View Full Version : New Sub forum for Zimmerman case?

05-28-2013, 11:19 AM
Does this forum support the idea of a sep forum for the Zimmerman case that is about to start soon? It is an important case for all ccw holders and could need its own sub forum to handle the various views and reactions to what goes on in the trial.

What sayeth ye?

Perhaps the admin will see this thread and respond.

05-28-2013, 11:28 AM
No, I think it's been beaten to death. Let the jury decide.

05-28-2013, 11:29 AM
The whole thing disgusts me so having it separate sounds fine

05-28-2013, 11:36 AM
IMHO it belongs in - RKBA Discussion.
But the whole thing is problematic.
It's such a hot button topic.
And can easily drift into areas that some may find offensive.
Hard to not see potential racial overtones to the whole affair.

Sadly, all I see coming of this is locked threads and heartburn for the admins.

05-28-2013, 11:50 AM
IMHO it belongs in - RKBA Discussion.
But the whole thing is problematic.
It's such a hot button topic.
And can easily drift into areas that some may find offensive.
Hard to not see potential racial overtones to the whole affair.

Sadly, all I see coming of this is locked threads and heartburn for the admins.

good points. Kind of why I thought a sep sub forum would be prudent. Kind of a fire containment philosophy but could esily argue against such actions too.

05-28-2013, 12:00 PM
Whether it has a separate forum section or not, if people discuss it there will be people who claim to have knowledge of the case. They may or may not be believed. Unless they can document their claims, it's all just a web pissing contest. In the end, much like the conviction of former police officer Danny Harmon-Wright for the death of Patricia Cook in Culpeper, Virginia, the jury is going to make a decision and only half of the form participants will be satisfied. Similar to what has happened on OCDO, the discussion will become so heated that people on opposite sides of the issue will never be as friendly as they used to be. I don't really want to see that happen.

Create a separate forum if you want. Create thread topics if you want. Regardless, I won't be participating and I won't offer my opinions because I don't want to see our community split the way it was on OCDO.

05-28-2013, 12:06 PM
I've sent this question to Johnh. I don't predict a separate sub forum.

I'm on board with a thread about it although I don't predict a happy fun place it will be. It after all is not a trial but a dog and pony show that should never have happened.

As already has been mentioned, anything incriminating to Ovomits son will not be allowed, no doubt not so for the concerned citizen actively involved.

Also remember this forum is not a democracy, if 99.7% of the members insist on a separate subforum and johnh says no go, it's a no go, game over, do not pass go.

I do hope for a fair outcome but all I see is alot of bottom feeding lawyers making a ton of money, a lot of time wasted, and nothing really honest accomplished.

I do predict rioting regardless of the outcome but I've set my profiling skills on the shelf so I'll go no further with that.

05-28-2013, 12:15 PM
You really don't want to get old folks like me started on our "legal" system which is a labyrinth of "case law" set by lawyers in appeals cases over the years. Every time a case is decided in a court of appeal it adds to the mountains of lawyer fodder. Justice left the building many decades ago.

Whether Zimmerman is convicted or not, may or not bear any resemblance of his guilt or innocence. Folks who get worked up about this stuff are usually naive enough to be thinking in terms of justice. There's no room left for justice in the legal system.

That's all I have to say about it.

05-28-2013, 12:20 PM
I've sent this question to Johnh. I don't predict a separate sub forum.

I'm on board with a thread about it although I don't predict a happy fun place it will be. It after all is not a trial but a dog and pony show that should never have happened.

As already has been mentioned, anything incriminating to Ovomits son will not be allowed, no doubt not so for the concerned citizen actively involved.

Also remember this forum is not a democracy, if 99.7% of the members insist on a separate subforum and johnh says no go, it's a no go, game over, do not pass go.

I do hope for a fair outcome but all I see is alot of bottom feeding lawyers making a ton of money, a lot of time wasted, and nothing really honest accomplished.

I do predict rioting regardless of the outcome but I've set my profiling skills on the shelf so I'll go no further with that.

I think rioting could happen only if Z is found innocent but not the other way around.

05-28-2013, 12:22 PM
OK I ll just go back to my hole and make sure my tin foil hat is on. It seems from the initial replies that it is not a good idea. Getting people at odds here is not a good thing. I like the family here and dont want to start people picking sides.

05-28-2013, 12:44 PM
I haven't taken my tinfoil hat off in months and I'm pestered relentlessly about it but I'm not taking chances.

Feel free to run a thread, we'll all strive to keep it civil and use it as a progress report for those not watching.

As my pal Old Lincoln stated, we need to remember it has nothing to do with justice. It's like a day time soap with a real person getting crucified and his life ruined regardless of the outcome.

I'm busy watching the Muslims try to burn down Sweden, they got it even worse than we do.

I have a solution for that too but so far the King hasn't called me so I too will remain in my hole and try to persevere.

05-28-2013, 02:13 PM
I am surprised the swedes don't take care of those muslims to. Thats what happens when u let about 6-8% of th epopulation in sweden turn into Muslims. It will come to our soil sooner than later, they are organized far better than we think and when theyu do decide to riot,I just hope it is when the AMERICAN people finally say enough is enough. Lets send um to ALLAH first class. Just sayin

semper vulgare

05-28-2013, 03:09 PM
OK I ll just go back to my hole and make sure my tin foil hat is on. It seems from the initial replies that it is not a good idea. Getting people at odds here is not a good thing. I like the family here and dont want to start people picking sides.

Picking sides and blasting each other is not a good idea. Nothing to be gained there. But debating the twists and turns of a highly publicized trial is good fun and thought provoking. A sub forum may be a good idea.

05-28-2013, 03:30 PM
The RKBA subforum was designed for discussing issues like the Zimmerman case. There really is no need for a separate forum simply because the media and the President decided this case needed more attention than most shootings occur.

Honestly, I'm not real sure what importance discussing the trial would be, as none of it matters until the verdict....nor will that have much impact on any other case out there.

They can paint everything to look like the absolute best shoot in the whole world and he could still be found innocent. Does that mean if someone in Texas gets involved in a more questionable circumstance, they will be found guitly? Nope, not at all.

I would say if you want to discuss the trial, open you up a thread about it in the RKBA forum and have at it. A single thread can be just as good as a sub forum, especially considering you should all be talking about roughly the same thing....

05-28-2013, 03:41 PM
I haven't taken my tinfoil hat off in months and I'm pestered relentlessly about it but I'm not taking chances.

Feel free to run a thread, we'll all strive to keep it civil and use it as a progress report for those not watching.

As my pal Old Lincoln stated, we need to remember it has nothing to do with justice. It's like a day time soap with a real person getting crucified and his life ruined regardless of the outcome.

I'm busy watching the Muslims try to burn down Sweden, they got it even worse than we do.

I have a solution for that too but so far the King hasn't called me so I too will remain in my hole and try to persevere.

More Daytime Soap

05-28-2013, 03:59 PM
Longevity runs in her family. What a mind intercourse.

I say get a rope.

MW surveyor
05-28-2013, 05:04 PM
No thanks on the separate sub forum. No thanks on the discussion of the case.

I'm with OL on this. This trial and many others is/are not about justice.

05-28-2013, 07:57 PM
Who's Zimmerman?

05-29-2013, 01:57 PM
Zimmerman is on trial for the symbolic "lynching" of poor Travon. The hue and cry being led by the usual suspects; Jesse, Al, Maxine and bo.

What deep racial insults could we possibly post that is more racial than what's happening to George Zimmerman?

05-29-2013, 02:43 PM
I think a seperate post in RKBA will work fine as long as everyone remains civil about it....I will withhold posting until the verdict is in but it will be interesting....To me this is a dead bang self defense case and GZ should never have seen a jail cell and should walk out a free man but I'm taking bets that aint going to happen, no way no how....

We will get to watch a race baiting circus trial in an Obama Justice Deptartment fueled kangaroo court and there's no way they can let GZ walk scott free even though by rights he should have already been a free man but thats just how it is, like it or not....

I say it's going to get real ugly and we will see the Al and Jesse show on full throttle and in the end GZ will be found guilty of 2nd degree murder and will be sentenanced to 2-5 years minus time served with parole possible after 2 years...Hope I'm wrong and he walks away a free man BUT if he does you better Lock & Load cause sh!ts coming for breakfast....