View Full Version : New to Kahr...
04-16-2010, 05:16 PM
Hello All...Thanks for the invitation to what looks to be a very friendly and enthusiastic group of members enjoying, and gaining the benefit of what this Forum has to offer. I have only lurked here briefly, and found this place to be well worth the investment of a membership. So here I am...
I am in the market to take ownership of the PM9 in the near future, and new it best to seek out the experts to gather some knowledge into the Kahr world.
Little bit about myself; I am a Novice enthusiast in the Firearms world, and open minded to ingest ideals, as well as ideas. A Husband/Father for the second time with "6" children between myself and my Wife Jennifer. Skilled Trades in the manufacturing business is what I do. Everything outdoors is what I enjoy. Another pastime is strumming some notes on my Taylor 12 string.
I look forward to browsing the Forums and learning, as well as sharing where I think I can.
Thanks again...
04-16-2010, 05:23 PM
welcome aboard. You best seek out who the top 5 posters are and each should recieve 20 bucks, starting at the top (me) with $20 and then working down to what ever you think should be. We will certainly welcome you more than just aboard if u do that???
Just trying to be helpful to a new member and no doubt the PM9 is the best choice IMO. Buy new, shop around for best price, come swith 5 year warranty. Every one in awhile a member here has one for sale to..
04-16-2010, 05:27 PM
You best seek out who the top 5 posters are and each should recieve 20 bucks, starting at the top (me) with $20 and then working down to what ever you think should be. We will certainly welcome you more than just aboard if u do that???
Only if you accept GunPal funding...;)...Thanks for the welcome.
04-16-2010, 05:31 PM
Welcome mlanden, this is indeed a fun place with lots of helpful people. A few just out to make a buck (I'm # 2) but lots of good stuff shared. Always have the BS meter on at all times. Michigan? I assume all the ice fishing shacks are pulled off the lakes and nearing water skiing season?
PM9's a great gun without question.
I know nothing about guitars, 12 Freaking strings???? That's alot of strings, don't they usually got like 5 or 6? always wanted to play the banjo but never did. My youngest 16 is a drummer, surely one of God's reasons for creating deaf people like me. Actually I don't mind, one of the few instruments I can hear weather I want to or not.
Jump in have fun.
04-16-2010, 05:34 PM
Jocko took Gun Pal when I joined up so that shouldn't be a problem.
Gun Pal, Fun Pal, Visa, Mastercare no matter just add 3% and we're good.
What's the BS meter reading on this post?????
04-16-2010, 05:53 PM
I do accept gun pal, I used to accept his brother to Pay Pal but have since switched to gun pal, it is more user friendly.
04-16-2010, 06:48 PM
As you may have noticed,some of our members stray off into their own little sphere of consciousness very easily.We are a harmless tribe and drool less than what you would expect for people of our mental capacities.
The PM9 is one of the most beloved and discussed models on this forum.I,for one,am one of the most vocal in it`s support.I absolutely love that little handgun and I wouldn`t take a pretty for it.I`m sure that once you finally get yours,you`ll see what I mean. Glad to have you here. :music:
04-16-2010, 06:56 PM
As you may have noticed,some of our members stray off into their own little sphere of consciousness very easily.We are a harmless tribe and drool less than what you would expect for people of our mental capacities.
The PM9 is one of the most beloved and discussed models on this forum.I,for one,am one of the most vocal in it`s support.I absolutely love that little handgun and I wouldn`t take a pretty for it.I`m sure that once you finally get yours,you`ll see what I mean. Glad to have you here. :music:
Well thank you so much Mr. Dietrich, I think that's one of the nicest things I've ever heard anyone say about Mr. Jocko. Normally the comments are all slanderish and hateful. Harmless tribe that drools less, well that's a very kind comment about all of us. Timing is good also, I just emptied my drool cup, actually in all honesty it's a drool bucket. Good thing I don't chew tobaccy or none of that stuff I'd probably have to have a drool drum. I can feel the love. Can you imagine 12 strings on one guitar, what Reba couldn't sing with something like that.!!!!
04-16-2010, 07:32 PM
And now the clowns come out...ME. What about those who are bucket mouthed and fingered that may not have the quantity, but have the quality? Or how about fastest time to rise to the top of the heap. (I dare not hope that my silly self can catch those guys, at least not for a spell.) Welcome aboard, we also like range reports, and pictures. If you have a question ask, you may get a different answer than you'd think. Again, welcome.
04-16-2010, 07:53 PM
And now the clowns come out...ME. What about those who are bucket mouthed and fingered that may not have the quantity, but have the quality? Or how about fastest time to rise to the top of the heap. (I dare not hope that my silly self can catch those guys, at least not for a spell.) Welcome aboard, we also like range reports, and pictures. If you have a question ask, you may get a different answer than you'd think. Again, welcome.
Bucket mouth? What's a bucket mouth? Foul mouthed, nasty words and such. Jocko don't talk like that, don't think he can spell them bad words mabye. It's not in the book of Jocko spellin and abbreviations. Is it forum lingo of some sort. I lead sort of a sheltered life, don't get out much and like it that way.
04-16-2010, 07:58 PM
What wine goes well with potted meat? I mean seriously,does anyone know?
04-16-2010, 08:04 PM
What is potted meat? Is that the same thing as a pot roast, if so any deep red wine. Enjoy.
04-16-2010, 08:05 PM
Neither my wife or I indulge in the grapes but she said I had a 50/50 chance of getting the correct answer. I said what are the choices? She said red or white. I said what about cabernet (didn't know I was so worldly huh?) She claims cabernet is red or white. I asked which one, she admitted she didn't know so I'm gonna go with white for whatever that might be worth.
Perhaps this is a Martha Stewart question.
04-16-2010, 08:08 PM
Can I change my mind? Definitely what he said deep red. Hmmmm tasty. I think your suppose to sniff the cap after ya unscrew it, tells you something I know not what.
I just asked my wife if Annie Green springs is red or white, she said it's just awful, so if that's red don't get that one...................
Hope this helps.
04-16-2010, 08:11 PM
I was going to say one of them boxes of wine, but failing there I would go with mad dog 20/20.
04-16-2010, 08:14 PM
I don't drink either, but my wife is a connoisseur.
04-16-2010, 08:16 PM
Oh FYI potted meat is not like a pot roast. That's a term they use in NC, my late father in law used to eat quite a bit of that. Correct me if I'm too fuzzy of memory Potted Meat=Canned Meat.
04-16-2010, 08:17 PM
In addition to the good humor there is a wealth of information here. Enjoy, and welcome.
04-16-2010, 08:22 PM
Ahhh potted meat, is that like SPAM? Then a Box of wine will do just fine.
04-16-2010, 10:46 PM
In addition to the good humor there is a wealth of information here. Enjoy, and welcome.
We try hard to avoid humor here. These are serious instruments we discuss and they deserve to be taken seriously. Stay on track, stay on topic and keep your nose clean and everything will run smoothly. Thank you for your cooperation. Hopefully you'll learn from us and we'll learn from you. Just don't stray off course and mess things up. Theres a few simple folks here that get confused easily, pictures are an asset and also help remind them what we're talking about in the first place.
04-16-2010, 10:50 PM
If you bought one word of that previous post you need major counselling. We may try to stay serious and on track but to be completely honest with you we suck at that.
Welcome, do what you want, if it's funny it flies. Pictures are still good. Actually it's all good. Every single thing here is good, well almost every single thing. If that Kahrseye guy gets that PM to me tomorrow then it will all be really good. But its still pretty good anyway. Couldn't be better really.
ok bye
04-17-2010, 02:39 AM
I know nothing about guitars, 12 Freaking strings???? That's alot of strings, don't they usually got like 5 or 6?
Typical guitars have six strings, although the tenor has 4, which was a marketing trick to convince tenor banjo players to make the switch to guitar back in the early 20th century, but I digress... Some guitars have 12 strings, but they're stung in "courses" or pairs, like a mandolin (8 strings). You basically double up on the strings, so instead of E A D G B E (the pitch of each string in a standard tuning), you have E E A A D D G G B B E E. It gives the instrument a much fuller sound without making it more difficult to play. You can also play around with each course to suit your style. For example, if you tune one string in the course a few cents sharp, and the other string in the course a few cents flat, the result is a very "wet" sound (think...french accordian), or you could make one string in the course an octave lower or higher.
04-17-2010, 04:35 AM
Oh FYI potted meat is not like a pot roast. That's a term they use in NC, my late father in law used to eat quite a bit of that. Correct me if I'm too fuzzy of memory Potted Meat=Canned Meat.
Yes,potted meat is canned meat but not like spam,which is a loaf.Potted meat is made of chicken and beef and is like a paste in consistency.The best is made for true gourmets by Armour and is rather pricey at around 50 cents a can.:)
04-17-2010, 10:46 AM
Typical guitars have six strings, although the tenor has 4, which was a marketing trick to convince tenor banjo players to make the switch to guitar back in the early 20th century, but I digress... Some guitars have 12 strings, but they're stung in "courses" or pairs, like a mandolin (8 strings). You basically double up on the strings, so instead of E A D G B E (the pitch of each string in a standard tuning), you have E E A A D D G G B B E E. It gives the instrument a much fuller sound without making it more difficult to play. You can also play around with each course to suit your style. For example, if you tune one string in the course a few cents sharp, and the other string in the course a few cents flat, the result is a very "wet" sound (think...french accordian), or you could make one string in the course an octave lower or higher.
Thanks for the guitar lesson, I truely had no clue. So in summary each pair is 2-1 basically. So a person that knew how to play a 6 string could probably figure it out given a little time. The notes are in the same place. Being near deaf as a stump I fear it's too late in the game for me to take on the 12 string, something I'll no doubt regret. I did play the accordian in my youth, played in an all accordian band. Got me to Disneyland, and a few other places I never would have gone to. Good memories for sure. Still have it but seriously doubt I could do anything with it, been too long. I fear it's not like riding a bike, ya never forget, I forgot, fell off the bike and can't ride it no more either at least not without training wheels.
Always was partial to the banjo, guess I liked the twang or probably more importantly the music that went with them. Bluegrass, country. Good stuff. Now days with my hearing it's all Rock and roll to me or a 747 landing, all the same.
04-17-2010, 10:50 AM
Ahh Bluegrass, good stuff that. Dietrich is lucky in that regard. I know for a fact that 2 or 3 of the radio stations still have a Sunday bluegrass show in his area.
04-17-2010, 11:54 AM
Potted meat,moonshine,bluegrass and women in floursack underwear.Life is good.
04-17-2010, 12:02 PM
Ummm. Potted meat -- the poor man's Pâté... sort of. Where the French use fatted goose and duck liver, the PM is composed of all the less desirable(by most) parts of the animals... the less glamorous parts.:eek: I couldn't even begin to name all of those "exotic" parts, but a good hint is that nothing is wasted off the animals... nothing... let me say that again... NOTHING. And if you think about the stuff that's eaten from pigs... that's a start. I can remember eating pickled pigs feet and some more adventurous stuff. I wouldn't even try chitterlings, though.
I've had some of the usual restaurant fare in France and England, but I didn't care for sweetbreads... what a name for FATTY calf brains. Calf and beef tongue were dee-lish, though. The escargot sure let me down. I don't know where all the fuss about that stuff came from.
I've had the best Pâté in Stasbourg, France -- the real Pâté de foie gras... ummmm! Everything I've tried since that tastes like the potted meat we're talking about... very disappointing.
I'm still working on a small case of Vienna sausage... not too bad with mustard mixed with decent horseradish(not HR "sauce"). You can almost suck those "sausages" through your teeth... ummm... used to be the poor working man's lunch... that and some saltines... with your RC Cola.
04-17-2010, 12:47 PM
Whats wrong with being a poor working man. I still eat like that (got a Bomb burrito in the microwave now). Oh wait I still am a poor working man. And yes I've eaten all manner of animals, and parts. Like I learned on the bayou, don't ask unless you really want to know. And Dietrich, that sounds like heaven right there.
04-17-2010, 12:56 PM
:) Hey Bawanna, I have a nice BANJO that I will trade you for 1 of those pretty 1911's you are always showing off .
GOLDTONE ORANGE BLOSSOM 250 PLUS & arched top hard shell case. Like New. :music:
I wouldn't know the first thing about playing it and if I held it I'd probably just get labeled as a poser. Imagine how you'd feel if I learned to play it, got on America's got Talent and won a bajillion dollars. Imagine how I'd feel. Keep the banjo, send me that red headed stepchild PM45 and we'll call it a day.
On those 1911's I'm usually just showing off my hand whittled grips. Not all the 1911's are my own, several are but many aren't just to clarify that. The ones that aren't mine are destined to be mine someday though it that accounts for anything. Guess I'm kind of like the government, I want them all.
04-17-2010, 02:35 PM
Ummm. Potted meat -- the poor man's Pâté... sort of. Where the French use fatted goose and duck liver, the PM is composed of all the less desirable(by most) parts of the animals... the less glamorous parts.:eek: I couldn't even begin to name all of those "exotic" parts, but a good hint is that nothing is wasted off the animals... nothing... let me say that again... NOTHING. And if you think about the stuff that's eaten from pigs... that's a start. I can remember eating pickled pigs feet and some more adventurous stuff. I wouldn't even try chitterlings, though.
I've had some of the usual restaurant fare in France and England, but I didn't care for sweetbreads... what a name for FATTY calf brains. Calf and beef tongue were dee-lish, though. The escargot sure let me down. I don't know where all the fuss about that stuff came from.
I've had the best Pâté in Stasbourg, France -- the real Pâté de foie gras... ummmm! Everything I've tried since that tastes like the potted meat we're talking about... very disappointing.
I'm still working on a small case of Vienna sausage... not too bad with mustard mixed with decent horseradish(not HR "sauce"). You can almost suck those "sausages" through your teeth... ummm... used to be the poor working man's lunch... that and some saltines... with your RC Cola.
Wyn,I don`t know if you know it or not but if you`ve ever eaten link sausage,you`ve eaten chitlins.The hogs intestines are used to make the sausage casings.
04-17-2010, 02:47 PM
Jlottmc, that's where I'm recalling the memories... from my first job after high school... 1964... working for an oil company as a roustabout... for a few months before joining the Air Force... before getting drafted... somewhere around Natchez, MS, or even across the River, but it was in and around swamps with alligators and water moccasins. I remember bothering the gators and killing a moccasin or two with pop bottles during a lunch break... or trying to, anyhow. I can remember throwing bottles at one or more cottonmouths and then jumping up on a fallen tree trunk and worrying about where the heck they went. I think I got one, but he wasn't alone!:eek:
We would buy stuff like Vienna sausage and crackers at some little country store for lunch. We'd probably blow a whole quarter or so on lunch!
And Dietrich, I know about the casings used for sausage and some other stuff... that Cajun or Mexican stuff, too, tasty. I can't think of the name... could get it in Texas, but not around here. CRS strikes again. At least those had something besides PS in them.:D
I ate a lot of rotwurst in Germany, but I never liked the looks of that white sausage!
04-17-2010, 03:02 PM
I hate snakes... I remember a time when I was doing works ups in preparation to go to Bosnia. I was the first one out of the helo, and fast roped into a nest of dormant(??? yeah right) snakes. My right leg sank about 8 inches and I felt something brushing against the side of my boot. The pilot said he heard a blood curdling school girl scream, followed by an M-16 going cyclic. I know I put 27 rounds into that den, was damn lucky I didn't shoot myself, pulled my leg out and was reloading when I had the number 2 man out the bird land on top of me. Good time those. I'll tell you some west TX snake stories later. Like I said I hate snakes. And those vienna sausages have made many a fine meal when deer hunting... I just quit asking what was in stuff and learned to eat it if I saw others eat it (that way I knew it wasn't hazardous to me). Bonus points if it tastes good too.
04-17-2010, 03:19 PM
Oh, man! You got me to laughing there... hosing down those snakes. I've killed those poisonous ones with whatever's handy... and sometimes it was too little for the job. There's an adrenalin rush... messing with poisonous snakes!:eek:
I like the non-poisonous ones and don't mess with them, though I'm always temped to try to pick them up. They never appreciate that, though, even if I'm rescuing them or getting them out of a bad place... like the middle of a road or off my door mat here. I almost stepped on a pretty red ratsnake here one night... on my front door mat.
04-17-2010, 04:26 PM
You just go ahead and play with them wynn, I don't usually ask if their venomous or not (yes I can identify them, I just don't). When it comes to snakes, I believe like I do with concealed carry... don't let me see it. My in laws have some land in rural NC, and the obligatory pond out there. Remember I hate snakes, never did you see me out near that pond without a pea shooter.
04-17-2010, 04:43 PM
After this 13 years in Florida, I think that I finally have more time in this state than Texas. I was born in Tampa but my parents divorced when I was about 7 and we headed to Mississippi, my mother's home state, and we later moved to Texas several times, once for about 3 months to Houston and then a few years later Pasadena for a year and a half or so.
I was stationed in San Antonio, Texas for basic training for 4 or 5 months in 1964, at least a year and a half at Goodfellow AFB(San Angelo) after a year's language training at Monterey, CA up 'til April 67, OTS at S.A. for 3 or so months 'til late Sept. '72. Then almost 9 years at Dyess AFB (Abilene) TX. Then after I retired and when my wife went to Korea for a year I moved to S.A. and got us a house where we stayed until March '97 and coming here to JAX. I've traveled quite a bit through western Texas.
iI always considered myself a Texan until I got back here.
04-17-2010, 05:09 PM
Indeed, I have a bunch of roots in Abilene and San Angelo. And really when you get west of Weatherford, the scenery doesn't change much, unless you go south. I learned at a very early age to always have a pistol on you when out in snake country. And now you have found the tropics or something close to it. I hear a well placed .40 S&W round does wonders on gators. Did you ever make it out to Sweetwater when you in the neighborhood? (You should know why I ask) Them folks is CRAZY...
04-17-2010, 07:37 PM
I don't think I ever made it to one of the roundups, but somewhere along the way I tasted some and, of course, it tasted like chicken. Some of those people are crazy, though. They have some weird contests
I went to hamfests and gun shows. I got to Dyess just after the BUFFs had returned from SEA in early '74 and I went to Germany for 3 years in a command post in early '83 after my divorce(late '82).
My fortune really improved when my wife-to-be was dragged down into the command post at Zweibrücken Air Base on June 23, 1983, by her sponsor after she had been traveling from the States for a day or so. The poor thing looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Though we ate out with a few others... good German restaurants or some really special over in France, it took me 14 months to ask her out on a real date... fraternization was and is a big no-no. We got counseled once by our immediate boss as a CYA thing and we tried to be a little less open after that. She only had a two-year tour and I had asked for and got three years... what the heck?? It was more fun than pulling alert in SAC.
Jeez, here I am. It's all about me... taking over or straying from the topic.:rolleyes:
I gotta get clothes out of the dryer. I'm a house-husband now. My Wife(10 years younger) works 2PM to 11PM. I really lucked out with her. But if she only knew what I figured out today that I spent in the last 4 months on guns and ammo and anything else gun-related. She knows what the guns cost, but she has no idea what I'm spending on all of the gun-related stuff.:eek:
This ain't a cheap hobby!
04-18-2010, 02:03 PM
I too just thought about that... this is an expensive habit we have. I think all of us my be addicted to the smell of burnt gunpowder, and the thrill of sending another round down the tube. Add to that the joy we get when we show off our toys...we're done then.
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