View Full Version : Another New CW9 Owner

04-16-2010, 09:19 AM
For the past six months, I've been researching compact handguns, looking for the one that fulfills all of my requirements. I found some that fulfilled most, but then I stumbled on a P9 at a local gunstore. I won't rattle out my list of requirements, but this weapon met all of them...with one exception: price. I figured I'd just save my pennies for a little longer and get the P9, but then I did some research and found the CW9. None of the cost-saving measures really mattered to me, so then I started the next phase: actually FIND one. Long story short (too late), I found one an hour and a half away for $399, so this weekend I'm heading up there to pick it up.

Yeah okay, so this same story has probably been told a thousand times, but it's new to me, so please forgive my redundancy. I just never thought I'd find a gun quite like the CW9/P9.

04-16-2010, 09:47 AM
I've been looking for one for 400 as well, so far unsuccessful.

04-16-2010, 09:50 AM
Congrats on your find. Enjoy the new weapon I don't think you will regret your choice. I love mine!!!!!!

Have fun be safe and try not to smile to big people will know you are carrying a Kahr!


04-16-2010, 10:02 AM
Glad you found a CW9 at the $400 price range. I am carrying mine as I write this reply. Great pistol! Welcome to the forum and the world of Kahr. Good luck and shoot safe.

-- Richard

04-16-2010, 10:07 AM
We are into stories around here so keep on telling them.

Congrats on your new pistol and when you are able to give your first range report I'm sure it will be another success story. I look forward to seeing some pics.

04-16-2010, 10:09 AM
I've been looking for one for 400 as well, so far unsuccessful.

Kahr CW9 9mm SS CW 9 LAYAWAY CW9093 : Semi-auto at GunBroker.com (http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=164624128)

$419 opening bid...close enough?

You would still need to buy mags (comes with only (1)), pay shipping and FFL, owe local use tax, and forgo night sights. That is probably a $600 budget or more.

04-16-2010, 10:32 AM
For the past six months, I've been researching compact handguns, looking for the one that fulfills all of my requirements. I found some that fulfilled most, but then I stumbled on a P9 at a local gunstore. I won't rattle out my list of requirements, but this weapon met all of them...with one exception: price. I figured I'd just save my pennies for a little longer and get the P9, but then I did some research and found the CW9. None of the cost-saving measures really mattered to me, so then I started the next phase: actually FIND one. Long story short (too late), I found one an hour and a half away for $399, so this weekend I'm heading up there to pick it up.

Yeah okay, so this same story has probably been told a thousand times, but it's new to me, so please forgive my redundancy. I just never thought I'd find a gun quite like the CW9/P9.

We live for redundant around here, and new to you is new to us. We're like a huge gun porn family here and try to help and take care of each other when we can. Post some pics of our new CW9 when you get it home. You can read and memorize the owners manual on this sites home page. You can go to the tech section an read breaking in your new Kahr, good stuff to save some grief on your first range session. Come back and let us know how your getting along.
Like Recoil Guy said, don't let that huge smile give you away. I think your gonna just like it more and more.

04-16-2010, 10:44 AM
Plenty of good deal on GunBroker and GunsAmerica.com

GunsAmerica - Kahr CW9 9mm *NEW* - Kahr Pistols - Guns For Sale & Gun Auctions B"H (http://www.gunsamerica.com/949983529/Guns/Pistols/Kahr-Pistols/Kahr_CW9_9mm_NE.htm)

04-16-2010, 10:51 AM
Ahem, Pictures/Range Report *cough* *cough* Though I need to get to the range with my P45 and do the same...

04-16-2010, 10:56 AM
We're like a huge gun porn family here...


The implications are myriad and disturbing.

04-16-2010, 12:16 PM

The implications are myriad and disturbing.

Now your getting the big picture. I think those words are used often in describing our little family Implications, Myriad and Disturbing. Got a nice ring to em don't they. Disturbing is an off shoot (what's the english class word of that?) of disturbed so that pretty much covers all the brothers and sisters here. Perhaps not a strong enough word for Jocko but that might fall under implicated which is the same deal a word based on another word for whatever miniscule logic that might provide.

ok bye

04-16-2010, 02:40 PM
For the past six months, I've been researching compact handguns, looking for the one that fulfills all of my requirements. I found some that fulfilled most, but then I stumbled on a P9 at a local gunstore. I won't rattle out my list of requirements, but this weapon met all of them...with one exception: price. I figured I'd just save my pennies for a little longer and get the P9, but then I did some research and found the CW9. None of the cost-saving measures really mattered to me, so then I started the next phase: actually FIND one. Long story short (too late), I found one an hour and a half away for $399, so this weekend I'm heading up there to pick it up.

Yeah okay, so this same story has probably been told a thousand times, but it's new to me, so please forgive my redundancy. I just never thought I'd find a gun quite like the CW9/P9.

I picked up a CW9 a year ago when I went into my LGS looking for a 709 Slim, and have never regretted it. I sold my PF9 shortly thereafter, and the CW9 was with me all summer and fall, and has been flawless for over 500 rounds. The only reason I don't carry it much now, is that I switched to 45, and bought a CW45 and PM45.

04-16-2010, 02:52 PM
I picked up a CW9 a year ago when I went into my LGS looking for a 709 Slim, and have never regretted it. I sold my PF9 shortly thereafter, and the CW9 was with me all summer and fall, and has been flawless for over 500 rounds. The only reason I don't carry it much now, is that I switched to 45, and bought a CW45 and PM45.

I think this would be an appropriate time for some family photo's. We love looking at CW45's and PM45's or any 45's for that matter. We enjoy PM9's and 40 and 380's. I guess we just like pictures. I enjoyed the picture of Wyn's boat, break out the camera and don't let us down.

04-16-2010, 07:57 PM
We like pictures for a number of reasons. Chief among them: we understand pictures.

04-18-2010, 09:15 PM
Ask and ye shall receive. Sorry for the poor quality; I took these with my phone. The 1911 was my first handgun, and I have since learned that I have a strong preference for small and nimble guns, thus the Beretta (in lieu of the larger carbines) and Kahr.

I'm loving this CW9 trigger!! I haven't been to the range yet, but I dry-fired it today while working on the pre-range break in process. My girlfriend gets a steadier pull by using the pad of her finger, but I found that further down, sort of half on the knuckle, gave me a very steady and comfortable pull. I racked the slide so many times that my right palm is raw from the stippling on the back strap.

I'm looking forward to hitting the range on Wednesday to start the real break in process. I'm taking my girlfriend, who's never fired a gun before, so I'll be breaking her in too. I already told her about the cardinal rules, and today when she held the CW9 (or any gun for that matter) for the first time, I noticed that she kept her finger off the trigger without me having to tell her. Ahh, that's my girl!!

04-18-2010, 10:47 PM
Ask and ye shall receive. Sorry for the poor quality; I took these with my phone. The 1911 was my first handgun, and I have since learned that I have a strong preference for small and nimble guns, thus the Beretta (in lieu of the larger carbines) and Kahr.

I'm loving this CW9 trigger!! I haven't been to the range yet, but I dry-fired it today while working on the pre-range break in process. My girlfriend gets a steadier pull by using the pad of her finger, but I found that further down, sort of half on the knuckle, gave me a very steady and comfortable pull. I racked the slide so many times that my right palm is raw from the stippling on the back strap.

I'm looking forward to hitting the range on Wednesday to start the real break in process. I'm taking my girlfriend, who's never fired a gun before, so I'll be breaking her in too. I already told her about the cardinal rules, and today when she held the CW9 (or any gun for that matter) for the first time, I noticed that she kept her finger off the trigger without me having to tell her. Ahh, that's my girl!!

What? No picture of the girlfriend? I'm sure it was just an oversight. Not bad pics for a phone, wonder if my phone takes pictures. I shall research this.

04-18-2010, 11:15 PM
What? No picture of the girlfriend? I'm sure it was just an oversight. Not bad pics for a phone, wonder if my phone takes pictures. I shall research this.

Umm yeah...just an oversight...sorry about that. Here she is trying to look tough with some of my airsoft gear.

04-19-2010, 12:51 AM
Umm yeah...just an oversight...sorry about that. Here she is trying to look tough with some of my airsoft gear.

And doing a fine job of it I might add. I just love that propertly indexed finger off the trigger. I need to work on that myself. After too many years in construction armed with a nail gun I'm conditioned to grab that bad boy. I still catch myself from time to time, old habits you know. Teach em right from the start and avoid the bad habits.
Nice looking tough girlfriend thanks for sharing.

04-22-2010, 01:52 AM
So we went to the range this evening to break in the CW9, and on the way I jokingly said to her, "Watch it be league night or something!" Yep, it was league night. Ha! Oh well, no big deal. We browsed for a bit, then as we were leaving, one of the owners gave me a token for a free half hour of range time. Woohoo! So I'm heading out there at lunch today.

04-22-2010, 07:24 AM
Congrats on the CW9, you won't be disappointed, especially at the range. I carry mine everyday, sometimes I forget it's on me. It's carries sooo well. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Shoot it, then shoot it more.:53:

04-22-2010, 08:00 AM
Congrats on the CW9, you won't be disappointed, especially at the range. I carry mine everyday, sometimes I forget it's on me. It's carries sooo well. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Shoot it, then shoot it more.:53:

+1 to this^

I have a P9 and it has been excellent. :roll:

I just wish Kahr would come out with a CW version of the PM9, now that would be awesome.

04-22-2010, 08:35 AM
+1 to this^

I have a P9 and it has been excellent. :roll:

I just wish Kahr would come out with a CW version of the PM9, now that would be awesome.

How is it that the PM9 is not a version of the CW9 and vice versa? What feature (s) are you referring to? Is it a short grip with a longer barrel, the middle ground between the two? Do you want a 7 round, flush fitting mag instead of 6 but a 3" barrel?

Personally, I wouldn't see any point in either one. What goal would they serve?

I am dealing with this same type of thing now in the Kimber realm. I want a shorter grip but a good enough sight radius on a .45 1911. It is specifically for concealment but of a bigger gun that handles and shoots really well. The custom Compact CDP II is exactly right but is a discontinued model. All the 4" barrels now have full grips and magazines. To me, that pokes out too much, regardless of cant on the holster. I located one locally and will probably buy it today.

Like you, it's not like I actually need another pistol, but it will get used, that's for sure, and I believe it will make me happy...as much as a gun can. What I really want is a gorgeous girlfriend who thinks everything I say is wonderful, and all my ideas are good ones.;)

04-22-2010, 10:18 AM
at_liberty said
"Like you, it's not like I actually need another pistol, but it will get used, that's for sure, and I believe it will make me happy...as much as a gun can. What I really want is a gorgeous girlfriend who thinks everything I say is wonderful, and all my ideas are good ones."

Hmmm... it looks like you just want a "yes" girl.

04-22-2010, 10:23 AM
How is it that the PM9 is not a version of the CW9 and vice versa? What feature (s) are you referring to? Is it a short grip with a longer barrel, the middle ground between the two? Do you want a 7 round, flush fitting mag instead of 6 but a 3" barrel?

Personally, I wouldn't see any point in either one. What goal would they serve?

I am dealing with this same type of thing now in the Kimber realm. I want a shorter grip but a good enough sight radius on a .45 1911. It is specifically for concealment but of a bigger gun that handles and shoots really well. The custom Compact CDP II is exactly right but is a discontinued model. All the 4" barrels now have full grips and magazines. To me, that pokes out too much, regardless of cant on the holster. I located one locally and will probably buy it today.

Like you, it's not like I actually need another pistol, but it will get used, that's for sure, and I believe it will make me happy...as much as a gun can. What I really want is a gorgeous girlfriend who thinks everything I say is wonderful, and all my ideas are good ones.;)

Yup it's the handle thats hard to hide. My chiefs Para has the commander barrel 4"? and the officers model grip. I wanted a commander size as it's his duty gun but all I could get at the time. He loves it.
If you find that girl of your dreams please please please order up two, I'd really like one too. Doesn't even have to agree with everything, just once in awhile would be awesome. Good luck with that.

04-22-2010, 11:04 AM
I've said it once, I'll say it again... I'll take two.

04-22-2010, 11:13 AM
How is it that the PM9 is not a version of the CW9 and vice versa? What feature (s) are you referring to? Is it a short grip with a longer barrel, the middle ground between the two? Do you want a 7 round, flush fitting mag instead of 6 but a 3" barrel?

I think paintwerk would just like to see a less expensive (CW series) copy of the PM9.

04-22-2010, 11:19 AM
How is it that the PM9 is not a version of the CW9 and vice versa? What feature (s) are you referring to? Is it a short grip with a longer barrel, the middle ground between the two? Do you want a 7 round, flush fitting mag instead of 6 but a 3" barrel?

Personally, I wouldn't see any point in either one. What goal would they serve?

I am dealing with this same type of thing now in the Kimber realm. I want a shorter grip but a good enough sight radius on a .45 1911. It is specifically for concealment but of a bigger gun that handles and shoots really well. The custom Compact CDP II is exactly right but is a discontinued model. All the 4" barrels now have full grips and magazines. To me, that pokes out too much, regardless of cant on the holster. I located one locally and will probably buy it today.

Like you, it's not like I actually need another pistol, but it will get used, that's for sure, and I believe it will make me happy...as much as a gun can. What I really want is a gorgeous girlfriend who thinks everything I say is wonderful, and all my ideas are good ones.;)

What I meant was the CW is generally the cheaper version of a similar pistol.
P45 - less expensive CW45
P40 - less expensive CW40
P9 - less expensive CW9
PM9 - less expensive CWM9?

Basically a lower priced version of the PM9 is what I would like to see.

As to the girlfriend, I have one that meets that criteria, but she doesnt have any sisters.:p

04-22-2010, 11:20 AM
I think paintwerk would just like to see a less expensive (CW series) copy of the PM9.

Yep, you beat me to the punch line.

04-22-2010, 11:35 AM
at_liberty said
"Like you, it's not like I actually need another pistol, but it will get used, that's for sure, and I believe it will make me happy...as much as a gun can. What I really want is a gorgeous girlfriend who thinks everything I say is wonderful, and all my ideas are good ones."

Hmmm... it looks like you just want a "yes" girl.

Lighten up there. It just seems that I only have good ideas when single. I definitely noticed.

04-22-2010, 11:40 AM
I didn't mean that as a negative... would you prefer "not until we're married" or "I have a headache"? LOL! That was a "light humor" comment!

04-22-2010, 11:47 AM

04-22-2010, 11:53 AM
What is it that would make a CW less expensive? Both CW and PM are poly frame, and the PM is available with standard sights at a lower price. I believe I answered that question for myself when I found the following:

CW versus KP (http://www.kahr.com/dtlcompP_cw4043.html)

Despite the title, it is a comparison of CW versus P or more a comparison of slides and slide stop levers. I learned something.

04-22-2010, 12:14 PM
It should be noted that a CW includes only one mag, which is fine if you already own a Kahr collection, otherwise a hidden cost for additional mags at Kahr direct prices.

04-22-2010, 12:31 PM
What is it that would make a CW less expensive? Both CW and PM are poly frame, and the PM is available with standard sights at a lower price. I believe I answered that question for myself when I found the following:

http://www.kahr.com/dtlcompP_cw4043.html (CW versus KP)

Despite the title, it is a comparison of CW versus P or more a comparison of slides and slide stop levers. I learned something.

dovetailed front and back sights on the P series, which gives the owner alot more variations of after market sights. Polygonal rifle barrel on the P series.... The CW series kahrs are a great gun, so don't take it wrongly that anyone on here is saying that.the quality IMO is just as good.

04-22-2010, 01:02 PM
The correct link is CW vs KP (http://www.kahr.com/dtlcompP_cw4043.html)

04-22-2010, 01:08 PM
What is it that would make a CW less expensive? Both CW and PM are poly frame, and the PM is available with standard sights at a lower price. I believe I answered that question for myself when I found the following:

http://www.kahr.com/dtlcompP_cw4043.html (CW versus KP)

Despite the title, it is a comparison of CW versus P or more a comparison of slides and slide stop levers. I learned something.

Im not sure what your having trouble with. I think its pretty clear what I am saying.

P45 retail $805.00 w/o night sights
CW45 retail $606.00

P40 retail $739.00 w/o night sights
CW40 retail $549.00

P9 retail $739.00 w/o night sights
CW9 retail $549.00

PM9 retail $786.00
My proposed CWM9 retail? probably about $200 less than its PM9 counterpart from the looks of existing models.

Yeah the CW does only have 1 mag, but add $30 to that price difference and It would still be a lower priced gun. From the reports of how well the CW`s perform I think it is a good option for Kahr to add to the lineup.

04-22-2010, 02:38 PM
Im not sure what your having trouble with. I think its pretty clear what I am saying.

P45 retail $805.00 w/o night sights
CW45 retail $606.00

P40 retail $739.00 w/o night sights
CW40 retail $549.00

P9 retail $739.00 w/o night sights
CW9 retail $549.00

PM9 retail $786.00
My proposed CWM9 retail? probably about $200 less than its PM9 counterpart from the looks of existing models.

Yeah the CW does only have 1 mag, but add $30 to that price difference and It would still be a lower priced gun. From the reports of how well the CW`s perform I think it is a good option for Kahr to add to the lineup.

Not to quibble, but note that you are showing that the models are significantly different in price, not why. I was just sharing how I figured that out for myself. Please see the corrected link.

I can see that there might be a slot for a CWM40 or 9 or 45 but will note that the PM is naturally $47 dollars more MSRP than the P40. That says to me there will be a premium for miniaturizing. Add in the extra magazine and the gap closes even more. I would think these model differences would need to be readily discernible and justifiable, both for dealers interested in stocking the pistols and for potential customers deciding among the models presented.

I think the difference in aggregate cost with 2 mags is just over $100 MSRP, under $100 on the street. While still a $600 pistol, not exactly a cheap beater, I personally wouldn't mind stepping up to $700 for a more deluxe model (PM). I am not sure about the math here, but they are not separated by a lot of money. I can see the cheaper model for a competitive bid say for a police department's ankle holster guns, but the consumer line to me doesn't seem to cry out for more models.

What the line needs is cheaper night sights, which should be standard, forget the target T models. In my recent Kimber purchase, the subject of sight options was not a factor. The only sights are tactical or target, period. The tacticals glow in the dark, surprise, surprise. In daylight, the rear dots are light grey, and the front dot is bright white. My Springfield 1911 Govt has aftermarket red dot Dawson sights on the front, standard (adjustable) target on the rear. To me, the Kahr is strickly tactical, so making a model distinction on sights alone just makes a confusing line IMO and encourages people to buy pistols that won't serve as well in the dark. I don't think fitting custom sights on Kahr pistols is any big market I ever read about. I believe sight decisions are usually made up front, not later with aftermarket stuff. It would be interesting to read up on reports of various nonstandard sights retrofitted on Kahr pistols. Why anyone would use one with iron sights just to shoot up a bunch of ammo at a range is beyond me. To each his own, but in my world these are not just toys that go bang.

It would seem kind of ludicrous to suggest that a $600 MSRP pistol with only one mag and iron sights was some sort of economy pistol. Kahr is never going to be the cheap gun that people buy on impulse. However, I can appreciate the desire to cut corners because I recently bought a used PM40 with three mags for $750. I have since invested over $100 in replacement parts in attempts to troubleshoot the little bugger, and still don't have the performance I want. I do have night sights though, which for me were mandatory. Done over, I would have bought a new gun instead.

I am just being the devil's advocate here. It's not up to me to dismiss any expressed desire for a new model. It can't be a whim though, because there surely are serious business decisions involved, not only to produce the pistols but to get dealers and distributors to invest in them, both projecting that people would actually buy the pistols, given all the alternatives. Then there needs to be some news that trade rags would care about reporting. I am not sure having "cheap little Kahrs" in the spotlight is where the company needs to be right now.

04-22-2010, 03:57 PM
There is a sticky that shows the differences in the CW series and the P series. There are some manufacturing differences to make the CW series more affordable. It is not just the lack of a second magazine, though that does have a bit to do with it. I will try to post a link to the chart.

04-22-2010, 05:12 PM
Bold is mine

Not to quibble, but note that you are showing that the models are significantly different in price, not why. I was just sharing how I figured that out for myself. Please see the corrected link.

I already know why there is a difference in price, I researched that before I bought my P9 with night sights.

I can see that there might be a slot for a CWM40 or 9 or 45 but will note that the PM is naturally $47 dollars more MSRP than the P40. That says to me there will be a premium for miniaturizing. Add in the extra magazine and the gap closes even more. I would think these model differences would need to be readily discernible and justifiable, both for dealers interested in stocking the pistols and for potential customers deciding among the models presented.

I see what your getting at now.

I think the difference in aggregate cost with 2 mags is just over $100 MSRP, under $100 on the street. While still a $600 pistol, not exactly a cheap beater, I personally wouldn't mind stepping up to $700 for a more deluxe model (PM). I am not sure about the math here, but they are not separated by a lot of money. I can see the cheaper model for a competitive bid say for a police department's ankle holster guns, but the consumer line to me doesn't seem to cry out for more models.

In my experience, the CW models actually sell for about $150 less than the Mfr. Retail. If the CW models can be had for $400 or so, I would expect that a similar CWM9 model would sell for about $150 less than my calculated $586 retail. or $436 add $30 for a mag, and I would have one sweet little pistol for under $500 that is New w/warranty. With a PM9 w/o night sights running $650. I could add night sights to my CWM9 and still be ahead of the game. Now would it be a practical thing for Kahr to manufacture, well who knows, but if they did make it I would buy one.

What the line needs is cheaper night sights, which should be standard, forget the target T models. In my recent Kimber purchase, the subject of sight options was not a factor. The only sights are tactical or target, period. The tacticals glow in the dark, surprise, surprise. In daylight, the rear dots are light grey, and the front dot is bright white. My Springfield 1911 Govt has aftermarket red dot Dawson sights on the front, standard (adjustable) target on the rear. To me, the Kahr is strickly tactical, so making a model distinction on sights alone just makes a confusing line IMO and encourages people to buy pistols that won't serve as well in the dark. I don't think fitting custom sights on Kahr pistols is any big market I ever read about. I believe sight decisions are usually made up front, not later with aftermarket stuff. It would be interesting to read up on reports of various nonstandard sights retrofitted on Kahr pistols. Why anyone would use one with iron sights just to shoot up a bunch of ammo at a range is beyond me. To each his own, but in my world these are not just toys that go bang.

Honestly for something with such a short barrel as the PM series, I could care less if it has sights at all. For self defense its probably going to be a short distance, and I doubt I would be taking a well aimed shot If Im scared for my life and a 250 lb meth head is attacking me.

On another note, the savings in price would allow me to already have night sights, over the cost of a PM9 w/o NS.

It would seem kind of ludicrous to suggest that a $600 MSRP pistol with only one mag and iron sights was some sort of economy pistol. Kahr is never going to be the cheap gun that people buy on impulse. However, I can appreciate the desire to cut corners because I recently bought a used PM40 with three mags for $750. I have since invested over $100 in replacement parts in attempts to troubleshoot the little bugger, and still don't have the performance I want. I do have night sights though, which for me were mandatory. Done over, I would have bought a new gun instead.

I hear ya on cutting corners, buying used, etc. thats why I would like to see a new pistol that would be cheaper than a used PM9, that performs and serves the same purpose.

I am just being the devil's advocate here. It's not up to me to dismiss any expressed desire for a new model. I can't be a whim though, because there surely are serious business decisions involved, not only to produce the pistols but to get dealers and distributors to invest in them, both projecting that people would actually buy the pistols, given all the alternatives. Then there needs to be some news that trade rags would care about reporting. I am not sure having "cheap little Kahrs" in the spotlight is where the company needs to be right now.

Yep, only Kahr could decide if that is something worthwhile for them to pursue. Since they havent already done so, its probably safe to say that they decided it wasnt worth it.

I do appreciate the points you mentioned, what fun would it be if we all agreed on everything:D

04-22-2010, 05:13 PM
There is a sticky that shows the differences in the CW series and the P series. There are some manufacturing differences to make the CW series more affordable. It is not just the lack of a second magazine, though that does have a bit to do with it. I will try to post a link to the chart.

Its already posted above.

Oh and sorry to the OP, I didnt mean to derail your thread. Make sure to update us when you put some rounds downrange.

04-24-2010, 12:24 PM
I finally got out to the range this morning, and as I suspected, I'm really liking this gun. I shot around 150 rounds of cheap Wolf ammo, with...-drum roll-...ZERO problems.

A few observations:

1. It felt like it was set up as a "6 o'clock" system. I tried putting my front sight right on the target and it shot a few inches high. I'm glad it does this actually, because I like seeing the spot I'm aiming for. Lateral accuracy was fine, so no drifting of the rear sight will be needed.

2. This being my first DA gun (I have a 1911, CX4, and "old west" SA revolver), I practiced with several ways of pulling the trigger. Surprisingly, the most accurate method was a fast and steady pull through the entire trigger arc. Slow and steady produced slightly worse results, and staging the trigger just shy of the release point and then pulling was the worst of all. Although I was surprised at the results, I'm thrilled, as fast and steady is probably what I'll default to in a stressful situation. I really like the smooth, precise feel of the trigger. I've fired a handful of DA revolvers before, and they felt scratchy, cumbersome, and uneven compared to the CW9. Nice job Kahr!!

3. Recoil is a little heavier than I was expecting, but it was perfectly manageable, even when I limp-wristed it (a few times). I think my expectations were a little unrealistic though, given that I'm used to my Beretta CX4 (9mm carbine), which has very little felt recoil.

4. After becoming familiar with the CW9's timing, I moved a fresh target to 10' and tried double taps starting from the low-ready position. The hits were scattered, but they were all in the thoracic cavity, so I'm very happy.

5. After going through 150 rounds in a half hour, the webbing on my right thumb is a tiny bit sore. It's not a big deal, but if I end up taking an all-day shooting course where I go through 800 rounds (or whatever), I'm curious how sore it will get.

6. My one complaint is the magazine. It functioned just fine, but the fit just felt kinda sloppy during loading and handling. Maybe I'm just spoiled on my beautiful Mec Gar CX4 magazines though.

I'd say my CW9 passed its first trial with impressive marks. I'll get my target photos posted later today.

04-24-2010, 12:46 PM
I finally got out to the range this morning, and as I suspected, I'm really liking this gun. I shot around 150 rounds of cheap Wolf ammo, with...-drum roll-...ZERO problems.

A few observations:

1. It felt like it was set up as a "6 o'clock" system. I tried putting my front sight right on the target and it shot a few inches high. I'm glad it does this actually, because I like seeing the spot I'm aiming for. Lateral accuracy was fine, so no drifting of the rear sight will be needed.

2. This being my first DA gun (I have a 1911, CX4, and "old west" SA revolver), I practiced with several ways of pulling the trigger. Surprisingly, the most accurate method was a fast and steady pull through the entire trigger arc. Slow and steady produced slightly worse results, and staging the trigger just shy of the release point and then pulling was the worst of all. Although I was surprised at the results, I'm thrilled, as fast and smooth is probably what I'll default to in a stressful situation. I really like the smooth, precise feel of the trigger. I've fired a handful of DA revolvers before, and they felt scratchy, cumbersome, and uneven compared to the CW9. Nice job Kahr!!

3. Recoil is a little heavier than I was expecting, but it was perfectly manageable, even when I limp-wristed it (a few times). I think my expectations were a little unrealistic though, given that I'm used to my Beretta CX4 (9mm carbine), which has very little felt recoil.

4. After becoming familiar with the CW9's timing, I moved a fresh target to 10' and tried double taps starting from the low-ready position. The hits were scattered, but they were all in the thoracic cavity, so I'm very happy.

5. After going through 150 rounds in a half hour, the webbing on my right thumb is a tiny bit sore. It's not a big deal, but if I end up taking an all-day shooting course where I go through 800 rounds (or whatever), I'm curious how sore it will get.

6. My one complaint is the magazine. It functioned just fine, but the fit just felt kinda sloppy during loading and handling. Maybe I'm just spoiled on my beautiful Mec Gar CX4 magazines though.

I'd say my CW9 passed its first trial with impressive marks. I'll get my target photos posted later today.

The 1911 and cowboy gun have more barrel mass and leverage, so with this short pistol you may be getting less resistance to anticipating recoil. The barrel snap has your attention, I would bet, and it's only a 9mm.

That results in a high pattern. That should mean you will shoot better simply by getting used to the feel of this new gun. I am no expert but I would focus on my follow through and not be trying to evaluate recoil, conciously or unconciously. I would try to think through the shot to the bullet hitting the target. Easier said than done. Shooting up that break in ammo should help a lot.

04-24-2010, 01:09 PM
That seems to be the best medicine, for these little guns. More trigger time and more rounds. They do seem to need a little adjustment period when stepping in form another platform. My thoughts, if you like it and it fells good in the hand, the keep it and love it.

04-24-2010, 01:14 PM
if you like it and it fells good in the hand, the keep it and love it.

Wait...are we talking about women or guns?

04-24-2010, 01:16 PM
Pick one either works. Better yet both, just make sure she is a gunner too.

04-24-2010, 03:41 PM
Here are the targets from my break-in period. I'm not much of a shooter, but I'm happy with the results, particularly the 4th drill since it's more realistic. In the 2nd drill, a lot of shots were right, but that was me, not the gun.

04-24-2010, 05:21 PM
Here are the targets from my break-in period. I'm not much of a shooter, but I'm happy with the results, particularly the 4th drill since it's more realistic. In the 2nd drill, a lot of shots were right, but that was me, not the gun.

Gosh darn, I'm glad your not much of a shooter. If you were you'd be down right hazardous. I could match that at oh say 3 or 4 ft. How far away were you shooting on them targets. Whatever your doing, it's working. AND it will only get better with more bonding with that trigger and gun.

04-24-2010, 05:42 PM
Usually carry a bersa thunder .380, CZ-83, or a Makarov. With the exception of the Mak, got tired looking for .380. Picked up a CW9 slightly used still in the box $376 out the door. Did I get a good price? How about recommendations for a good carry holster and mag holder.:confused:

04-24-2010, 05:46 PM
Good deal, read the prep section (and make sure that it was done) and shoot it. As for holsters...how do you want to carry that little guy?

04-24-2010, 06:03 PM
Good deal, read the prep section (and make sure that it was done) and shoot it. As for holsters...how do you want to carry that little guy?

I usally get a IWB with strap and a belt holter with strap for each carry piece. I have a Galco M7X Matrix for the bersa that I am thinking about getting for the CW9. I'll fall back on that if I cant find better.

BTW, I put 200 rds through it flawlessly. Cant tac drive with it yet, but getting better. Has anyone had a problem with throwing a stray round out of every group? I'll shoot 6 rds in a good group and somehow toss one 6-9 inches out of the group. Probably just me.

04-24-2010, 07:40 PM
The Crossbreed IWB I got from Kahr is just so exceptional, and I have tried a number of others. That means a leather back and Kydex form. It's perfect.

04-24-2010, 08:50 PM
How far away were you shooting on them targets.

#1 - 15 ft.
#2 - 15 ft.
#3 - 25 ft.
#4 - 10 ft.

...or something like that. There are no markings at that range, so it's just an educated guess.

04-24-2010, 08:59 PM
#1 - 15 ft.
#2 - 15 ft.
#3 - 25 ft.
#4 - 10 ft.

...or something like that. There are no markings at that range, so it's just an educated guess.

Well thats real fine shooting! If theres no markings and you gotta guess then you could easily say 45 yards, 45 yards, 125 yards, and 30 yards.
Looks like a keeper to me.