View Full Version : women and tattoos

05-29-2013, 10:39 AM

just to lighten everyone's day

05-29-2013, 01:36 PM
Classy Chick!

05-29-2013, 02:05 PM
Only an idiot gets a tattoo. Paying someone to permanently disfigure your body is pure stupidity. Needlessly risking contracting AIDS, infection and/or blood poisoning is dumb. Your opinion may differ from mine.

05-29-2013, 02:18 PM
I just hate needles, they are right up there with Dentist, Lawyers and snakes. Not fond of Bee's either, probably cause they got a little needle on their butt that hurts too.

05-29-2013, 02:46 PM
I hate to see a very pretty young woman with tats all over both arms, back, legs and neck, to me it's just a sad cry to "Look at Me" when it's totally unnessary and spoils her God given looks not to mention how bad those things are going to look when she hits 60 and parts start to droop...

05-29-2013, 03:44 PM
Speaking of drooping. I went into a battery place to get some new batteries for my power chair that's been parked for 5 years or so, all the battery money went into guns, what can I say......

Anyhow lady tells me I qualify for 5% discount every day. I said derelicts get 5% discounts every day, no she said, senior citizens. I told her I'm only 31, she said your joking, I told her she started it.

I don't know what their age for senior citizen is but apparently I look it at the tender age of 58 or 59, can't remember.

05-29-2013, 05:42 PM
#1 u gotta realize this gall has alot fo class. Thatis very evident, just the kind fo gal u wannabringhometo mom and dad . Iwould rather her have the ink work aroundher A-hole than around her mouth. Everyone gets to see her mouth,but kmore thanlikely ifit is around her A-hole thenit might be only 4 or 500 guys who getto see it. Mom and Dad would never know it. I bet the inker was talkin to himself after he was done. I wonder what he actually did or did he maybe write sumpin like "Insert here" Just sayin.

Her mouth could have used some good cleaning with Dawn, but again what would u expect...Shedid look familiar,I thinki seen her modeling at a Honder event.:amflag: