would be held accountable! BUT!
They won't hurt/damage their Santa Claus!!!!

05-11-2013, 12:22 PM
Let's see we have the following brewing to a hard boil:

Gun Control rd #2
Benghazi- How far up the Flag pole will it rise?
The IRS admitting waging war on the Tea Party/Patriot groups
ObamaCare- Dems starting to run away real costs are staggering/Companies reducing hours to skirt the rules
Administration Dealt Blow In Birth Control Case
EPA renegade agency crushing Jobs with over the top regulations/Keystone Pipeline
Ryan Crocker Nominated To Broadcasting Board of Governors Despite DUI Charge
Off the record Press briefings
2 of Obamas Buddies (Convicted Terrorists), whom he denied affiliation, teaching at Columbia University
A White House Press Secretary that can lie well enough anymore.
Over 1/4 million free Obama Cell phones issued improperly and many to gang and drug dealers.
Immigration reform for the goal of getting more Dem voters
A finding indicating DHS failure in Boston
20% of American households on food stamps (Even illegals can sign up and are encouraged)

Did I miss anything?
Will even the Low information people wake-up?

o obummers fault. its all Bushs fault. I am getting very disgusted with u conservatives bashing this fine kenyan american, smoking, arogant, anti gun and and anti business and pro "poor" welfare pr!ck. He is a good man
just sayin

sumper vulgare:Amflag2::Amflag2:

05-11-2013, 12:23 PM
heh, i kinda like that statement "low information people "
Kinda of a nice way to say tothe 47% u are one stupid ass person. that is cool and to think I read this on a gun forum.

05-11-2013, 12:25 PM
Ok you conservative pr!cks, some one here has to defend our president. below is my in debt research list of his accomplishments. please take some time to readum and I will debate any of of them with this forum.

OK: Here goes:

05-11-2013, 01:33 PM
please take some time to readum and I will debate any of of them with this forum.

OK: Here goes:

You win. How could I or anyone else debate against those accomplishments. :(

05-11-2013, 02:42 PM
heh, i kinda like that statement "low information people "
Kinda of a nice way to say tothe 47% u are one stupid ass person. that is cool and to think I read this on a gun forum.
Politically polite, sorry, not my style usually....

05-11-2013, 03:17 PM
I'm seeing that changing. The kings new clothes don't exist!

I'll believe it when I see it, and that hasn't happened yet. The media doesn't have to be very smart to fool Jocko's 47%.

05-11-2013, 05:02 PM
I'm seeing that changing. The kings new clothes don't exist!

I think he looks pretty good without clothes. My wife said hot, but I'm not going that far.

05-11-2013, 05:32 PM
There is the problem, every white and black women think he's hot and therefore they voted for him. Add to that that every black person in America and every illegal Mexican did too and now he is a two term President weather he deserves it or not.

05-11-2013, 05:33 PM
You win. How could I or anyone else debate against those accomplishments. :(

I figured once u read my review tha tyou would be on baord to inssit on a 3rd term.:Amflag2:

He doesn't need a constitutional amendment, he has the power to do it himself.:blah:

semper vulgare: That worthless pr!ck.

05-11-2013, 05:56 PM
There is the problem, every white and black women think he's hot and therefore they voted for him. Add to that that every black person in America and every illegal Mexican did too and now he is a two term President weather he deserves it or not.

My wife didn't vote for him. She just said he was hot after seeing that clip of him mostly naked in the Bahamas.

05-11-2013, 07:10 PM
I figured once u read my review tha tyou would be on baord to inssit on a 3rd term.:Amflag2:

He doesn't need a constitutional amendment, he has the power to do it himself.:blah:

semper vulgare: That worthless pr!ck.

Who are you going to vote for if it comes down to him and Jeb Bush? I will never vote for another Bush. PS, I don't think there is any way in hell Obama can reappoint himself.
My wife voted for Obama and I had to cancel her vote out.

05-11-2013, 07:27 PM

05-11-2013, 07:37 PM
Ok you conservative pr!cks, some one here has to defend our president. below is my in debt research list of his accomplishments. please take some time to readum and I will debate any of of them with this forum.

OK: Here goes:

I have an issue with your comment "OK:..."

05-11-2013, 07:41 PM

For once.....not cool

05-11-2013, 07:43 PM
Snarky rebuttal removed after further consideration. Bad night. Death in family. Apologies.

05-11-2013, 07:46 PM
I have an issue with your comment "OK:..."

which one???:Amflag2:

05-11-2013, 07:49 PM
Who are you going to vote for if it comes down to him and Jeb Bush? I will never vote for another Bush. PS, I don't think there is any way in hell Obama can reappoint himself.
My wife voted for Obama and I had to cancel her vote out.

u realize I was just sh!ttin with that comment:Amflag2:

We have had enough Bush's but I would vote for Jeb any day over obummer or that screw head Biden:blah:

05-11-2013, 07:52 PM
Not terribly interested in your opinion. But you're entitled to it nonetheless.

That I be and to express it. Sorry you feel that way.

05-11-2013, 08:57 PM
u realize I was just sh!ttin with that comment:Amflag2:

We have had enough Bush's but I would vote for Jeb any day over obummer or that screw head Biden:blah:

Come on. Just come out and admit you are a Hillary supporter. I mean backer. Supporter may not be the right word.

05-11-2013, 09:10 PM
We have had enough Bush's but I would vote for Jeb any day over obummer or that screw head Biden:blah:

You got that right. Any day.

05-11-2013, 09:14 PM
I'm just tired of habitual liars being in office. There are WAY too many of them in Washington. And every time the current man in the oval office opens his mouth a lie comes out.

I don't necessarily that GW Bush was one. Now, he may have been uninformed on a few occasions though.

05-11-2013, 09:30 PM
which one???:Amflag2:

...using "OK" in the same breath as Obama. :D

05-11-2013, 10:45 PM
Here's the deal. Obama couldn't care less how he looks to the public. He will never be threatened or at least not impeached so he's in the clear. The real issue is Hillery. First it was Watergate (yeah, remember that?) now it's BenghaziGate! This is the only bump in her road to the White House. It will be the rallying cry of the Republicans throughout the campaign which should be starting up any day now.

05-11-2013, 11:20 PM
One nice thing is all of the "Are you ready for Hillary" posts (ready for her to run for President) have disappeared from Facebook. I posted a picture of Leavenworth Prison with "Are you ready for Hillary" on it.

05-12-2013, 04:30 AM
First it was Watergate (yeah, remember that?) now it's BenghaziGate! This is the only bump in her road to the White House. It will be the rallying cry of the Republicans throughout the campaign which should be starting up any day now.

Isn't it Fitting....Watergate now Benghazigate!
Who was one of the attorney's prosecuting Richard Millhouse Nixon ...........A Young, Vibrant Hillary Rodham. Who later fell in love with and Married a draft dodger, becoming Hillary Rodham Clinton and well, you know the story......:puke:

But there's a lot more Hillary's #2 at State was a Lady oft heard of now in these hearings, Beth Jones. (Guess how she got her job? She Defended Bill "Eatin' ain't Cheatin'" Clinton during HIS Impeachment hearings!) Ole Beth was the one threatening ALL the Benghazi survivors with the If you talk......

Monica Crowley asserted Hillary Clinton "will cut off your manhood"
Referring to a New York Times article headlined "Those Loyal to the Clintons Take Note of Who Was Not," Monica Crowley claimed that those who reportedly spoke to the Times did so "only on the condition of anonymity, because they also do not want to end up in cement shoes." Crowley also described Hillary Clinton's purported treatment of someone who is, in Crowley's words, "backing the 'hope' guy": "[I]t will be too bad for you because girlfriend will cut you. She will strap you into the electric chair. Then she will waterboard you. Then she will slowly and methodically pull off each one of your toenails. Then she will deprive you of sleep by blasting 'The Best of the '80s Hair Bands' at you, and then she will cut off your manhood, and then she will throw the switch."

This is a BRUTAL BRUTAL individual!

05-12-2013, 08:52 AM
I'm seeing that changing. The kings new clothes don't exist!

Obama claims to have the most transparent administration in the history of the country. I have to admit that he's correct on that point. I saw right through him and his administration from the start.

05-12-2013, 09:12 AM
Good one, Muggsy! :D

05-12-2013, 10:14 AM
I have to wonder if these Whistle Blowers had gone to the Romney Campaign and he used the info in the debates, things may be way different today.
At the very least Romney should have brought it up more in the debates, and challenged the lies/coverup, as it stunk soooooooooo bad to most of us, even then.

05-12-2013, 10:31 AM
He's too nice a guy trying to run an honorable campaign.

Nice guys always finish last.

05-12-2013, 05:05 PM
A gentleman boxer coming to a dark alley street fight.....

05-12-2013, 05:24 PM
He's too nice a guy trying to run an honorable campaign.

Nice guys always finish last.

ur right on both counts...:Amflag2:

05-13-2013, 04:04 PM

Benghazi is a Sideshow per barry today!
Tell that to the families' of the 4 dead Americans....
Go back to sleep

05-14-2013, 03:49 PM
Well the DOJ spying on the AP caused the worm to Turn! Holder lit the match now watch the winds take over! IRS, Benghazi and now the spying on the press. These will get worse before they get better for the BHO machine:D

05-14-2013, 04:56 PM
Well folks nothing to fear now... Looks like Barryo unleashed Eric Holder and the DOJ to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal of auditing those pesky Tea Party troublemakers....I feel so much better now that Eric is hard at work on the job....Have you ever seen such a bunch of sorry lying a$$ kissers in your life......:mad:

05-14-2013, 05:00 PM
I only learned of this on wednesday and I'm quite honestly appalled. Appalled I say.

05-14-2013, 05:13 PM
I think these ()*&(( have been given enough rope to hang themselves.
The lying, cheating, two faced sob train is coming off the tracks.
No boundaries and no respect for the laws of this country have come back to bite them.

The media may be liberal, but they are sharks that live on ratings.
And when there's blood in the water the sharks will feed on their own kind.

Cause that's the kind of loyalty these cockroaches have.

Let the hangings begin!

05-14-2013, 05:14 PM
I'm taking bets right now 3 to 1 odds that Holder finds Obama and the White House had no knowledge of this issue until just this week and the whole affair was caused by a low level intern who saw a video about it at the IRS and they did it all on their own....After all, What difference does it make now anyway????

05-14-2013, 05:24 PM
I'm taking bets right now 3 to 1 odds that Holder finds Obama and the White House had no knowledge of this issue until just this week and the whole affair was caused by a low level intern who saw a video about it at the IRS and they did it all on their own....After all, What difference does it make now anyway????

Precisely grasshopper, you learn very fast.

05-14-2013, 06:31 PM
i only learned of this on wednesday and i'm quite honestly appalled. Appalled i say.

burn! Baby burn!

05-15-2013, 05:00 AM
burn! Baby burn! H Rap Brown for you youngun's look him up he was a gentle guy just slightly mis-understood. His message was received loud and clear.:target:

05-15-2013, 05:42 AM
Obama and his Chicago thugs will get a pass on all of this mess because, in case you haven't heard, ...

... "It's all Bush's fault!"

05-15-2013, 06:40 AM

"The president’s contempt for political opponents and dissent,
and expediency in delivering results,
has corrupted the most basic functions of government,
and emboldened those with personal agendas to threaten our liberties."

It's time to kick the tires and light the fires baby!

05-15-2013, 08:07 AM
Obama and his Chicago thugs will get a pass on all of this mess because, in case you haven't heard, ...

... "It's all Bush's fault!"

I don't think these 3 things combined are going away so fast, due to biting the Press's hand. That's the ONE thing that's going to leave a bad taste in their mouth kinda like Monica Lewinski!:D

05-15-2013, 09:44 AM
You have much more faith in the ethicical nature of the press than I do. With liberals, ideology always trumps honesty, integrity and character. Just look at the huge differences in the outcome of Nixon versus Clinton. Liberals untimately always, always, always protect their own.

Nothing will come of these scandals that remotely touches Obama. You'll see.

05-15-2013, 07:20 PM
Obama IRS Scandal: Acting Director Of Tax Agency Resigns (UPDATE)

Here's the BS this ******** was resigning in 2 weeks anyhow!

The good news is tis has thrown barry off his rhythm his agenda will drag at the very least!

05-15-2013, 08:10 PM
Who the hell is this Schrapnel guy anyway?

05-16-2013, 06:51 AM
Obama IRS Scandal: Acting Director Of Tax Agency Resigns (UPDATE)

Here's the BS this ******** was resigning in 2 weeks anyhow!

The good news is tis has thrown barry off his rhythm his agenda will drag at the very least!

In wake of scandal, Obama ousts IRS chief
-- who was planning to resign anyway.

Obama wants the public to "understand and believe that the IRS applies our tax laws in a neutral and fair way to everyone."
What a lying sack of sh1t!
Obummer needs to divorce Clyde and marry Jodi Arias.
Those two would really understand each other.
Jocko, how do you feel about this mess?
I know you're usually close to the vest with your feelings.
But some color commentary would be welcome.

05-19-2013, 01:41 PM
Lastest report about the IRS- Newsmax magazine

Click here to view this email as a web page

Insider Report from Newsmax.com

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. What Triggered the IRS Targeting 'Admission'
2. Obamacare Opposition Propelled Mark Sanford's Election Win
3. Public University Presidents Earning Big Bucks
4. Tax Revenue Hit All-Time High in April
5. Immigrants a Majority in Just 6 of 472 Occupations
6. We Heard: Mitt Romney

What the IRS Doesn’t Want You to Know
1. What Triggered the IRS Targeting 'Admission'

The surprising admission by a high-ranking Internal Revenue Service official that the agency targeted tea party and other conservative groups could be seen as a tactical move designed to stave off a deeper investigation of the scandal.

Washington insiders said the Obama administration was engaged in a classic tactic called a “modified limited hangout” or MLH — a term that dates back to the Nixon presidency.

An MLH is a public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in hopes of ending a probe and preventing exposure of more important or damaging information.

The idea is to admit to some wrongdoing, but not all, in hopes of deflating press and public demands for more investigations.

During a March 1973 discussion between President Nixon and his top advisers, Nixon outlined to John Dean a report that Dean would create, offering a misleading view of the White House staff's role in events surrounding the Watergate burglary.

When Dean said, "It's a limited hangout," John Ehrlichman piped in: "It's a modified limited hangout."

The unfolding IRS scandal has all the earmarks of an MLH.

In March 2010, the IRS began targeting tea party and other conservative groups for closer scrutiny, demanding paperwork and other materials from the groups that delayed their application for tax-exempt status.

A congressional committee last year asked then-IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman about targeting allegations, but he told the committee the agency wasn't targeting conservative groups. He resigned in late 2012, and Steven Miller became acting IRS commissioner.

Then in early May of this year, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration released a report confirming the targeting to congressional investigators, but not to the public.

Apparently fearing the release of the upcoming Inspector General’s report, IRS officials decided to engage in an MLH.

On May 10, Lois Lerner, head of the IRS tax-exempt-status division, admitted that the targeting had been taking place, but asserted that it had not been centrally planned and was carried out by lower-level "front-line people" in the Cincinnati office.

But the move backfired — the admission by Lerner only served to spark public outrage and encourage investigators to dig deeper.

And, powerful evidence suggests the IRS activities involved high-ranking IRS officials in D.C., and hundreds of conservative organizations — not ones simply with “tea party” or “patriots” in their organization names.

On Tuesday, four days after Lerner's admission, respected elections attorney Cleta Mitchell came forward and claimed that the IRS scandal reaches to the White House.

She said she also is aware of nearly 100 other conservative groups that were being targeted by Washington.

"There were nearly 100 groups across the country that got the very egregious set of letters from the IRS that were almost identical and they came from offices all over the country, so I know of at least 85 to 90, maybe more, organizations," said Mitchell, who represents six groups that say they have been targeted.

She added that she had two clients whose groups’ purpose was to lobby against Obamacare, and both received extra IRS scrutiny.

Mitchell told Newsmax she doesn't believe the president or the White House was uninvolved in the IRS activities, as the administration has claimed.

"They may try to say it was low-level people," she said. "It was not low-level people. They weren't in Cincinnati. It was being directed out of Washington, and I have them on record saying that.

"We know the White House used the Department of Health and Human Services to try to silence critics about Obamacare. So if we know they used HHS, why wouldn't they also use the IRS or other federal agencies to try to silence political critics?"

The next day, Wednesday, May 15 — the day Commissioner Miller was forced to resign — the IRS reported that the Inspector General's office is launching a new investigation.

Insiders say expect more MLHs from the Obama administration.

05-19-2013, 02:13 PM
15. The mainstream media supports him. Check, and mate.


When Chris Matthews turns against him.... His Obamagasm is gone.

05-20-2013, 02:41 PM
The only one who knew less about what's going on around him than Obama was Sgt Schultz from Hogan's Heroes and he knew nothing.

05-20-2013, 04:11 PM
"Insiders say expect more MLHs from the Obama administration. "

Duh! That's all we seen so far, why expect anything less.

05-20-2013, 04:12 PM
Will ANY of this trigger civil unrest?

05-20-2013, 04:28 PM
If the MSM is smart enough to see what this DOJ & administration are doing with the "Patriot Act" & executive Orders (& Privilege) to crush political opposition and the 4th Estate, and open their eyes to realize that a future republican president will have carte blanche to do the same with all of them (and not just Tea Partiers & FoxNews), then they might just fall off that Obama/democrat bandwagon full of lemmings.

One can only hope, but those kind of people are like programed robots who will find it tough to believe that it could happen to them, especially from their own kind of extreme liberal zealots.

One thing for sure, these are very interesting times for our great Republic's political history. The country is going to have to decide whether to continue the plunge into a bankrupt police state, or re-ignite the values of freedom.

In the meantime, this federal government is totally out of control.

05-20-2013, 06:23 PM
Will ANY of this trigger civil unrest?

No....this ain't arab country.

05-20-2013, 08:19 PM
Nothing is ever going to touch the anointed one .... here's why...


05-20-2013, 09:52 PM
It pains me greatly to say this but I don't want to see him go and have Biden step up tp finish his term :faint2: :puke:

05-20-2013, 10:15 PM
Honestly, I have no faith whatsoever in the political process. They're all just a bunch of crooks. This comes as no surprise. Makes for good entertainment though. Watching these a$$holes throw each other under the bus.

Amen, pass the ammo.

05-20-2013, 10:17 PM
It pains me greatly to say this but I don't want to see him go and have Biden step up tp finish his term :faint2: :puke:

I say lose him any way we can, sooner the better. Then we'll work on getting rid of Biden. The list is very long though.

05-21-2013, 04:25 AM
I think if someone put's their hand up Biden's back and works him like a sock puppet, he'd
be a helluva lot better than this Racist- America Hater we got!
But the that ***** would move up to second in charge and he's got no back bone neither...

05-21-2013, 04:31 AM
Nothing is ever going to touch the anointed one .... here's why...


Very good article!

05-21-2013, 09:03 AM
If the MSM is smart enough to see what this DOJ & administration are doing with the "Patriot Act" & executive Orders (& Privilege) to crush political opposition and the 4th Estate, and open their eyes to realize that a future republican president will have carte blanche to do the same with all of them (and not just Tea Partiers & FoxNews), then they might just fall off that Obama/democrat bandwagon full of lemmings.

One can only hope, but those kind of people are like programed robots who will find it tough to believe that it could happen to them, especially from their own kind of extreme liberal zealots.

One thing for sure, these are very interesting times for our great Republic's political history. The country is going to have to decide whether to continue the plunge into a bankrupt police state, or re-ignite the values of freedom.

In the meantime, this federal government is totally out of control.


05-21-2013, 06:36 PM
Gov official levels major charges against hillary in Benghazi!


05-21-2013, 10:31 PM

05-22-2013, 04:28 AM
Someone has to fill in these breaches, this is great!

05-22-2013, 04:44 AM
Fast and Furious may, as the American Hating Black Pastor of Chicago jeremiah Wright said" The Chickens are come home to roost" Praise the Lord , Hallauhah!

According to Bloomberg News...

05-22-2013, 06:13 AM
I personally think the best is yet to come.

Obummer and his minions have a bottomless pit of reprehensible acts that have yet to be revealed.

05-22-2013, 06:29 AM
Top IRS official to invoke 5th Amendment, decline to testify at House hearing
Director of IRS division that targeted conservative groups, Lois Lerner,
pictured above, is expected to decline to testify at House hearing on agency scandal.

The lawsuit is being backed by Citizens for Self-Governance,
a group launched by Tea Party Patriots co-founder Mark Meckler.
Meckler claims that IRS agents also demanded massive amounts of disclosure of information
not authorized by the Internal Revenue Code or any other federal law.
The suit alleges that the tactic was used to delay
or dissuade conservative groups from going through with their applications.

The IRS acknowledged that employees at its Cincinnati office had targeted conservative groups,
creating massive amounts of paperwork or rejecting applications altogether.

05-22-2013, 07:09 AM
We all know this admin has committed despicable acts... We can only hope it comes down hard on them!

05-22-2013, 04:09 PM
A lot of this was known by POTUS and the IG in May 2012. And obviously earlier. Hmm, wonder why they waited a whole year...

05-23-2013, 07:31 AM
Our government in action.
Do you feel safer now???

05-23-2013, 09:36 AM
Our government in action.
Do you feel safer now???

I trust Carlton (Eric Holders twin) from the Fresh Prince of Bel air more!:80:

05-23-2013, 03:01 PM

05-24-2013, 10:52 AM
Obama orders DOJ review over search warrant AG likely approved
President Obama's order for a review into Justice Department policies on pursuing reporters' records
could mean Attorney General Eric Holder will review his own actions........................................... .Holder probing Holder?

05-24-2013, 01:01 PM
What a Joke!

05-28-2013, 06:41 PM
Enter Attorney General Eric Holder taking Center Stage!
Let's hope this Phony exits stage right!:Amflag2:

sas PM9
05-31-2013, 07:48 PM
15. The mainstream media supports him. Check, and mate.



Slick Willie sure got away with a lot of crap with the implicit liberal backing of the press.
