View Full Version : The XD-S 9mm Micro-Compact Pocket Pistol from Springfield
06-03-2013, 06:25 AM
The newest XD-S, in 9mm, is the same size as the original 45,
brought to market this year in response to overwhelming demand for the smaller caliber.
It shoots even lighter than the original, holds two more rounds,
and side by side with every other "micro-9" in the market, flips a lot less.
The XD-S is a full featured pistol, with a loaded round indicator,
last round hold open, and the new 9mm comes with two 7 round magazines,
an outside the waistband holster, and a dual magazine holster.
It it also has an grip insert for smaller hands and extra fiber optic sight inserts in two colors.
The street price of the XD-S 9mm should be around $550-$600.
06-03-2013, 08:20 AM
I had my we on one on these but grabbed the cw9 instead cause I couldn't wait and the cw9 was $100-$200 cheaper.
06-03-2013, 10:24 AM
This pistol is gonna be just as popular as the .45 was. I like the fact that the extra mag has a 10 round capacity. Looks like Springfield has got itself a good reliable shooter again.
06-03-2013, 11:50 AM
I will absolutely be picking one of these up at some point in the future.
06-03-2013, 12:43 PM
I just got the XDs in .45. Great shooter...I will trying the 9 as soon as I see one. I wonder if these will hurt Kahr's sales at all?
06-03-2013, 12:50 PM
I just got the XDs in .45. Great shooter...I will trying the 9 as soon as I see one. I wonder if these will hurt Kahr's sales at all?
It can't help.
Direct competition for sure.
I hesitated to post the thread...
06-03-2013, 01:05 PM
There's plenty of demand for all the gun makers to do well.
I'm not giving up my K9 for an XDs 9mm, though.
...but I might consider having both.
06-03-2013, 01:12 PM
I wondered that too, but I shot my son's XDS side by side with my PM45. I happily gave him back the XDS.
I still want one but not real bad. It's a great gun, accurate and all, just didn't fit my hand too well. I could fix that for sure but it's still a bit Glockish for me.
Which is good really, I kind of want a Smith M&P so one less thing in the way ya know, course that could change before lunch too. Oh my look at the time, I slept late on my nap. Here it is lunch time.
06-03-2013, 01:19 PM
I wondered that too, but I shot my son's XDS side by side with my PM45. I happily gave him back the XDS.
I still want one but not real bad. It's a great gun, accurate and all, just didn't fit my hand too well. I could fix that for sure but it's still a bit Glockish for me.
Which is good really, I kind of want a Smith M&P so one less thing in the way ya know, course that could change before lunch too. Oh my look at the time, I slept late on my nap. Here it is lunch time.
LOL, I'm on the East Coast.
So it's almost Miller Time - LOL!
Except I don't drink any more...
As for the XDs in 45 or 9mm flavor.
My all stainless steel beauty MK40 Elite fills that size guns place in my arsenal.
06-03-2013, 02:11 PM
They say it is a real soft shooter. It weighs 1.5 oz more than the 45 at 23 oz. It is 7+1 or 9+1, which is nice. But I can get a soft shooting, 7+1 or more 9 mm about that size in the much lighter CW9. A whole lot less expensive, too. That said, my CM9 is all I need in a small 9 mm carry pistol. So, I won't be jumping on that.
But they will sell a lot of them because of SA's reputation and market visibility. Will it affect Kahr's sales? I think so, but maybe not much. The lower price of the C series guns will hold their own. And the available features, including the DLC finish, will continue to draw people to the P series guns. The steel guns probably won't be affected at all.
06-03-2013, 06:38 PM
My opinion only:
The XDs 9mm is heavier than the Kahr. The CM9/PM9 is the winner. Hands down.
Now on the XDs .45, Close call there. It depends on what you like. I Love my CW45 and my XDs 45. The XDs is a bit smaller in the grip length. It's a good shooter too just different than the CW45.
06-03-2013, 06:58 PM
LOL, I'm on the East Coast.
So it's almost Miller Time - LOL!
Except I don't drink any more...[/
Or any less? :p
06-03-2013, 09:17 PM
I wanted one of these really bad!!! But then I saw the CM9 and put it on lay away instead.. last Friday my LGS got in 10 of the XDs9 on the shelf for $499!! I have debated taking my XD9 Sub-Compact up there and trading for the XDs9, but I really love my XD9SC..
06-04-2013, 05:49 AM
I just got the XDs in .45. Great shooter...I will trying the 9 as soon as I see one. I wonder if these will hurt Kahr's sales at all?
I opened the box on a brand new sealed one when they came in to my local gun supplier...(20 of them), the day after I bought my CW45....the grip is one of those where your pinky and third finger are "hangin" if you have the mag out. Naaaa not for me tnx
The length of the grip was what sold me on the Kahr....I didn't even see the brand on the gun but said yeah this is the one....
06-04-2013, 05:59 AM
Or any less? :p
Years ago my Martial Arts instructor invited me on a weekend camping trip.
I was told that I could only bring one sixpack for the trip.
Always following my masters instructions I brought six of these -
Longitude Zero
06-04-2013, 06:25 AM
There's plenty of demand for all the gun makers to do well.
I'm not giving up my K9 for an XDs 9mm, though.
I would not either.
06-06-2013, 06:18 PM
I think the xds 9 is fairly heavy for that size gun. The weight of my PM9 was as much a factor in my purchase decision as the size was. Every time a new single stack sub compact 9 hits the market I wonder the same thing... Why is it Glock doesn't make one of these? I'll be honest, if Glock had a single stack sub compact 9 I never would have bought my kahr.
I was surprised to see an XDS-9mm earlier this week.
I got a chance to fondle it. Nice gun. VERY similar to the Shield. Pretty nice trigger, though it didn't feel as smooth as my full size XDM.
If I didn't already own a Shield, I would have been interested in buying. But I saw no advantage over the S&W, or the PM9, which is smaller than the XDS.
06-06-2013, 07:34 PM
at 23 oz. it won't work well for a "pocket gun" my Glock 26 weighs less and is 10 + 1, the only plus i see is it is a "little" thinner but then again my CM9 is smaller yet and "can" work in my pocket so i ain't rushing out to get one, but it probably is a nice gun I just don't see the need for it.
06-10-2013, 12:18 PM
I went to the Range this morning to shoot some of my pistols and rifles. While I was there I was able to handle the XDS45. That is really a well balanced and well made pistol. I talked to them about the availability of the XDS9 and the owner told me they have been coming in in spurts. So I asked how long is the list? He checked and said you would be #2 the the list for an all black XDS9. I told him to put me on the list. Now comes the hard part. If one comes in the door one must go out the door as I do not need anymore pistols than I already have. So either the Glock 26 or the Kahr PM9 goes. I really like both these pistols, And thinking well the Glock 26 holds more rounds than either the XDS9 or the PM9 I should keep that. While on the flip side of that the PM9 is easier to conceal than the Glock26 or the XDS9 do to it's smaller size but the negative is it carries less ammo in a standard mag. and I'll never trust a PM9 to protect my family with a Kahr extended mag.. Not that I've ever had problems with it but I just don't trust it. Then there is the wife who has been on the fence about CC
a pistol and I kind of think she might like the Grip safety that is on the XDS. I kind of like it myself. I think it's a nice feature. I hope the gun doesn't come in real soon because I have some serious thinking to do.:confused:
06-10-2013, 12:23 PM
I went to the Range this morning to shoot some of my pistols and rifles. While I was there I was able to handle the XDS45. That is really a well balanced and well made pistol. I talked to them about the availability of the XDS9 and the owner told me they have been coming in in spurts. So I asked how long is the list? He checked and said you would be #2 the the list for an all black XDS9. I told him to put me on the list. Now comes the hard part. If one comes in the door one must go out the door as I do not need anymore pistols than I already have. So either the Glock 26 or the Kahr PM9 goes. I really like both these pistols, And thinking well the Glock 26 holds more rounds than either the XDS9 or the PM9 I should keep that. While on the flip side of that the PM9 is easier to conceal than the Glock26 or the XDS9 do to it's smaller size but the negative is it carries less ammo in a standard mag. and I'll never trust a PM9 to protect my family with a Kahr extended mag.. Not that I've ever had problems with it but I just don't trust it. Then there is the wife who has been on the fence about CC
a pistol and I kind of think she might like the Grip safety that is on the XDS. I kind of like it myself. I think it's a nice feature. I hope the gun doesn't come in real soon because I have some serious thinking to do.:confused:
I don't envy ur position sir! I wouldn't give up a Glock or a Kahr for an XD but that's just me. IMO I would swap one single stack for another keep the double stack. GL
06-10-2013, 12:26 PM
Good little video on the XDS9
les strat
06-10-2013, 02:02 PM
It won NRA pistol of the year. Seems like a great EDC.
06-10-2013, 02:49 PM
Popeye, I'll take that G26 off your hands. What generation is it?
06-10-2013, 03:42 PM
Popeye, I'll take that G26 off your hands. What generation is it?
"J" It's a Gen 3. As of right at this moment I'm leaning towards keeping the Glock and selling or trading the PM9. I'll let you know what I decide to do.
As I mentioned the G26 holds more ammo(11+1) with the Pearce ext. grips. By keeping the Kahr it leaves me with two guns that are similar in size and fill the same purpose. The Kahr is worth more on a trade then the Glock. Without even looking at the Kahr they said it's worth about $450 in trade, where the Glock is worth about $325 to $350 in trade. The XDS goes for around $530. It's really a tough choice though as both the Glock and the Kahr have been extremely reliable. I do shoot the Glock a little more accurately though, I believe do to the trigger. The XDS's trigger feels very similar to the Glock trigger. I've owned the Hahr for a couple years now and it's been my EDC almost from day one but looks almost new, maybe it's time for a change though. What I really need to do is sleep on it for a couple days to see what direction I'm going to go in.
06-10-2013, 03:55 PM
With in reason I seldom let capacity have much influence in my carry preferences. Magazines are easy to carry, if your going to Chicago, get a gunny sack full of mags and you'll be ok.
If you go through more than 4 or 5 rounds in a shooting, your in deep my friend and you should call me straight away to come and / or send you some help.
One gun I've never really had remorse about parting with is Glocks. I've owned probably a dozen. Usually sold them to cops in need and replaced when they could be found.
They have no personality, and no asthetics, they are all precisely the same so getting rid of one and getting another is not the least bit heart wretching.
Just gives me pause to part with a gun you carry everyday and that neither the new one or the Glock can compete with size wise.
Sleep well my friend, I'm sure you'll make the right choice.
06-10-2013, 04:14 PM
My interest in the G26 is that, like my CM9 and J frame, I can fold my mostly paralyzed and half closed little finger under the grip. So, the extended mags wouldn't interest me. With my longer handled PPQ, my little finger hangs out in midair like I was holding a tea cup. LOL! :o I can use my other hand to place it correctly on the grip, but it won't stay there very long unless I cover it with a two handed grip.
06-10-2013, 06:27 PM
XD/XDM's in general are well made and totally reliable. I have absolutely loved my XDM45c, XD9 and XD9sc. The XDS45 is a tiny beast. I wouldn't mess with the 9mm. I went with a CM9 because it's a smaller 7 round 9mm. You can't get a better tiny 45 than the XDS though. Loads of power in a SMAAAAAALL package. Some of my SA loving brothers think you can pocket carry the S but I think the CM9 is on the edge and its (XDS) definitely bigger.
All hail the Xtreme Duty!
06-11-2013, 04:54 AM
I've slept on it and I think what I'm going to do is take the PM9 and the Glock 26 to the range together. Just those two. I'm going to shoot 50 rounds through each gun and see which one is going or staying. I have good reasons for keeping or getting rid of both being that I'm going to buy the XDS-9. I'm not worried about the weight or size difference so much because I very rarely pocket carry any of my pistols unless it in a jacket pocket and the jackets I wear seem to have no problem carrying the Glock, so I'm sure it will have no problem carrying the XDS if that's what I decide to do. Anytime I do pocket carry in shorts it's cargo shorts and I usually carry my P3at at that time. For me the PM9 is to big for me to wear comfortably as a pocket carry. Most of the time I CC on my left hip. I've said many times before I've looked at almost every single stack 9mm that has come out on the market over the last couple years and only the Walther PPS came close to me wanting to trade the PM9. I am familiar with XD's. I owned a XD9sc a few years back. I never had a single issue with it. The only reason I still do not have it is it got involved in a trade that was pretty hard to refuse. If it doesn't work out with the XDS and I get rid of the PM9 and I find that I want to buy another Kahr in the future I think I'll buy the MK9. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
If I do sell or trade the PM9 will I then be tar and feathered and shunned from KT.:D
06-11-2013, 05:15 AM
If it doesn't work out with the XDS and I get rid of the PM9 and I find that I want to buy another Kahr in the future I think I'll buy the MK9. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
If I do sell or trade the PM9 will I then be tar and feathered and shunned from KT.:D
Nope, once you part of this dysfunctional family you can't get out - LOL!
Very interested in your range report and reliability with the XDs 9mm.
I'd seriously consider getting an MK9 Elite regardless of how things work out.
IMHO - the all stainless Kahr guns complement every collection.
06-11-2013, 06:17 AM
Thanks Barth.
The MK9 is a beautiful pistol. The thing that has me not wanting to get rid of the Glock is I got it at very much reduced price from a good friend and it has made one hell of a saddlebag/truck pistol. CC the G26 on my hip is not that big a problem. I do not treat my Kahr the same way I treat that Glock 26.
The Glock 26 is built to take a pretty significant amount abuse and still function as it should. There was no instant love affair between me and the Glock, but I have to admit that ugly brick has grown on me because it is so durable. The PM9 I bought back in January 2010 and it has been a Great CC pistol, and is treated accordingly. I never thought I'd be thinking of selling /trading my PM9,but I'm leaning on making a change on a EDC pistol and the XDS is the only pistol that has come along, and has got me thinking this way. It's funny the XDS is heavier but for some reason it didn't feel heavier in my hands. I don't know what it is but that pistol in my hands just feels right. Much the same way the XD9sc did years earlier.
06-11-2013, 06:24 AM
Thanks Barth.
The MK9 is a beautiful pistol. The thing that has me not wanting to get rid of the Glock is I got it at very much reduced price from a good friend and it has made one hell of a saddlebag/truck pistol. CC the G26 on my hip is not that big a problem. I do not treat my Kahr the same way I treat that Glock 26.
The Glock 26 is built to take a pretty significant amount abuse and still function as it should. There was no instant love affair between me and the Glock, but I have to admit that ugly brick has grown on me because it is so durable. The PM9 I bought back in January 2010 and it has been a Great CC pistol, and is treated accordingly. I never thought I'd be thinking of selling /trading my PM9,but I'm leaning on making a change on a EDC pistol and the XDS is the only pistol that has come along, and has got me thinking this way. It's funny the XDS is heavier but for some reason it didn't feel heavier in my hands. I don't know what it is but that pistol in my hands just feels right. Much the same way the XD9sc did years earlier.
There's much to be said for how a gun feels in the hand.
Particularly during live fire.
Numbers on weight and size are interesting on paper.
But we hold these things in our hands.
06-11-2013, 07:24 AM
I would never even consider getting rid of my polished CM9. It is dependable, comfortable under recoil and a great shooter. The XDs9 weighs 53% more, is a little longer and carries only one more round. If I wanted to go that much heavier in a small 9, I would go for an MK9 all steel gun with some pretty wood grips. Maybe an Elite! :D Now, the XDs45 appeals to me maybe a little more than the CM45. The weight difference isn't as much and is, to me, appreciated in that caliber. But with my weakened and crippled hands and wrists (that are continuing to worsten), I think I will stick with 9mm.
06-11-2013, 12:07 PM
"JF" I could have bought the XDS 45 yesterday but the only 45 caliber pistol I really like is the Full size 1911. I can honestly say I've never fired a polymer 45 caliber pistol that I liked enough to own. I also said for many years that I'd never consider selling/trading my PM9. Now I don't know? Things change through the years and so do the pistols. The truth is if Springfield would have had the XDS when I bought the Kahr I probably never would have owned a Kahr at all. I Had a XD9sc before and now it seems like I've come full circle back to Springfield again. When I look back at the guns I've traded/Sold and traded for or bought through the years it really has been a fun and amazing journey. I've enjoyed the chase sometimes as much as I've enjoyed the guns.:) I have a few regrets like anybody else but not many. At least non that I ever bought another one like it.
Barth, could not agree more on how the gun feels in your hand. It's a major reason of why I own a CZ 75B,CZ PO-1,and CZ 82. Those darned CZ pistols feel like body parts you should have been born with regardless of there weight. They can also be very addictive.:D
Like I mentioned the Glock is a different story. I didn't particularly care for how that felt in my hand. Still don't. But the price was more than right for a pistol that had ten rounds through it and put in a safe for a couple of years, and I needed a good reliable saddlebag gun. It's not a natural pointer for me with that grip angle either but I've learned to shoot it pretty darned well. Who knows maybe by this time next year I'll be on a mission to find that MK9.;)
06-12-2013, 11:53 AM
I have an XD-S .45 and a CM9. My clothing of the day dictates which one I carry. IMO, the XD-S in 9mm is bigger and heavier than my CM9, and the only advantage to it that I can see is that the XD-S is infinitely easier to field strip and reassemble than the Kahr.
06-12-2013, 07:55 PM
I have an XD-S .45 and a CM9. My clothing of the day dictates which one I carry. IMO, the XD-S in 9mm is bigger and heavier than my CM9, and the only advantage to it that I can see is that the XD-S is infinitely easier to field strip and reassemble than the Kahr.
Not sure how the XDs is but if it's the same strip as my XD9SC then it's a piece of cake!! Why the heck did Kahr require a partial slide pull and pin force-out for disassembly????? Lock it back and flip a lever!!! That's the only complaint I had with the Kahr before putting a payment down on it.
06-12-2013, 08:29 PM
The XDS dilemma has me bitten also. I really liked my XDS in 45, but ol arthur in my pinky caused me discomfort. I have an MK9 and installed nice wood grips, wollf springs, new trigger bar spring, nice gun. I am really looking hard at the new XDS in 9. Do I just have the bug? Tried the Shield, PPS etc, the Solo (ugh) so I am in deep consternation over this gun.:confused:
Do I just have the bug?
Maybe, but that's perfectly fine. I have stopped trying to rationalize the need for every gun I purchase. It's fine to buy a gun, simply because we want it.
06-13-2013, 08:14 AM
Maybe, but that's perfectly fine. I have stopped trying to rationalize the need for every gun I purchase. It's fine to buy a gun, simply because we want it.
Hear, hear!
I left needing a new gun several exits back.
Have around fourteen handguns???
But the USP Tactical 45 I just purchased fills my Six Pack of HKs.
06-13-2013, 11:38 AM
Hear, hear!
I left needing a new gun several exits back.
Have around fourteen handguns???
But the USP Tactical 45 I just purchased fills my Six Pack of HKs.
Real men buy cases. Just sayin'..... :001_tt2:
06-13-2013, 09:49 PM
If you really want a sweet shooting 9mm give the shield 9 a try. I have a cw9, pm9, g26 and XDs9 and the 45acp and I have to say the shield has the least amount of recoil of them all....Too bad I bought it for the wife and she loves it, dang it
06-15-2013, 09:50 AM
If you really want a sweet shooting 9mm give the shield 9 a try.
Already been down that round, the Shield did nothing for me. Or should I say anyhing I'd even come close to wanting to trade my PM9 for. The one young salesmen ( good guy) at the LGS was bat crap crazy over his Shield when it came in. Man he showed that thing to everyone who entered the store. Out of his excitement he even put me on a list for one without me asking to be on a list. He thought it was the best thing since fixed ammo. Last week when I went in the store I noticed he had his Glock on this hip again.
Like I said he's a good guy and I didn't have the heart ask him where his Shield was? Only thing I know, it wasn't where it was (on his hip)the last time I saw it. :rolleyes: I'm sure the newness will wear off for many on the XDS9 also.
Jules Winnfield
06-15-2013, 10:09 AM
I 2nd ur vote for the PM9. As for the Shield, an old timer at my LGS also recommended it to me after I commented that I was pondering a PM45 after falling in love with its trigger. I found the Shield's trigger dangerously light and almost toy-like in feel. I just don't get why so many sing the praises of that gun.
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