View Full Version : Best Gun Cleaning Products?

05-23-2013, 03:44 PM
I know there are a lot of new gun cleaning products on the market. I don't necessarily hate cleaning my guns, but I am extremely meticulous, and I usually spend 2-3 hours cleaning a single handgun. I think I would shoot more often if I could speed up my cleaning routine.

What are some products you guys and gals use? I have been a traditional Hoppes guy for a long time, but I have heard good things about Ballistol recently. Any thoughts and advice are appreciated.

05-23-2013, 04:01 PM
I'd keep using the Hopp's
Brother I do not mean to be rude or insensitive, but other than say continue to use the Hopp's I can't help you. I just can't wrap my brain around a gun taking 2 to 3 hours to clean no matter how hard I try. 30 minutes tops. It doesn't take me three hours to detail clean and wax my Road King after a 8hr ride in the rain.

05-23-2013, 04:49 PM
I run mine through the dish washer, blow dry 'em with my wife's hair dryer and dunk 'em in Ballistol. Seriously, I love the smell of Hoppes #9. It's what my wife put behind both of her ears to attract me. Routine cleaning takes me about 30 minutes. Once a year I detail strip and give my guns real good cleaning. I lube with Break-Free CLP.

05-23-2013, 05:00 PM
Ok I'll bite, One product I keep squaking about here is not really a "Gun" product but one I use all the time and it works extremely well and I haven't found anything that works near as good on guns...

It's from the automobile motor oil maker Royal Purple and the product is a spray lube called Maxfilm...It's 100% synthetic and goes on wet and penetrates into hidden areas very well and the best part is that it completely dries to a super slippery film that you can feel....You can use this stuff on the srtiker channel if you want because it leaves no residue to collect crud, only a synthetic film....

I have only found it at O'Reily's auto parts stores but you can buy it direct form Royal Purple's web site...It's about 8 bucks a can but one can lasts forever so try some and see for yourself....Google Royal Purple Maxfilm and read the reviews....I don't work for them but have used Royal Purple motor oil in all my vehicles for years and as most hot rodders will tell you Royal Purple is some of the best oil on the market....

I start with good old Hoppes and a brush for general bore cleaning and a little dab on the neck for some smell good then after a dry patch to remove fouling I spray a patch real good with the Maxfilm and run that down the bore a couple times and I'm done with the barrel...After using Non Chlorinated brake cleaner to clean the slide and blast out the striker channel I then lube the rails and any other areas requiring oil using 5 W 30 motor oil left over from the Royal Purple bottles after oil change time in my pickup... My total investment in gun cleaning supplies is less than 20 bucks and my guns are as clean and well lubed as any you will see....Gun maintenance isn't rocket surgery and doesn't need to be expensive either...

05-23-2013, 05:12 PM
Ballistol + Rem Oil + Shooters Choice Grease on the slide rails. Except the MK9 is so "tight" that grease promotes slide cycling issues. I guess it's too thick. All the other pistol slides get grease.

None of those products save me any time. That's probably more up to your routine.

When I detail, I use a product called Bar Keepers Friend on the external surfaces only. It's a non-abrasive stainless steel cleaner that I found at Target. It really brightens up the stainless and quickly takes out any grime or stains but leaves the matte finish. Don't use it on blueing. It will scrub it right off. Mother's Mag polish on all the polished stainless parts and barrels.

There ya go... All my secrets.

05-23-2013, 06:15 PM
I'm considering getting some Ballistol as Hickok says it good. I started out with Gunzilla after reading all the promotional letters from soldiers in the sand pit, but am running low. Since I clean inside, except for a quick trip out to brake clean the striker channel, so odor is important. Don't know if Ballistol smells yet or not.

05-23-2013, 06:32 PM
I'm considering getting some Ballistol as Hickok says it good. I started out with Gunzilla after reading all the promotional letters from soldiers in the sand pit, but am running low. Since I clean inside, except for a quick trip out to brake clean the striker channel, so odor is important. Don't know if Ballistol smells yet or not.

Ballistol has a pungent smell for sure.
I've gotten used to it.
But many find the smell off putting.
It's still my favorite non-toxic cleaner and lubricant.

Used Militec-1, which is odorless, before that.

05-23-2013, 06:48 PM
I just recently got some Ballistol, got some aerosol and some just in a can. It seems to work very well. It does have an aroma, I'm hesitant to say it bad but it does take some getting used to. It's kind of funky.

It already did wonders on a horn handled Khukri and a wooden sheath for a Barong. It's good for a lot of different things.

So far for me it's two thumbs up. The saga continues.

I do love Dulite, but it's darn hard to find. Brownells started carrying it for awhile and I ordered several cans and then low and behold they don't anymore.

It's good stuff and smells very pleasant. Excellent for long term storage.

Many manufactures use it prior to shipping. Shops that do blueing use it by the gallon.

05-23-2013, 08:09 PM
Have heard good things about Frog Lube. Has anyone had any good or bad experience with it?

05-23-2013, 08:26 PM
Three hours? Thirty minutes?

Well at least 30 minutes is a step in the right direction.

I've settled on Hoppes' #9 Benchrest. Think of it as #9 on steroids.

If you're ol' lady doesn't like the smell of #9, she'll get dry heaves over even the remotest wiff of #9 Benchrest.

I don't go nuts... gun cleaning is a five minute affair.

Field strip. Quick brush of the underside of the slide and breech face with a brush soaked in solvent. Set aside.

Dry brush the barrel. Then wet brush the barrel. Follow that with a wet patch or maybe two courses of wet patches. Follow that with a dry patch, then out some break free on the same patch and coat the bore. Take the same patch and clean up the breech face and underside of the slide. Maybe use one more patch there... and use 'em on the frame too just to clean things up a bit. Lube rails with break free. Lube locking lug and top of barrel with green marine synthetic grease. Reassemble. Done.

Dont get anal on the gun cleanin'!

05-23-2013, 09:00 PM
Ballistol has been around forever. A sample of it was included with early HK handguns. I have it and use it but it's not my favorite. Like most gun owners I have a shelf full of gun products. I use different products to accomplish different cleaning tasks. These are my favorites;

* For general cleaning Hoppes #9 is pretty good. I mainly use it for my .22lrs and other guns that aren't real dirty or heavily used.
* The best product I've found for dirty streaky polygonal barrels is Hoppes Elite Gun Cleaner. Leaves the bore shiny and mirror like. Hopes Elite bore gel is OK too.
* For everywhere else I prefer Eezox. it takes very little to clean an entire pistol. It's a good dry lube and rust inhibitor as well.
* For heavy carbon build up the best I've found is Slip 2000 Carbon Cutter. Cleans the HK P7 piston better than any product I've tried.

My cleaning table has various brass bore brushes, nylon general purpose brushes, swabs and patches, Q-Tips, pipe cleaners and recycled tee shirt and flannel cloth. A Flitz cloth is perfect for the final wipe down.

05-23-2013, 09:07 PM
Have heard good things about Frog Lube. Has anyone had any good or bad experience with it?

Frog Lube has been good. Only lube that has touched my 1 1/2 month old PM9. Very pleasant smell and eventually seasons the gun.

05-23-2013, 10:03 PM
It's from the automobile motor oil maker Royal Purple and the product is a spray lube called Maxfilm...It's 100% synthetic and goes on wet and penetrates into hidden areas very well and the best part is that it completely dries to a super slippery film that you can feel....You can use this stuff on the srtiker channel if you want because it leaves no residue to collect crud, only a synthetic film....

I have only found it at O'Reily's auto parts stores but you can buy it direct form Royal Purple's web site.

Alright, I'm going to order some of this. It sounds like Eezox for much less $$$. And, I love Eezox.

I would like to find something that speeds the cleaning of the bores on my shotguns and revolvers. It seems like I have to run a gazillion patches through to get them anywhere close to clean.

05-24-2013, 06:48 AM
Frog Lube has been good. Only lube that has touched my 1 1/2 month old PM9. Very pleasant smell and eventually seasons the gun.

+1 on the Frog Lube ....

05-24-2013, 08:52 AM
Re frog lube: thanks. a little expensive but seems like it will last. have been using lubriplate & syn motor oil but was referred by a couple of people.

05-24-2013, 08:55 AM
Lately, I've been using FireClean. I, like everyone else, have tried dozens of cleaners, both specifically for weapon systems and not (Hoppe's, FrogLube, M-Pro, Break-free, Slip, KG, dishwasher, Brake Cleaner, etc...). I find FireClean truly amazing.

05-24-2013, 09:28 AM
Hey! I was only kidding about using the dishwasher. My wife would shoot me. I'm half nuts like a 100 pound midget with fifty pound balls, but I'm not crazy. :)

05-24-2013, 11:34 AM
Hey! I was only kidding about using the dishwasher. My wife would shoot me. I'm half nuts like a 100 pound midget with fifty pound balls, but I'm not crazy. :)

Actually, the dishwasher will work as long as you don't use the dry cycle. But, there are better ways...and safer ways while keeping Kitchen 6 happy.

05-24-2013, 12:39 PM
my 21 cents. If u pay $20 for a can of what ever cleaner/lube and u love it, then why switch for a smaller savings, and more than likely ending up where u started. ALL CLEANERS do as designed, some cost more but again it is not like a gun cleaning is gonna empty a can of cleaner either. Used with brains most of these cleaners go a long way.

Were not really talking oiling a mechanical watch here either, but just lubing a gun that slides back and forth etc, not rocket science for any lub to do that. Some ue even motor oil which works, again to me just tells me u have a good working gun in the first place.

Find what u like, stay with it, read of other stuff and then think about it . Is it better than what ur using??? Why is it better??? Is it price only,? Does ur lube now not perform well??Do I want to change because ol jocko said so and it's the cats nuts???

If there was one superior lube, then there would only be one brand on stores shelves, and we know that is not true. Alot of this lube sh!t IMO is also alot of add hype and I mean alot of add hype

05-24-2013, 12:54 PM
my 21 cents. If u pay $20 for a can of what ever cleaner/lube and u love it, then why switch for a smaller savings, and more than likely ending up where u started. ALL CLEANERS do as designed, some cost more but again it is not like a gun cleaning is gonna empty a can of cleaner either. Used with brains most of these cleaners go a long way.

Were not really talking oiling a mechanical watch here either, but just lubing a gun that slides back and forth etc, not rocket science for any lub to do that. Some ue even motor oil which works, again to me just tells me u have a good working gun in the first place.

Find what u like, stay with it, read of other stuff and then think about it . Is it better than what ur using??? Why is it better??? Is it price only,? Does ur lube now not perform well??Do I want to change because ol jocko said so and it's the cats nuts???

If there was one superior lube, then there would only be one brand on stores shelves, and we know that is not true. Alot of this lube sh!t IMO is also alot of add hype and I mean alot of add hype

All the products probably do lubricate/clean reasonably well.

The kicker for my is Ballistol being non toxic.
I don't need to wear gloves or worry about it absorbing into my skin.
It's fine on wood, plastic, rubber....
And isn't so aggressive that it would take the finish off my new Bulgarian AK.

At least in my mind, Ballistol is different.