View Full Version : Missouri Legislature Nullifies All Federal Gun Control

05-13-2013, 03:13 PM
Who's moving to MO??? :)


05-13-2013, 03:58 PM
Go Big Mo!

05-13-2013, 04:40 PM
Who's moving to MO??? :)


I truly believe this is a viable solution to Obummer and his socialistic minions.
States need to clearly define their constitutional rights.
And start enacting laws to protect themselves, and their citizens,
from Federal abuse of power.

This is not a dictatorship and Obummer is not the Emperor.

05-13-2013, 04:47 PM
From your neighbor to the south. RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!

05-13-2013, 04:55 PM
I just gotta see how this one plays out.

05-13-2013, 05:09 PM
I think nullifying the 1934 act, would make it legal to own fully automatic weapons in MO, unless they have a state law prohibiting such weapons. COOL!
Holder will have a hissy fit on this one. He'll probably have to switch to extra strength Kotex.

05-13-2013, 05:12 PM
zis there anutter way to say "screw holder:"? Just sayin

oh damn, yes there is: Fokk him..

semper vulgare

05-13-2013, 05:24 PM
Despite the foul/crude language I'm loving this thread.

Please carry on.

I have to contact my family members in MO and start checking on real estate.

05-13-2013, 05:29 PM
Indeed Tman, straighten up ur act..

Theway it has been explained, I can't see how the govonor canveto it and not get an over ride. I'm packing the covered wagon andI just took 4 hourse out of the horse head line up to get us to MO. gotta love that state. Home of Lamberts "thrown rolls" restaurat..

05-13-2013, 05:44 PM
Despite the foul/crude language I'm loving this thread.

Please carry on.

I have to contact my family members in MO and start checking on real estate.

kinda sorry about that colonel. doc changedmy meds this week, as he sensed some hostility in me at the last check up. Not sure if my dropping my two PMJ9 out of my pants pockets had anything to do with it either or when he bent me over the exam table to give me a look see and found my NAA mini revolver hidden there., but he siad it takes a week for the meds to kick in , so soonol jocko should be back to his ol self again. Patience is golden in this case. Just sayin:amflag:

05-13-2013, 05:53 PM

05-13-2013, 06:02 PM
My hunch is the SCOTUS will nullify this because of the Supremacy Clause, but it really shouldn't.

Check out the Ninth and Tenth Amendments in the Bill of Rights. I bet most people don't even know what they say, nor why they are in there. Never used in modern times, sadly, these two rights are as important as any of the rest. However if they were invoked and acted upon we wouldn't have the all-oppressive Federal government that increasingly takes away our freedoms and our liberties as it reshapes society to its own liking.