View Full Version : Cm9

05-17-2013, 11:19 AM
New Member, First Post!
I have been looking at the CM9 and really like the size for conceal carry. My G26 is a pretty bulky but a reliable gun! I use a Crossbreed type of Holster but not all the time. Its just a pain!! I want a more slim pocket carry in 9mm. Anyone sell their Glock for a Kahr??? Specifically the CM9?
Thanks. Slainer

05-17-2013, 11:36 AM
keep the glock and buy the cm9, the glock should be an ideal home gun.

welcome aboard. other than I, everyone else on this forum is NUTS.:Amflag2:

05-17-2013, 11:43 AM
I'm only half nuts. :D

05-17-2013, 11:45 AM
does that meanu only have one nut???

05-17-2013, 12:47 PM
Unless money is REALLY tight, I wouldn't sell or trade any gun these days, given the political climate. It is only going to get harder and more expensive to buy more guns as time goes on.

05-17-2013, 12:50 PM
good point there goldwhiner...

05-17-2013, 01:34 PM
I'm only half nuts. :D

Problem is trying to figure out which half.

05-17-2013, 02:45 PM
PM inbound. Welcome to the site!

05-17-2013, 03:25 PM
New Member, First Post!
I have been looking at the CM9 and really like the size for conceal carry. My G26 is a pretty bulky but a reliable gun! I use a Crossbreed type of Holster but not all the time. Its just a pain!! I want a more slim pocket carry in 9mm. Anyone sell their Glock for a Kahr??? Specifically the CM9?
Thanks. Slainer


I would never sell any of my Glocks to buy a Kahr. :eek:
In fact, I wouldn't sell any of my guns to buy a Kahr.
Keep the G26 and buy the CM9 outright, you will be glad that you did.
The G26 is a fine, reliable pistol that you should be able to trust your life on if needed, no reason to part with it.
I conceal a G27 every day in a Comp-Tac IWB kydex holster here in FL with no problems at all.
Best of luck with whatever you decide. ;)

05-17-2013, 05:22 PM

I would never sell any of my Glocks to buy a Kahr. :eek:
In fact, I wouldn't sell any of my guns to buy a Kahr.
Keep the G26 and buy the CM9 outright, you will be glad that you did.
The G26 is a fine, reliable pistol that you should be able to trust your life on if needed, no reason to part with it.
I conceal a G27 every day in a Comp-Tac IWB kydex holster here in FL with no problems at all.
Best of luck with whatever you decide. ;)

Good point, Great advice!! Will hold on to G26.
Will save for a possible future CM buy!
Thanks again to all!!

05-17-2013, 06:10 PM
After that glowing endorsement how could you possibly do anything else.

I think I'll go try to crawl under the wire over at GT and take a dump.

05-18-2013, 09:53 AM
After that glowing endorsement how could you possibly do anything else.

I think I'll go try to crawl under the wire over at GT and take a dump.

Would that be your feeble attempt at sarcasm? :rolleyes:

05-29-2013, 02:12 PM
Hey, Jocko. Did you hear the one about the 50 pound midget with 25 pound balls? Why that little fokker was half nuts, too. :)

05-29-2013, 02:20 PM
Would that be your feeble attempt at sarcasm? :rolleyes:

Everything I attempt is feeble. You haven't figured that out by now?

05-29-2013, 03:47 PM
New Member, First Post!
I have been looking at the CM9 and really like the size for conceal carry. My G26 is a pretty bulky but a reliable gun! I use a Crossbreed type of Holster but not all the time. Its just a pain!! I want a more slim pocket carry in 9mm. Anyone sell their Glock for a Kahr??? Specifically the CM9?
Thanks. Slainer

I'll second the advice of the other fine members. My first handgun was a Glock 19, and I still have it and love it. I bought a pm9 to conceal carry but hung on to my Glock. Considering there are plenty of times I might want a larger gun with more capacity that is super reliable, it was an easy choice to save up and buy the Kahr for its own specific purpose.

Plus my wife shoots the G19 really well so it's her go to HD gun if I'm out of town.