View Full Version : This is what happens when you try and carjack an armed citizen!

05-16-2013, 08:04 PM
I don't think it's NY or NJ though:)

The only thing I see that's bad about this is one of them got away...could have been just a low cap mag;)

05-16-2013, 09:45 PM
Quite the footage, dude was lucky. Looked like he shot at least 3 times, you can see I think 2 hits and one miss that hit the wall. The third shot looked to be the one that did the BG in, f@@ker fell dead right now.

05-16-2013, 10:37 PM
OK armchair QB

I will not accept any sheet either. These vids should be educational and should be up for discussion.

It seems the driver knew it was going to happen before the guy got to the car. So his situational awareness was excellent. He was very nimble or small because of the angles he was able to shoot at from the drivers seat. I would say he spent time training too.

Did he murder the perp? Seems he kept shooting as the guy was running away. I dont think under the full stress it is easy to stop once started; however if pressed, it seems that was the case.