View Full Version : k9/k40 barrel swap?

05-13-2013, 08:12 PM
Hi guys,

Hey, can u put a k40 barrel in a k9 and run it? (change mag, of course) I've read where a shield can swap from 40 down TO A 9. A Bersa can swap up or down 9 0r 40. How about Kahr's? Anyone know? I have a K9.

Also, ya thing we'll ever see a covert again? I would love to see an all steel in 9.


05-14-2013, 06:10 AM
I was just wondering the same thing about my PM9. My local shop has a pallet full of 40, but no 9 in in miles.

05-14-2013, 08:13 AM
Enquiring minds want to know! That would be really cool.

05-14-2013, 02:26 PM
I've done it back and forth with a T9 and T40 .... so I would say it's a likely yes. But that is as close as I can call it, myself.

05-15-2013, 08:23 AM
Anybody with this answer?

05-15-2013, 09:05 AM
FL, you have put a 40 barrel and mag in your T9 and it shoots OK? Just making sure of the swap you are doing. Recoil spring the same?

05-15-2013, 09:26 AM
FL, you have put a 40 barrel and mag in your T9 and it shoots OK? Just making sure of the swap you are doing. Recoil spring the same?

Oops, my mistake in not being clear!
I have put the SLIDE assembly, in total, including the barrel, on each gun. In other words, the frame is consistent between the T9 and T40. I would not use just the barrel from the 40 (even if it did fit) in the T9 SLIDE as the slide is a bit heavier built (appears thicker) on the 40. But I have no problem with interchanging the frame.

And YES, the 40 mag works fine in the 9 frame ... and visa versa.

05-15-2013, 09:27 AM

There are minor dimensional differences in the k9 and k40 slides and barrels that might be deal breakers. I recommend you study the measurements from the company website before trying anything. Maybe a call to Kahr would be even better. I will be curious to learn what they say. There might also be issues with pressures and such... Just thinkin'

I too can find 40sw easily and reasonably priced. 9mm is almost never in stock. My solution for the 9mm problem was to buy a used k40. It wasn't too hard to find one and I'm glad I did. Maybe it's time for you to go shopping. :D

05-15-2013, 09:47 AM
Also, ya thing we'll ever see a covert again? I would love to see an all steel in 9.


IMHO the mk9 has it all over the covert: lighter, double spring recoil system, easier takedown (you can push the slide lever out with you hand)... I can't see the downside. Both guns shoot straighter than most of us. So if you are looking for the shorter grip, that's my recommendation.

05-15-2013, 12:33 PM
never gonna happen on the covert steel 9's.

05-15-2013, 12:59 PM
Dang! We need a new forum... one for "Navel Gazers"... like "Gee, I wonder what if...." :D

I have a P9 and a P40 and think the differences should be about the same with the K-Series. The P40 barrel is about 3/16" longer and THICKER, of course. It won't fit through the front of the P9 slide... not even close. The P9 barrel will "fit" into the P40 slide, but is too short... AND too loose...doesn't come near enough the front of the slide! Lockup on the switched barrels would be bad, too, as the machined lugs and stuff for locking the barrel to the slide don't match. Then the slide opening for the barrel is either too loose or too tight for the "wrong" barrels.:p

I just aligned the two barrels and eye-balled the front to rear difference... the overall length... from front to rear of the barrel shroud.

Sorry, but no pix... should be doing a lot of other stuff!! Wifey is starting to think that I goof off online all day!:rolleyes: Too much of the night, too!:D

My P9 barrels... have the ported one, too, would "fit" into the K9, but I wouldn't dream of actually firing the mixed parts!:eek:


05-15-2013, 01:07 PM
agree, leave K40's as they are, leave K9's as they are, own two. I can absolutely guarantee u that kahr will tell you they will not interchange, even if some here say otherwise. cya THING..

05-15-2013, 05:11 PM

I called Jeff at Kahr and ran the question of the k9/40 barrel swap. He said it won't work. I wondered if the 40 was a little heavier built. I guess it is over the 9. For whatever reason it's not ok to do it.
Thanks for all the input. Also, I'm really looking at the MK9.


05-15-2013, 05:54 PM
kurtj, that's the standard Kahr CS answer regarding any kind of modifications. Take it with a healthy dose of salt.

05-15-2013, 06:18 PM
kurtj, that's the standard Kahr CS answer regarding any kind of modifications. Take it with a healthy dose of salt.

I was thinkin the same thing...
We need some one with access to bot to try it for fit and size...
Anybody capable of this?

05-15-2013, 06:31 PM

I called Jeff at Kahr and ran the question of the k9/40 barrel swap. He said it won't work. I wondered if the 40 was a little heavier built. I guess it is over the 9. For whatever reason it's not ok to do it.
Thanks for all the input. Also, I'm really looking at the MK9.


extra strength if needed would certainly bein the 40 cal barrel, slide and lower would be OK on the K9. I have no doubt about that as far as strength goes. I just think parts will not fit up properly

Becvauyse one slide might fit on anutter by hand cycling etc, does not mean it will work properly when the bang thing happens. IMO take kahrs reply and leave it at that..

05-15-2013, 06:35 PM
Let Mikey try it, he'll try anything!

05-15-2013, 07:01 PM
I got a k9 anybody in the NYC NJ PA area with a k-40?
PM me what the heck.....

05-15-2013, 09:04 PM
I did just try this with my P40 and P9 when I posted this afternoon. I don't have a K40 but the differences should be the same... larger barrel on the K40... longer and for those who haven't noticed... the .40 bullets are larger in diameter, thus have larger diameter barrels.:rolleyes:


08-09-2013, 09:13 AM
Isnt the K40 slide wider?

08-09-2013, 09:23 AM
According to Kahr.com spec's, the K40 slide width is .94" while the K9 is .90".

Again the barrels are different diameters and exchange is impossible without major modifications. The 9mm barrel is too small in the K40 slide and the K40 barrel is too fat to fit into the slide of the K9. The fit of the barrel in its slide opening is designed for the Browning-type lockup... not to mention the locking lugs on the barrel and slide mating.


08-09-2013, 09:40 AM
According to Kahr.com spec's, the K40 slide width is .94" while the k9 is .90".

Again the barrels are different diameters and exchange is impossible without major modifications. The 9mm barrel is too small in the K40 slide and the K40 barrel is too fat to fit into the slide of the K9. The fit of the barrel in its slide opening is designed for the Browning-type lockup... not to mention the locking lugs on the barrel and slide mating.


Thanks Wynn, that pretty much puts this thread to bed....

08-09-2013, 09:51 AM
Until the next "navel gazer" asks the same question.:rolleyes:


08-09-2013, 10:02 AM
I was thinkin the same thing...
We need some one with access to bot to try it for fit and size...
Anybody capable of this?

Well, as of yesterday, I can help.

Here's what I have found:
The K40 barrel will NOT fit into the slide of the K9. The barrel is too large in diameter and just won't fit.
The K9 barrel WILL FIT into the slide of the K40, but there is excessive slop and play. The K9 barrel just flops and wiggles all around inside the K40 slide.

For shits and giggles, I tried the same test with the T9 and T40. Guess what -- same results.

Carrying the experiment one step further, the T9 barrel fits nicely into the K9 and the T40 barrel fits nicely into the K40. Both slides will accept the barrel and cycle smoothly by hand on their frames with the longer barrels.


08-10-2013, 10:33 PM
That is one good lookin family you have there!