View Full Version : Which Vision for America Will Our New College Graduates Embrace?

05-17-2013, 10:09 AM
This is an excellent article.

Which Vision for America Will Our New College Graduates Embrace?

(Source: http://www.burtfolsom.com/?p=2513)

Students all over the country are graduating from college this month. Two commencement addresses at these graduations are worth noting because they illustrate the two major but very different visions for our country: first is the constitutional vision of limited government, and second is the statist vision that looks to government to solve problems.

Senator Ted Cruz presented the constitutional vision at Hillsdale College last Saturday. Cruz began by noting that most people in history have had very little freedom because they have lived under monarchies. The Founders broke that tradition. They declared independence from England and wrote a Constitution that enshrined the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights, the Founders argued, came from God, not government. Government was instituted to protect those natural rights that God has given every human being.

Cruz argued that the story of America is the story of liberty and prosperity that have flourished under the constitutional protection of limited government. The free market is, Cruz said, that “engine of prosperity.” He noted that the U.S. has 4.5% of the world’s population but produces 22% of the world’s output. And the American influence is even greater in entertainment, science, and the internet.

The freedom given to Americans has meant that many Americans have started poor and ended up rich; and other Americans were born into wealth, but have lost much of it during their lives. Freedom produces a churning effect. But Cruz likes what he called “opportunity conservatism,” the notion that public policy should look to ensuring that poor people always have the chance in a free society to work hard and improve their lives. Government often gets in the way of this. Therefore, government needs to be limited to keep it from harming those in society who are most vulnerable.

At Ohio State University, President Obama argued something quite different. He contended that government needs to be large and has done good things when it has been increased in size. To some extent he did a sleight of hand. He often mixed individual achievement and government achievement as though they were the same thing. What is accomplished under “self-government” is not at all the same as what is accomplished under “government.” “The Founders left us,” the president said, “the power to adapt to changing times. They left us the key to a system of self-government–the tool to do big and important things together that we could not possibly do alone.” That included, among other things, the president said, “To stretch railroads and electricity and a highway system across a sprawling continent. To educate our people. . . .”

The Constitution did not provide for government to do “important things together,” like building schools, railroads, electricity networks, or highways (except to deliver mail). Government, the Founders believed, should only be in the business of protecting liberty through national defense, the enforcement of contracts, and free elections. Private citizens invented and built railroads and discovered how to use electricity. Schools and highways were private or state functions. The federal government was given the power of protection, not the power of action within the economy.

In President Obama’s example of railroads stretching across the country, many people in the 1850s wanted those railroads to be entirely private. It was not a group effort of doing “important things together.” When some politicians proposed a federally built railroad across the country, southern states strongly opposed the idea. Only when they left the Union could Congress find the votes to build the road. The resulting Union Pacific Railroad proved to be an expensive disaster, and then it went broke. However, James J. Hill built the privately-constructed Great Northern Railroad with no federal subsidies; it never went broke and was built exceptionally well.

The president also used the example of education as an achievement of government. A key point here is that many politicians early in our history wanted to fund a national university, another “let’s do important things together” moment, but Congress would not pass the bill to set up the university because the Constitution did not allow it. “Self-government” never meant an intrusive government. Also, when we look at public or “government” education today, we often see the wisdom of our Founders in keeping it private.

If the United States is to continue as a beacon of liberty and a fount of prosperity, Senator Cruz argued the U.S. must have limited government. People inventing, creating, and helping other people is a better recipe for success than exchanging our freedom for bigger government, and then asking that bigger government “do big and important things together” that the Founders never intended it to do.

05-17-2013, 11:23 AM
On a positive note, the graduating class doesn't listen to the speeches, they couldn't care less what is said. Their only concern is to get to the party before the beer runs out.

05-17-2013, 11:50 AM
On a positive note, the graduating class doesn't listen to the speeches, they couldn't care less what is said. Their only concern is to get to the party before the beer runs out.

That all depends on the quality of the speaker. By the time most kids graduate they've had enough beer.

Longitude Zero
05-17-2013, 12:00 PM
That all depends on the quality of the speaker. By the time most kids graduate they've had enough beer.

That why they have moved on to hard liquor for graduation. But really the job prospects for the vast majority of graduating seniors is bleak at best. What with high college debt and few job prospects.

IMHO get a degree in something that is hirable like an engineer/geologist etc. Getting a degree in History or English is a waste of four years. IMHO

05-17-2013, 12:08 PM
The good news / bad news is that each of these colleges students have already been indoctrinated with the ideas of their respective speakers. It's doubtful the college Cruz spoke at would have wanted Ovomit to speak and vice versa.

It's too bad that we can't arrange some common sense speakers at the grade school level to get them to think some on their own prior to complete indoctrination. Of course the school districts would never allow this as it would defeat the purpose of the indoctrination in the first place.

05-17-2013, 07:08 PM
On a positive note, the graduating class doesn't listen to the speeches, they couldn't care less what is said. Their only concern is to get to the party before the beer runs out.

They don't read their new owner's manuals, either. Seriously.

My view of the college experience is both old and skewed. Ten years in the workforce and with a wife and kid before I got there brought some respect for the privilege. As well as the ability for independent thinking.

mr surveyor
05-17-2013, 07:08 PM
I'm pretty darned proud to be a Ted Cruz voter and supporter. I just hope he can make a real impression and term limit himself out in two terms .... hopefully we will have another Texan by then that can pick up where he left off. Actually, I would like to see Ted as a presidential candidate some day, but would prefer he kick butt in the Senate for a while. For those of you that don't know Ted's credentials .... he's got them out the wazoo. The man is a true Constitutional scholar in every respect .... unlike "thu wun" who only saw it in a text book in his senior year of dope smoking.... I mean college

05-17-2013, 08:45 PM
A lot depends on what they were raised to believe in. Two of my kids made it through college with their Christian conservative-moderate ideals intact. One is still in school.

05-17-2013, 10:18 PM
A lot depends on what they were raised to believe in. Two of my kids made it through college with their Christian conservative-moderate ideals intact. One is still in school.

My parents are dems... Some people never grow up. :rolleyes:

Best of luck to number three. I'm sure she/he can come thru unscathed like her older sibs.

It does scare me what these institutions force on our kids. It takes a good set of parents to keep them on track. You should be proud.

05-17-2013, 10:34 PM
Ok. Here's the fundamental problem with a government intent on doing big things: someone in government gets to decide what those big things are. Thus robbing us of our freedom to disagree (or agree for that matter). The government agenda trumps everyone. Better to let free enterprise do its own thing. If one person wants to do something (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone) he can. If 50,000 other people want to do something else, well they can too. Why would anyone want to give up that freedom? Grrrr.

05-17-2013, 10:48 PM
Ok. Here's a simplified example. The government decides the big thing is to ban sci fi movies... Only chick flicks are allowed. Currently, Hollywood makes both sci fi movies and chick flicks because there is a market for both. After the ban, the entire market for sci fi movies is ruined. A few of the sci fi watchers go to chick flicks but most just stay home. Hollywood's grosses are almost cut in half. People who like chick flicks don't really care until they get laid off because they work at the plant that makes movie cameras and Hollywood isn't buying any because they are going broke... Get it? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every big thing government attempts, there is an equally bad consequence. GOVERNMENT... STAY OUT OF OUR LIVES!

mr surveyor
05-17-2013, 10:51 PM
I don't go to, or pay for movies. Screw Hollywood.

05-17-2013, 11:06 PM
Ok. Here's the fundamental problem with a government intent on doing big things: someone in government gets to decide what those big things are. Thus robbing us of our freedom to disagree (or agree for that matter). The government agenda trumps everyone. Better to let free enterprise do its own thing. If one person wants to do something (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone) he can. If 50,000 other people want to do something else, well they can too. Why would anyone want to give up that freedom? Grrrr.

You see, when it comes to rights, popular vote doesn't count. Even if 90% of the populace are against a right... It is still a right. The other 10% still have that right. And the 90% have the right to change their minds. That's why the framers wrote the Bill of Rights. BECAUSE THEY KNEW THAT SOMEWHERE IN THE FUTURE... SOMEONE WOULD TRY TO MANIPULATE THE POPULAR VOTE TO GET THEMSELVES ELECTED. THEN USE THEIR POWER TO STRIP EVERYONE OF THEIR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS!

"Power corrupts: absolute power corrupts absolutely." John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, 1887

05-17-2013, 11:09 PM
Ok I think I'm done. Sigh.

mr surveyor
05-17-2013, 11:14 PM
sorry .... I just want government to leave me the hell alone .... period. I don't need a bunch of analogies to support my preferences. Pretty damned simple.

05-17-2013, 11:20 PM
sorry .... I just want government to leave me the hell alone .... period. I don't need a bunch of analogies to support my preferences. Pretty damned simple.

I know Mr S. I am preaching to the choir. You get it. But at least 51% of America doesn't get it and we need to find a way to get through to them...

05-18-2013, 06:47 AM
A lot depends on what they were raised to believe in. Two of my kids made it through college with their Christian conservative-moderate ideals intact. One is still in school.

I agree the Home culture will have much more effect than some 1/2 cranked professor!
i have a gun shooting NJ School teacher completely upside down from the Libby norm......:59:

05-18-2013, 10:51 AM
To me, it seems so hopeless. The liberal/progressive/socialist/OWG movement is so strong and pervasive, with victories already won and being won in education, the media and politics. The voting public and the people they elect to represent them are lacking the bravery, clarity of thought and moral purity to combat it. Because that evil agenda—and it is unquestionably evil—is fueled by the immorality and rejection of God that pervades our society. But it's power seems likely supernatural. I believe that it is strengthened and facilitated by none other than the ruler of the rebellion, sin and darkness in the world; the devil, and all his minions. The bible reveals that there are spiritual thrones, principalities and seats of authority over regions, nations, states and cities that are occupied by those fallen angels. The key to the world was given to Lucifer in the Garden of Eden. He knows that he will be allowed to do very wickedly in the world for a brief few years before King Jesus returns. And all of the rising wickedness and insanity is indicative of this. The end of this age and the return of Jesus is very close, and he promised that those last few years will be the most horrible time since the world began (Matthew 24).

The solution for us, individually, is to repent of our sins and cooperate with God's salvation plan for us. The nations of the world will continue to plunge into ever increasing darkness and depravity, and finally destruction at the hands of the returning Lord. Those who are redeemed are a relatively small number of the masses that occupy the world.

As Jesus said:

"For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." (Matthew 7:14)

God, have mercy on us all. Give grace and wisdom to our leaders because without you they have none.

05-18-2013, 11:05 AM
That all depends on the quality of the speaker. By the time most kids graduate they've had enough beer.

Blasphemy! There is no such thing as "enough" beer to a college student!

05-18-2013, 05:07 PM
I don't go to, or pay for movies. Screw Hollywood.

Neither do nor have I for about 20 years even. Get to watch a lot, though....courtesy of United Airlines.

05-18-2013, 05:44 PM
Neither do nor have I for about 20 years even. Get to watch a lot, though....courtesy of United Airlines.

There's NOTHING courteous about United Airlines:(

Glock Holiday
05-18-2013, 06:05 PM
Southwest is the only way to go brotha...

05-18-2013, 06:15 PM
No flying for me, if I can't drive there or Amtrak instead I ain't going.

05-18-2013, 06:24 PM
Don't throw in the towel just yet J, I think America is waking up to what is happening to us. Throwing that vile Dr. Gosnell in prison for the rest of his life, was a huge step forward for the righteous among us. To paraphrase John Paul Jones "We have not yet begun to fight!". Congressmen are working on a bill that declares life begins at conception, which will destroy Roe vs. Wade if it gets through, although Odummy will probably veto it if it ever reaches his desk. I think America will have to endure a little more hardship, until we turn our nation around, much as ancient Israel had to be taught a lesson.

05-18-2013, 08:07 PM
There's NOTHING courteous about United Airlines:(

There is for me. Put in a couple million actual miles over 40 years. I've done less than 25K miles a year over the last couple of years as I head toward final retirement and I still get treated quite decently.

05-18-2013, 08:12 PM
No flying for me, if I can't drive there or Amtrak instead I ain't going.

Is this like whut they's be referring to as snail mail....only different?

I've spent a huge chunk of my life in airplanes. The best of those hours self driving. But for years my vacation preference has been ground.

05-18-2013, 08:18 PM
If I can't get there on 2 or 4 wheels, I'm not going. I refuse to submit myself to those TSA goons.

05-18-2013, 08:40 PM
I consider security checkpoint TSA folk to be very professional. And most accommodating wrt the whining idiots they often have to deal with. I'm sure they'd be most happy with your decision.

05-18-2013, 08:47 PM
Is this like whut they's be referring to as snail mail....only different?

I've spent a huge chunk of my life in airplanes. The best of those hours self driving. But for years my vacation preference has been ground.

I've got a few hours driving single engine Cessna's in an earlier life a well. I like to fly, I just don't handle the shake down well and flying in a wheelchair is like being a suitcase. Never done it after I heard the procedures.

That an zero derelict restrooms on any commercial aircraft except one and I can't remember which one, 787 maybe.

05-19-2013, 07:56 PM
I've got a few hours driving single engine Cessna's in an earlier life a well. I like to fly, I just don't handle the shake down well and flying in a wheelchair is like being a suitcase. Never done it after I heard the procedures.

That an zero derelict restrooms on any commercial aircraft except one and I can't remember which one, 787 maybe.

Ahhh, yeah, sorry....didn't think about that

I've spent half my life on aircraft, pilot/military/passenger, seems like. So it's just a part of my life. I also have a known traveler number now that lets me blow through security in about 20 seconds without having to take off all my damn clothes, even virtually.....it's kinda like future to the back.

Nonetheless....I'm a road trip addict when it comes to vacation travel.