View Full Version : PM-45 How new are they?

05-12-2013, 07:42 PM
I just traded my year old CM-9 for a very nice (like new) PM-45 with three mags box and papers. It was dirty on the inside when I got it home and it took a very long time to scrub the lead out of the barrel. And yes I have all the right stuff. Been shooting lead for bullseye in 1911's for many years. This thing was caked. Anyway worked great with ball and Federal Hydra-shock but kicked like a mule. I tried some of my 1911 target loads (200 gr S&G 68 SWC on top of 4.3 gr. of tite-group) They were mild and extreamly accurate but I had a few stovepipes and a stuck shell casing wedge between the mag lips and the barrel hood.Two questions please 1) How long has the PM-45 been in production? and 2) Has anyone worked up a good SWC load that is reliable ? Or should I push the load up to 4.6 gr. and try that. Your comments are welcome. Best, TonyR

Oh I almost forgot I bought a IWB N82Tactical Pro made for the P-45 and it fits perfectly and is by far the most comfortable holster I have ever carried, Try one you won't regret it.

05-12-2013, 07:55 PM
I can't say for sure when they came out, mine is a couple years old.

The PM's all have polygonal rifling and lead bullets are not recommended.

Not to say that many don't do it anyway but I don't.

You've already seen the lead build up. I was told some time back that it isn't really a lead build up issue but a pressure issue. A person could shoot 400 and have it blow up on 401 or blow up on 5.

I don't have anything solid to back that statement up other than remembering reading and hearing about it.

Do your own research. I used jacketed or plated bullets in mine.

05-12-2013, 08:08 PM
Must be a similar design to the Glock,they make the same recommendations. OK then how about a reload that works well for practice?

05-12-2013, 08:14 PM
glock barrels are polygonal rifled, so more than likelyt they tell one to shy away form lead bullets. We have an indoor range a fewmiles down the road and their signsays if u shoot lead, ur dead. It is just not allowed..

05-12-2013, 08:44 PM
What is your reload suggestion for a practice round for the PM-45?

05-12-2013, 09:10 PM
I'm using 5.5 grains of Winchester 231 and a Precision Delta 230 gr jacketed bullet.

Seems to work pretty good for me.

05-12-2013, 09:12 PM
Thank you very much. Best, TonyR

05-12-2013, 09:20 PM
There are many powders that will run close if you don't have any 231 around. I used to use 2400 and a couple others, don't recall why I started using 231 but I bought a bunch of it.

05-12-2013, 10:14 PM
The stout recoil is probably an indication that it needs a new recoil spring. Seeing as how it must have been shot a bunch, probably need one. Wolff's makes them and has them cheaper than Kahr.

05-12-2013, 10:29 PM
I haven't done it yet but I'm gonna work up some 185 grain bullet loads since Melissa sent me a bunch. Just for the PM45 to see if a little ligher and a bit faster improves what is already near perfection or at least shoots good as I do.