View Full Version : front rails wear

cw9 covert
06-06-2013, 05:54 PM
I had my cw9 apart and saw the front rails are different. Seems like the right side is missing some chunks :confused:. Is this normal? Don't recall seeing this before.


06-06-2013, 06:24 PM
normal. the slide does not ride on those railos at all ur good to go.l just shoot it like u stole it..

06-07-2013, 03:41 PM
Mine also looked a little... "worn"... but I put a dab of grease on it just for peace of mind. I've since torn the gun down at least 8 times and it hasn't changed so I'm not worrying about it.

06-07-2013, 10:10 PM
the actual rails are the 2 shiney strips at the back of the handle

06-14-2013, 07:35 AM
Those are the rear rails, Kahrnut1. The front rails are also steel and are molded into the front of the frame. The left rail has a notch. It's supposed to be there.

06-14-2013, 10:27 AM
See post # 27 on this thread:


There's a good picture of a "Kaboom" and shows the substantial front rails embedded in the frame:



06-14-2013, 11:13 AM
My 21 cents

the rearrails carry all the brunt of thge slide action, as if u look they are squared also to run in theslide rilesvery accurately. thefrint rails arelike paper and IMO the keepthe slide in line but probaby carry very little ofthe brunt . Just sayinj

I always when cleaning my kahrs I have the TW25 greasein a syringe and I just run a thin line right down each side of the front rails, and then i TAKE THE SLIDE AND ALSO RUN A NICE LIGHT LINE OF tw25 RIGHT DOWN INSIDE THE SLIDE RAILS. nO MESS AND u have now lubricated the slide...
There are ots of good gun lubes, but I like the syringed applicator that one can buy TW25 in and it will lat a very long time. I think shooters choice also offers a syringe applicator and their grease is also excellent. There just is no mess with the syringe applicator.. Just sayin

06-14-2013, 11:49 AM
Gee, Jocko, the front of the slide must carry most of the force of recoil as the front of the pistol rises the most. Those rails are tough stainless steel and quite sturdy, as the "kaboom" results show. If they weren't very strong, they would have been severely damaged from that obstructed barrel burst. The frame and slide pivot about the rear ones and I would think carry less load than the front ones which experience a greater vertical moment. The front ones work admirably to keep the slide on the frame!


06-14-2013, 01:24 PM
u might be right, I amjust lookingatthe design of the rear rails which are certainly designedf to ride more precise inside the slide rails than the front rails. I never said they are not strong as the design of the front rails areindeed strong.That kaboom is gonnablow that front polymer away as thatis where the kabom willhappen.

U might be correct asthe only engineeringI haveis puttingin a new sh!tter flush valve yesterday with greatsuccess..