View Full Version : What brought you to Kahr?

05-11-2013, 09:10 PM
For me it was watching Hickok45. I knew nothing of Kahr before then and although I will never be able to shoot like Hickok45, his kudos about the quality, concealability and accuracy sold me.

Then I went to several gunshops and fondled the PM9. I fell in love and bought one, shot a few rounds through it and am still in love. Now I want to replace my wife's glock 27 with a P380 or PM9.

I am wondering what brought all of you to Kahr?

05-11-2013, 09:40 PM
A friend let me shoot his CW45, I really liked it. The really liked the trigger, it was so smooth and much lighter than the DA on my revolver. I had never heard of Kahr either until my friend showed me his. Was looking for a slimmer CC pistol than what I had (a small revolver), and found a CW40 on sale and bought it. Then bought a CW45 later, then sold it to finance a purchase from a widowed friend that needed cash. It would never work right with the 7 round mag so wanted to try a different one, Then they announced the CM45, and decided to wait for that. I think it will be even better for CC. Or may get another CW45 if the CM release keeps getting pushed back.

05-11-2013, 09:41 PM
I was in the market for a pocket 9mm and my choices had me reviewing all I could find. I narrowed it down to 2 and the Kahr appeared to be a better machine than the other. I asked questions which Bawanna and Jocko answered until I ran out. I found one and bought it then had a lot more questions which Bawanna and Jocko kindly answered.

So now it's why wouldn't I be here?

05-11-2013, 10:31 PM
I found Kahr before finding KahrTalk. But glad I found both. Initially, it was just like most everybody else. The search for the ultimate concealed carry option. I wanted a thin, light, revolver-but-not-a-revolver. I owned airweights before, just wanted something thinner but just as light, better trigger w/o investing time and $ in gunsmithing and trigger jobs, a better round than a .38, but a round that would not kick my butt like a .357 snubby. Stopped in the LGS one day and fondled both the PM9 and P9. Got the PM, thinking I'd pocket carry. Ultimately decided to dump the PM b/c of the short grip and went back for the P9. That's my story.

05-11-2013, 10:57 PM
7 years ago I was looking for a small 9mm, no safety, all steel.

I loved the MK9 and soon bought a K9 to go with it.

05-11-2013, 11:01 PM
During my internet research, the Kahr's trigger intrigued me. Then I saw a picture of a stainless K series with wood grips and I was sold. I bought a MK9 then a K40 and their comfort and quality will keep me sold forever. And I still love the way they look with wood grips.

05-12-2013, 12:04 AM
Bought a CW40 as an impulse buy late in 2010 . . . back when ammo was plentiful and price of everything was fairly normal. It just looked nice in the display case at our local Sportsman's Warehouse . . .

"May I see that one, please?" And then, "OK to dry fire this one?" (Answer: "Sure!")

Trigger felt good while dry firing and I was bored with my .380 ACP pocket pistol. Grabbed a small pile of .40 S&W (Small, but still more than you can buy most places in a single transaction of late.) and a package of snap caps (from the many on the now usually bare pistol accessory shelves).

By the way, a CCW makes instant gratification very convenient here in Arizona. I was out the door in 15 minutes with pistol and ammo in a plastic bag bearing the store logo. :D

Life is good!

05-12-2013, 12:27 AM
I was looking at a shhhhh....... PF9. Asked the dealer about quality and he showed me a CW9. bought that instead and have never looked back.

05-12-2013, 03:49 AM
I also new nothing other than a few stories read on kahr handguns before buying a used cw9. I never put much stock in a shooters review of how functional a firearm was so when another shooter at a range that I sort of new had a new cw9 that was given him a fit and he was mad and wanted to dump at a price that I could not pass up.

Figure I could all ways send it in for some tlc if needed. I didn't and it ran great for me . Sold the pf9 I had been cc'n. Now have 2 more of them, cm9 for pocket and a tp40 for when a little bigger is wanted. Found them to be my CC of choice.

05-12-2013, 04:48 AM
I arrived on these (hopefully) friendly shores via my LGS; i.e., Local Gun Store. A long while back, they had a few nice 9mm pocket pistols that piqued my interest. 'Course between now an' then the proverbial kimchee hit the fan and you couldn't find a Kahr (or, for that matter, just about anything else!) for love OR money!

So, over the past few months I researched the subject of "small 9mm's" until I grew comfortable with two choices - a Walther PPS and a Kahr PM9! For me this was a BIG leap of faith because I have to confess that, basically, I'm a wheel-gun-guy!

Anyway, after firing that Walther AND the Kahr at a nearby 'rental range', I decided on the Kahr. I placed an order at my LGS and, the day before yesterday, my PM9 DLC arrived! ...


Now all I gotta' do is study the manual PLUS all the great 'caveats' in here! ... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/GHGecko/ANI_GIFs/TINYs/Smiley_Tiny_Studying.gif

I appreciate everyone's patience during this learning process! ... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/GHGecko/ANI_GIFs/TINYs/Smiley_Tiny_Not_Worthy_03.gif

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/GHGecko/ANI_GIFs/Signs/Sign_Zwani_Thank_You_Salute.gif (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/GHGecko/media/ANI_GIFs/Signs/Sign_Zwani_Thank_You_Salute.gif.html)

05-12-2013, 05:44 AM
the K9 and MK9 over a decade ago.....read a few articles in gun magazines...had a little money to spare, strayed from my glocks and found a great gun.

always wanted a P9, finally got a PM9, was all i had hoped.

then got a PM45 that had some problems which have since straghtened out.

but by far the K9 elite I once owned was a real jewel.

05-12-2013, 05:55 AM
7 years ago I was looking for a small 9mm, no safety, all steel.

Me too mostly. I was after a small CCW in 9mm. Kahrs were harder to find years ago and I'd never seen nor touched one until my local range placed one into their rental inventory. I test fired it and soon after went looking for one on Gunbroker. It turned out to be the one unpleasant deal I've had using the site, (bad seller), but the gun was OK. I liked everything but the trigger. That 1996 K9 became the first in a total of 8 Kahrs.

I never carried the Kahr, but I do enjoy shooting them. Not all of the 8 were rock solid in reliability. A couple had problems, but 5 of them are very reliable. I carry a HK.

05-12-2013, 06:04 AM
I`ve been a hunter in pa (40 yrs. this season), a number of years back, while sighting in my rifle for white tail i saw a guy from a neighboring camp shooting his blackhawk 44 mag and he let me shoot a couple rounds, what a kick (literally)!
years later, while bsing with my neighbor harrylee, i learned he had several pistols including a ruger blackhawk in 38sp./357. we set up a target in the back yard for shooting light loads and i was hooked. bought a ruger stainless in 357 mag. then he got kahr cm9 and i liked the look and feel so much i wanted a kahr for myself. after much research and debate i set out looking for either a glock 30s or a kahr in 45acp,when a gun show came along i searched around and found next to nothing i liked `till at the very end this kahr cw45 caught my eye. At $400 i couldn`t resist!
now i`m glad i couldn`t find a glock!
as a cousin from down south likes to say, all is good.

05-12-2013, 06:13 AM
as a new shooter, about 4 years back, I was all revolver- all the time. But I didn't warm to the airweight aluminum frames and I wasn't impressed with the ballistics of 38 sp. (or the reloading and mag capacity). Tried scandium .357 .... loved the Ruger SP101 .... but recoil and weight were restrictions respectively for pocket carry. I spent a small fortune on looking for options for both myself and my wife ... I tore them apart, played with springs, learned the guns inside and out. But eventually I saw the advantages of semi auto, for my use.

But all the pocket 9's and .380's had crappy triggers, ugly fnishes, bad reputations, or combinations of all the above. I bought and tried most of them. Than, while driving in a nearby city, I saw a PM9 Black Rose. I had found the Holy Grail of trigger, weight, simplicity, quality, and ballistics. From there I discovered the steel Kahrs and now it qualifies as a legitimate enjoyable sickness!

05-12-2013, 07:01 AM
Two years ago I decided that I needed a smaller pistol that would fit in with the lighter dress code here in Central FL.
I have owned many small revolvers and semi-auto over my 50+ years of firearms use in LE and civilian life so, I was well aware of what I wanted, not needed.
I began a search for such a pistol and ended up here...:rolleyes:
I found a PM9 locally but initially I didn't care for it for several reasons.
Fast forward ahead a month or so, I ordered a PM9 black w/night sights from a local dealer at what I felt was a good price OTD.
It fit the bill for my needs or so I thought.
It had it's problems as many Kahr pistols do. It's been back to Kahr twice to be corrected. It currently has 2016 rds. thru it and has been retired to my safe.
I would never even consider another Kahr pistol. I went back to carrying my Glock 27 which has never let me down over the past 17 years.
Sorry guys, I just refuse to drink the Kahr Kool-Aid. ;)

05-12-2013, 07:35 AM
Had never heard of Kahr when I started looking for a college graduation gift for my son. Went in to the LGS and they had a used E9 that my hand instantly fell in love with. But having never heard of Kahr, I had to go home and do some research. Went back and held it some more and liked it more every time. Bought it for him, shot it and now I own a K9 and a T9 that I carry every day. Both fit like a custom glove in my hand and shoot like they are part of me.

05-12-2013, 08:17 AM
Stumbled across the P380 on a review site. Found that I could get a PM/CM9 that would actually go in a hip pocket holster. The rest is history.

05-12-2013, 08:25 AM
A friend had a P9 I shot about 4 years ago. All the pistols I had at the time I left home too often because they were too big or heavy to carry. In less than a month, a PM9 became the gun I could carry pretty much all the time. The others are now range and nightstand guns.

05-12-2013, 09:03 AM
I started out looking for a gun that the Daughter could shoot safely. I had a Sig P330 double action/single action. I didn't think it would be safe if she had to shoot it in an emergency and didn't remember to drop the hamer to return it to double action. So I started my research into other brands. I wanted a small automatic that would fit into a purse with no safety to worry about and that was double action only. One with a safe history of no FTF or Negligent Discharges. Started reading the reviews. Found the Kahr CM9. Bought one and during the break in procedure I liked it so well I decided to keep it for my carry gun. Then I graduated to an MK9 for myself also. Now I am waiting for the CW380 to come out for my Daughter, unless I decide to keep it too.........I may have to buy more than 1 of those.;)

05-12-2013, 09:07 AM
I had been in 3 or 4 LGS holding and feeling a bunch of different firearms. Tried all the Glocks and the M&P's etc. Went to one guy who pulled out a CM9 and it was love at first sight. Came home and did some research on it. Saw mixed reviews and not much else. Since I hate being part of the herd, I decided to give it a gamble and bought it. I haven't looked back ever.

Found this forum by accident and have had fun ever since.

05-12-2013, 09:12 AM
A buddy of mine who wasn't really into guns at the time, until he shot some of mine (Kimber Raptor and Ruger LC9), started buying handguns. Before I knew it he had got the bug bad and bought a Springfield XD, Kel-Tech, Kahr to name a few. Fortunately for me I got to shoot all of these. I immediately fell in love with the Kahr. Shortly there after I found one at a local gun show and the LC9 was history. It's been my main CC pistol ever since.

05-12-2013, 09:19 AM
I did not know Kahr from kittens...but I knew I wanted a 45 that was comfortable to hold even for all day long....
And one that was as compact as possible but not by cutting off all but two fingers of the grip length....

Big gun show....a guy hands me a CW45

Sold ....

Took about 30 seconds of gripping it over and over and over...

and couldn't believe how comfy she was....

Now she's just another one of the girls....alongside my wife and daughter...


05-12-2013, 09:43 AM
I am influenced by credible reviews and some of the owners' reports. I largely ignore advertising and angry owner rants. I consider value, but I lean toward the quality items.

My first Kahr was the P380. I bought it based on the reviews and on the features, such as the slide lock. I also liked that the P380 handles the higher pressure ammo.

In retrospect, I think the PM9 is about as small as I should go. Last year, I bought one of those on sale. For the PM9, there are many favorable reviews by magazines, blogs and owners. My expectation were high and the PM9 met or exceeded my expectations.

Right now, I would almost always look at a Kahr when buying, but I am not loyal to any brand.

05-12-2013, 09:55 AM
I have small, crippled hands. I needed a small grip, a light trigger and no safety. So I got a CW9 and liked it a lot. Went through a tight stretch and had to sell it. When I got in better straits, I was thinking about getting another one when I discovered that they had created the CM9. I had always wanted a PM9, but it was out of my price range. So I readjusted my sights on a CM9. As I was checking out the CM9 on the Kahr website, I found the link to the Kahrtalk forum. I joined and, not very long afterward, this beautiful custom mirror polished CM9 appeared for sale in the Marketplace! :D


I fell in love! :p Had to have it! I was still saving my lunch money to buy one, maybe in a couple of months. It was a real stretch and had me really broke for a couple of months, but I made it mine! The gun is perfect for me because the little finger on my shooting hand is half way closed and mostly paralyzed, so it will not sit down and wrap around a longer grip, but it curls up underneath the mag base on the CM9. Perfect! :D

The gun is surprisingly accurate and light on felt recoil. And that trigger! Wow! (I added the Wolff 5 pound striker spring to make it even sweeter.) In my PJ IWB Holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37), my CM9 rides on my waist just behind my hip so comfortably that I cannot feel it there at all; I have to reach back there and touch it to reaffirm that it is still there! IMO, it is the perfect carry pistol!

Here is a Slideshow (http://s1230.photobucket.com/user/John_England/slideshow/My%20Custom%20CM9?sort=6). Enjoy!

deputy tom
05-12-2013, 11:38 AM
When the K9 was first introduced my buddy bought one. Within a few months something inside broke iirc the trigger bar. He got a new part from the factory and tried to trade it off. Nobody would take it in trade so I bought it from him. I liked it but it was very heavy for it's size so I ended up selling it. Now I carry a CM9. tom. :D

05-12-2013, 01:26 PM
When you tell your wife to go grab The Kahr, nobody looks at you funny!:p

05-12-2013, 01:57 PM
I was looking for a pocket carry gun for the summer. Had never heard of kahr. Watched a bunch of reviews on youtube, including hickok45. Went to the lgs held a cm9 loved it. When i went back a few days later they where out of 9's but had a used pm40 with 4 mags. Walked out with it three minutes later.

05-12-2013, 02:13 PM
I was looking for a quality pocket pistol.
Always wanted an all stainless auto.
Read a review my Mas Ayoob on a little stainless micro 40 I'd never heard of before.
The Kahr MK40.
Mas wrote a glowing review.
So I went to the local range and was lucky enough to rent a P9, P40 and K40.
Then I ordered my MK40 Elite with NS and have it today.

05-13-2013, 01:59 AM
My wife and I decided to start carrying so needed a small and light weight pistol each, preferably firing the same round. Did an internet search on possibles, found a local range that has rentals and really like the Kahr. So we have two CW40s. Found KahrTalk afterwards reading Kahr's web site.

05-13-2013, 01:02 PM
The need for a reasonably priced, high quality, easily concealed carry gun drove me to Kahr and I've never looked back in my rear view mirror. :D

05-13-2013, 01:13 PM
When the 7th circuit court gave Illinois 180 days to come up with a concealed carry law, I started looking for a carry gun.

Compact this, subcompact that... then I started looking into single stacks, and Kahr kept coming up. So I spent a few weeks researching Kahr, as I had never heard of them... I read/watched pretty much everything I could find regarding Kahr vs anything else.

Then I bought a CM40.

One of these days, I plan on picking up one of the all steel Kahrs.. just haven't decided which one yet.

05-13-2013, 01:34 PM
have u read anymore about this decreee to the state of Illinois as to what they are doin?? I am sure there will be no recoprocity allowed,but at least a good thing for illoinis peope.

05-13-2013, 02:07 PM
have u read anymore about this decreee to the state of Illinois as to what they are doin?? I am sure there will be no recoprocity allowed,but at least a good thing for illoinis peope.

Several bills have come up for vote, all have failed so far. The Democrats in Chicago really want a "may issue" bill, but don't have enough support. Their plan B is to have a "shall issue" bill state wide, but leave Cook County and Chicago as "may issue"... still not enough votes.

Their latest effort involves a "shall issue" bill, but allowing home ruled municipalities (such as Chicago) to add their own local ordinances for the first 90 days, meaning that they would enact something to the equivalent of "may issue". This one hasn't been voted on yet, but it'll fail as well.

The majority want rep Phelps' bill to pass, which is a "shall issue" bill, but the Chicago dems are trying every other possibility in the meantime. Phelps' bill already won the majority vote, but in order to allow for preemption (meaning local municipalities can't add their own restrictions), a super majority is required.

So basically, nothing's happened yet :rolleyes:

As for reciprocity, the latest iteration of Phelps' bill listed a dozen or so states that had similar training requirements as to what they're trying to pass here, i.e. classroom training, live fire test, etc. I know Florida was listed and Utah wasn't... beyond that, I'd have to go back and check the bill.

05-13-2013, 02:49 PM
A while back I signed up for a long weekend of training with John Farnam of Defense Training International. The first two days were Urban Carbine. The third day was Defensive Handgun. All weekend long, John urged everyone in the class to have a "service" grade handgun with double-stack magazine, as well as a BUG. His two recommendations for a BUG were Rohrbaugh and Kahr.

One day, I happened to find a used T9 in the display case at my local family-owned shop. That beautiful piece came home with me right then and there.

05-13-2013, 04:08 PM
I had been thinking about buying a gun for a while, and when all the gun-control advocates starting going nuts after Sandy Hook, I decided the time for me had come. I had never owned a gun in my life, so a friend invited me over to his house to show me his different pistols. From my military days I knew I did not want a big gun, but rather something smaller. After showing me all his guns and me saying that they all seemed a little too big, he realized he had forgotten to pull his carry pistol out of his holster. When he put his MK9 in my hand it felt like it was a part of my hand, so at that moment I decided that a Kahr was all I was going to look for. In the end I decided on a CM9 because of the lower cost. I don't know guns, but I know I like my Kahr.

05-13-2013, 04:10 PM
andur friend has some class to. IMO u made a great decision with goingto the cm9, if u want pesonal protection as the lowest price and the best of allinquality, u made the right choice in the cm9. Sure nuttin wrong with the MK series but one is a brick to carry and the utter a cotton ball. Just sayin

05-13-2013, 04:11 PM
Hey aren't you suppose to be on a mission in some third world country Revray?

05-13-2013, 08:14 PM
Welcome back RevRay, hope the mission of spreading the good news was fruitful.

Okay, my story goes like this... When I first got my CHL I had two guns to carry. I have a Springfield, GI 1911 and a .22cal Berretta 21A. Too dang hefty/clunky on the big end and too small to do the real job at the other end. Holsters were not as elegant or prolific as they are today and I felt really uncomfortable most days.
When I realized it time to upgrade the Thin steel Kahrs were my fist choice, but priced out of my reach for a long time. Then I found the poly Kahrs and thought it was time to check them out.
So the wife and I went into the CTD retail store one afternoon as they were advertising a big Kahr sale. I had decided to go 40S&W and had the salesman pull out the PM40 and the CW40. The PM40 was nice and tiny, but left me dangling a pair of fingers. The CW40 fit the hand better and the bevel on the slide front was, for me, a plus. The wife asked me to "explain the differences" and so I did. Then she asked which one I was leaning towards and why. I picked up the CW40 and told her that it was the one and why. She smiled and tossed a bunch of hundred dollar bills up on the counter and told the salesman "he'll take that one". Seems it was my Birthday and since I saved $250 taking the CW over the PM we had plenty of funds left over for Leather and ammo...
All these years and thousands of rounds later I can afford "nicer" guns than my old CW40, but I wouldn't take anything for it now.
I added a P380 later, that is the gun that I now carry more than any other piece I own. Great little gun and pocket carry of the P380 and the spare mag allows for 15 second "gear-ups" on they way out the door.
The NYPD trade in K9 I picked up at New Years is just a project right now, but she sure is fun to shoot.
Khar makes some great guns, what's not to like?

05-14-2013, 05:24 AM
coming soon: 500 rounds of fed. american eagle 45, 2 act-mags, foxx holster.
practicing my cough so i can call in sick
typing left handed with cw45 warming up in right

05-23-2013, 01:32 AM
Wanted a small 9mm to carry on vacation. Found the PM9 and we've been happy ever since.

05-23-2013, 06:19 AM
Even though I have shot something for more than 45 years Spring 2010 was the first time I went to pick a carry gun. In all my looking I liked the KAHR but had read about problems and did not want that in my first. I ended up with an XD9sc and still like.
Jump to Fall 2011 and I was looking at .380s because I wanted something for hotter weather and deeper concealment when needed. I saw that KAHR had come out with the CM9 and was looking at one at the range I go to. While fondling it the owner said you do know this is our 10 year Anniversary and you get $50.00 off of any thing in stock. Bought it then and there.

If I had known then what I know know I would have bought the CW9 in the first place. But I do carry my XD most of the time.

Joe W.

05-23-2013, 03:05 PM
One glance at a T9 in the store was love at first sight. Then I learned about the K9 and had to have one. The MK9 has beckoned to me as well, but unless I come into tons of extra money it will elude my grasp.

Yes, I also bought a CW45 but I have sold it. It just didn't do it for me.