05-27-2013, 01:56 PM
It's all about ergonomics.
I never really warmed up to my P30 with the shipped grip panels and back strap.
Added a Hogue sleeve and that helped.
But made the grip overly thick for carry.
Moved on to my P2000, P2000SK and HK45C guns.
Renting a full size HK45 and loving it made me rethink the P30.
Wouldn't all large side panels and back-strap on a P30 be much like the larger HK45 grip?
Just got back from the range with all large grip options -
and my P30 feels shinny and new!
Shoots like a different gun in my hands.
And I sadly have small girl sized hands.
The surprise for me was that the large back-strap didn't change my finger position on the trigger.
Just promoted a high grip on the gun that I prefer.
Reduced felt recoil, speed back on target and improved natural pointing.
It is strange how little changes in your grip can give dramatic results.
Moral to this story is: If you don't like your P30?
Chances are you haven't tried the various grip options.
HK P30 ships with small, medium and large side panels and back-straps.
P30 with all large grip option.
I never really warmed up to my P30 with the shipped grip panels and back strap.
Added a Hogue sleeve and that helped.
But made the grip overly thick for carry.
Moved on to my P2000, P2000SK and HK45C guns.
Renting a full size HK45 and loving it made me rethink the P30.
Wouldn't all large side panels and back-strap on a P30 be much like the larger HK45 grip?
Just got back from the range with all large grip options -
and my P30 feels shinny and new!
Shoots like a different gun in my hands.
And I sadly have small girl sized hands.
The surprise for me was that the large back-strap didn't change my finger position on the trigger.
Just promoted a high grip on the gun that I prefer.
Reduced felt recoil, speed back on target and improved natural pointing.
It is strange how little changes in your grip can give dramatic results.
Moral to this story is: If you don't like your P30?
Chances are you haven't tried the various grip options.
HK P30 ships with small, medium and large side panels and back-straps.
P30 with all large grip option.