View Full Version : black flakes?

cw9 covert
05-20-2013, 09:54 AM
I was cleaning my cw9 and noticed some black flakes that could be from the polymer frame? Has anyone seen this when you clean your?
should I be concerned?
I was using Hoppes #9 solvent.

05-20-2013, 11:12 AM
clean away, what ur seeing is some high spots on the polymer rails that the slide during action will soon smooth out and ur good to go Fear not, this is common. Your slide realy doesnt ride on the polymer rails anyways, but it can happen for awhile. U could if wanting to just take some 60-0 grip sand paper and smooth the rails out, but if it was moe, I would just let the actgion of the slide do it for u, as it will smoothout only the areas that are possable touching the slide. Ur hoppes isn't doint it.

Just shoot the fokker like u stole it, Nice gun the covert..