View Full Version : Learning to love my P30.

05-27-2013, 01:56 PM
It's all about ergonomics.

I never really warmed up to my P30 with the shipped grip panels and back strap.
Added a Hogue sleeve and that helped.
But made the grip overly thick for carry.
Moved on to my P2000, P2000SK and HK45C guns.

Renting a full size HK45 and loving it made me rethink the P30.
Wouldn't all large side panels and back-strap on a P30 be much like the larger HK45 grip?
Just got back from the range with all large grip options -
and my P30 feels shinny and new!
Shoots like a different gun in my hands.
And I sadly have small girl sized hands.
The surprise for me was that the large back-strap didn't change my finger position on the trigger.
Just promoted a high grip on the gun that I prefer.
Reduced felt recoil, speed back on target and improved natural pointing.
It is strange how little changes in your grip can give dramatic results.

Moral to this story is: If you don't like your P30?
Chances are you haven't tried the various grip options.
HK P30 ships with small, medium and large side panels and back-straps.

P30 with all large grip option.

05-27-2013, 02:35 PM
I've never shot nor handled one of these babies, looks like a real nice pistol though. Glad you were able to find a solutuion without giving up so quickly. Sometimes it takes a bit to figure it out and the best thing about it, it didn't cost you anything.

05-27-2013, 06:18 PM
I've never shot nor handled one of these babies, looks like a real nice pistol though. Glad you were able to find a solutuion without giving up so quickly. Sometimes it takes a bit to figure it out and the best thing about it, it didn't cost you anything.

Yup, yup, so true.
Only handgun I ever sold was a NIB Stainless USP Compact 45.
Only shot it a few times and couldn't' hit the broad side of a barn.
Sold the gun too soon and have regretted it ever since.

Ironically, I now know HKs use cover up sighting.
Line up the dots on the front and rear sights.
And then COVER the target where you want to hit with the front dot.

Years ago I was likely aiming, and hitting, low - LOL!
We generally call this phenomenon User Error.