View Full Version : CM40 to CM9 Trade

05-28-2013, 02:14 PM
Awhile back, I had bought a CM40. It made one trip back to the Mothership to check out the broken magazine follower but, other than that, it performed perfectly. I just didn't like how it handled (that 40 S&W is a bit snappy).
After a couple hundred rounds, I traded it in on something (don't remember what), but always kept looking in the rearview mirror.
After carrying a snubbie 357 for awhile, and with warm weather finally here, I picked up a CM9 (I guess I could never get the voice of Jocko out of my head, saying "You should have got the CM9."
Need to do the break-in steps posted around here, as I believe that was one reason why I never had any issues with the CM40 itself. I plan to get out and shoot it after another 425 slide racks, a breakdown cleaning, and a 10 point lube (or was it 8).
I'm smiling already because I loved the accuracy and reliability of that little shooter.
I'll post a report after I shoot some downrange.

05-29-2013, 10:05 AM
For me, there is a world of difference in comfort between the .40 and the 9 in the CM/PM frame.

06-02-2013, 01:55 PM
The CM9 is a fine shooter for sure and if I still had 9mm I would still have mine. But I have a bunch of .40 so it made sense for me to swap out for a CM40. Mine broke a few followers too, then I shipped it to them (on their dime) and they shaved a little bit of material off the long feed ramp and now it doesn't do that any more.

I don't personally mind the recoil of the .40 but I will say that it does jump more than the CM9.

06-02-2013, 02:25 PM
I haveover 32K+ rounds through my PMJ9, and ejoyed every bang of it. I really cannot picutre m,yself posting that my PMJ40 has over 32K+ rounds thorugh it and enjoying every bang of it. If u like it that is fine,but in the little poly kahr frmaes IMO it is a true hand cannon..I shoot my PMJ9 like sh!t, I can'timage how bad I would shoot my PMJ40... Just sayin