View Full Version : Laserlyte 9mm cartridge doesnt work with K9???

05-28-2013, 10:22 AM
Hey guys- I have a Laserlyte set up with the 9mm cartridge which I have always loved and operated flawlessly for training with my XDm 9mm. I recently acquired a K9 (which is my new go to carry gun, awesome on the range too). I have been dissapointed to discover that my laserlyte cartridge doesnt operate proprely with the K9.

This is the model that acts as a snap cap, so it is triggered by the pin actually hitting the cartridge. Since it works fine with my XDm but doesnt fire the laser on my K9 am I to believe that for some reason the cartridge isnt sitting far enough back in the chamber to be activated when I pull the trigger?

Has anyone experienced this or have any suggestions for customization I can use to fix the issue?

My other option is to purchase the sound activated barrel entered laser which would be fine but I would prefer the cartridge when practice drawing etc.

Thanks a lot, look forward to hearing responses!

PS I emailed Laserlyte and they were not sympathetic to my plight.

05-28-2013, 11:16 AM
Take a couple of pics of the barrel with it in it and with a regular bullet in it so we can see if there is a difference in depth or something.

05-28-2013, 03:24 PM
I don't have a K9, but my LaserLyte cartridge works in my PM9.

Try this:

1. Make sure the cartridge halves haven't loosened in handling. Screw the halves together to ensure they make contact. You can test the function of the laser by pressing the "primer" with your thumbnail.
2. Clean your striker channel. It's possible that the firing pin is not traveling as far forward as it should, due to crap in the channel.
3. If this still does not work, it's possible that the cartridge is sitting too deep in the chamber. Try adding an O-ring just ahead of the rim, to build it out, so the firing pin makes full contact.

Good luck. Let us know how this worked out.

05-28-2013, 08:13 PM
What I discovered with mine is I had to push it almost all the way in then let down the slide slowly, then pulling the trigger made it flash. From then on it was fine. If it flashes when you push on the rubber back (gently) it should work in the chamber if the pin hits the back.

05-28-2013, 10:13 PM
I had the same issue, the laserlyte 9mm cartridge works fine with my 92FS, but not with the K9. I believe the firing pin just doesn't protrude enough to activate the laser. I remedied this for the kahr k9 by attaching a piece of 3M VHB tape to the laser's switch.


Works well until the VHB gets dimpled too much in one spot, then I just rotate the tape around.


If you don't have VHB, I would just try different thickness tapes until it works for you.

05-29-2013, 07:47 AM
Correct. It is just too far down the chamber to allow the firing pin to trip the switch. I have found it works better in some guns and less reliably in others.

05-31-2013, 12:23 PM
Thanks for the responses guys! Much appreciated

I am going to clean the channel and add some tape to my cartridge to see if that gets it working.

I'll keep you posted.

06-03-2013, 09:39 PM
Mounting tape works like a charm, even stands up to rapid racking and firing.

thanks guys!