View Full Version : American Professor Who Hates America Stabbed in Cairo by Muslim Who Also Hates Americ

05-12-2013, 04:13 PM
Oh the irony....



05-12-2013, 04:29 PM
I had to smirk when I read the article.

05-12-2013, 05:44 PM
But, Muslims are peace loving people, how could this happen?:rolleyes:

05-12-2013, 07:13 PM

05-13-2013, 03:04 AM
Hell I would of stabbed him and I'm not an A-Rab:40:

05-13-2013, 07:05 AM
I like to laugh at leftist jokers when things go south on them. It is sad that many people consider them educators!

05-13-2013, 07:17 AM
Guys, clearly it is America's fault for making these guys hate America and for antagonizing Muslims so much. So really America was both wielding the knife and pushing the guy in front of it. We are such bad, bad people. Shame on us. Let the riots begin!

05-13-2013, 08:12 AM
I had another thought too. Here it is.


05-13-2013, 12:22 PM
It's a relief to read good news once in a while.

05-13-2013, 12:51 PM
Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy, with one possible exception. I wonder if he thinks that the Islamic call to prayer is the most beautiful sound he's ever heard.

05-13-2013, 04:03 PM
I imagine, most Muslims, just want to be left alone, and make a living for themselves and family, much like most people around the world. But they have a large population of the Jihad types. I think the good professor was lucky he didn't die on the spot. What a scmuck. And I damn sure wouldn't admit to being an American to some idiot in Cairo. I'm a Canadian, Eh?

05-13-2013, 05:10 PM
I imagine, most Muslims, just want to be left alone, and make a living for themselves and family, much like most people around the world. But they have a large population of the Jihad types. I think the good professor was lucky he didn't die on the spot. What a scmuck. And I damn sure wouldn't admit to being an American to some idiot in Cairo. I'm a Canadian, Eh?

That may be all good and true BUT when have you heard ONE single Muslim reject ANY acts, that these Jahadis have committed? NOT ONE! They cheered on 9/11 in Paterson and Jersey City, (as the towers burned)
So as they continue to kill an American here and 3 there and wound and maime and nothing but the sound of crickets!
So you are gonna have a hard time, in convincing me, that a broad brush paint job is wrong here.
Would it be wrong if Americans randomly pick off a Muslim here and a Muslim there? How would that be portrayed/tolerated?:Amflag2:

05-13-2013, 05:12 PM
downtown, I think I now officially love you and I want to have your baby.

05-13-2013, 05:17 PM
Let's never forget who started our societal downfall.... Bill Clit-on with the "Politically Correct" BS! Not Illegal aliens but Undocumented workers WTF?

05-13-2013, 05:21 PM
couldn't have said it better downtown.

the religion as a whole, when looked at over time throughout history, has been aggressive, oppressive, and violent. many like to talk about the evil of the crusades, and there was PLENTY that was done in the later crusades that could be considered a bit on the crazy side. but early on, when the push was to take the holy land, much if not ALL of what was done by the crusaders was done to push Islam back to where it came from and create a buffer, Muslims had push all the way to Spain and left a trail of blood, violence, and oppression in their wake.

but...let's not forget...Islam is a religion of peace!

05-13-2013, 05:36 PM
Ok now I need to tell to a little about these Muslims.. since Chrish touched on their historical nature

Thomas Jefferson Patriot and Prophet:
Here's a historical fact,
Before the Revolutionary War American ships were under the protection of the British Navy, during the war France offered protection to American Vessels. After the war the Americans were on their own, Hence the formation of the US Navy.
In 1784 while Jefferson was the American Minister to France, he questioned why the Euopeans were paying ransom money to the Islamic nations of Algiers, Tunis, Moracco and Tripoli collecivly called the Barbary Coast. The United States themselves paid high ransoms to these Barbary Pirates and Jefferson opposed these actions. He proposed a coalition of nations to force these Islamic states into perpetual peace. But Congress was disinterested in this plan and continued to pay the ransom demands for their pirated vessels and crews.
In 1786 Jefferson and John Adams confronted the Tripoli ambassador to Britain and asked what right his nation had to attack American ships and enslave their crews.
He claimed that the right was founded on the laws of their prophet and written in the Koran that all nations who didn't acknowledge their authority, were sinners, and that it was not only their right and duty to make war upon these sinners (JIHAD) wherever they could be found, but to make slaves of all they could and a Muslim slain in battle was garaunteed a place in Paradise.
Despite the objections of many notable Americans , including George Washington, Congress continued to pay these absurd ransoms and bribes. over the next 15 years America paid over one million dollars (this was 20% of the US Governments total anual revenue) to these Barbary Muslims.
In 1801 Jefferson was sworn in as the 3rd US President and Tripoli demanded a payment of $225,000 plus $$25,000 per year thereafter. That's when things dramatically changed!
Jefferson told the pasha what he could do with his demands. The pasha response was to chop down the flagppole in front of the US consulate and declared war on the United States. Jefferson always thought the US Navy should be used to defend the US coastlines but after watching his nation be cowed by Islamic thuggery he decided to meet force with force.
He dispatched a squadron of frigates to the Mediterranean to teach the Muslim nations of the Barbary coast a lesson they would never forget He authorize the US Navy to sieze all vessels and goods
When Algiers and Tunis who were used to American cowerdice and aquiescence and saw the US had the will and might to strike, they quickly abandanded their allegiance to Tripoli.
None the less the war lasted 4 years with Tripoli. The bravery of the United States Marines led to the line "to the shores of Tripoli" in the Marine Corp hymn and they would be forever called "Leathernecks" for the leather collars of their uniforms that prevented their heads from being chopped of by Muslim scimitars when boarding their ships.

05-13-2013, 06:17 PM
I don't disagree with hardly anything that was said thus far in this thread, but that didn't stop me from visiting Senegal (a nation that's about 95% Muslim) for the past eight days. And while there going and spending three days in a small village of concrete huts with several hundred people who were 100% Muslim. We were actually able to tell them Bible stories and share the Gospel with them ... and they didn't kill us while we were asleep in our beds.


05-13-2013, 06:37 PM
I'm not trying to defend the muslims, just saying, the average peasants and farmer types, just wants to live his life in peace, and doesn't much give a damn what happens in America or anywhere outside his village. Just the same as people anywhere.
Sure as hell ain't going to argue about the trail of blood left behind as they've conquered lands and gave the survivors a choice of converting or beheading.
The Crusaders also did their share of damage, I remember reading that when they finally conquered Jerusalem, not an inhabitant of the city, Christian, Jew, or Muslim was left alive. Catholics went through Europe, descending on Christian villages, and demanding they pay homage to the Pope, or be slaughtered. Plenty of bloodshed going around during those times on both of the religions. Any muslim cheering here in America when the twin towers fell should have had bullet to the head as far as I'm concerned, I think many of them are here to infiltrate and cause trouble. On the other hand there are many that are Doctors and other skilled professionals. A Muslim did my heart bypass, seems like many of the heart surgeons are Muslim in the city here. I doubt he was out cheering for the terrorists. I don't know his thoughts on the disaster, but I trusted my life to him. I think there are decent people among them. And there are people that claim to be Christian, yet do horrible things. Like Tiller the Killer, our abortion Doctor here that was murdered, he went to Church most Sundays, yet killed babies all week long. I wonder how he rationalized doing both, but he did. In fact he was murdered at his Church. I don't see how you can kill babies all week, then dare set foot in a Church. The murderer also claimed to be Christian, acting on behalf of God.
I don't think any faith is entirely innocent, or entirely guilty, based on the acts of some. Most Americans have nothing to do with these drone attacks that indiscriminately kill women and children, along with the terrorists, yet we are all guilty in the eyes of those that are attacked. The farmer out working his fields has no control over what the government, or jihad does, yet is lumped right in along with the rest, on both sides. It's much easier to hate, rather than try to understand a nation, a religion, or group of people. We hated the Germans, yet there were some that hated Hitler and what he did to their nation. Many decent Germans hid Jews, and helped them escape, and did what they could to aid the resistance.
Hitler did the same thing that is going on here today, got the children indoctrinated or brainwashed into believing he was doing the right thing for his country.
I guess having a Muslim save your life, makes a person less likely to hate people because of their religion. Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, The Muslim Brotherhood and other groups, are the extremists, that need to be dealt with harshly, but I believe that they are just a portion of the religion, as were the Armies they set loose on the world in the past. Then you have whole populations of people, like the Palestinians, who are taught from birth to wage war and hate. I think there you will not find so many people that just want to make a living and get by.

05-13-2013, 06:38 PM
Get home safe, Rev! You got more balls than a bowling alley!

05-13-2013, 06:59 PM
Get home safe, Rev! You got more balls than a bowling alley!

I am home safe now ... but thanks for caring. As for having balls, we never felt unsafe ... and I wasn't alone. There were actually eight of us ... five guys and three women from our church here in CT.

05-13-2013, 07:02 PM
I'm not trying to defend the muslims, just saying, the average peasants and farmer types, just wants to live his life in peace, and doesn't much give a damn what happens in America or anywhere outside his village. Just the same as people anywhere.
Sure as hell ain't going to argue about the trail of blood left behind as they've conquered lands and gave the survivors a choice of converting or beheading.
The Crusaders also did their share of damage, I remember reading that when they finally conquered Jerusalem, not an inhabitant of the city, Christian, Jew, or Muslim was left alive. Catholics went through Europe, descending on Christian villages, and demanding they pay homage to the Pope, or be slaughtered. Plenty of bloodshed going around during those times on both of the religions. Any muslim cheering here in America when the twin towers fell should have had bullet to the head as far as I'm concerned, I think many of them are here to infiltrate and cause trouble. On the other hand there are many that are Doctors and other skilled professionals. A Muslim did my heart bypass, seems like many of the heart surgeons are Muslim in the city here. I doubt he was out cheering for the terrorists. I don't know his thoughts on the disaster, but I trusted my life to him. I think there are decent people among them. And there are people that claim to be Christian, yet do horrible things. Like Tiller the Killer, our abortion Doctor here that was murdered, he went to Church most Sundays, yet killed babies all week long. I wonder how he rationalized doing both, but he did. In fact he was murdered at his Church. I don't see how you can kill babies all week, then dare set foot in a Church. The murderer also claimed to be Christian, acting on behalf of God.
I don't think any faith is entirely innocent, or entirely guilty, based on the acts of some. Most Americans have nothing to do with these drone attacks that indiscriminately kill women and children, along with the terrorists, yet we are all guilty in the eyes of those that are attacked. The farmer out working his fields has no control over what the government, or jihad does, yet is lumped right in along with the rest, on both sides. It's much easier to hate, rather than try to understand a nation, a religion, or group of people. We hated the Germans, yet there were some that hated Hitler and what he did to their nation. Many decent Germans hid Jews, and helped them escape, and did what they could to aid the resistance.
Hitler did the same thing that is going on here today, got the children indoctrinated or brainwashed into believing he was doing the right thing for his country.
I guess having a Muslim save your life, makes a person less likely to hate people because of their religion. Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, The Muslim Brotherhood and other groups, are the extremists, that need to be dealt with harshly, but I believe that they are just a portion of the religion, as were the Armies they set loose on the world in the past. Then you have whole populations of people, like the Palestinians, who are taught from birth to wage war and hate. I think there you will not find so many people that just want to make a living and get by.

Good post.:yo:

05-14-2013, 09:50 AM
:rolleyes:I don`t ever like the sound of someone being injured, BUT......