View Full Version : PM9 magazine fell apart...are my palms too fat? ha

05-13-2013, 09:36 PM
Took my pm9 out for its first day at the range with me. I've loaded up the six round mag for my pm9 and as i slide it into the mag well and make sure its seated with the heel of my hand...boing! The magazine comes apart.
Well after a few minutes of looking we find the spring. And i put the magazine together, I am at this point a little dissapointed but figure that when i was pushing on the bottom of the mag my hand must have depressed the little button on part#37 of the magazine and then slid the base plate foward at the same time, dissasembling the magazine.

Then i was goofing with it to see how easy it was to make that happen, and well, it wasnt very hard. But, the second time, i actually couldnt find piece #37. So i lost it and now i need to contact kahr. :mad:

Ive seen that many people replace the baseplate on their pm9 magazines. Do you think that would help remedy the problem once i get the part to fix my magazine?

Thanks for any answers,

05-14-2013, 05:19 AM
Welcome to the world of dealing with Kahr magazines.

I'm sure there will be many replies on how to modify your brand new magazine so it will work.

Suggestion, contact Kahr and tell them you would like a replacement magazine that doesn't come apart when you put it in your PM9.

I had a 6 round mag for my PM9 that did this. I got pissed, took it apart and left it on the bench at my gun club for someone else to deal with!!! ;)

05-14-2013, 08:14 AM
I read your post and went straight to my PM9 to see if I could replicate your problem. I could not do it no matter how I tried., as the button on my mag is quite difficult to push in. Call Kahr and let them know what happened. I am sure they will fix you up. Let us know how they responded to your problem.

05-15-2013, 10:47 AM
Just shot my new CM9 yesterday for the first time. The mag that came with it doesn't come apart when you hit it but I could slide the base plate off with my thumb fairly easily if I wanted to. I have an older MK9 6 round mag that seems much better made as far as the base plate. If I can find anymore of those I would much prefer to use the MK mags than the new ones.

05-15-2013, 12:28 PM
Took my pm9 out for its first day at the range with me. I've loaded up the six round mag for my pm9 and as i slide it into the mag well and make sure its seated with the heel of my hand...boing! The magazine comes apart.
Well after a few minutes of looking we find the spring. And i put the magazine together, I am at this point a little dissapointed but figure that when i was pushing on the bottom of the mag my hand must have depressed the little button on part#37 of the magazine and then slid the base plate foward at the same time, dissasembling the magazine.

Then i was goofing with it to see how easy it was to make that happen, and well, it wasnt very hard. But, the second time, i actually couldnt find piece #37. So i lost it and now i need to contact kahr. :mad:

Ive seen that many people replace the baseplate on their pm9 magazines. Do you think that would help remedy the problem once i get the part to fix my magazine?

Thanks for any answers,

is whatI would recommend: emailkahr: attnJay tellhim what is doin, aks for a new bottom plate and inner plate. they willobligue. If you have two magazines with this PM( (if bought new) try switching thebottom plate and inner plate to this 6 round mag to see wha happens.

Now u can do the following easier than hell to. Take pair of plier and gentely close the channel lips on the magazine tube so that there is additional friction on that outter plate. I wold say ur outter plate is very loose and the only thinbg holding that outter plate from sliding is that inner palte with that little dimple on it that acts as a lock--but also sometimes doesnt work like it should.

I had one of my mags that felt very loose kand I just crimped that outter plate enough to privide some friction when I slide it back on the magazine tube and it never occured again.

U slapping the magazine should have no bearing on what you had happen.
Some here have also on the magazine tube on those bottom rails where that outter plate slides on, have just crimped that rail a tad to actually put a bend in that rail and therefore the outter plate will just ride over that raised part and again lock itself.

What u have is fixable, but if u feel different, then send the entire magazine back to kahr and they will exchange it for a new one NC. Ur call to make.:Amflag2:

05-15-2013, 12:33 PM
I'm assuming you are talking about the metal bases. You can take the locking plate and a punch to make the protrusion a bit more pronounced by putting it on a piece of scrap wood and tapping the "bump" from the back side until it holds better. The P380 mags are like that, too. I once dropped my P380 and holster... slid out of my draw-stringed shorts and fell on the rear of the grip.:eek: The mag plate and all of the magazines contents went everywhere! Nothing remained lost and everything looked fine... great, considering it fell onto a ceramic tile kitchen floor! The base parts were the hardest to find!


05-15-2013, 01:45 PM
yep, making the edges of the bump "crisper" more like a step than a ramp will make it more dificult to push the mag base off accidently.
This has been discussed before and there's threads describing the FIX process in detail.
Here's one with some info:

05-15-2013, 03:13 PM
I was trying to say thgat but I didn't have the right words for what I as explaining, u did well Tilos. It is a simple fix, although some oppt to send um back and wait.

Ijust put 150 rounds thorugh my two PMJ9 and my K9 today flawlessly and then I loked in the tacke box and eyed that nasty TUL ammo, so I said WTf, why nnot,it has been a goods hoot. Fired 35 rounds of Tul FLAWLESSLY in all guns.

And for ot shooting much these past 6 months, my accuracy was exactly like it was 6 months ago, Poor to terrible. I thouhgt I was at a comedy show even, as I noticed people behind me laughing like hell.. Just sayin

05-16-2013, 01:54 PM
Thanks for all the responses and suggestions for fixing the issue...i would definitely try them out if i had not lost #37. But....no worries, i called Kahr today and they said that if i mailed them the parts i still had, they would send me a brand new magazine! Awesome! Super easy phone call and super good customer support. One weird thing though....the guy i talked to had a Brittish accent. Just thought that was a bit strange, but yay for KAhr.

05-16-2013, 02:00 PM
his name is eion. nice guy and yup he is british..

05-16-2013, 07:11 PM
Took my pm9 out for its first day at the range with me. I've loaded up the six round mag for my pm9 and as i slide it into the mag well and make sure its seated with the heel of my hand...boing! The magazine comes apart.
Well after a few minutes of looking we find the spring. And i put the magazine together, I am at this point a little dissapointed but figure that when i was pushing on the bottom of the mag my hand must have depressed the little button on part#37 of the magazine and then slid the base plate foward at the same time, dissasembling the magazine.

Then i was goofing with it to see how easy it was to make that happen, and well, it wasnt very hard. But, the second time, i actually couldnt find piece #37. So i lost it and now i need to contact kahr. :mad:

Ive seen that many people replace the baseplate on their pm9 magazines. Do you think that would help remedy the problem once i get the part to fix my magazine?

Thanks for any answers,

A dot of hot glue will keep the base plate from moving.


05-16-2013, 07:59 PM
In the past, there have been issues with the retainer plate for the base - where the dimple would not adequately engage the hole in the base plate.

There are a few homebrew fixes, but I've never seen a factory fix. They need a more secure dimple. It needs to be a real pain in the tushy...in order to be really secure for such small frame pistols. My opinion at least.

Hot glue, vice, rework the dimple (my solution) all were homebrew fixes. They all worked, with some caveats.

Not sure if the factory has fully addressed the issue.....

05-16-2013, 08:09 PM
he just got a bad mag, IMO. this is not a real issue IMO

06-12-2013, 12:42 PM
Took kahr about 2 1/2 weeeks to get me a replacement mag. Very pleased so far, will let you know how it goes next time i make it to the range. Thanks kahr!