View Full Version : K9 Wood Grip Advice

05-14-2013, 11:21 AM
I am interested in getting wood grips for my new K9. Are the wood grips sold on Kahr's website thicker, thinner, or the same size as the factory rubber grips? I like the thinnest grip possible.

The checkered grips appear to be out of stock currently. Anyone have and like the smooth grips?

Is there anywhere to buy grips besides the Kahr website? I believe these are Hogue grips, but I can't find them listed on the Hogue website.

Does anyone know of anyone who makes G10 grips for the K9?

Thanks in advance for the help.

05-14-2013, 01:36 PM
I can only speak for the Kahr smooth wood grips, as they are what I run on my K9. They are thicker than the standard rubbery ones that come on the K9 (I have one with rubber as well) but not by a lot, though you will notice a difference. I think the smooth wood is just fine, I don't have any problem hanging onto it when shooting it, even with my +p carry rounds. They look good, and fit great with no modification needed.

05-14-2013, 05:13 PM
As far as I have been able to find (with ALOT of looking) the wood grips offered by Kahr are the only game in town (Hogue IIRC?)
Other than that (in wood) you'll have to have a set custom made, which is why I'm currently fondling at a couple of slabs of stabilized Amboyna Burl custom cut to "Kahr size" for me this week.
These are going to be down right sexy...
Good luck.

05-14-2013, 11:14 PM
Yes I have Kahr wood grips on my mk9 and can confirm they are thicker. My checkered wood grips for thr k40 have been on backorder since early April. They are made by Hogue but only available thru Kahr. They are what I prefer both for looks and the way they fit my hand. I really like the rubber grips on the k40 but they are just too thin for me. It's personal preference. If you have a k9 with plastic grips but prefer thin... You might like the rubber Hogue grips. Let me know. I might be willing to part with mine if the wood ones ever arrive...

05-15-2013, 06:58 AM
the wood is thicker and the countour of the wood grips compared to my hogue rubber grips doesn't eve compare. I liked the looks of the wood grips but did not like the feel. the rubber grips stay put where as the wood ones tended to work alittle loose andcleaning normaly required some attentin to keeping cleaning solvetns away from the wood grips, where as the rubber grips just seemed to say" brig it on big boy". a shame lajr?hogue dropped the rubber grips.

I would thik it would be very difficult to make those wood grips thinner also as on the right side, the wood grip has the metal insert up by the trigger bar area and the reason for that is to keep the trigger bar in propler placement. I would think any more thinning in that area would surely weaken this insert and I can tellu that if u bump that grip in that area, U WILL BREAK THAT AREA OFF, IMI it is very fragile.. really easy. Anutter reason I just did not cuddle up to my wood grips:behindsofa:

05-15-2013, 05:04 PM
Thanks for the advice guys. I think I will wait until my PJ IWB tuckable holster arrives to see if the rubber grips are a little too sticky for clothing. Jocko, I also had those same concerns about cleaning solvents with the wood grips. I suppose I could remove them when cleaning, but I'm kinda lazy.

05-15-2013, 05:12 PM
I usually just don't hose the grip area down with solvent and oil won't hurt the grips a bit, in fact it sometimes helps them. Usually not much need for solvents as that's just a wipe down area anyhow.

If you doing a tank or major flush I'd take em off.

It's a good idea to remove any grip once in awhile especially in hot climates as moisture will accumulate under them and rust. Even more so with the nice rubber grips over wood but they all trap it.

05-15-2013, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the advice guys. I think I will wait until my PJ IWB tuckable holster arrives to see if the rubber grips are a little too sticky for clothing. Jocko, I also had those same concerns about cleaning solvents with the wood grips. I suppose I could remove them when cleaning, but I'm kinda lazy.

was cleaning my Smith model 60 with Herretts stocks on it and got some Hoppe's #9 on the grips and wow did I screw up that finish. Luckily the great one here BAWANNA took those grips and redone them for me and they actualy come out better than when I bought them new, So I just error on the side of caution with any cleaning solvents around wood.:behindsofa:

05-24-2013, 07:03 AM
A friend and I both have K40's and added the Kahr wood grips. His are checkered and mine are the smooth ones. In both cases they are thicker than the factory plastic. However, even with my short and stubby fingers, they aren't too thick. Having fired both pistols using +P type ammo I still prefer my smooth ones, while the checkered ones give a slightly better hold the smooth grips just feel better in the hand and also are better in the holster. I find that if using an IWB holster with a T-shirt or polo/golf shirt draped over the pistol the checkered grips cause the shirt to creep up sometimes.

05-24-2013, 11:05 AM
You can take a little sand paper and just gently knock the points off the diamonds of the checkering. This will stop them from grabbing the clothing but still provide a more positive grip.

If checkering from scratch I sometimes just don't bring the diamonds to a full sharp point to basically accomplish the same thing.

Some woods lose their beauty with checkering while others it comes right through the checkering and you really can't even tell it's checkered.

05-28-2013, 07:14 AM

05-28-2013, 10:17 PM
After having both the checkered and smooth wood grips on my K9. I prefer the smooth one. It easily falls into my grip and does not slip out of place.

06-01-2013, 07:03 PM
I've had the smooth wood grips on my K9 for years. They don't "grab" your shirt like the rubber ones do so your less likely to print when carrying.

06-05-2013, 06:18 AM
They shipped my k40 checkered grips yesterday. That possibly means they are back in stock...just in case you were thinking about ordering some.

06-24-2013, 09:42 AM
The wood grips on MK only get taken off periodically to clean behind them. I never get solvents etc on them so they are no problem. A little oil does not hurt. I am thinking of getting the wood for my newly acquired K40, but cannot decide between the smooth or the checkered??? :confused:

I do like the wood grips on the MK and the extra size isn't a factor. :Amflag2:

07-18-2013, 04:58 PM
I like the smooth wood on my NYPD K9. YMMV
