View Full Version : Stollen Gate

05-19-2013, 12:01 AM
I have 3 nice powder coated gates on my pasture and someone stole one on the far side of my property (7 acres and far from my house).

So I replaced it and added a padlock and chain. The next night the stinkers tried to take that one, but bent it all up in the process. It is still usable, so I added a cable lock on the other side and put a trail cam up in a tree.


Any suggestions? Please. Other than camping in a tent with my rifle. ;)

I also have 30 goats in the pasture, and it won't be pretty if they get out.

MW surveyor
05-19-2013, 06:51 AM
I don't think that this is legal but...................you could try to electrify the gate with one of those battery powered electric fence chargers?

05-19-2013, 07:17 AM
Trip wire connected to a Claymore worked in the old days.:D

05-19-2013, 10:02 AM
They might steal the electric fence charger, too!:eek:

Maybe the camera would lead to figuring out who the culprits are.


05-19-2013, 10:09 AM
A Ghillie suit and an AR-15.

05-19-2013, 10:11 AM
Buy a shotgun, buy a shot gun! :)
Uncle Joe

05-19-2013, 11:15 AM
Goats with frikkin' laserbeams?


05-19-2013, 11:18 AM
It would certainly make them rethink their values and life styles if you happened to empty an AR mag near by as they were messing with your gate.

Don't shoot them of course much as you might want to, I want to and it's not even my gate.

Do try to get video if you take this approach, they might just run and leave you a nice pickup for your troubles.

Always look for the silver lining ya know?

05-19-2013, 11:19 AM
Holy crap...EVERYTHING is on the internet.


05-19-2013, 11:23 AM
A Ghillie suit and an AR-15.

Actually, not a bad idea. But keep the AR handy just in case, but add to the collection one of those portable air horns and just lay right next to the gate. When they come back, blast them w/ the air horn. Should make for a fun night on the farm. Definitely get video of THAT.

05-19-2013, 11:35 AM
I'll try not to use geezer speak here but when a CB radio was in every car on the road, they became a easy money maker for the dirt bags of the era.

A friend's radio was stolen, with the dirt bags using a concrete block to break a window, taking two tries, with the 1st being too low and denting the door, before hitting the window.
After that, I duct taped single edge razor blades along the back bottom edge of my CB radio;)
They never caught anyone though:(

I had a tag stolen and had to get another one ($$$ in Florida) and told the DMV I was going to slice thru the the expiration sticker to keep it from being pealed off or stolen again.
I was told I could a ticket for altering the tag!
So I mentioned the duct tape razor blade deal to them, and got the open mouthed blank stare.
Didn't do that though, just sliced up the little sticker as most steal the tag to peal off the sticker at home with the proper technique, in better light.

Some are too stupid for that though and use the whole stolen tag, like the guy who stole my tag, my neighbor.
I walked all the streets around and found my tag on another car:eek:.
Ok, I know him now...but he knows me:32:
I went back after I moved:D
Edited to add:
So Lorenzo, you might want to go back out there with some duct tape and razor blades...and lower that camera just enough to be grabbed:rolleyes:

05-19-2013, 11:51 AM
I have 3 nice powder coated gates on my pasture and someone stole one on the far side of my property (7 acres and far from my house).

So I replaced it and added a padlock and chain. The next night the stinkers tried to take that one, but bent it all up in the process. It is still usable, so I added a cable lock on the other side and put a trail cam up in a tree.


Any suggestions? Please. Other than camping in a tent with my rifle. ;)

I also have 30 goats in the pasture, and it won't be pretty if they get out.

Hmmmm....goats? You may want to check with Jocko...he may have connections with other goat people :eek:

Bad Cheese
05-19-2013, 12:14 PM
I have a friend that set out fake trail cameras in plane sight, with tracking locator chips inside the fake cameras, it worked like a charm. He caught a sticky fingered neighbor, and got him for trespassing as well.

05-19-2013, 12:30 PM
Locator chips? I need to find some of those. Thanks for the ideas guys! I appreciate all of them... Even the bad ones and especially the funny ones!

05-19-2013, 04:10 PM
Locator chips? I need to find some of those. Thanks for the ideas guys! I appreciate all of them... Even the bad ones and especially the funny ones!

so...you are going with goats with frikkin' locator chips?

sad. The laserbeams would have been cooler.

05-20-2013, 12:25 AM
Goats with AR's would be better, but they would have trouble using the bullet button and I don't want no trouble with the state. :p