View Full Version : Guns Save Lives -- Again!

04-16-2010, 08:18 AM
I don't know if anyone posted this... I remember the news article... not long ago. I just got this forwarded email. Link at the end.

College student shoots home invader, saves 10 lives

Yet another reason to keep a gun in the house . . .

Several months ago, in the notoriously dangerous neighborhood of College Park in Atlanta, Georgia, two armed criminals broke into a house party of students.

After confiscating the group's valuables, the invaders split the men and women up into different rooms.

Witnesses say the perpetrators then counted their rounds and discussed if they had "enough" ammunition.

The students believe the gunmen were going to rape and murder the entire group of students, who were celebrating a birthday at the end of the semester.

However, one male student, whose identity is being protected by police and local media, retrieved a handgun from his backpack and fired at the thug who was detaining the men.

(That is: One smart student had prepared for a night in College Park, Atlanta.)

The criminal fled the apartment under the threat of injury and never returned.

The student, continuing on into the girls' room, found the other thug, 23-year-old Calvin Lavant, preparing to rape his first victim.

The student exchanged gunfire with Lavant, lethally wounding him in the process. Lavant fled through a window and died in front of his apartment, only one building away.

One of the female students was injured during the exchange, but doctors expect a full and complete recovery.

So what's the point

A student saved the girls from rape, and saved the whole group of 10 people (including himself) from murder . . . and he did it with a handgun.

This is a perfect example of how ludicrous "big city gun laws" are. What if this had happened in New York, Chicago, or any of the other big cities that criminalize their citizens' self defense?

Yes, we would be reading an entirely different story -- one so horrendous that we would shudder at the very words.

Either this whole group of friends would have been raped and murdered by these two sorry excuses for human beings . . . or the hero of this story would be facing prison time for firearm possession and murder.

Thankfully, however, Atlanta hasn't outlawed self-defense yet. And since someone had a gun and was willing to use it, innocent life was preserved.

Congratulations to the unnamed hero of this story. You saved your friends' lives.

In Liberty,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights

Link for story:
Guns Save Lives -- Again! (http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/hostedemail/email.htm?h=ed3e1ba94b3d9fbbbf538beb507ce2e0&CID=6024793842&ch=D45C2ECAFEDCA79A631C9554A5808027)

04-16-2010, 08:38 AM
Well done indeed. Check out Clayton Cramer's blog about much the same subject matter www.claytoncramer.com/gundefenseblog/blogger.html (http://www.claytoncramer.com/gundefenseblog/blogger.html) This is why we have pistols, and carry them. John Connor wrote a story a few years ago that was called "Little Lizzy" read this and if it doesn't melt your heart, you aren't human. GunCrank Diaries July/Aug 2005 (http://www.americanhandgunner.com/CGC705.html)

04-16-2010, 10:38 AM
Never see anything like that on the News show's. Or in the New York Times. :confused:

04-16-2010, 10:44 AM
Are you saying the Lame Stream Media are biased??

04-16-2010, 11:29 AM
Terrible story with a best-case-scenario ending. However, just as it's true that "guns don't kill people - people kill people", the reverse axiom is equally true: guns don't save lives - people save lives.:typing:

04-16-2010, 11:59 AM
Terrible story with a best-case-scenario ending. However, just as it's true that "guns don't kill people - people kill people", the reverse axiom is equally true: guns don't save lives - people save lives.:typing:

Now that's profound! I never thought about it like that but you are precisely correct. Armed or not it's up to the person to warrior up or play sheep. A certain airliner comes to mind. "Lets Roll".

04-16-2010, 12:08 PM
Indeed, good things come to those who have prepared, and are ready to do. I once had lunch with a liberal minded some one. I asked what he did for a living. He answered "Do...oh no, I have a Visa card when I need something done." I thought wow and some not to kind things. That conversation reminded me that there are those who believe that salvation flows from the police station down the road, and that there will be someone to ride to their aide. Me I don't believe in asking some one to do what I can not or will not do for myself, or have not done. Train, Train, and Train some more, then you might have the skills and mindset to carry the day.

04-23-2010, 11:35 AM
I live in Atlanta and remember that story...The big dog news station in town is WSB and anytime there is a shooting or murder (at least 1 a day) they run the story with a big picture of a 1911 pistol in the backround of the talking head news geek as if the gun suddenly, all by its self walked up to someone and blew them away...This is just one of the many subtle ways the news media portrays anything to do with a crime involving a firearm as if to say guns are the root cause of crime...I say instead of a gun picture why not put up a picture of a bad guy with a mask on or something, I mean its never the fault of the thug (oh he had a bad childhood, was assulted by mamas boy friend and there was drugs in the house and the father is in prison etc. etc. etc) Makes me wanna puke!!!!.....

04-24-2010, 08:36 AM
Getsome, what little child hood I did have, would be considered well pretty crappy. I mean statistically, I should be dead, in jail, or laying in a ditch with a needle for good times and a cigarette for company. Now may not have much to show for my life, but I am none of that. I know for a fact it takes lots of hard work and determination to not go that route. I get SO mad when I hear people say "oh they can't help it..." It's a choice that is made with one's life period. The BG's choose to take what they consider the easy way, and sometimes they pay for it. I am not trying to come across as anything but fully supportive of your last post. Ok, time to get off the soap box again, I feel the blood pressure rising... Sorry for the rant.