View Full Version : Super day at the range

05-19-2013, 04:30 PM
For a variety of reasons I've had a very long dry spell with no range visits.

Not wanting to use precious ammo, just busy, etc.

Well I went today and it was awesome. Haven't shot a live round since last August, yup a long long time.

I shot incredibly well. The range wasn't crowded, nothing broke, all went well.

Shot the carry stuff in my Cbob and PM45 as I usually do, very accurate and all went well. I acquired some Winchester XST carry ammo and I'm dreadfully low on Gold Dot so I tried out the Winchester. Worked super, maybe even better than the Gold Dot. I got a few boxes of it so it's comforting to know that it works, feeds and is accurate in my toys.
Shot some new 185gr Hornady XTP reloads I made for my PM45 and son's XDS finally and they worked superbly in both. Need to make a bunch more of those

A new recoil spring in my Hi Power seemed to help immensely, I think it still needs mag springs, just not feeding consistently. But very accurate.

Tried my new K9 for the first time and it ran like chickens through an egg??
No boggles, shot 50 Sellier and Beloit I had laying around, a few Speer Lawmans and a mag or two of Federal Hydra Shoks. Very accurate, I even pushed the target out to 25 yards and was making nice groups.
For prep, I took it apart, made sure everything was there, put a line of grease on the frame rails, wiped off the sticky stuff on the outside of the mags and shot it like I stole it. Good to go basically out of the box.
Obnoxious little crack with them tiny little 9mm bullets but she's a shooter.

I usually never shoot out at 15 yards but today, the PM45 and the Cbob were both doing very well out that far. Sadly no evidence photos and I know no one will believe me but I was there.

Then as icing on the cake they are finally getting some inventory in their pro shop and low and behold I got to fondle the Browning 22 1911 compact, very nice but I want the full size. Then I got to fondle 4 variations of the Remington 1911 R1S. Had an all stainless, my favorite, a duo tone and the enhanced with the beavertail, also one that had a meltdown job, it was nice too. I liked the stainless no beavertail and it had the nicest trigger of the bunch and the price wasn't bad either I don't think at 709.
Also had a Duo tone XDS that a guy traded in the day before very well priced and hardly shot at all.
I did a side by side shoot of my PM45 and my sons XDS and I like the PM45 much better. The XDS just bit me shooting. I'm sure I could work over the grip and cure it, really wanted that duo tone they had anyway but alas I left them both behind. Son's XDS shot well, accurate, nice just bit me.

Anyhow, life is better now, I hope I don't have to go that long again and the next range trip is as pleasant as this one was.

Oh we broke in my son's new Colt M4 too. No issues at all, very accurate, he's happy.

Life is good.

05-19-2013, 04:36 PM
As they say, "It doesn't get any better than that." Glad you had a great day ... you deserve it.

MW surveyor
05-19-2013, 04:56 PM
A day at the range is always better than looking at the "violets".
Sorry, just had to do it. ;)

05-19-2013, 05:02 PM
A day at the range is always better than looking at the "violets".
Sorry, just had to do it. ;)

Which raises a question ... has Bawanna ever mentioned whether any of the violets are even worth looking at ... or is that part of the definition of a violet?

MW surveyor
05-19-2013, 05:12 PM
Which raises a question ... has Bawanna ever mentioned whether any of the violets are even worth looking at ... or is that part of the definition of a violet?

From what I've read in the past............................................no :eek:

Hey, welcome back! That was sort of a short trip?

05-19-2013, 05:18 PM
my day today was ridi ng 300 mile swith the wife for a BURGER. to me it just deosnt get better than that. Just sayin:amflag:

05-19-2013, 05:24 PM
my day today was ridi ng 300 mile swith the wife for a BURGER. to me it just deosnt get better than that. Just sayin:amflag:

Is there a proper prep to prepare your wife for a 300 mile ride?

On that note answer me this. On the way home from the range it was a nice day today and I must have passed 100 greasy Harley Riders and maybe 20 rice grinders.

I waved at every single Harley and mistakenly at 2 of the rice rockets and not one single greasy biker waved back. I seen them wave at each other nearly every time but wave to bawanna? Not gonna happen.

I feel kind of bad about it.

05-19-2013, 05:31 PM
Which raises a question ... has Bawanna ever mentioned whether any of the violets are even worth looking at ... or is that part of the definition of a violet?

Maybe 3 out of the 7 or 8 are tolerable to look at. One is my wife who is there part time and our new receptionist is easy to look at and has common sense and has a clue, the rest remind me of a dairy farm or maybe the critter them teeth I was whittling on came from. (Hippo)) The two official supervisors (the rest are wannabes) are easy 300 a piece.
I have seniority over all except the biggest of them all, my immediate official nagger.

They go through more water than my horse too. I pack the water jugs from the back to the water cooler cause I'm the man or in my case half man. Try running a manual wheelchair with a 5 or 6 gallon jug in your lap for entertainment. Not too bad cept getting through doors. Have to get through 2.
I don't drink it cause you gotta pay. I refuse. We have the best water in the whole world right out of the tap, so I don't need bottled stuff.

PS- what kind of question is that coming from a reverend anyhow? Must be the church of Jocko?

05-19-2013, 06:07 PM
Great day! Sounds better than working.

05-19-2013, 06:26 PM
Is there a proper prep to prepare your wife for a 300 mile ride?

yeah -- tell her you are going out for cigarettes then leave without her (just kidding) ;)

05-19-2013, 07:48 PM
my day today was ridi ng 300 mile swith the wife for a BURGER. to me it just deosnt get better than that. Just sayin:amflag:

I/we've done that...back in the day...great times!

05-19-2013, 08:37 PM
Sounds like a great day Bawanna, bet it felt great to put a few downrange. I checked for ammo a couple places last week, the shelves were bare, so am not shooting up what I have in reserve, until I can get more.

Jocko, sad to say, I have not even started up the bike since last November. It's just been crap for weather here, and was down the last 4 weeks with some kind of lung infection/pneumonia. Sure as hell didn't feel like being on 2 wheels with my head not clear, and lungs full of crap. Things should change very soon now, got the infection cleared up, and starting to feel like I am one of the living again. I was freaking out when the antibiotics weren't working, then read a story about a guy they sent home from the hospital with a lung infection they couldn't cure, and called hospice on him. He started nebulizing colloidal silver, and the infection cleared up, so I decided to give a very small amount of that a try, and it seems to have done the trick. I think I must have picked up one of those superbugs, the antibiotics weren't helping much and I was past the viral stage.

05-20-2013, 06:03 AM
I love a story with a happy ending. Good on ya, Bawanna. The only thing that would make me happier would be the swearing in of a conservative president, or wild sex with a twenty something. Not much of a chance of the later. :)

05-20-2013, 06:24 AM
Although I think of;
Winchester Ranger T-Series, Federal HST and Speer GDHP - as best of the best ammo.
My personal favorite is Winchester Ranger T-Series.
Near match grade accuracy.
And I've had zero FTF, with any gun, in any caliber, using that ammo.
Seems like the HP opening is smaller than the other two and facilitates feeding.
Plus I like the way no lead seems to be visible at the tip.
I'm funny about getting lead on my hands.

Glad you had a good range trip!

On a related note.
I normally do the super mas macho thingy.
And only fire magnums from my 44 and 357 guns.
Have to admit is was really fun shooting 38 Specials through my S&W 65-3 3" K frame.
Got some cowboy action 44 specials for the S&W 629-2 to try next.
Isn't shooting fun?

05-20-2013, 07:23 AM
Sounds like a great day Bawanna, bet it felt great to put a few downrange. I checked for ammo a couple places last week, the shelves were bare, so am not shooting up what I have in reserve, until I can get more.

Jocko, sad to say, I have not even started up the bike since last November. It's just been crap for weather here, and was down the last 4 weeks with some kind of lung infection/pneumonia. Sure as hell didn't feel like being on 2 wheels with my head not clear, and lungs full of crap. Things should change very soon now, got the infection cleared up, and starting to feel like I am one of the living again. I was freaking out when the antibiotics weren't working, then read a story about a guy they sent home from the hospital with a lung infection they couldn't cure, and called hospice on him. He started nebulizing colloidal silver, and the infection cleared up, so I decided to give a very small amount of that a try, and it seems to have done the trick. I think I must have picked up one of those superbugs, the antibiotics weren't helping much and I was past the viral stage.

Sure glad that worked for you, Tom! :) Colloidal silver. Hmm. My Sister-in-law has been suffering with COPD the last year or so. Wonder if it would help?

05-20-2013, 08:05 AM
What is nebulizing "Colloidal silver"?

05-20-2013, 08:51 AM
What is nebulizing "Colloidal silver"?
Inhaling minute colloidal silver particles (suspended in a mist) into the lungs. The "nebulizer" produces the mist.

It's good to read that you're feeling better.


05-20-2013, 09:12 AM
You get something like that at the range... only lead... and maybe mercury from the primers?


05-20-2013, 02:16 PM
J, the colloidal silver works better on "bugs" doesn't help COPD. I did run across some things about COPD, I will PM links to you. I'll have to find them again.

IKE, you know what a nebulizer is? It's used mostly by people with asthma to breath medicine into their lungs, it creates a fine mist of moist particles with whatever medicine you put in it, then you breathe the mist thru a mouthpiece, or some wear a mask. This delivers the medicine right into the lungs. Colloidal Silver is very small particles of silver, think molecule size, suspended in water. Silver kills over 650,000 known pathogens. No germs can live on it, which is why we have actual Silverware made of Silver. I got the idea to try it, after reading about a man that was in the hospital with a lung infection they could not cure. They called Hospice and sent him home to die. He tried nebulizing colloidal silver, and was cured in a couple of weeks. It kills bacteria, viruses, fungus, just about any "bug", but leaves healthy cells alone. People use it for all sorts of things. Some have gone overboard with it and used so much their skin has turned blueish-gray. They use it in hospitals to put in the eyes of newborn babies so they don't get any eye infections. Some people drink a glass of water of it daily, diluted to around 20 parts per million, like a vitamin.
It really helped get rid of whatever was in my lungs. People use it for sinus and ear infections, put it on cuts and scrapes. People used to throw silver dollars down their drinking water wells, to help kill any bugs in the water.

05-20-2013, 02:24 PM
Congrats on the great range time, Colonel! That's the best therapy a man could ask for.

05-20-2013, 02:39 PM
Is there a proper prep to prepare your wife for a 300 mile ride?

On that note answer me this. On the way home from the range it was a nice day today and I must have passed 100 greasy Harley Riders and maybe 20 rice grinders.

I waved at every single Harley and mistakenly at 2 of the rice rockets and not one single greasy biker waved back. I seen them wave at each other nearly every time but wave to bawanna? Not gonna happen.

I feel kind of bad about it.

how in the fokk do u know they were greasy??? #1 u were in a cage, #2 u should not pass greasy Harley riders #3 they don't wave to people goin downt he highway in a chair either, #4 they probalby thought uy were wavig to the metric guys. #5 They also probably don't like u either:Amflag2:

P:ick ur poison: I never said we were nice but 'GREASY" THAT sucks..:Amflag2:

semper vulgare...

05-20-2013, 02:40 PM
yeah -- tell her you are going out for cigarettes then leave without her (just kidding) ;)

don't smoke:Amflag2:

she rides her own HD. We have been riding together for nbow over 20 years, Best riding pardner I ever had.:Amflag2:

I must say I am alittle hurt that the colonel tags all harley riders as GREASEY: I will show this to her later on tonight. not saying she will get SEMPER VULGARE, but it can certainly happen.:Amflag2:

05-20-2013, 03:07 PM
Hey I shot two itty bitty 9mm's yesterday, isn't that worth something?

I seem to be taking a lot of flack lately about my broad brushes.

I remember when my youngest son was 7 or 8, we went to a bike show at our fairgrounds. Out of the blue he asked if a person had to have long hair, a beard, tattoo's and wear leather to own a motorcycle.

I greasy biker nearby said it isn't mandatory but it certainly helps. I thought we were dead, but they let us live.

Please don't tell your wife I said she's greasy even if she is, I wouldn't say that.

05-20-2013, 03:27 PM
OK, u best behave, Washington is just a 8 hour ride u know. that bike show , wasit a honder show?/ Probably ur style. Thats why most Honder goldwhiner people wear flip flops, so there stickin feet can air out. At least taht was what I was told. Just sayin

semper vulgare..

the fact that u shot two 9's at the range:blah::blah::blah: was proably due to the fact thatu only had an hour tosoot and those 45's go so damn slow, u would be on ur way home before paper was broke--if u even hit paper.. :hungry:

05-20-2013, 03:36 PM
Glad you had a good day Bawanna and all the guns worked fine.

05-20-2013, 03:43 PM
It was a great day and I was so happy I did so well and everything worked so well.
I figured after such a long dry spell it would all be foreign and I wouldn't be able to do anything right but it was really good.
I must have forgotten some of my bad habits or it was just one of those rare everything goes good days.
Even the range officer was a super fine blonde gal that was nice to talk too, at least best I could not hearing so good.

05-20-2013, 03:52 PM
Thanks Greg. It is nice to feel human again.

Wyn, I don't think lead and mercury are what we want to be breathing, hence the huge exhaust fans. Lead poisoning is suggested as one of the reasons that the Roman's got so crazy, from drinking wine out of lead cups, and showing signs of lead poisoning. Tomatoes got a bad rap back then too, as the acid in the tomatoes, would cause the lead to leak into the tomatoes when they ate them off of lead or lead alloy plates. And people that ate a lot of tomatoes would get the lead poisoning pretty quickly. Some Doctors are suggesting having the mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth removed and filled with something less harmful. They say that may be a big contributor to Alzheimer's disease, as the mercury leeches out of them into your body. I guess it's a pretty big deal to get them out, without causing more mercury to get into your body.