View Full Version : Homemade Shoot And See Targets

05-11-2013, 12:32 PM
Here’s my homemade shoot and see targets, most of the stuff you need you probably already have. To start with I use card stock paper the brighter the better and some regular 2" clear packing tape next just put tape on the whole paper over lap alittle but cover the whole page. After that I use plain old spray bomb I’ve been using flat black but any contrasting colors will work just give a coat let dry ready to go. On this one I cut a hole in some cardboard as soon as the black flashed off I held the templet on it and shot white on for the bulls eye, some time I take a piece of duct tape and put that on for the bulls eye. The good thing about these targets is after you blow some holes thru them they can be reused pull the duct tape off and just re-spray. I’ve had it to where the paper was half gone before I trashed them. A lot cheaper the store bought and you have most of the stuff laying around. Good luck have fun. What I forgot is to tell you how this works by putting the tape on it is very shiny and the paint doesn't get a good bond good enough to stay on but when it gets hit the paint flakes off

05-11-2013, 12:59 PM
to much talent on this fourm. WE gotta start thining out some of these 53% er. Just sayin

It makes it hard for some of you "low information" people to understand them. Just sayin

05-12-2013, 08:13 AM
too much talent here? seeing my 45 punching holes in these is just way cool!

05-12-2013, 08:39 AM
I was young when men were men. We thought nothing of walking 50' to see what damage we had done to the target. Most often the center was shot clean out. I don't understand what's happened to the youth of this country. Shoot and see my elbow. And don't get me started on them laser sights, neither. (End of rant.) :)

05-12-2013, 08:53 AM
I like the simplicity and ingenuity, it speaks well to my penny pinching side but.... I'm with muggsy what's so hard about walking out to the target, for me it's half the fun, I hate standing still. plus it just breaks things up to walk out to the targets while shooting the bull with whoever you're practicing with. All these newer style targets are clearly made with my generation in mind, instant gratification no waiting no patience just pull the trigger and instantly get your result without having to take your muffs off our even put down the gun.

But that's great work harrylee, don't mind one grumpy old man and one grumpy old soul.

05-12-2013, 11:03 AM
I prefer my version I suppose.

I hang a tin can on a branch, when I "shoot" it I can "see" it moving.

05-12-2013, 11:07 AM
I prefer my version I suppose.

I hang a tin can on a branch, when I "shoot" it I can "see" it moving.

K.I.S.S. Brilliant! I'm gonna start saving my tin cans.

05-12-2013, 11:43 AM
That is awesome! I always wondered how I could make those.

Although, you can buy the 7" ones from Amazon for only 25 cents a piece. Free 2 day shipping with Prime.

05-12-2013, 11:45 AM
We normally fill bottles with water (full to the top). They explode when you hit them. But you can only hit them once. If you use bigger 2 liter bottles and freeze them, then you can hit it multiple times.

05-12-2013, 12:48 PM
When I was young we used to have to walk 50 yards to go to the outhouse. I suppose you'd rather have that too Mugs. :D
I don't think they have laser's that fit on clubs and spears so you are safe.
LOL, we'll drag you kickin and screamin into the present day one of these days. I'd have a laser on all my semi's if I could afford it. I am not going to ruin the looks of my 686 or 629 Classic or my Dan Wesson with one though. I'm for anything that gives you an edge in a gun fight. Plus seeing a red dot dancing around on your chest just might make you decide you don't want to play anymore.

05-12-2013, 02:02 PM
I like the simplicity and ingenuity, it speaks well to my penny pinching side but.... I'm with muggsy what's so hard about walking out to the target, for me it's half the fun, I hate standing still. plus it just breaks things up to walk out to the targets while shooting the bull with whoever you're practicing with. All these newer style targets are clearly made with my generation in mind, instant gratification no waiting no patience just pull the trigger and instantly get your result without having to take your muffs off our even put down the gun.

But that's great work harrylee, don't mind one grumpy old man and one grumpy old soul.

Here! for all you cheap basturds.....
Looking for targets? Print at home excellent variety!
Yes there's even a "Corrective " Target for new Gun owners!:59:

05-12-2013, 05:15 PM
Here is a good video, explaining one of the advantages of a laser sight: Lack of tunnel vision experienced when concentrating on the front sight.
Some are always going to say they are just a gadget, or the battery is going to run out at the wrong time. As for the batteries, I think they should be part of the routine battery changing many people do with their smoke detectors, when daylight savings time ends in the fall, and the nights start getting longer. And more people are out doing their Christmas shopping while it's dark out. And the criminals are breaking into cars to steal presents already bought.


05-12-2013, 05:42 PM
thanks downtownv I've been using something similar. most of the time bottles and cans with and without the water method unless I want to double check how I'm shooting and try to improve on it. most of the time I figure if I can knock down a can at 20-25yrds I should catch center mass at 7yrds.

although I truly do enjoy all the ingenuity on here.

05-12-2013, 10:18 PM
Harry Lee sir I seriously think what you have shown is awesome. Next time I hit the indoor range I believe I will make some of these for my wife to shoot as she likes to be able to see how well she is shooting while she is shooting.

Tin cans work pretty well in the yard or outside where I can use them but in fact the outdoor range I visit now and again wouldn't allow them.

05-13-2013, 05:48 AM
maybe that's why, we have no indoor ranges where I'm at and only 2 outdoor ranges writing 40 miles. I prefer all the big open spaces in between.

05-13-2013, 06:13 AM
All I was trying do do here was to give everyone instant feedback of shooting. I don't use these all the time but if you get out of practice with you carry gun you will see what is happening and you can adjust or sighting in a new gun that's all I was doing with this. I still like shooting swinging steel targets and cans. With this ammo shortage we don't get to practice as much as we should. Last year I think I sent down range somewhere around 8000 rounds this year only a few hundred. We tend to get alittle rusty. This is a aid to help get back on track fast, Hey I'm only trying to help anyone and everyone with this. End of story

MW surveyor
05-13-2013, 06:44 AM
Harrylee -
I think that what he was trying to pull off was sarcasm. Unfortunately this does not come over too well when written out. I for one am an old codger and I use shoot and see targets (or use a monocular to see how I'm doing using the range targets) at the range I shoot at. There is no walking down to see how you are doing. RO only down range.

Any way, thanks for the input on making these types of targets.

05-13-2013, 08:31 AM
That's a good point, sarcasm is poorly conveyed over text. I applaud resourcefulness, one day soon I'll have to sit down with my son for big boy arts and crafts and make some do what you said exactly. less rounds means you need to make the few your sending downrange count. plus if we had indoor ranges I'm sure I would use these very often, but up in God's country we have gravel pits and fields of various varieties, which get used more often then the 2 dilapidated ranges that are local. my hats off to you.

05-14-2013, 10:30 AM
yeah, sarcasm is poorly conveyed especially on a forum where we`re all trying to help each other. I happen to like being able to see where i hit so i can hopefully do better next time. I also like to blast away at cans and bottles, and swingin` metal targets too, (just can`t afford that too much). Just ordered 500 rounds so ain`t much left right now for store bought shoot`n see.:rolleyes:

05-14-2013, 11:43 AM
I tried it this weekend but it didn't work so good, the tape wouldn't stick to my Mother in Laws sweater and kept falling off, D@mn it, it seemed like such a good idea....;)

05-14-2013, 11:53 AM
Harrylee, I think you did a dang inventive thing. I like the instant feedback you get from those type targets. I shoot indoors most the time since there are few outdoor ranges around, and it saves wear and tear on the motor and cable running your target back and forth. Specially when I have my big wheelguns out shooting at the 25 yard mark.

05-14-2013, 06:56 PM
Yada, yada, yada ... And don't get me started on them laser sights, neither. (End of rant.) :)


05-15-2013, 07:16 AM
:eek: gorilla tape:p (getsome)

05-15-2013, 08:30 AM
This diy type target method is nothing new, but can cost more than the commercially made targets sold.
And I have found using contact paper/shelf paper (clear or colored) rather than 2" wide tape speeds up the process, but it's softer for a smaller "spatter" around the bullet hole.
That and the cheapest spray paint you can buy, usually at Lowes/Home Depot will take the cost down too.

05-16-2013, 08:19 AM
When I was young we used to have to walk 50 yards to go to the outhouse. I suppose you'd rather have that too Mugs. :D
I don't think they have laser's that fit on clubs and spears so you are safe.
LOL, we'll drag you kickin and screamin into the present day one of these days. I'd have a laser on all my semi's if I could afford it. I am not going to ruin the looks of my 686 or 629 Classic or my Dan Wesson with one though. I'm for anything that gives you an edge in a gun fight. Plus seeing a red dot dancing around on your chest just might make you decide you don't want to play anymore.

I have to admit that I am a little soft when it comes to the outhouse. Mine's air conditioned and the commode has a fur lined seat. Still, I'll squat and leave it in the woods if I have to, but it's not my preferred modus operandi. Ok, I'll let you have your shoot and see targets and laser sights. You won me over, smooth talker. :)

05-16-2013, 08:39 AM


And this is the way Donnie D does it:cool:


05-16-2013, 11:00 AM
Here is a good video, explaining one of the advantages of a laser sight: Lack of tunnel vision experienced when concentrating on the front sight.
Some are always going to say they are just a gadget, or the battery is going to run out at the wrong time. As for the batteries, I think they should be part of the routine battery changing many people do with their smoke detectors, when daylight savings time ends in the fall, and the nights start getting longer. And more people are out doing their Christmas shopping while it's dark out. And the criminals are breaking into cars to steal presents already bought.


Geez Tman, didn't you see the smiley face at the end of my rant? I was only kidding. I say take every advantage possible in a gun fight. I'd use a heat seeking missile if I could. :)

05-16-2013, 12:44 PM
Hey guys didn't think this was going to stir things up.Now that I read thru some of the replys I think some may think I came up with this idea, not so I learned this about a year ago just wanted to pass this on, oh before I forget (getsome) what you need to make it stick to sweaters is velcro:59:

05-16-2013, 12:46 PM
Now days it doesn't take much to stir things up around here.

05-16-2013, 07:42 PM
I have an extended ignore list, so if my posts sometimes (most times) don't make sense, it may be because I have not read some of the other posts within the thread.
I'm not really sure what controversy is going on here but if it is about something I posted, I apologize.
I was just trying to further the discussion by adding other methods of making shoot and see targets...that's all:confused:

Edited to add:

Some don't consider that shooting, for others, may be completely different from their own experience.
Many don't have the luxuary to walk down to look at their target whenever they want, at a range with many other shooters, and a controlled firing line.
As a range officer controlling a fire line, I have often had to call people back after a cease fire, when they stand down range, analogizing there target after everyone else has returned to the firing line and want to start shooting again.
These shoot and see type targets are usually a short term solution, with most who become shooters, buying cheap binoculars to check their targets from the firing line.

05-16-2013, 10:06 PM
Now days it doesn't take much to stir things up around here.

You mean like morning rush hour traffic!

05-17-2013, 09:48 AM
my apologies to all for taking my turn at the pot with my poorly conveyed sarcasm. I swear in person my wit and charm are second to none. hahaha.

MW surveyor
05-17-2013, 10:05 AM
Well it's a good thing that you hot heads and other miscreants don't have guns. LOL :)

05-17-2013, 01:27 PM
Tilos you are correct this isn't the perfect solution but they do help for our old and young eyes to see without going down range or pulling the target back. Tilos no hard feelings just been a bad week witch made me a grumpy old man, we are all here in the same boat that makes us all on the same side:)