View Full Version : Kahrs over looked polymer pistol ?

05-17-2013, 06:03 AM
Why does the TP series pistols seem to draw so little attention as a carry option, long or short grip design. LGS price tends to be mid-way between the lower cost and higher cost polymer kahrs with all the same high end upgrades .

I know most of us buy the two smaller sized so for easier concealed carry but for a commander sized pistol with the newer long grip its still a very light handgun. I desided to try a tp40 to give me a better winter carry option and find its hard to not enjoy this pistol .

Just wondering other kahr guys view of the pistol.

05-17-2013, 06:29 AM
Why does the TP series pistols seem to draw so little attention as a carry option, long or short grip design. LGS price tends to be mid-way between the lower cost and higher cost polymer kahrs with all the same high end upgrades .

I know most of us buy the two smaller sized so for easier concealed carry but for a commander sized pistol with the newer long grip its still a very light handgun. I desided to try a tp40 to give me a better winter carry option and find its hard to not enjoy this pistol .

Just wondering other kahr guys view of the pistol.

The proverbial pocket pistol seems like Kahr's bread and butter guns.

05-17-2013, 08:01 AM
The TP45 is my favorite handgun for shooting. I'm more accurate with it than with any other handgun of mine. It gets carried often.

05-17-2013, 08:40 AM
I think folks find more options in the marketplace for full size pistols.

05-17-2013, 08:47 AM
I think most people who aren't after the pm size pistols are just looking for a full grip. They can get that with a p which is still smaller and more carry-able than the tp. So unless you really want the extra sight radius for accuracy, it is easy to overlook the tp. They are all great guns and I am glad we have choices. I still just wish one of those choices was a k45.

05-17-2013, 09:35 AM
My TP9 is my favorite Kahr model. If I carried a Kahr it would be this model (with the shortened grip probably). The TP line is possibly the most elusive in the gun shops. I've never seen one other than on line.

05-17-2013, 11:13 AM
my tp9 would likely be the last carry gun I would sell. It is by far my favorite carry gun of the ones I own. Not counting the need for something high capacity for a shtf situation it would also be the last gun I'd get rid of period.

05-17-2013, 11:41 AM
I wonder if so many avoid owning one only because so view are on shops to handle. Yea there other full size choice but in its class none can be bought in all the normal defense cartridges and still be thin and light enough to carry with nothing new to learn.

I never did think much about carry'n handguns that have different make or grip angle to trigger pull right down to basic function. Few changes make for less chance to make a mistake ! I never saw one when I ordered mine.

Anyhow I'm glad we have one design choice with in one firearm maker of different calibers and sizes.

05-17-2013, 03:56 PM
I'll have to agree with others here. I have nothing against the TP guns, but I have never seen one for sale anyplace I buy firearms(in 10+yrs of looking at Kahrs).
Handled one at the range one day that was owned by a Fort Worth cop. It did have a nice feel, but even he said that the gun was bought through a Gunbroker.com ad and not a LGS.
Pics...Range report???

05-17-2013, 04:40 PM
I ain't never seen a T or TP in any caliber. I would be they would be really good shooters....

05-17-2013, 06:55 PM
Jocko, I've never shot a T, but I imagine the extra weight makes it a dream to shoot. But my TP is virtually identical in how it shoots to my P9. I can't say that if you blindfolded me that I could tell the difference other than the grip. And I'd probably be about as accurate blindfolded as I am with my eyes wide open anyway :)

But, I don't think the TPs shoot particularly different than a P. You just get a bit more grip, an extra round. The sight radius doesn't even seem to make much difference for me accuracy wise.

I like it for the extra grip length and what seems on occasion to be slightly better balance in the hand.

mr surveyor
05-17-2013, 09:11 PM
I have two Tupperware 9mm Kahrs (both 100% reliable) I would be more than happy to trade for a pristine stainless Kahr in .45 acp (100% reliable), and I wouldn't care if it was a T, TP, M, MK or whatever they may come in .... I'm just sick and tired of plastic being used in every thing I hold near and dear.

The only Kahr pistols I have ever seen locally have been in the CW series,or more recently also the CM series. Never seen a steel model (NIB) at the shops or gun shows, and only one or two used MK9's at gun shows.

05-17-2013, 10:37 PM
I have two Tupperware 9mm Kahrs (both 100% reliable) I would be more than happy to trade for a pristine stainless Kahr in .45 acp (100% reliable), and I wouldn't care if it was a T, TP, M, MK or whatever they may come in .... I'm just sick and tired of plastic being used in every thing I hold near and dear.

The only Kahr pistols I have ever seen locally have been in the CW series,or more recently also the CM series. Never seen a steel model (NIB) at the shops or gun shows, and only one or two used MK9's at gun shows.

Sidebar: Mr S. have you considered Rob 0t's K40? It's as close to a Kahr 45 stainless that we can get for now. And Rob's looks like a good example.

05-18-2013, 05:05 AM
I bought the TP40 in have after a daughter needed a larger pistol for a house gun as she had some bear try to get in there house. Let my daughter have my old sw40ve that was my night stand gun.

Then have around 1000rounds of 40 cal hanging around I needed a replacement. I went to my lgs and had him find one for me. I never figure I needed to handle it first do to the fact its just a bigger poly kahr. Lipseys had one in stock for just over 1 year. I did not figure there would be any issues as it would feel the same as my cw and cm kahrs. Guess I have ordered 5 or 6 handguns site unseen over the years too.

The one big plus that was not expected, my carry ammo in 40 is some of underwoods 155gr 40sw rated at 1300fps. From the 4" tp barrel it does a 10 string that averaged just over the advertise velocity. My cw and cm falls short of advertised velocity even with underwood or speer and corbon ammo so atleast energy and velocity wise I'm not giving up anything in a pistol that fits my older holsters and can be carried easily but for me does need a cover shirt for me.
I still tend to go to my cm9 as my main go to for every day carry.

I don't have only CC handguns and started hunting with revolvers back in 1976 so the safe has a nice cross section of brands makes and sizes to enjoy. The TP is just one more kahr and never felt I needed to handle before buying. You ether like them or don't! Kinda of like 1911's and glock?

Anyhow ,

Thanks for the replies.

05-18-2013, 05:30 AM
Jocko, I've never shot a T, but I imagine the extra weight makes it a dream to shoot. But my TP is virtually identical in how it shoots to my P9. I can't say that if you blindfolded me that I could tell the difference other than the grip. And I'd probably be about as accurate blindfolded as I am with my eyes wide open anyway :)

But, I don't think the TPs shoot particularly different than a P. You just get a bit more grip, an extra round. The sight radius doesn't even seem to make much difference for me accuracy wise.

I like it for the extra grip length and what seems on occasion to be slightly better balance in the hand.

I would rather own the P9 instead of a TP9 and then just add the T9 and have the best of all worlds. I think the P9 is probably the best poly kahr made for grip, capacity and accuracy---if ur gonna waiste carry..:Amflag2:

05-18-2013, 09:28 AM
I would rather own the P9 instead of a TP9 and then just add the T9 and have the best of all worlds. I think the P9 is probably the best poly kahr made for grip, capacity and accuracy---if ur gonna waiste carry..:Amflag2:

Don't get me wrong...I agree completely. While I personally prefer my TP9, I'd recommend anyone looking for a CCW pistol go w/ a P9 any day of the week. The P9 is, in my opinion, the best 'do it all' CCW pistol out there. There are times the shorter barrel and shorter grip are necessary and force me to carry it. That extra half inch in both directions makes a world of difference in some situations. The combination of grip length, conceal-ability, shoot-ability, carry comfort, etc make is REALLY hard to beat. It just does it all well. I still love my P9.

05-18-2013, 10:09 AM
I actually got to handle a TP9 for the first time the other day. I liked it, and I think it will be my next purchase. Probably more of a house gun though. It is still easier to carry my P380 or K9.

If anyone is looking for a TP9, I found some the other day at OMB Guns in Olathe, KS. They also had some P40's and P45's which they said they just received the other day. Said they expect another large shipment from Kahr very soon. Google their website if interested. I'm not sure if they have the TP9 listed on the website yet, but you can call because they have some, or did as of last Wednesday.