View Full Version : .22 tcm

05-30-2013, 01:34 PM
Watched a great show last night on The Outdoor Channel all about Armscor's factory in the Philippines, makers of the Rock Island Armory 1911 pistol along with several other 1911 brands for other vendors like Cimarron....They also manufacture a unique R.I.A 1911 pistol chambered for the .22 TCM as well as the brass for the .22 TCM which is shipped to their factory in Montana to be loaded and assembled ...The Philippine factory was very modern with new CNC equipment being used...The show started with bare steel coming in one end of the Armscor plant and finished 1911 pistols shipped out the other and seeing how they hammer forge the slides and then CNC machine them was very interesting, their quality control was very thorough and my opinion of Philippine imported pistols like Rock Island Armory went way up after watching the show.....

The coolest thing shown was about the .22 TCM round... TCM stands for Tauson Craig Magnum...Martin Tauson is the owner/CEO of Armscor and was behind the development of this rocket of a round...

The original experimental ammo started out as .223 brass turned down to 24mm long then necked down to .22 and used the same bullet as standard .223/5.56 ammo...They started making the TCM headstamped brass in their factory and it is similar to .223 brass but thicker to stand up to over 38000 psi and they use a 40 grain .22 hollow point bullet to make the final product.....

The .22 TCM was designed to compete with the FN 5.7 pistol round but the idea which is way cool was to use it in the 1911 pistol platform in either a standard 5'' barrel or the shorter Colt Commander length which is 4.5" I think....The magazine holds 18 +1 in the chamber so you get High cap, very low recoil (less than 9mm from the looks of it) and incredible terminal performance....They did say the only down side to all this performance was a huge muzzle blast and that the round is extremly LOUD due to the hyper velocity...The same magazines can be used for 9mm so if you buy a spare barrel for your pistol you can have a dual use gun...

Ballistics on the .22 TCM are VERY impressive....With the standard 5" barrel it will rocket the 40 grain hollow point bullet to 2150 FPS which is smoking!!!
The cool part is it's perfect for urban use as the bullet penetrated about 12" of ballistic gelatin but the hydraulic shock and wound channel almost tore the gel block into pieces....If you hit a bad guy with this baby he's going to know it....

They also market a carbine rifle that uses the same magazines as the pistol and it's pretty cool too with over 3000 FPS velocity with NO recoil....Now I had never heard of a .22 TCM before last night but maybe some of you more gun savvy folk have but it sounds like the best thing for pistol shooters since sliced bread....The FN 5.7's only down fall is lack of ammo availability and very high cost like a buck a round pre scare prices but CEO Martin Tauson plans to make his ammo much more plentiful and at a much lower cost since it's being produced at Armscor's Montana plant....

Anybody ever shot one of these little rockets or know any more about the caliber than they showed on the TV program????....Sounds like fun and me want one!!!

05-30-2013, 01:58 PM
Well me wants one too, just cause you want one. That's enough for me.

05-30-2013, 02:03 PM
but the idea which is way cool was to use it in the 1911 pistol platform in either a standard 5'' barrel or the shorter Colt Commander length which is 4.5" I think....

I think Colt Commander length is 4.25" (like a Ed Brown Kobra Carry).
Not that I'm at all interested in that gun - LOL!



05-30-2013, 05:39 PM
Now that's something that piques my interest. Time to check my safe to see if one is in there. Oh boy!

05-30-2013, 05:44 PM
my 21 cents and no proof one way or the other. Just anutter gimmick round. Looks good, but I just doubt if it ever catchs on. reminds me of the 32naa round...

mr surveyor
05-30-2013, 09:43 PM
If that takes off, I would be interested in both pistol and carbine ... especially if brass, bullets and reloading dies become readily available.

I've personally never owned a handgun that used bottle necked cartridges, but have always been intrigued by them.

05-30-2013, 10:42 PM
The coolest thing shown was about the .22 TCM round... TCM stands for Tauson Craig Magnum...Martin Tauson is the owner/CEO of Armscor and was behind the development of this rocket of a round...
While Martin Tauson played a key role in the development of the .22TCM, it's the brainchild of Fred Craig.

05-31-2013, 06:02 AM
Now if they loaded a barnes dpx version 40GR it would be a serious personal defence round but the blast could take your hearing from you if ever used as a defence round.

05-31-2013, 07:00 AM
If you're ever in a gun fight you'll find that you lose your hearing with the first shot. Especially in a closed room.

05-31-2013, 08:11 AM
The shape of the TCM round reminds me of the .357 Sig round, which feeds really well in every pistol that I have fired it in. The recoil of the TCM round should be easily handled; but the flash and noise might be more than I would enjoy for an extended range session, even with doubled up hearing protection.

05-31-2013, 10:22 AM
Having shot one, I can say, yes recoil is minimal
But boy is that thing loud, and muzzle flash is impressive

It's a nice novelty in the comfortable 1911 platform
It really is a cool concept, however, I don't like being in the range (indoor rifle side, approximately 12ydX42yd) during the Tuesday night fun shoot/social event we have at my local range, much less RSOing when the guy with the .22 TCM is shooting

Apparently, when the individual whom I know in possession of one purchased his, it came with 2 mags and 2 barrels, one for 9mm and the other for the .22 TCM

Granted its got some great looking ballistics, the noise is just a bit much, and IMO it seemed a bit louder than the 5.7

All n all, I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more attention as it is very interesting and makes a good conversation peice for a collection

06-05-2013, 04:40 PM
This thread covering a bottleneck high velocity cartridge reminds me
of a personal favorite - the 357 Sig.

So I was forced to do something completely unexpected and out of character for me.
Buy and additional barrel for one of my guns!

Yes boys and girls, I've purchased a OEM 357 Sig barrel for my HK P2000SK 40 S&W sub-compact.
Now I'll have a convertible sub-compact with some serious kick in the champagne - LOL!

06-06-2013, 07:57 AM

Did someone say bottleneck cartridges? :D Love the old Tokarev! I grabbed one of the new production Zastava's recently but have not had a chance to shoot it.

06-06-2013, 08:57 AM

Did someone say bottleneck cartridges? :D Love the old Tokarev! I grabbed one of the new production Zastava's recently but have not had a chance to shoot it.

Me likey -